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مشاهدة ملف: ResultMockFactory.php
namespace AsyncAws\Core\Test;
use AsyncAws\Core\Exception\LogicException;
use AsyncAws\Core\Response;
use AsyncAws\Core\Result;
use AsyncAws\Core\Test\Http\SimpleMockedResponse;
use AsyncAws\Core\Waiter;
use Psr\Log\NullLogger;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\MockHttpClient;
* An easy way to create Result objects for your tests.
* @author Tobias Nyholm <>
class ResultMockFactory
* Instantiate a Result class that throws exception.
* <code>
* ResultMockFactory::createFailing(SendEmailResponse::class, 400, 'invalid value');
* </code>
* @template T of Result
* @param class-string<T> $class
* @param array<string, mixed> $additionalContent
* @return T
public static function createFailing(
string $class,
int $code,
?string $message = null,
array $additionalContent = []
) {
if (Result::class !== $class) {
$parent = get_parent_class($class);
if (false === $parent || Result::class !== $parent) {
throw new LogicException(sprintf('The "%s::%s" can only be used for classes that extend "%s"', __CLASS__, __METHOD__, Result::class));
$httpResponse = new SimpleMockedResponse(json_encode(array_merge(['message' => $message], $additionalContent)), ['content-type' => 'application/json'], $code);
$client = new MockHttpClient($httpResponse);
$response = new Response($client->request('POST', 'http://localhost'), $client, new NullLogger());
/** @psalm-var \ReflectionClass<T> $reflectionClass */
$reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass($class);
return $reflectionClass->newInstance($response);
* Instantiate a Result class with some data.
* <code>
* ResultMockFactory::create(SendEmailResponse::class, ['MessageId'=>'foo123']);
* </code>
* @template T of Result
* @param class-string<T> $class
* @param array<string, mixed> $data
* @return T
public static function create(string $class, array $data = [])
if (Result::class !== $class) {
$parent = get_parent_class($class);
if (false === $parent || Result::class !== $parent) {
throw new LogicException(sprintf('The "%s::%s" can only be used for classes that extend "%s"', __CLASS__, __METHOD__, Result::class));
$response = self::getResponseObject();
// Make sure the Result is initialized
$reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass(Result::class);
$initializedProperty = $reflectionClass->getProperty('initialized');
/** @psalm-var \ReflectionClass<T> $reflectionClass */
$reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass($class);
$object = $reflectionClass->newInstance($response);
if (Result::class !== $class) {
self::addPropertiesOnResult($reflectionClass, $object, $class);
$initializedProperty->setValue($object, true);
foreach ($data as $propertyName => $propertyValue) {
if ($reflectionClass->hasProperty($propertyName)) {
$property = $reflectionClass->getProperty($propertyName);
} elseif ($reflectionClass->hasProperty(lcfirst($propertyName))) {
// backward compatibility with `UpperCamelCase` naming (fast)
$property = $reflectionClass->getProperty(lcfirst($propertyName));
} else {
// compatibility with new `wordWithABREV` naming (slow)
$lowerPropertyName = strtolower($propertyName);
$property = null;
foreach ($reflectionClass->getProperties() as $prop) {
if (strtolower($prop->getName()) === $lowerPropertyName) {
$property = $prop;
if (null === $property) {
// let bubble the original exception
$property = $reflectionClass->getProperty($propertyName);
$property->setValue($object, $propertyValue);
self::addUndefinedProperties($reflectionClass, $object, $data);
return $object;
* Instantiate a Waiter class with a final state.
* @template T of Waiter
* @psalm-param class-string<T> $class
* @return T
public static function waiter(string $class, string $finalState)
if (Waiter::class !== $class) {
$parent = get_parent_class($class);
if (false === $parent || Waiter::class !== $parent) {
throw new LogicException(sprintf('The "%s::%s" can only be used for classes that extend "%s"', __CLASS__, __METHOD__, Waiter::class));
if (Waiter::STATE_SUCCESS !== $finalState && Waiter::STATE_FAILURE !== $finalState) {
throw new LogicException(sprintf('The state passed to "%s::%s" must be "%s" or "%s".', __CLASS__, __METHOD__, Waiter::STATE_SUCCESS, Waiter::STATE_FAILURE));
$response = self::getResponseObject();
$reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass(Waiter::class);
$propertyResponse = $reflectionClass->getProperty('response');
$propertyState = $reflectionClass->getProperty('finalState');
/** @psalm-var \ReflectionClass<T> $reflectionClass */
$reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass($class);
$result = $reflectionClass->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();
$propertyResponse->setValue($result, $response);
$propertyState->setValue($result, $finalState);
return $result;
* Try to add some values to the properties not defined in $data.
* @param \ReflectionClass<object> $reflectionClass
* @param array<string, mixed> $data
* @throws \ReflectionException
private static function addUndefinedProperties(\ReflectionClass $reflectionClass, object $object, array $data): void
foreach ($reflectionClass->getProperties(\ReflectionProperty::IS_PRIVATE) as $property) {
if (\array_key_exists($property->getName(), $data) || \array_key_exists(ucfirst($property->getName()), $data)) {
if (!$reflectionClass->hasMethod('get' . $property->getName())) {
$getter = $reflectionClass->getMethod('get' . $property->getName());
if (!$getter->hasReturnType() || (!($type = $getter->getReturnType()) instanceof \ReflectionNamedType) || $type->allowsNull()) {
switch ($type->getName()) {
case 'int':
$propertyValue = 0;
case 'string':
$propertyValue = '';
case 'bool':
$propertyValue = false;
case 'float':
$propertyValue = 0.0;
case 'array':
$propertyValue = [];
$propertyValue = null;
if (null !== $propertyValue) {
$property->setValue($object, $propertyValue);
* Set input and aws client to handle pagination.
* @param \ReflectionClass<object> $reflectionClass
private static function addPropertiesOnResult(\ReflectionClass $reflectionClass, object $object, string $class): void
if (false === $pos = strrpos($class, '\\')) {
throw new LogicException(sprintf('Expected class "%s" to have a backslash. ', $class));
$className = substr($class, $pos + 1);
if ('Output' === substr($className, -6)) {
$classNameWithoutSuffix = substr($className, 0, -6);
} elseif ('Response' === substr($className, -8)) {
$classNameWithoutSuffix = substr($className, 0, -8);
} elseif ('Result' === substr($className, -6)) {
$classNameWithoutSuffix = substr($className, 0, -6);
} else {
throw new LogicException(sprintf('Unknown class suffix: "%s"', $className));
if (false === $pos = strrpos($class, '\\', -2 - \strlen($className))) {
throw new LogicException(sprintf('Expected class "%s" to have more than one backslash. ', $class));
$baseNamespace = substr($class, 0, $pos);
if (false === $pos = strrpos($baseNamespace, '\\')) {
throw new LogicException(sprintf('Expected base namespace "%s" to have a backslash. ', $baseNamespace));
$awsClientClass = $baseNamespace . substr($baseNamespace, $pos) . 'Client';
$inputClass = $baseNamespace . '\\Input\\' . $classNameWithoutSuffix . 'Request';
if (class_exists($awsClientClass)) {
$awsClientMock = (new \ReflectionClass($awsClientClass))->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();
$property = $reflectionClass->getProperty('awsClient');
$property->setValue($object, $awsClientMock);
if (class_exists($inputClass)) {
$inputMock = (new \ReflectionClass($inputClass))->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();
$property = $reflectionClass->getProperty('input');
$property->setValue($object, $inputMock);
private static function getResponseObject(): Response
$reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass(Response::class);
$response = $reflectionClass->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();
$property = $reflectionClass->getProperty('resolveResult');
$property->setValue($response, true);
$property = $reflectionClass->getProperty('bodyDownloaded');
$property->setValue($response, true);
return $response;