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مشاهدة ملف: Message.php
* File: Message.php
* Category: -
* Author: M. Goldenbaum
* Created: 19.01.17 22:21
* Updated: -
* Description:
* -
namespace Webklex\PHPIMAP;
use ReflectionClass;
use ReflectionException;
use Webklex\PHPIMAP\Exceptions\AuthFailedException;
use Webklex\PHPIMAP\Exceptions\ConnectionFailedException;
use Webklex\PHPIMAP\Exceptions\EventNotFoundException;
use Webklex\PHPIMAP\Exceptions\FolderFetchingException;
use Webklex\PHPIMAP\Exceptions\GetMessagesFailedException;
use Webklex\PHPIMAP\Exceptions\ImapBadRequestException;
use Webklex\PHPIMAP\Exceptions\ImapServerErrorException;
use Webklex\PHPIMAP\Exceptions\InvalidMessageDateException;
use Webklex\PHPIMAP\Exceptions\MaskNotFoundException;
use Webklex\PHPIMAP\Exceptions\MessageContentFetchingException;
use Webklex\PHPIMAP\Exceptions\MessageFlagException;
use Webklex\PHPIMAP\Exceptions\MessageHeaderFetchingException;
use Webklex\PHPIMAP\Exceptions\MessageNotFoundException;
use Webklex\PHPIMAP\Exceptions\MessageSizeFetchingException;
use Webklex\PHPIMAP\Exceptions\MethodNotFoundException;
use Webklex\PHPIMAP\Exceptions\ResponseException;
use Webklex\PHPIMAP\Exceptions\RuntimeException;
use Webklex\PHPIMAP\Support\AttachmentCollection;
use Webklex\PHPIMAP\Support\FlagCollection;
use Webklex\PHPIMAP\Support\Masks\MessageMask;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use Webklex\PHPIMAP\Support\MessageCollection;
use Webklex\PHPIMAP\Traits\HasEvents;
* Class Message
* @package Webklex\PHPIMAP
* @property integer msglist
* @property integer uid
* @property integer msgn
* @property integer size
* @property Attribute subject
* @property Attribute message_id
* @property Attribute message_no
* @property Attribute references
* @property Attribute date
* @property Attribute from
* @property Attribute to
* @property Attribute cc
* @property Attribute bcc
* @property Attribute reply_to
* @property Attribute in_reply_to
* @property Attribute sender
* @method integer getMsglist()
* @method integer setMsglist($msglist)
* @method integer getUid()
* @method integer getMsgn()
* @method integer getSize()
* @method Attribute getPriority()
* @method Attribute getSubject()
* @method Attribute getMessageId()
* @method Attribute getMessageNo()
* @method Attribute getReferences()
* @method Attribute getDate()
* @method Attribute getFrom()
* @method Attribute getTo()
* @method Attribute getCc()
* @method Attribute getBcc()
* @method Attribute getReplyTo()
* @method Attribute getInReplyTo()
* @method Attribute getSender()
class Message {
use HasEvents;
* Client instance
* @var ?Client
private ?Client $client = null;
* Default mask
* @var string $mask
protected string $mask = MessageMask::class;
* Used config
* @var array $config
protected array $config = [];
* Attribute holder
* @var Attribute[]|array $attributes
protected array $attributes = [];
* The message folder path
* @var string $folder_path
protected string $folder_path;
* Fetch body options
* @var ?integer
public ?int $fetch_options = null;
* @var integer
protected int $sequence = IMAP::NIL;
* Fetch body options
* @var bool
public bool $fetch_body = true;
* Fetch flags options
* @var bool
public bool $fetch_flags = true;
* @var ?Header $header
public ?Header $header = null;
* Raw message body
* @var string $raw_body
protected string $raw_body = "";
* Message structure
* @var ?Structure $structure
protected ?Structure $structure = null;
* Message body components
* @var array $bodies
public array $bodies = [];
/** @var AttachmentCollection $attachments */
public AttachmentCollection $attachments;
/** @var FlagCollection $flags */
public FlagCollection $flags;
* A list of all available and supported flags
* @var ?array $available_flags
private ?array $available_flags = null;
* Message constructor.
* @param integer $uid
* @param integer|null $msglist
* @param Client $client
* @param integer|null $fetch_options
* @param boolean $fetch_body
* @param boolean $fetch_flags
* @param integer|null $sequence
* @throws AuthFailedException
* @throws ConnectionFailedException
* @throws EventNotFoundException
* @throws ImapBadRequestException
* @throws ImapServerErrorException
* @throws InvalidMessageDateException
* @throws MessageContentFetchingException
* @throws MessageFlagException
* @throws MessageHeaderFetchingException
* @throws RuntimeException
* @throws ResponseException
public function __construct(int $uid, ?int $msglist, Client $client, int $fetch_options = null, bool $fetch_body = false, bool $fetch_flags = false, int $sequence = null) {
$default_mask = $client->getDefaultMessageMask();
if ($default_mask != null) {
$this->mask = $default_mask;
$this->events["message"] = $client->getDefaultEvents("message");
$this->events["flag"] = $client->getDefaultEvents("flag");
$this->folder_path = $client->getFolderPath();
$this->client = $client;
$this->setSequenceId($uid, $msglist);
if ($this->fetch_options == IMAP::FT_PEEK) {
if ($this->getFetchBodyOption() === true) {
if ($this->getFetchFlagsOption() === true && $this->fetch_options !== IMAP::FT_PEEK) {
* Create a new instance without fetching the message header and providing them raw instead
* @param int $uid
* @param int|null $msglist
* @param Client $client
* @param string $raw_header
* @param string $raw_body
* @param array $raw_flags
* @param null $fetch_options
* @param null $sequence
* @return Message
* @throws AuthFailedException
* @throws ConnectionFailedException
* @throws EventNotFoundException
* @throws ImapBadRequestException
* @throws ImapServerErrorException
* @throws InvalidMessageDateException
* @throws MessageContentFetchingException
* @throws MessageFlagException
* @throws ReflectionException
* @throws RuntimeException
* @throws ResponseException
public static function make(int $uid, ?int $msglist, Client $client, string $raw_header, string $raw_body, array $raw_flags, $fetch_options = null, $sequence = null): Message {
$reflection = new ReflectionClass(self::class);
/** @var Message $instance */
$instance = $reflection->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();
$default_mask = $client->getDefaultMessageMask();
if ($default_mask != null) {
"message" => $client->getDefaultEvents("message"),
"flag" => $client->getDefaultEvents("flag"),
$instance->setSequenceId($uid, $msglist);
return $instance;
* Create a new message instance by reading and loading a file or remote location
* @throws RuntimeException
* @throws MessageContentFetchingException
* @throws ResponseException
* @throws ImapBadRequestException
* @throws InvalidMessageDateException
* @throws ConnectionFailedException
* @throws ImapServerErrorException
* @throws ReflectionException
* @throws AuthFailedException
* @throws MaskNotFoundException
public static function fromFile($filename): Message {
$blob = file_get_contents($filename);
if ($blob === false) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to read file");
return self::fromString($blob);
* Create a new message instance by reading and loading a string
* @param string $blob
* @return Message
* @throws AuthFailedException
* @throws ConnectionFailedException
* @throws ImapBadRequestException
* @throws ImapServerErrorException
* @throws InvalidMessageDateException
* @throws MaskNotFoundException
* @throws MessageContentFetchingException
* @throws ReflectionException
* @throws ResponseException
* @throws RuntimeException
public static function fromString(string $blob): Message {
$reflection = new ReflectionClass(self::class);
/** @var Message $instance */
$instance = $reflection->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();
$default_mask = ClientManager::getMask("message");
if($default_mask != ""){
throw new MaskNotFoundException("Unknown message mask provided");
if(!str_contains($blob, "\r\n")){
$blob = str_replace("\n", "\r\n", $blob);
$raw_header = substr($blob, 0, strpos($blob, "\r\n\r\n"));
$raw_body = substr($blob, strlen($raw_header)+4);
return $instance;
* Boot a new instance
public function boot(): void {
$this->attributes = [];
$this->config = ClientManager::get('options');
$this->available_flags = ClientManager::get('flags');
$this->attachments = AttachmentCollection::make([]);
$this->flags = FlagCollection::make([]);
* Call dynamic attribute setter and getter methods
* @param string $method
* @param array $arguments
* @return mixed
* @throws AuthFailedException
* @throws ConnectionFailedException
* @throws ImapBadRequestException
* @throws ImapServerErrorException
* @throws MessageNotFoundException
* @throws MethodNotFoundException
* @throws MessageSizeFetchingException
* @throws RuntimeException
* @throws ResponseException
public function __call(string $method, array $arguments) {
if (strtolower(substr($method, 0, 3)) === 'get') {
$name = Str::snake(substr($method, 3));
return $this->get($name);
} elseif (strtolower(substr($method, 0, 3)) === 'set') {
$name = Str::snake(substr($method, 3));
if (in_array($name, array_keys($this->attributes))) {
return $this->__set($name, array_pop($arguments));
throw new MethodNotFoundException("Method " . self::class . '::' . $method . '() is not supported');
* Magic setter
* @param $name
* @param $value
* @return mixed
public function __set($name, $value) {
$this->attributes[$name] = $value;
return $this->attributes[$name];
* Magic getter
* @param $name
* @return Attribute|mixed|null
* @throws AuthFailedException
* @throws ConnectionFailedException
* @throws ImapBadRequestException
* @throws ImapServerErrorException
* @throws MessageNotFoundException
* @throws MessageSizeFetchingException
* @throws RuntimeException
* @throws ResponseException
public function __get($name) {
return $this->get($name);
* Get an available message or message header attribute
* @param $name
* @return Attribute|mixed|null
* @throws AuthFailedException
* @throws ConnectionFailedException
* @throws ImapBadRequestException
* @throws ImapServerErrorException
* @throws MessageNotFoundException
* @throws RuntimeException
* @throws ResponseException
* @throws MessageSizeFetchingException
public function get($name): mixed {
if (isset($this->attributes[$name]) && $this->attributes[$name] !== null) {
return $this->attributes[$name];
switch ($name){
case "uid":
$this->attributes[$name] = $this->client->getConnection()->getUid($this->msgn)->validate()->integer();
return $this->attributes[$name];
case "msgn":
$this->attributes[$name] = $this->client->getConnection()->getMessageNumber($this->uid)->validate()->integer();
return $this->attributes[$name];
case "size":
if (!isset($this->attributes[$name])) {
return $this->attributes[$name];
return $this->header->get($name);
* Check if the Message has a text body
* @return bool
public function hasTextBody(): bool {
return isset($this->bodies['text']) && $this->bodies['text'] !== "";
* Get the Message text body
* @return string
public function getTextBody(): string {
if (!isset($this->bodies['text'])) {
return "";
return $this->bodies['text'];
* Check if the Message has a html body
* @return bool
public function hasHTMLBody(): bool {
return isset($this->bodies['html']) && $this->bodies['html'] !== "";
* Get the Message html body
* @return string
public function getHTMLBody(): string {
if (!isset($this->bodies['html'])) {
return "";
return $this->bodies['html'];
* Parse all defined headers
* @throws AuthFailedException
* @throws ConnectionFailedException
* @throws ImapBadRequestException
* @throws ImapServerErrorException
* @throws RuntimeException
* @throws InvalidMessageDateException
* @throws MessageHeaderFetchingException
* @throws ResponseException
private function parseHeader(): void {
$sequence_id = $this->getSequenceId();
$headers = $this->client->getConnection()->headers([$sequence_id], "RFC822", $this->sequence)->validatedData();
if (!isset($headers[$sequence_id])) {
throw new MessageHeaderFetchingException("no headers found", 0);
* @param string $raw_header
* @throws InvalidMessageDateException
public function parseRawHeader(string $raw_header): void {
$this->header = new Header($raw_header);
* Parse additional raw flags
* @param array $raw_flags
public function parseRawFlags(array $raw_flags): void {
$this->flags = FlagCollection::make([]);
foreach ($raw_flags as $flag) {
if (str_starts_with($flag, "\\")) {
$flag = substr($flag, 1);
$flag_key = strtolower($flag);
if ($this->available_flags === null || in_array($flag_key, $this->available_flags)) {
$this->flags->put($flag_key, $flag);
* Parse additional flags
* @return void
* @throws AuthFailedException
* @throws ConnectionFailedException
* @throws ImapBadRequestException
* @throws ImapServerErrorException
* @throws MessageFlagException
* @throws RuntimeException
* @throws ResponseException
private function parseFlags(): void {
$this->flags = FlagCollection::make([]);
$sequence_id = $this->getSequenceId();
try {
$flags = $this->client->getConnection()->flags([$sequence_id], $this->sequence)->validatedData();
} catch (Exceptions\RuntimeException $e) {
throw new MessageFlagException("flag could not be fetched", 0, $e);
if (isset($flags[$sequence_id])) {
* Parse the Message body
* @return Message
* @throws AuthFailedException
* @throws ConnectionFailedException
* @throws EventNotFoundException
* @throws ImapBadRequestException
* @throws ImapServerErrorException
* @throws InvalidMessageDateException
* @throws MessageContentFetchingException
* @throws MessageFlagException
* @throws RuntimeException
* @throws ResponseException
public function parseBody(): Message {
$sequence_id = $this->getSequenceId();
try {
$contents = $this->client->getConnection()->content([$sequence_id], "RFC822", $this->sequence)->validatedData();
} catch (Exceptions\RuntimeException $e) {
throw new MessageContentFetchingException("failed to fetch content", 0);
if (!isset($contents[$sequence_id])) {
throw new MessageContentFetchingException("no content found", 0);
$content = $contents[$sequence_id];
$body = $this->parseRawBody($content);
return $body;
* Fetches the size for this message.
* @throws AuthFailedException
* @throws ConnectionFailedException
* @throws ImapBadRequestException
* @throws ImapServerErrorException
* @throws MessageSizeFetchingException
* @throws ResponseException
* @throws RuntimeException
private function fetchSize(): void {
$sequence_id = $this->getSequenceId();
$sizes = $this->client->getConnection()->sizes([$sequence_id], $this->sequence)->validatedData();
if (!isset($sizes[$sequence_id])) {
throw new MessageSizeFetchingException("sizes did not set an array entry for the supplied sequence_id", 0);
$this->attributes["size"] = $sizes[$sequence_id];
* Handle auto "Seen" flag handling
* @throws AuthFailedException
* @throws ConnectionFailedException
* @throws EventNotFoundException
* @throws ImapBadRequestException
* @throws ImapServerErrorException
* @throws MessageFlagException
* @throws RuntimeException
* @throws ResponseException
public function peek(): void {
if ($this->fetch_options == IMAP::FT_PEEK) {
if ($this->getFlags()->get("seen") == null) {
} elseif ($this->getFlags()->get("seen") == null) {
* Parse a given message body
* @param string $raw_body
* @return Message
* @throws AuthFailedException
* @throws ConnectionFailedException
* @throws ImapBadRequestException
* @throws ImapServerErrorException
* @throws InvalidMessageDateException
* @throws MessageContentFetchingException
* @throws RuntimeException
* @throws ResponseException
public function parseRawBody(string $raw_body): Message {
$this->structure = new Structure($raw_body, $this->header);
return $this;
* Fetch the Message structure
* @param Structure $structure
* @throws AuthFailedException
* @throws ConnectionFailedException
* @throws ImapBadRequestException
* @throws ImapServerErrorException
* @throws RuntimeException
* @throws ResponseException
private function fetchStructure(Structure $structure): void {
foreach ($structure->parts as $part) {
* Fetch a given part
* @param Part $part
private function fetchPart(Part $part): void {
if ($part->isAttachment()) {
} else {
$encoding = $this->getEncoding($part);
$content = $this->decodeString($part->content, $part->encoding);
// We don't need to do convertEncoding() if charset is ASCII (us-ascii):
// ASCII is a subset of UTF-8, so all ASCII files are already UTF-8 encoded
// us-ascii is the same as ASCII:
// ASCII is the traditional name for the encoding system; the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)
// prefers the updated name US-ASCII, which clarifies that this system was developed in the US and
// based on the typographical symbols predominantly in use there.
// convertEncoding() function basically means convertToUtf8(), so when we convert ASCII string into UTF-8 it gets broken.
if ($encoding != 'us-ascii') {
$content = $this->convertEncoding($content, $encoding);
$this->addBody($part->subtype ?? '', $content);
* Add a body to the message
* @param string $subtype
* @param string $content
* @return void
protected function addBody(string $subtype, string $content): void {
$subtype = strtolower($subtype);
$subtype = $subtype == "plain" || $subtype == "" ? "text" : $subtype;
if (isset($this->bodies[$subtype]) && $this->bodies[$subtype] !== null && $this->bodies[$subtype] !== "") {
if ($content !== "") {
$this->bodies[$subtype] .= "\n".$content;
} else {
$this->bodies[$subtype] = $content;
* Fetch the Message attachment
* @param Part $part
protected function fetchAttachment(Part $part): void {
$oAttachment = new Attachment($this, $part);
if ($oAttachment->getSize() > 0) {
if ($oAttachment->getId() !== null && $this->attachments->offsetExists($oAttachment->getId())) {
$this->attachments->put($oAttachment->getId(), $oAttachment);
} else {
* Fail proof setter for $fetch_option
* @param $option
* @return Message
public function setFetchOption($option): Message {
if (is_long($option) === true) {
$this->fetch_options = $option;
} elseif (is_null($option) === true) {
$config = ClientManager::get('options.fetch', IMAP::FT_UID);
$this->fetch_options = is_long($config) ? $config : 1;
return $this;
* Set the sequence type
* @param int|null $sequence
* @return Message
public function setSequence(?int $sequence): Message {
if (is_long($sequence)) {
$this->sequence = $sequence;
} elseif (is_null($sequence)) {
$config = ClientManager::get('options.sequence', IMAP::ST_MSGN);
$this->sequence = is_long($config) ? $config : IMAP::ST_MSGN;
return $this;
* Fail proof setter for $fetch_body
* @param $option
* @return Message
public function setFetchBodyOption($option): Message {
if (is_bool($option)) {
$this->fetch_body = $option;
} elseif (is_null($option)) {
$config = ClientManager::get('options.fetch_body', true);
$this->fetch_body = is_bool($config) ? $config : true;
return $this;
* Fail proof setter for $fetch_flags
* @param $option
* @return Message
public function setFetchFlagsOption($option): Message {
if (is_bool($option)) {
$this->fetch_flags = $option;
} elseif (is_null($option)) {
$config = ClientManager::get('options.fetch_flags', true);
$this->fetch_flags = is_bool($config) ? $config : true;
return $this;
* Decode a given string
* @param $string
* @param $encoding
* @return string
public function decodeString($string, $encoding): string {
switch ($encoding) {
if (extension_loaded('imap')) {
return base64_decode(\imap_binary($string));
return base64_decode($string);
return base64_decode($string);
return quoted_printable_decode($string);
return $string;
* Convert the encoding
* @param $str
* @param string $from
* @param string $to
* @return mixed|string
public function convertEncoding($str, string $from = "ISO-8859-2", string $to = "UTF-8"): mixed {
$from = EncodingAliases::get($from);
$to = EncodingAliases::get($to);
if ($from === $to) {
return $str;
// We don't need to do convertEncoding() if charset is ASCII (us-ascii):
// ASCII is a subset of UTF-8, so all ASCII files are already UTF-8 encoded
// us-ascii is the same as ASCII:
// ASCII is the traditional name for the encoding system; the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)
// prefers the updated name US-ASCII, which clarifies that this system was developed in the US and
// based on the typographical symbols predominantly in use there.
// convertEncoding() function basically means convertToUtf8(), so when we convert ASCII string into UTF-8 it gets broken.
if (strtolower($from ?? '') == 'us-ascii' && $to == 'UTF-8') {
return $str;
if (function_exists('iconv') && !EncodingAliases::isUtf7($from) && !EncodingAliases::isUtf7($to)) {
try {
return iconv($from, $to.'//IGNORE', $str);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return @iconv($from, $to, $str);
} else {
if (!$from) {
return mb_convert_encoding($str, $to);
return mb_convert_encoding($str, $to, $from);
* Get the encoding of a given abject
* @param object|string $structure
* @return string
public function getEncoding(object|string $structure): string {
if (property_exists($structure, 'parameters')) {
foreach ($structure->parameters as $parameter) {
if (strtolower($parameter->attribute) == "charset") {
return EncodingAliases::get($parameter->value, "ISO-8859-2");
} elseif (property_exists($structure, 'charset')) {
return EncodingAliases::get($structure->charset, "ISO-8859-2");
} elseif (is_string($structure) === true) {
return EncodingAliases::detectEncoding($structure);
return 'UTF-8';
* Get the messages folder
* @return ?Folder
* @throws AuthFailedException
* @throws ConnectionFailedException
* @throws FolderFetchingException
* @throws ImapBadRequestException
* @throws ImapServerErrorException
* @throws RuntimeException
* @throws ResponseException
public function getFolder(): ?Folder {
return $this->client->getFolderByPath($this->folder_path);
* Create a message thread based on the current message
* @param Folder|null $sent_folder
* @param MessageCollection|null $thread
* @param Folder|null $folder
* @return MessageCollection
* @throws AuthFailedException
* @throws ConnectionFailedException
* @throws FolderFetchingException
* @throws GetMessagesFailedException
* @throws ImapBadRequestException
* @throws ImapServerErrorException
* @throws RuntimeException
* @throws ResponseException
public function thread(Folder $sent_folder = null, MessageCollection &$thread = null, Folder $folder = null): MessageCollection {
$thread = $thread ?: MessageCollection::make([]);
$folder = $folder ?: $this->getFolder();
$sent_folder = $sent_folder ?: $this->client->getFolderByPath(ClientManager::get("options.common_folders.sent", "INBOX/Sent"));
/** @var Message $message */
foreach ($thread as $message) {
if ($message->message_id->first() == $this->message_id->first()) {
return $thread;
$this->fetchThreadByInReplyTo($thread, $this->message_id, $folder, $folder, $sent_folder);
$this->fetchThreadByInReplyTo($thread, $this->message_id, $sent_folder, $folder, $sent_folder);
foreach ($this->in_reply_to->all() as $in_reply_to) {
$this->fetchThreadByMessageId($thread, $in_reply_to, $folder, $folder, $sent_folder);
$this->fetchThreadByMessageId($thread, $in_reply_to, $sent_folder, $folder, $sent_folder);
return $thread;
* Fetch a partial thread by message id
* @param MessageCollection $thread
* @param string $in_reply_to
* @param Folder $primary_folder
* @param Folder $secondary_folder
* @param Folder $sent_folder
* @throws AuthFailedException
* @throws ConnectionFailedException
* @throws FolderFetchingException
* @throws GetMessagesFailedException
* @throws ImapBadRequestException
* @throws ImapServerErrorException
* @throws RuntimeException
* @throws ResponseException
protected function fetchThreadByInReplyTo(MessageCollection &$thread, string $in_reply_to, Folder $primary_folder, Folder $secondary_folder, Folder $sent_folder): void {
->leaveUnread()->get()->each(function($message) use (&$thread, $secondary_folder, $sent_folder) {
/** @var Message $message */
$message->thread($sent_folder, $thread, $secondary_folder);
* Fetch a partial thread by message id
* @param MessageCollection $thread
* @param string $message_id
* @param Folder $primary_folder
* @param Folder $secondary_folder
* @param Folder $sent_folder
* @throws AuthFailedException
* @throws ConnectionFailedException
* @throws GetMessagesFailedException
* @throws FolderFetchingException
* @throws ImapBadRequestException
* @throws ImapServerErrorException
* @throws RuntimeException
* @throws ResponseException
protected function fetchThreadByMessageId(MessageCollection &$thread, string $message_id, Folder $primary_folder, Folder $secondary_folder, Folder $sent_folder): void {
->leaveUnread()->get()->each(function($message) use (&$thread, $secondary_folder, $sent_folder) {
/** @var Message $message */
$message->thread($sent_folder, $thread, $secondary_folder);
* Copy the current Messages to a mailbox
* @param string $folder_path
* @param boolean $expunge
* @return null|Message
* @throws AuthFailedException
* @throws ConnectionFailedException
* @throws EventNotFoundException
* @throws FolderFetchingException
* @throws ImapBadRequestException
* @throws ImapServerErrorException
* @throws InvalidMessageDateException
* @throws MessageContentFetchingException
* @throws MessageFlagException
* @throws MessageHeaderFetchingException
* @throws MessageNotFoundException
* @throws RuntimeException
* @throws ResponseException
public function copy(string $folder_path, bool $expunge = false): ?Message {
$status = $this->client->getConnection()->examineFolder($folder_path)->validatedData();
if (isset($status["uidnext"])) {
$next_uid = $status["uidnext"];
if ((int)$next_uid <= 0) {
return null;
/** @var Folder $folder */
$folder = $this->client->getFolderByPath($folder_path);
if ($this->client->getConnection()->copyMessage($folder->path, $this->getSequenceId(), null, $this->sequence)->validatedData()) {
return $this->fetchNewMail($folder, $next_uid, "copied", $expunge);
return null;
* Move the current Messages to a mailbox
* @param string $folder_path
* @param boolean $expunge
* @return Message|null
* @throws AuthFailedException
* @throws ConnectionFailedException
* @throws EventNotFoundException
* @throws FolderFetchingException
* @throws ImapBadRequestException
* @throws ImapServerErrorException
* @throws InvalidMessageDateException
* @throws MessageContentFetchingException
* @throws MessageFlagException
* @throws MessageHeaderFetchingException
* @throws MessageNotFoundException
* @throws RuntimeException
* @throws ResponseException
public function move(string $folder_path, bool $expunge = false): ?Message {
$status = $this->client->getConnection()->examineFolder($folder_path)->validatedData();
if (isset($status["uidnext"])) {
$next_uid = $status["uidnext"];
if ((int)$next_uid <= 0) {
return null;
/** @var Folder $folder */
$folder = $this->client->getFolderByPath($folder_path);
if ($this->client->getConnection()->moveMessage($folder->path, $this->getSequenceId(), null, $this->sequence)->validatedData()) {
return $this->fetchNewMail($folder, $next_uid, "moved", $expunge);
return null;
* Fetch a new message and fire a given event
* @param Folder $folder
* @param int $next_uid
* @param string $event
* @param boolean $expunge
* @return Message
* @throws AuthFailedException
* @throws ConnectionFailedException
* @throws EventNotFoundException
* @throws ImapBadRequestException
* @throws ImapServerErrorException
* @throws InvalidMessageDateException
* @throws MessageContentFetchingException
* @throws MessageFlagException
* @throws MessageHeaderFetchingException
* @throws MessageNotFoundException
* @throws RuntimeException
* @throws ResponseException
protected function fetchNewMail(Folder $folder, int $next_uid, string $event, bool $expunge): Message {
if ($expunge) $this->client->expunge();
if ($this->sequence === IMAP::ST_UID) {
$sequence_id = $next_uid;
} else {
$sequence_id = $this->client->getConnection()->getMessageNumber($next_uid)->validatedData();
$message = $folder->query()->getMessage($sequence_id, null, $this->sequence);
$event = $this->getEvent("message", $event);
$event::dispatch($this, $message);
return $message;
* Delete the current Message
* @param bool $expunge
* @param string|null $trash_path
* @param boolean $force_move
* @return bool
* @throws AuthFailedException
* @throws ConnectionFailedException
* @throws EventNotFoundException
* @throws FolderFetchingException
* @throws ImapBadRequestException
* @throws ImapServerErrorException
* @throws InvalidMessageDateException
* @throws MessageContentFetchingException
* @throws MessageFlagException
* @throws MessageHeaderFetchingException
* @throws MessageNotFoundException
* @throws RuntimeException
* @throws ResponseException
public function delete(bool $expunge = true, string $trash_path = null, bool $force_move = false): bool {
$status = $this->setFlag("Deleted");
if ($force_move) {
$trash_path = $trash_path === null ? $this->config["common_folders"]["trash"] : $trash_path;
if ($expunge) $this->client->expunge();
$event = $this->getEvent("message", "deleted");
return $status;
* Restore a deleted Message
* @param boolean $expunge
* @return bool
* @throws AuthFailedException
* @throws ConnectionFailedException
* @throws EventNotFoundException
* @throws ImapBadRequestException
* @throws ImapServerErrorException
* @throws MessageFlagException
* @throws RuntimeException
* @throws ResponseException
public function restore(bool $expunge = true): bool {
$status = $this->unsetFlag("Deleted");
if ($expunge) $this->client->expunge();
$event = $this->getEvent("message", "restored");
return $status;
* Set a given flag
* @param array|string $flag
* @return bool
* @throws AuthFailedException
* @throws ConnectionFailedException
* @throws EventNotFoundException
* @throws ImapBadRequestException
* @throws ImapServerErrorException
* @throws MessageFlagException
* @throws RuntimeException
* @throws ResponseException
public function setFlag(array|string $flag): bool {
$flag = "\\" . trim(is_array($flag) ? implode(" \\", $flag) : $flag);
$sequence_id = $this->getSequenceId();
try {
$status = $this->client->getConnection()->store([$flag], $sequence_id, $sequence_id, "+", true, $this->sequence)->validatedData();
} catch (Exceptions\RuntimeException $e) {
throw new MessageFlagException("flag could not be set", 0, $e);
$event = $this->getEvent("flag", "new");
$event::dispatch($this, $flag);
return (bool)$status;
* Unset a given flag
* @param array|string $flag
* @return bool
* @throws AuthFailedException
* @throws ConnectionFailedException
* @throws EventNotFoundException
* @throws ImapBadRequestException
* @throws ImapServerErrorException
* @throws MessageFlagException
* @throws RuntimeException
* @throws ResponseException
public function unsetFlag(array|string $flag): bool {
$flag = "\\" . trim(is_array($flag) ? implode(" \\", $flag) : $flag);
$sequence_id = $this->getSequenceId();
try {
$status = $this->client->getConnection()->store([$flag], $sequence_id, $sequence_id, "-", true, $this->sequence)->validatedData();
} catch (Exceptions\RuntimeException $e) {
throw new MessageFlagException("flag could not be removed", 0, $e);
$event = $this->getEvent("flag", "deleted");
$event::dispatch($this, $flag);
return (bool)$status;
* Set a given flag
* @param array|string $flag
* @return bool
* @throws AuthFailedException
* @throws ConnectionFailedException
* @throws EventNotFoundException
* @throws ImapBadRequestException
* @throws ImapServerErrorException
* @throws MessageFlagException
* @throws RuntimeException
* @throws ResponseException
public function addFlag(array|string $flag): bool {
return $this->setFlag($flag);
* Unset a given flag
* @param array|string $flag
* @return bool
* @throws AuthFailedException
* @throws ConnectionFailedException
* @throws EventNotFoundException
* @throws ImapBadRequestException
* @throws ImapServerErrorException
* @throws MessageFlagException
* @throws RuntimeException
* @throws ResponseException
public function removeFlag(array|string $flag): bool {
return $this->unsetFlag($flag);
* Get all message attachments.
* @return AttachmentCollection
public function getAttachments(): AttachmentCollection {
return $this->attachments;
* Get all message attachments.
* @return AttachmentCollection
public function attachments(): AttachmentCollection {
return $this->getAttachments();
* Checks if there are any attachments present
* @return boolean
public function hasAttachments(): bool {
return $this->attachments->isEmpty() === false;
* Get the raw body
* @return string
public function getRawBody(): string {
if ($this->raw_body === "") {
$this->raw_body = $this->structure->raw;
return $this->raw_body;
* Get the message header
* @return ?Header
public function getHeader(): ?Header {
return $this->header;
* Get the current client
* @return ?Client
public function getClient(): ?Client {
return $this->client;
* Get the used fetch option
* @return ?integer
public function getFetchOptions(): ?int {
return $this->fetch_options;
* Get the used fetch body option
* @return boolean
public function getFetchBodyOption(): bool {
return $this->fetch_body;
* Get the used fetch flags option
* @return boolean
public function getFetchFlagsOption(): bool {
return $this->fetch_flags;
* Get all available bodies
* @return array
public function getBodies(): array {
return $this->bodies;
* Get all set flags
* @return FlagCollection
public function getFlags(): FlagCollection {
return $this->flags;
* Get all set flags
* @return FlagCollection
public function flags(): FlagCollection {
return $this->getFlags();
* Check if a flag is set
* @param string $flag
* @return boolean
public function hasFlag(string $flag): bool {
$flag = str_replace("\\", "", strtolower($flag));
return $this->getFlags()->has($flag);
* Get the fetched structure
* @return Structure|null
public function getStructure(): ?Structure {
return $this->structure;
* Check if a message matches another by comparing basic attributes
* @param null|Message $message
* @return boolean
public function is(Message $message = null): bool {
if (is_null($message)) {
return false;
return $this->uid == $message->uid
&& $this->message_id->first() == $message->message_id->first()
&& $this->subject->first() == $message->subject->first()
&& $this->date->toDate()->eq($message->date->toDate());
* Get all message attributes
* @return array
public function getAttributes(): array {
return array_merge($this->attributes, $this->header->getAttributes());
* Set the message mask
* @param $mask
* @return Message
public function setMask($mask): Message {
if (class_exists($mask)) {
$this->mask = $mask;
return $this;
* Get the used message mask
* @return string
public function getMask(): string {
return $this->mask;
* Get a masked instance by providing a mask name
* @param mixed|null $mask
* @return mixed
* @throws MaskNotFoundException
public function mask(mixed $mask = null): mixed {
$mask = $mask !== null ? $mask : $this->mask;
if (class_exists($mask)) {
return new $mask($this);
throw new MaskNotFoundException("Unknown mask provided: " . $mask);
* Get the message path aka folder path
* @return string
public function getFolderPath(): string {
return $this->folder_path;
* Set the message path aka folder path
* @param $folder_path
* @return Message
public function setFolderPath($folder_path): Message {
$this->folder_path = $folder_path;
return $this;
* Set the config
* @param array $config
* @return Message
public function setConfig(array $config): Message {
$this->config = $config;
return $this;
* Get the config
* @return array
public function getConfig(): array {
return $this->config;
* Set the available flags
* @param $available_flags
* @return Message
public function setAvailableFlags($available_flags): Message {
$this->available_flags = $available_flags;
return $this;
* Get the available flags
* @return array
public function getAvailableFlags(): array {
return $this->available_flags;
* Set the attachment collection
* @param $attachments
* @return Message
public function setAttachments($attachments): Message {
$this->attachments = $attachments;
return $this;
* Set the flag collection
* @param $flags
* @return Message
public function setFlags($flags): Message {
$this->flags = $flags;
return $this;
* Set the client
* @param $client
* @return Message
* @throws AuthFailedException
* @throws ConnectionFailedException
* @throws ImapBadRequestException
* @throws ImapServerErrorException
* @throws RuntimeException
* @throws ResponseException
public function setClient($client): Message {
$this->client = $client;
return $this;
* Set the message number
* @param int $uid
* @return Message
public function setUid(int $uid): Message {
$this->uid = $uid;
$this->msgn = null;
$this->msglist = null;
return $this;
* Set the message number
* @param int $msgn
* @param int|null $msglist
* @return Message
public function setMsgn(int $msgn, int $msglist = null): Message {
$this->msgn = $msgn;
$this->msglist = $msglist;
$this->uid = null;
return $this;
* Get the current sequence type
* @return int
public function getSequence(): int {
return $this->sequence;
* Get the current sequence id (either a UID or a message number!)
* @return int
public function getSequenceId(): int {
return $this->sequence === IMAP::ST_UID ? $this->uid : $this->msgn;
* Set the sequence id
* @param $uid
* @param int|null $msglist
public function setSequenceId($uid, int $msglist = null): void {
if ($this->getSequence() === IMAP::ST_UID) {
} else {
$this->setMsgn($uid, $msglist);
* Safe the entire message in a file
* @param $filename
* @return bool|int
public function save($filename): bool|int {
return file_put_contents($filename, $this->header->raw."\r\n\r\n".$this->structure->raw);