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مشاهدة ملف: HttpClientTrait.php
* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Symfony\Component\HttpClient;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Exception\TransportException;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Response\StreamableInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Response\StreamWrapper;
use Symfony\Component\Mime\MimeTypes;
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\HttpClientInterface;
* Provides the common logic from writing HttpClientInterface implementations.
* All private methods are static to prevent implementers from creating memory leaks via circular references.
* @author Nicolas Grekas <>
trait HttpClientTrait
private static int $CHUNK_SIZE = 16372;
public function withOptions(array $options): static
$clone = clone $this;
$clone->defaultOptions = self::mergeDefaultOptions($options, $this->defaultOptions);
return $clone;
* Validates and normalizes method, URL and options, and merges them with defaults.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException When a not-supported option is found
private static function prepareRequest(?string $method, ?string $url, array $options, array $defaultOptions = [], bool $allowExtraOptions = false): array
if (null !== $method) {
if (\strlen($method) !== strspn($method, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid HTTP method "%s", only uppercase letters are accepted.', $method));
if (!$method) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('The HTTP method cannot be empty.');
$options = self::mergeDefaultOptions($options, $defaultOptions, $allowExtraOptions);
$buffer = $options['buffer'] ?? true;
if ($buffer instanceof \Closure) {
$options['buffer'] = static function (array $headers) use ($buffer) {
if (!\is_bool($buffer = $buffer($headers))) {
if (!\is_array($bufferInfo = @stream_get_meta_data($buffer))) {
throw new \LogicException(sprintf('The closure passed as option "buffer" must return bool or stream resource, got "%s".', get_debug_type($buffer)));
if (false === strpbrk($bufferInfo['mode'], 'acew+')) {
throw new \LogicException(sprintf('The stream returned by the closure passed as option "buffer" must be writeable, got mode "%s".', $bufferInfo['mode']));
return $buffer;
} elseif (!\is_bool($buffer)) {
if (!\is_array($bufferInfo = @stream_get_meta_data($buffer))) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Option "buffer" must be bool, stream resource or Closure, "%s" given.', get_debug_type($buffer)));
if (false === strpbrk($bufferInfo['mode'], 'acew+')) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The stream in option "buffer" must be writeable, mode "%s" given.', $bufferInfo['mode']));
if (isset($options['json'])) {
if (isset($options['body']) && '' !== $options['body']) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Define either the "json" or the "body" option, setting both is not supported.');
$options['body'] = self::jsonEncode($options['json']);
if (!isset($options['normalized_headers']['content-type'])) {
$options['normalized_headers']['content-type'] = ['Content-Type: application/json'];
if (!isset($options['normalized_headers']['accept'])) {
$options['normalized_headers']['accept'] = ['Accept: */*'];
if (isset($options['body'])) {
$options['body'] = self::normalizeBody($options['body'], $options['normalized_headers']);
if (\is_string($options['body'])
&& (string) \strlen($options['body']) !== substr($h = $options['normalized_headers']['content-length'][0] ?? '', 16)
&& ('' !== $h || '' !== $options['body'])
) {
if ('chunked' === substr($options['normalized_headers']['transfer-encoding'][0] ?? '', \strlen('Transfer-Encoding: '))) {
$options['body'] = self::dechunk($options['body']);
$options['normalized_headers']['content-length'] = [substr_replace($h ?: 'Content-Length: ', \strlen($options['body']), 16)];
if (isset($options['peer_fingerprint'])) {
$options['peer_fingerprint'] = self::normalizePeerFingerprint($options['peer_fingerprint']);
if (isset($options['crypto_method']) && !\in_array($options['crypto_method'], [
], true)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Option "crypto_method" must be one of "STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLSv1_*_CLIENT".');
// Validate on_progress
if (isset($options['on_progress']) && !\is_callable($onProgress = $options['on_progress'])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Option "on_progress" must be callable, "%s" given.', get_debug_type($onProgress)));
if (\is_array($options['auth_basic'] ?? null)) {
$count = \count($options['auth_basic']);
if ($count <= 0 || $count > 2) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Option "auth_basic" must contain 1 or 2 elements, "%s" given.', $count));
$options['auth_basic'] = implode(':', $options['auth_basic']);
if (!\is_string($options['auth_basic'] ?? '')) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Option "auth_basic" must be string or an array, "%s" given.', get_debug_type($options['auth_basic'])));
if (isset($options['auth_bearer'])) {
if (!\is_string($options['auth_bearer'])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Option "auth_bearer" must be a string, "%s" given.', get_debug_type($options['auth_bearer'])));
if (preg_match('{[^\x21-\x7E]}', $options['auth_bearer'])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid character found in option "auth_bearer": '.json_encode($options['auth_bearer']).'.');
if (isset($options['auth_basic'], $options['auth_bearer'])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Define either the "auth_basic" or the "auth_bearer" option, setting both is not supported.');
if (null !== $url) {
// Merge auth with headers
if (($options['auth_basic'] ?? false) && !($options['normalized_headers']['authorization'] ?? false)) {
$options['normalized_headers']['authorization'] = ['Authorization: Basic '.base64_encode($options['auth_basic'])];
// Merge bearer with headers
if (($options['auth_bearer'] ?? false) && !($options['normalized_headers']['authorization'] ?? false)) {
$options['normalized_headers']['authorization'] = ['Authorization: Bearer '.$options['auth_bearer']];
unset($options['auth_basic'], $options['auth_bearer']);
// Parse base URI
if (\is_string($options['base_uri'])) {
$options['base_uri'] = self::parseUrl($options['base_uri']);
// Validate and resolve URL
$url = self::parseUrl($url, $options['query']);
$url = self::resolveUrl($url, $options['base_uri'], $defaultOptions['query'] ?? []);
// Finalize normalization of options
$options['http_version'] = (string) ($options['http_version'] ?? '') ?: null;
if (0 > $options['timeout'] = (float) ($options['timeout'] ?? \ini_get('default_socket_timeout'))) {
$options['timeout'] = 172800.0; // 2 days
$options['max_duration'] = isset($options['max_duration']) ? (float) $options['max_duration'] : 0;
$options['headers'] = array_merge(...array_values($options['normalized_headers']));
return [$url, $options];
* @throws InvalidArgumentException When an invalid option is found
private static function mergeDefaultOptions(array $options, array $defaultOptions, bool $allowExtraOptions = false): array
$options['normalized_headers'] = self::normalizeHeaders($options['headers'] ?? []);
if ($defaultOptions['headers'] ?? false) {
$options['normalized_headers'] += self::normalizeHeaders($defaultOptions['headers']);
$options['headers'] = array_merge(...array_values($options['normalized_headers']) ?: [[]]);
if ($resolve = $options['resolve'] ?? false) {
$options['resolve'] = [];
foreach ($resolve as $k => $v) {
$options['resolve'][substr(self::parseUrl('http://'.$k)['authority'], 2)] = (string) $v;
// Option "query" is never inherited from defaults
$options['query'] ??= [];
$options += $defaultOptions;
if (isset(self::$emptyDefaults)) {
foreach (self::$emptyDefaults as $k => $v) {
if (!isset($options[$k])) {
$options[$k] = $v;
if (isset($defaultOptions['extra'])) {
$options['extra'] += $defaultOptions['extra'];
if ($resolve = $defaultOptions['resolve'] ?? false) {
foreach ($resolve as $k => $v) {
$options['resolve'] += [substr(self::parseUrl('http://'.$k)['authority'], 2) => (string) $v];
if ($allowExtraOptions || !$defaultOptions) {
return $options;
// Look for unsupported options
foreach ($options as $name => $v) {
if (\array_key_exists($name, $defaultOptions) || 'normalized_headers' === $name) {
if ('auth_ntlm' === $name) {
if (!\extension_loaded('curl')) {
$msg = 'try installing the "curl" extension to use "%s" instead.';
} else {
$msg = 'try using "%s" instead.';
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Option "auth_ntlm" is not supported by "%s", '.$msg, __CLASS__, CurlHttpClient::class));
if ('vars' === $name) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Option "vars" is not supported by "%s", try using "%s" instead.', __CLASS__, UriTemplateHttpClient::class));
$alternatives = [];
foreach ($defaultOptions as $k => $v) {
if (levenshtein($name, $k) <= \strlen($name) / 3 || str_contains($k, $name)) {
$alternatives[] = $k;
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unsupported option "%s" passed to "%s", did you mean "%s"?', $name, __CLASS__, implode('", "', $alternatives ?: array_keys($defaultOptions))));
return $options;
* @return string[][]
* @throws InvalidArgumentException When an invalid header is found
private static function normalizeHeaders(array $headers): array
$normalizedHeaders = [];
foreach ($headers as $name => $values) {
if ($values instanceof \Stringable) {
$values = (string) $values;
if (\is_int($name)) {
if (!\is_string($values)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid value for header "%s": expected string, "%s" given.', $name, get_debug_type($values)));
[$name, $values] = explode(':', $values, 2);
$values = [ltrim($values)];
} elseif (!is_iterable($values)) {
if (\is_object($values)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid value for header "%s": expected string, "%s" given.', $name, get_debug_type($values)));
$values = (array) $values;
$lcName = strtolower($name);
$normalizedHeaders[$lcName] = [];
foreach ($values as $value) {
$normalizedHeaders[$lcName][] = $value = $name.': '.$value;
if (\strlen($value) !== strcspn($value, "\r\n\0")) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid header: CR/LF/NUL found in "%s".', $value));
return $normalizedHeaders;
* @param array|string|resource|\Traversable|\Closure $body
* @return string|resource|\Closure
* @throws InvalidArgumentException When an invalid body is passed
private static function normalizeBody($body, array &$normalizedHeaders = [])
if (\is_array($body)) {
static $cookie;
$streams = [];
array_walk_recursive($body, $caster = static function (&$v) use (&$caster, &$streams, &$cookie) {
if (\is_resource($v) || $v instanceof StreamableInterface) {
$cookie = hash('xxh128', $cookie ??= random_bytes(8), true);
$k = substr(strtr(base64_encode($cookie), '+/', '-_'), 0, -2);
$streams[$k] = $v instanceof StreamableInterface ? $v->toStream(false) : $v;
$v = $k;
} elseif (\is_object($v)) {
if ($vars = get_object_vars($v)) {
array_walk_recursive($vars, $caster);
$v = $vars;
} elseif ($v instanceof \Stringable) {
$v = (string) $v;
$body = http_build_query($body, '', '&');
if ('' === $body || !$streams && !str_contains($normalizedHeaders['content-type'][0] ?? '', 'multipart/form-data')) {
if (!str_contains($normalizedHeaders['content-type'][0] ?? '', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')) {
$normalizedHeaders['content-type'] = ['Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'];
return $body;
if (preg_match('{multipart/form-data; boundary=(?|"([^"\r\n]++)"|([-!#$%&\'*+.^_`|~_A-Za-z0-9]++))}', $normalizedHeaders['content-type'][0] ?? '', $boundary)) {
$boundary = $boundary[1];
} else {
$boundary = substr(strtr(base64_encode($cookie ??= random_bytes(8)), '+/', '-_'), 0, -2);
$normalizedHeaders['content-type'] = ['Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary='.$boundary];
$body = explode('&', $body);
$contentLength = 0;
foreach ($body as $i => $part) {
[$k, $v] = explode('=', $part, 2);
$part = ($i ? "\r\n" : '')."--{$boundary}\r\n";
$k = str_replace(['"', "\r", "\n"], ['%22', '%0D', '%0A'], urldecode($k)); // see WHATWG HTML living standard
if (!isset($streams[$v])) {
$part .= "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"{$k}\"\r\n\r\n".urldecode($v);
$contentLength += 0 <= $contentLength ? \strlen($part) : 0;
$body[$i] = [$k, $part, null];
$v = $streams[$v];
if (!\is_array($m = @stream_get_meta_data($v))) {
throw new TransportException(sprintf('Invalid "%s" resource found in body part "%s".', get_resource_type($v), $k));
if (feof($v)) {
throw new TransportException(sprintf('Uploaded stream ended for body part "%s".', $k));
$m += stream_context_get_options($v)['http'] ?? [];
$filename = basename($m['filename'] ?? $m['uri'] ?? 'unknown');
$filename = str_replace(['"', "\r", "\n"], ['%22', '%0D', '%0A'], $filename);
$contentType = $m['content_type'] ?? null;
if (($headers = $m['wrapper_data'] ?? []) instanceof StreamWrapper) {
$hasContentLength = false;
$headers = $headers->getResponse()->getInfo('response_headers');
} elseif ($hasContentLength = 0 < $h = fstat($v)['size'] ?? 0) {
$contentLength += 0 <= $contentLength ? $h : 0;
foreach (\is_array($headers) ? $headers : [] as $h) {
if (\is_string($h) && 0 === stripos($h, 'Content-Type: ')) {
$contentType ??= substr($h, 14);
} elseif (!$hasContentLength && \is_string($h) && 0 === stripos($h, 'Content-Length: ')) {
$hasContentLength = true;
$contentLength += 0 <= $contentLength ? substr($h, 16) : 0;
} elseif (\is_string($h) && 0 === stripos($h, 'Content-Encoding: ')) {
$contentLength = -1;
if (!$hasContentLength) {
$contentLength = -1;
if (null === $contentType && 'plainfile' === ($m['wrapper_type'] ?? null) && isset($m['uri'])) {
$mimeTypes = class_exists(MimeTypes::class) ? MimeTypes::getDefault() : false;
$contentType = $mimeTypes ? $mimeTypes->guessMimeType($m['uri']) : null;
$contentType ??= 'application/octet-stream';
$part .= "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"{$k}\"; filename=\"{$filename}\"\r\n";
$part .= "Content-Type: {$contentType}\r\n\r\n";
$contentLength += 0 <= $contentLength ? \strlen($part) : 0;
$body[$i] = [$k, $part, $v];
$body[++$i] = ['', "\r\n--{$boundary}--\r\n", null];
if (0 < $contentLength) {
$normalizedHeaders['content-length'] = ['Content-Length: '.($contentLength += \strlen($body[$i][1]))];
$body = static function ($size) use ($body) {
foreach ($body as $i => [$k, $part, $h]) {
yield $part;
while (null !== $h && !feof($h)) {
if (false === $part = fread($h, $size)) {
throw new TransportException(sprintf('Error while reading uploaded stream for body part "%s".', $k));
yield $part;
$h = null;
if (\is_string($body)) {
return $body;
$generatorToCallable = static fn (\Generator $body): \Closure => static function () use ($body) {
while ($body->valid()) {
$chunk = $body->current();
if ('' !== $chunk) {
return $chunk;
return '';
if ($body instanceof \Generator) {
return $generatorToCallable($body);
if ($body instanceof \Traversable) {
return $generatorToCallable((static function ($body) { yield from $body; })($body));
if ($body instanceof \Closure) {
$r = new \ReflectionFunction($body);
$body = $r->getClosure();
if ($r->isGenerator()) {
$body = $body(self::$CHUNK_SIZE);
return $generatorToCallable($body);
return $body;
if (!\is_array(@stream_get_meta_data($body))) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Option "body" must be string, stream resource, iterable or callable, "%s" given.', get_debug_type($body)));
return $body;
private static function dechunk(string $body): string
$h = fopen('php://temp', 'w+');
stream_filter_append($h, 'dechunk', \STREAM_FILTER_WRITE);
fwrite($h, $body);
$body = stream_get_contents($h, -1, 0);
ftruncate($h, 0);
if (fwrite($h, '-') && '' !== stream_get_contents($h, -1, 0)) {
throw new TransportException('Request body has broken chunked encoding.');
return $body;
* @throws InvalidArgumentException When an invalid fingerprint is passed
private static function normalizePeerFingerprint(mixed $fingerprint): array
if (\is_string($fingerprint)) {
$fingerprint = match (\strlen($fingerprint = str_replace(':', '', $fingerprint))) {
32 => ['md5' => $fingerprint],
40 => ['sha1' => $fingerprint],
44 => ['pin-sha256' => [$fingerprint]],
64 => ['sha256' => $fingerprint],
default => throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Cannot auto-detect fingerprint algorithm for "%s".', $fingerprint)),
} elseif (\is_array($fingerprint)) {
foreach ($fingerprint as $algo => $hash) {
$fingerprint[$algo] = 'pin-sha256' === $algo ? (array) $hash : str_replace(':', '', $hash);
} else {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Option "peer_fingerprint" must be string or array, "%s" given.', get_debug_type($fingerprint)));
return $fingerprint;
* @throws InvalidArgumentException When the value cannot be json-encoded
private static function jsonEncode(mixed $value, int $flags = null, int $maxDepth = 512): string
try {
$value = json_encode($value, $flags | \JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR, $maxDepth);
} catch (\JsonException $e) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid value for "json" option: '.$e->getMessage());
return $value;
* Resolves a URL against a base URI.
* @see
* @throws InvalidArgumentException When an invalid URL is passed
private static function resolveUrl(array $url, ?array $base, array $queryDefaults = []): array
if (null !== $base && '' === ($base['scheme'] ?? '').($base['authority'] ?? '')) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid "base_uri" option: host or scheme is missing in "%s".', implode('', $base)));
if (null === $url['scheme'] && (null === $base || null === $base['scheme'])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid URL: scheme is missing in "%s". Did you forget to add "http(s)://"?', implode('', $base ?? $url)));
if (null === $base && '' === $url['scheme'].$url['authority']) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid URL: no "base_uri" option was provided and host or scheme is missing in "%s".', implode('', $url)));
if (null !== $url['scheme']) {
$url['path'] = self::removeDotSegments($url['path'] ?? '');
} else {
if (null !== $url['authority']) {
$url['path'] = self::removeDotSegments($url['path'] ?? '');
} else {
if (null === $url['path']) {
$url['path'] = $base['path'];
$url['query'] ??= $base['query'];
} else {
if ('/' !== $url['path'][0]) {
if (null === $base['path']) {
$url['path'] = '/'.$url['path'];
} else {
$segments = explode('/', $base['path']);
array_splice($segments, -1, 1, [$url['path']]);
$url['path'] = implode('/', $segments);
$url['path'] = self::removeDotSegments($url['path']);
$url['authority'] = $base['authority'];
if ($queryDefaults) {
$url['query'] = '?'.self::mergeQueryString(substr($url['query'] ?? '', 1), $queryDefaults, false);
$url['scheme'] = $base['scheme'];
if ('' === ($url['path'] ?? '')) {
$url['path'] = '/';
if ('?' === ($url['query'] ?? '')) {
$url['query'] = null;
return $url;
* Parses a URL and fixes its encoding if needed.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException When an invalid URL is passed
private static function parseUrl(string $url, array $query = [], array $allowedSchemes = ['http' => 80, 'https' => 443]): array
if (false === $parts = parse_url($url)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Malformed URL "%s".', $url));
if ($query) {
$parts['query'] = self::mergeQueryString($parts['query'] ?? null, $query, true);
$port = $parts['port'] ?? 0;
if (null !== $scheme = $parts['scheme'] ?? null) {
if (!isset($allowedSchemes[$scheme = strtolower($scheme)])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unsupported scheme in "%s".', $url));
$port = $allowedSchemes[$scheme] === $port ? 0 : $port;
$scheme .= ':';
if (null !== $host = $parts['host'] ?? null) {
if (!\defined('INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46') && preg_match('/[\x80-\xFF]/', $host)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unsupported IDN "%s", try enabling the "intl" PHP extension or running "composer require symfony/polyfill-intl-idn".', $host));
$host = \defined('INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46') ? idn_to_ascii($host, \IDNA_DEFAULT | \IDNA_USE_STD3_RULES | \IDNA_CHECK_BIDI | \IDNA_CHECK_CONTEXTJ | \IDNA_NONTRANSITIONAL_TO_ASCII, \INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46) ?: strtolower($host) : strtolower($host);
$host .= $port ? ':'.$port : '';
foreach (['user', 'pass', 'path', 'query', 'fragment'] as $part) {
if (!isset($parts[$part])) {
if (str_contains($parts[$part], '%')) {
$parts[$part] = preg_replace_callback('/%(?:2[DE]|3[0-9]|[46][1-9A-F]|5F|[57][0-9A]|7E)++/i', fn ($m) => rawurldecode($m[0]), $parts[$part]);
$parts[$part] = preg_replace_callback("#[^-A-Za-z0-9._~!$&/'()[\]*+,;=:@{}%]++#", fn ($m) => rawurlencode($m[0]), $parts[$part]);
return [
'scheme' => $scheme,
'authority' => null !== $host ? '//'.(isset($parts['user']) ? $parts['user'].(isset($parts['pass']) ? ':'.$parts['pass'] : '').'@' : '').$host : null,
'path' => isset($parts['path'][0]) ? $parts['path'] : null,
'query' => isset($parts['query']) ? '?'.$parts['query'] : null,
'fragment' => isset($parts['fragment']) ? '#'.$parts['fragment'] : null,
* Removes dot-segments from a path.
* @see
* @return string
private static function removeDotSegments(string $path)
$result = '';
while (!\in_array($path, ['', '.', '..'], true)) {
if ('.' === $path[0] && (str_starts_with($path, $p = '../') || str_starts_with($path, $p = './'))) {
$path = substr($path, \strlen($p));
} elseif ('/.' === $path || str_starts_with($path, '/./')) {
$path = substr_replace($path, '/', 0, 3);
} elseif ('/..' === $path || str_starts_with($path, '/../')) {
$i = strrpos($result, '/');
$result = $i ? substr($result, 0, $i) : '';
$path = substr_replace($path, '/', 0, 4);
} else {
$i = strpos($path, '/', 1) ?: \strlen($path);
$result .= substr($path, 0, $i);
$path = substr($path, $i);
return $result;
* Merges and encodes a query array with a query string.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException When an invalid query-string value is passed
private static function mergeQueryString(?string $queryString, array $queryArray, bool $replace): ?string
if (!$queryArray) {
return $queryString;
$query = [];
if (null !== $queryString) {
foreach (explode('&', $queryString) as $v) {
if ('' !== $v) {
$k = urldecode(explode('=', $v, 2)[0]);
$query[$k] = (isset($query[$k]) ? $query[$k].'&' : '').$v;
if ($replace) {
foreach ($queryArray as $k => $v) {
if (null === $v) {
$queryString = http_build_query($queryArray, '', '&', \PHP_QUERY_RFC3986);
$queryArray = [];
if ($queryString) {
if (str_contains($queryString, '%')) {
// + some chars not encoded by browsers
$queryString = strtr($queryString, [
'%21' => '!',
'%24' => '$',
'%28' => '(',
'%29' => ')',
'%2A' => '*',
'%2F' => '/',
'%3A' => ':',
'%3B' => ';',
'%40' => '@',
'%5B' => '[',
'%5D' => ']',
foreach (explode('&', $queryString) as $v) {
$queryArray[rawurldecode(explode('=', $v, 2)[0])] = $v;
return implode('&', $replace ? array_replace($query, $queryArray) : ($query + $queryArray));
* Loads proxy configuration from the same environment variables as curl when no proxy is explicitly set.
private static function getProxy(?string $proxy, array $url, ?string $noProxy): ?array
if (null === $proxy = self::getProxyUrl($proxy, $url)) {
return null;
$proxy = (parse_url($proxy) ?: []) + ['scheme' => 'http'];
if (!isset($proxy['host'])) {
throw new TransportException('Invalid HTTP proxy: host is missing.');
if ('http' === $proxy['scheme']) {
$proxyUrl = 'tcp://'.$proxy['host'].':'.($proxy['port'] ?? '80');
} elseif ('https' === $proxy['scheme']) {
$proxyUrl = 'ssl://'.$proxy['host'].':'.($proxy['port'] ?? '443');
} else {
throw new TransportException(sprintf('Unsupported proxy scheme "%s": "http" or "https" expected.', $proxy['scheme']));
$noProxy ??= $_SERVER['no_proxy'] ?? $_SERVER['NO_PROXY'] ?? '';
$noProxy = $noProxy ? preg_split('/[\s,]+/', $noProxy) : [];
return [
'url' => $proxyUrl,
'auth' => isset($proxy['user']) ? 'Basic '.base64_encode(rawurldecode($proxy['user']).':'.rawurldecode($proxy['pass'] ?? '')) : null,
'no_proxy' => $noProxy,
private static function getProxyUrl(?string $proxy, array $url): ?string
if (null !== $proxy) {
return $proxy;
// Ignore HTTP_PROXY except on the CLI to work around httpoxy set of vulnerabilities
$proxy = $_SERVER['http_proxy'] ?? (\in_array(\PHP_SAPI, ['cli', 'phpdbg'], true) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_PROXY'] ?? null : null) ?? $_SERVER['all_proxy'] ?? $_SERVER['ALL_PROXY'] ?? null;
if ('https:' === $url['scheme']) {
$proxy = $_SERVER['https_proxy'] ?? $_SERVER['HTTPS_PROXY'] ?? $proxy;
return $proxy;
private static function shouldBuffer(array $headers): bool
if (null === $contentType = $headers['content-type'][0] ?? null) {
return false;
if (false !== $i = strpos($contentType, ';')) {
$contentType = substr($contentType, 0, $i);
return $contentType && preg_match('#^(?:text/|application/(?:.+\+)?(?:json|xml)$)#i', $contentType);