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# Release Notes for 9.x

## [Unreleased](

## [v9.52.10]( - 2023-06-27

* Fix SES V2 Transport "reply to" addresses by @jacobmllr95 in
* Fixes unable to use `trans()->has()` on JSON language files by @crynobone in

## [v9.52.9]( - 2023-06-08

* Fixes usage of `Redis::many()` with empty array by @nunomaduro in
* Fix PHPStan description of Closure returning a union type by @ondrejmirtes in

## [v9.52.8]( - 2023-05-30

### Fixed
- Fixed escaped String for JSON_CONTAINS ([#47244](

### Changed
- Send along value to InvalidPayloadException ([#47223](

## [v9.52.7]( - 2023-04-25

### Changed
- Make rules method in FormRequest optional ([#46846](

## [v9.52.6]( - 2023-04-18

### Fixed
- Fixed Cache::spy incompatibility with Cache::get ([#46689](

### Changed
- Remove unnecessary parameters in creatable() and destroyable() methods in  Illuminate/Routing/PendingSingletonResourceRegistration class ([#46677](
- Allow Event::assertListening to check for invokable event listeners ([#46683](
- Return non-zero exit code for uncaught exceptions ([#46541](
- Release lock for job implementing ShouldBeUnique that is dispatched afterResponse() ([#46806](

## [v9.52.5]( - 2023-02-25

### Fixed
- Fixed `Illuminate/Foundation/Testing/Concerns/InteractsWithDatabase::expectsDatabaseQueryCount()` $connection parameter ([#46228](
- PHP 8.0 fix for Closure jobs ([#46505](
- Fix preg_split error when there is a slash in the attribute ([#46549](

### Changed
- Allow WithFaker to be used when app is not bound ([#46529](

## [v9.52.4]( - 2023-02-22

### Fixed
- Fixes constructable migrations ([#46223](

## [v9.52.3]( - 2023-02-22

### Reverted
- Revert changes from `Arr::random()` ([cf3eb90](

## [v9.52.2]( - 2023-02-21

### Fixed
- Fixed `Illuminate/Collections/Arr::shuffle()` with empty array ([0c6cae0](

## [v9.52.1]( - 2023-02-21

### Changed
- Use secure randomness in Arr:random and Arr:shuffle ([#46105](

## [v9.52.0]( - 2023-02-14

### Added
- Added methods to Enumerable contract ([#46021](
- Added new mailer transport for AWS SES V2 API ([#45977](
- Add S3 temporaryUploadUrl method to AwsS3V3Adapter ([#45753](
- Add index hinting support to query builder ([#46063](
- Add mailer name to data for SentMessage and MessageSending events ([#46079](
- Added --pending option to migrate:status ([#46089](

### Fixed
- Fixed pdo exception when rollbacking without active transaction ([#46017](
- Fix duplicated columns on select ([#46049](
- Fixes memory leak on anonymous migrations ([№46073](
- Fixed race condition in locks issued by the file cache driver ([#46011](

### Changed
- Allow choosing tables to truncate in `Illuminate/Foundation/Testing/DatabaseTruncation::truncateTablesForConnection()` ([#46025](
- Update afterPromptingForMissingArguments method ([#46052](
- Accept closure in bus assertion helpers ([#46075](
- Avoid mutating the $expectedLitener between loops on Event::assertListening ([#46095](

## [v9.51.0]( - 2023-02-07

### Added
- Added `Illuminate/Foundation/Testing/Concerns/InteractsWithDatabase::expectsDatabaseQueryCount()` ([#45932](
- Added pending has-many-through and has-one-through builder ([#45894](
- Added `Illuminate/Http/Client/PendingRequest::withUrlParameters()` ([#45982](

### Fixed
- Fix: prevent duplicated content-type on HTTP client ([#45960](
- Add missing php extensions in composer ([#45941](

### Changed
- Command schedule:work minor features: schedule:run output file & environment specific verbosity ([#45949](
- Added missing self reserved word to reservedNames array in `Illuminate/Console/GeneratorCommand.php` ([#46001](
- pass value along to ttl callback in `Illuminate/Cache/Repository::remember()` ([#46006](
- Make sure the lock_connection is used for schedule's withoutOverlapping() ([#45963](

## [v9.50.2]( - 2023-02-02

### Fixed
- Fixed missing_with and missing_with_all validation ([#45913](
- Fixes blade escaped tags issue ([#45928](

### Changed
- Trims numeric validation values / parameters ([#45912](
- Random function doesn't generate evenly distributed random chars ([#45916](

## [v9.50.1]( - 2023-02-01

### Reverted
- Reverted ["Optimize destroy method"]( ([#45903](

### Changed
- Allow scheme to be specified in `Illuminate/Mail/MailManager::createSmtpTransport()` ([68a8bfc](
- Accept optional mode in `Illuminate/Filesystem/Filesystem::replace()` ([2664e7f](

## [v9.50.0]( - 2023-02-01

### Added
- Added `Illuminate/Translation/Translator::stringable()` ([#45874](
- Added `Illuminate/Foundation/Testing/DatabaseTruncation` ([#45726](
- Added @style Blade directive ([#45887](

### Reverted
- Reverted: ["Fix Illuminate Filesystem replace() leaves file executable"]( ([5ea388d](

### Fixed
- Fixed LazyCollection::makeIterator() to accept non Generator Function ([#45881](

### Changed
- Solve data to be dumped for separate schemes ([#45805](

## [v9.49.0]( - 2023-01-31

### Added
- Added `Illuminate/Database/Schema/ForeignKeyDefinition::noActionOnDelete()` ([#45712](
- Added new throw helper methods to the HTTP Client ([#45704](
- Added configurable timezone support for WorkCommand output timestamps ([#45722](
- Added support for casting arrays containing enums ([#45621](
- Added "missing" validation rules ([#45717](
- Added `/Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/SoftDeletes::forceDeleteQuietly()` ([#45737](
- Added `Illuminate/Collections/Arr::sortDesc()` ([#45761](
- Added CLI Prompts ([#45629](, [#45864](
- Adds assertJsonIsArray and assertJsonIsObject for TestResponse ([#45731](
- Added `Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Relations/HasOneOrMany::createQuietly()` ([#45783](
- Add validation rules: ascii_alpha, ascii_alpha_num, ascii_alpha_dash ([#45769](
- Extract status methods to traits ([#45789](
- Add "addRestoreOrCreate" extension to SoftDeletingScope ([#45754](
- Added connection established event ([f850d99](
- Add forceDeleting event to models ([#45836](
- Add title tag in mail template ([#45859](
- Added new methods to Collection ([#45839](
- Add skip cancelled middleware ([#45869](

### Fixed
- Fix flushdb on cluster for `PredisClusterConnection.php` ([#45544](
- Fix blade tag issue with nested calls ([#45764](
- Fix infinite loop in blade compiler ([#45780](
- Fix ValidationValidator not to accept terminating newline ([#45790](
- Fix stubs publish command generating incorrect controller stubs ([#45812](
- fix: normalize route pipeline exception ([#45817](
- Fix Illuminate Filesystem replace() leaves file executable ([#45856](

### Changed
- Ensures channel name matches from start of string ([#45692](
- Replace raw invisible characters in regex expressions with counterpart Unicode regex notations ([#45680](
- Optimize destroy method ([#45709](
- Unify prohibits behavior around prohibits_if ([#45723](
- Removes dependency on bcmath ([#45729](
- Allow brick/math 0.11 also ([#45762](
- Optimize findMany of BelongsToMany ([#45745](
- Ensure decimal rule handles large values ([#45693](
- Backed enum support for @js ([#45862](
- Restart syscalls for SIGALRM when worker times out a job ([#45871](
- Ensure subsiquent calls to Mailable->to() overwrite previous entries ([#45885](

## [v9.48.0]( - 2023-01-17

### Added
- Added `Illuminate/Database/Schema/Builder::withoutForeignKeyConstraints()` ([#45601](
- Added `fragments()` \ `fragmentIf()` \ `fragmentsIf()` methods to `Illuminate/View/View.php` class ([#45656](, [#45669](
- Added `incrementEach()` and `decrementEach()` to `Illuminate/Database/Query/Builder` ([#45577](
- Added ability to drop an index when modifying a column ([#45513](
- Allow to set HTTP client for mailers ([#45684](
- Added 402 exception view ([#45682](
- Added `notFound()` helper to Http Client response ([#45681](

### Fixed
- Fixed decimal cast ([#45602](

### Changed
- Ignore whitespaces/newlines when finding relations in model:show command ([#45608](
- Fail queued job with a string messag ([#45625](
- Allow fake() helper in unit tests ([#45624](
- allow egulias/email-validator v4 ([#45649](
- Force countBy method in EloquentCollection to return base collection ([#45663](
- Allow for the collection of stubs to be published ([#45653](

## [v9.47.0]( - 2023-01-10

### Added
- Added Support Lazy Collections in `BatchFake::add()` ([#45507](
- Added Decimal to list of Numeric rules ([#45533](
- Added `Illuminate/Routing/PendingSingletonResourceRegistration::destroyable()` ([#45549](
- Added setVisible and setHidden to Eloquent Collection ([#45558](

### Fixed
- Fix bound method contextual binding ([#45500](
- Fixed Method explodeExplicitRule with regex rule ([#45555](
- Fixed `Illuminate/Database/Query/Builder::whereIntegerInRaw()` ([#45584](
- Fixes blade tags ([#45490](

### Changed
- Return model when casting attribute ([#45539](
- always show full path to migration in `Illuminate/Database/Console/Migrations/MigrateMakeCommand.php` ([9f6ff48](
- Remove index name when adding primary key on MySQL ([#45515](

## [v9.46.0]( - 2023-01-03

### Added
- Added Passthrough PATH variable to serve command ([#45402](
- Added whenHas to JsonResource ([#45376](
- Added ./fleet directory to .gitignore ([#45432](
- Added unless to JsonResource ([#45419](

### Fixed
- Fixed credentials check ([#45437](
- Fixed decimal cast precision issue ([#45456](, [#45492](
- Precognitive validation with nested arrays doesn't throw validation error ([#45405](
- Fixed issue on which class to check increment and decrement methods for custom cast ([#45444](

### Changed
- Update decimal validation rule to allow validation of signed numbers ([24a48b2](
- Output only unique asset / preload tags in Vite ([#45404](
- Optimize whereKey method in Query Builder ([#45453](
- Remove extra code in Model.php to optimize performance ([#45476](
- Exception Handler prepareResponse add previous Exception ([#45499](

## [v9.45.1]( - 2022-12-21

### Revert
- Revert "fix single line @php statements to not be parsed as php blocks" ([#45389](

### Changed
- Load schema to in memory database ([#45375](

## [v9.45.0]( - 2022-12-20

### Added
- Allows the registration of custom, root-level anonymous component search paths. ([#45338](, [1ff0379](
- Added decimal validation rule ([#45356](, [e89b2b0](
- Added align property to button mail component ([#45362](
- Added whereUlid(param) support for routing ([#45372](

### Fixed
- Fixed single line @php statements to not be parsed as php blocks in BladeCompiler ([#45333](
- Added missing code to set locale from model preferred locale in Maillable ([#45308](

### Changed
- Vite: ability to prevent preload tag generation from attribute resolver callback ([#45283](
- Deprecation Test Improvements ([#45317](
- Do not allow nested arrays in whereIn method ([140c3a8](
- Bump ramsey/uuid ([#45367](

## [v9.44.0]( - 2022-12-15

### Added
- Added `Illuminate/Auth/GuardHelpers::forgetUser()` ([#45208](
- Added sort option for schedule:list ([#45198](
- Added `ascii` and `ulid` validation rules ([#45218](
- Http client - allow to provide closure as "throwif" condition ([#45251](
- Support '/' as a possible column name in database ([#45268](
- Added Granular notifications queue connections ([#45264](
- Add support for native rename/drop column commands ([#45258](
- Add $encoding parameter to substr method ([#45300](
- Use Macroable in Session facade ([#45310](

### Fixed
- Fixed aliasing with cursor pagination ([#45188](
- Fixed email verification request ([#45227](
- Return 500 http error, instead of 200, when dotenv fails to load ([#45235](
- Fixed bug on Job Batchs Table ([#45263](
- Fixed schedule:list crash when call() is given class-string ([#45306](
- Fixed Lack of Memory when failing a job with wrong variable passed on the method fail() ([#45291](
- Fixed errors occurring when encrypted cookies has been tampered with ([#45313](
- bug fix, change array_merge to array_replace to prevent reindex ([#45309](

### Changed
- Allow BusFake to use custom BusRepository ([#45202](
- Improved error logging for unmatched routes and route not found ([#45206](
- Improve assertSeeText and assertDontSeeText test methods ([#45274](
- Improved `Illuminate/Auth/SessionGuard::clearUserDataFromStorage()` ([#45305](
- Allows shouldIgnoresDeprecationError() to be overriden ([#45299](

## [v9.43.0]( - 2022-12-06

### Added
- Add support for eager loading specific columns to withWhereHas ([#45168](
- Add Policies to Model Show Command ([#45153](
- Added `Illuminate/Support/Stringable::whenIsUlid()` ([#45183](

### Fixed
- Added missing reserved names in GeneratorCommand ([#45149](

### Changed
- Allow to pass base64 key to env:encrypt command ([#45157](
- Replace model:show searched value with correct FQCN ([#45160](

## [v9.42.2]( - 2022-11-30

### Changed
- Improved stubs and `Illuminate/Routing/ResourceRegistrar::getResourceMethods()` ([6ddf3b0](

## [v9.42.1]( - 2022-11-30

### Revert
- Revert "[9.x] Create new Json ParameterBag Instance when cloning Request" ([#45147](

### Fixed
- Mailable : fixes strict comparison with int value ([#45138](
- Address Dynamic Relation Resolver inconsiency issue with extended Models ([#45122](

## [v9.42.0]( - 2022-11-29

### Added
- Added --rest option to queue:listen ([00a12e2](, [82fde9e](
- Added `Illuminate/Support/Stringable::isUlid()` ([#45100](
- Add news report_if and report_unless helpers functions ([#45093](
- Add callback to resolve custom mutex name of schedule events ([#45126](
- Add WorkOptions to WorkerStopping Event ([#45120](
- Added `singleton` and `creatable` options to `Illuminate/Routing/Console/ControllerMakeCommand` ([#44872](

### Fixed
- Fix pure enums validation ([#45121](
- Prevent test issues with relations with the $touches property ([#45118](
- Fix factory breaking when trying to determine whether a relation is empty ([#45135](

### Changed
- Allow set command description via AsCommand attribute ([#45117](
- Updated Mailable to prevent duplicated recipients ([#45119](

## [v9.41.0]( - 2022-11-22

### Added
- Added `Illuminate/Validation/Rules/DatabaseRule::onlyTrashed()` ([#44989](
- Add some class rules in class Rule ([#44998](
- Added `Illuminate/View/ComponentAttributeBag::missing()` ([#45016](
- Added `Illuminate/Http/Concerns/InteractsWithInput::whenMissing()` ([#45019](
- Add isolation levels to SQL Server Connector ([#45023](
- Fix php artisan serve with PHP_CLI_SERVER_WORKERS > 1 ([#45041](
- Add ability to prune cancelled job batches ([#45034](
- Adding option for custom manifest filename on Vite Facade ([#45007](

### Fixed
- Fix deprecation warning when comparing a password against a NULL database password ([#44986](, [206e465](
- Outlook web dark mode email layout fix ([#45024](

### Changed
- Improves queue:work command output ([#44971](
- Optimize Collection::containsStrict ([#44970](
- Make name required in `Illuminate/Testing/TestResponse::assertRedirectToRoute()` ([98a0301](
- Strip key, secret and token from root config options on aws clients ([#44979](
- Allow customised implementation of the SendQueuedMailable job ([#45040](
- Validate uuid before route binding query ([#44945](

## [v9.40.1]( - 2022-11-15

### Added
- `Illuminate/Support/Lottery::fix()` ([7bade4f](

## [v9.40.0]( - 2022-11-15

### Added
- Include Eloquent Model Observers in model:show command ([#44884](
- Added "lowercase" validation rule ([#44883](
- Introduce `Lottery` class ([#44894](
- Added `/Illuminate/Testing/TestResponse::assertRedirectToRoute()` ([#44926](
- Add uppercase validation rule ([#44918](
- Added saveManyQuietly to the hasOneOrMany and belongsToMany relations ([#44913](

### Fixed
- Fix HasAttributes::getMutatedAttributes for classes with constructor args ([#44829](

### Changed
- Remove argument assignment for console ([#44888](
- Pass $maxExceptions from mailable to underlying job when queuing ([#44903](
- Make Vite::isRunningHot public ([#44900](
- Add method to be able to override the exception context format ([#44895](
- Add zero-width space to trimmed characters in TrimStrings middleware ([#44906](
- Show error if key:generate artisan command fails ([#44927](
- Update database version check for lock popping for PlanetScale ([#44925](
- Move function withoutTrashed into DatabaseRule ([#44938](
- Use write connection on Schema::getColumnListing() and Schema::hasTable() for MySQL and PostgreSQL ([#44946](

## [v9.39.0]( - 2022-11-08

### Added
- Added template fragments to Blade ([#44774](
- Added source file to Collection's dd method output ([#44793](, [d2e0e85](
- Added `Illuminate/Support/Testing/Fakes/PendingBatchFake::dispatchAfterResponse()` ([#44815](
- Added `Illuminate/Foundation/Testing/Concerns/InteractsWithDatabase::assertDatabaseEmpty()` ([#44810](

### Fixed
- Fixed `InteractsWithContainer::withoutMix()` ([#44822](

### Changed
- Update `UpCommand::handle` that must return int ([#44807](
- Decouple database component from console component ([#44798](
- Improve input argument parsing for commands ([#44662](, [#44826](
- Added DatabaseBatchRepository to provides() in BusServiceProvider ([#44833](
- Move reusable onNotSuccessfulTest functionality to TestResponse ([#44827](
- Add CSP nonce to Vite reactRefresh inline script ([#44816](
- Allow route group method to be chained ([#44825](
- Remove __sleep() & __wakeup() from SerializesModels trait. ([#44847](
- Handle SQLite without ENABLE_DBSTAT_VTAB enabled in `Illuminate/Database/Console/DatabaseInspectionCommand::getSqliteTableSize()` ([#44867](
- Apply force flag when necessary in `Illuminate/Queue/Listener` ([#44862](
- De-couple Console component from framework ([#44864](
- Update Vite mock to return empty array for preloadedAssets ([#44858](

## [v9.38.0]( - 2022-11-01

### Added
- Added `Illuminate/Routing/Route::flushController()` ([#44393](
- Added `Illuminate/Session/Store::setHandler()` ([#44736](
- Added dictionary to slug helper ([#44730](
- Added ability to set middleware based on notifiable instance and channel ([#44767](
- Added touchQuietly convenience method to Model ([#44722](
- Added `Illuminate/Routing/Router::removeMiddlewareFromGroup()` ([#44780](
- Allow queueable notifications to set maxExceptions ([#44773](
- Make migrate command isolated ([#44743](, [ac3252a](

### Fixed
- Fixed whenPivotLoaded(As) api resource methods when using Eloquent strict mode ([#44792](
- Fixed components view error when using $attributes in parent view ([#44778](
- Fixed problem with disregarding global scopes when using existOr and doesntExistOr methods on model query ([#44795](

### Changed
- Recompiles views when necessary ([#44737](
- Throw meaningful exception when broadcast connection not configured ([#44745](
- Prevents booting of providers when running env:encrypt ([#44758](
- Added nonce for preloaded assets ([#44747](
- Inherit crossorigin attributes while preloading view ([#44800](

## [v9.37.0]( - 2022-10-25

### Added
- Added optional verbose output when view caching ([#44673](
- Allow passing closure to rescue $report parameter ([#44710](
- Support preloading assets with Vite ([#44096](
- Added `Illuminate/Mail/Mailables/Content::htmlString()` ([#44703](

### Fixed
- Fixed model:show registering getAttribute() as a null accessor ([#44683](
- Fix expectations for output assertions in PendingCommand ([#44723](

## [v9.36.4]( - 2022-10-20

### Added
- Added rawValue to Database Query Builder (and Eloquent as wrapper) ([#44631](
- Added TransactionCommitting ([#44608](
- Added dontIncludeSource to CliDumper and HtmlDumper ([#44623](
- Added `Illuminate/Filesystem/FilesystemAdapter::checksum()` ([#44660](
- Added handlers for silently discarded and missing attribute violations ([#44664](

### Reverted
- Reverted ["Let MustVerifyEmail to be used on models without id as primary key"]( ([#44672](

### Changed
- Create new Json ParameterBag Instance when cloning Request ([#44671](
- Prevents booting providers when running env:decrypt ([#44654](

## [v9.36.3]( - 2022-10-19

### Reverted
- Reverts micro-optimization on view events ([#44653](

### Fixed
- Fixes blade not forgetting compiled views on view:clear ([#44643](
- Fixed `Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Model::offsetExists()` ([#44642](
- Forget component's cache and factory between tests ([#44648](

### Changed
- Bump Testbench dependencies ([#44651](

## [v9.36.2]( - 2022-10-18

### Fixed
- Ensures view creators and composers are called when * is present ([#44636](

## [v9.36.1]( - 2022-10-18

### Fixed
- Fixes livewire components that were using createBladeViewFromString ([#pull](

## [v9.36.0]( - 2022-10-18

### Added
- Added mailable assertions ([#44563](
- Added `Illuminate/Testing/TestResponse::assertContent()` ([#44580](
- Added to `Illuminate/Console/Concerns/InteractsWithIO::alert()` `$verbosity` param ([#44614](

### Optimization
- Makes blade components blazing fast ([#44487](

### Fixed
- Fixed `Illuminate/Filesystem/Filesystem::relativeLink()` ([#44519](
- Fixed for `model:show` failing with models that have null timestamp columns ([#44576](
- Allow Model::shouldBeStrict(false) to disable "strict mode" ([#44627](

### Changed
- Dont require a host for sqlite connections in php artisan db ([#44585](
- Let MustVerifyEmail to be used on models without id as primary key ([#44613](
- Changed `Illuminate/Routing/Route::controllerMiddleware()` ([#44590](

## [v9.35.1]( - 2022-10-11

### Fixed
- Remove check for `$viewFactory->exists($component)` in `Illuminate/View/Compilers/ComponentTagCompiler::componentClass` ([7c6db00](

## [v9.35.0]( - 2022-10-11

### Added
- Allow loading trashed models for resource routes ([#44405](
- Added `Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Model::shouldBeStrict()` and other ([#44283](
- Controller middleware without resolving controller ([#44516](
- Alternative Mailable Syntax ([#44462](

### Fixed
- Fix issue with aggregates (withSum, etc.) for pivot columns on self-referencing many-to-many relations ([#44286](
- Fixes issue using static class properties as blade attributes ([#44473](
- Traversable should have priority over JsonSerializable in EnumerateValues ([#44456](
- Fixed `make:cast --inbound` so it's a boolean option, not value ([#44505](

### Changed
- Testing methods. Making error messages with json_encode more readable ([#44397](
- Have 'Model::withoutTimestamps()' return the callback's return value ([#44457](
- only load trashed models on relevant routes ([#44478](
- Adding additional PHP extensions to shouldBlockPhpUpload Function ([#44512](
- Register cutInternals casters for particularly noisy objects ([#44514](
- Use get methods to access application locale ([#44521](
- return only on non empty response from channels ([09d53ee](, [3944a3e](
- Correct channel matching ([#44531](
- Migrate mail components ([#44527](

## [v9.34.0]( - 2022-10-04

### Added
- Short attribute syntax for Self Closing Blade Components ([#44413](
- Adds support for PHP's BackedEnum to be "rendered" on blade views ([#44445](

### Fixed
- Fixed Precognition headers for Symfony responses ([#44424](
- Allow to create databases with dots ([#44436](
- Fixes dd source on windows ([#44451](

### Changed
- Adds error output to db command when missing host ([#44394](
- Changed `Illuminate/Database/Schema/ForeignIdColumnDefinition::constrained()` ([#44425](
- Allow maintenance mode events to be listened to in closure based listeners ([#44417](
- Allow factories to recycle multiple models of a given typ ([#44328](
- Improves dd clickable link on multiple editors and docker environments ([#44406](

## [v9.33.0]( - 2022-09-30

### Added
- Added `Illuminate/Support/Testing/Fakes/MailFake::cc()` ([#44319](
- Added Ignore Case of Str::contains and Str::containsAll to Stringable contains and containsAll ([#44369](
- Added missing morphs methods for the ULID support ([#44364](
- Introduce Laravel Precognition ([#44339](
- Added `Illuminate/Routing/Route::flushController()` ([#44386](

### Fixed
- Fixes memory leak on PHPUnit's Annotations registry ([#44324](, [#44336](
- Fixed `Illuminate/Filesystem/FilesystemAdapter::url()` with config `prefix` ([#44330](
- Fixed the "Implicit conversion from float to int loses precision" error in Timebox Class ([#44357](

### Changed
- Improves dd source on compiled views ([#44347](
- Only prints source on dd calls from dump.php ([#44367](
- Ensures a Carbon version that supports PHP 8.2 ([#44374](

## [v9.32.0]( - 2022-09-27

### Added
- New env:encrypt and env:decrypt commands ([#44034](
- Share WithoutOverlapping key across jobs ([#44227](
- Add missing citext type mapping to `Illuminate/Database/Console/DatabaseInspectionCommand::$typeMappings` ([#44237](
- Short attribute syntax for Blade Components ([#44217](
- Adds source file to dd function output ([#44211](
- Add methods to get request data as integer or float ([#44239](
- Adds Eloquent User Provider query handler ([#44226](
- Added `Illuminate/Support/Testing/Fakes/BusFake::dispatchFakeBatch()` ([#44176](
- Added methods to cast Stringables ([#44238](
- Added `Illuminate/Routing/UrlGenerator::withKeyResolver()` ([#44254](
- Add a hook to the serialisation of collections ([#44272](
- Allow enum route bindings to have default values ([#44255](
- Added benchmark utility class ([b4293d7](, [#44297](
- Added `Illuminate/Console/Scheduling/ManagesFrequencies::everyOddHour()` ([#44288](

### Fixed
- Fix incrementing string keys ([#44247](
- Fix bug in Fluent Class with named arguments in migrations ([#44251](
- Fix "about" command caching report ([#44305](
- Fixes memory leaks ([#44306](, [#44307](

### Changed
- Patch for timeless timing attack vulnerability in user login ([#44069](
- Refactor: register commands in artisan service ([#44257](
- Allow factories to recycle models with for method ([#44265](
- Use dedicated method for placeholder replacement in validator ([#44296](

## [v9.31.0]( - 2022-09-20

### Added
- Added unique deferrable initially deferred constants for PostgreSQL ([#44127](
- Request lifecycle duration handler ([#44122](
- Added Model::withoutTimestamps(...) ([#44138](
- Added manifestHash function to Illuminate\Foundation\Vite ([#44136](
- Added support for operator <=> in `/Illuminate/Collections/Traits/EnumeratesValues::operatorForWhere()` ([#44154](
- Added that Illuminate/Database/Connection::registerDoctrineType() can accept object as well as classname for new doctrine type ([#44149](
- Added Fake Batches ([#44104](, [#44173](
- Added `Model::getAppends()` ([#44180](
- Added missing Str::wrap() static method ([#44207](
- Added require `symfony/uid` ([#44202]( 
- Make Vite macroable ([#44198](

### Fixed
- Async fix in `Illuminate/Http/Client/PendingRequest` ([#44179](
- Fixes artisan serve command with PHP_CLI_SERVER_WORKERS environment variable ([#44204](
- Fixed `InteractsWithDatabase::castAsJson($value)` incorrectly handles SQLite Database ([#44196](

### Changed
- Improve Blade compilation exception messages ([#44134](
- Improve test failure output ([#43943](
- Prompt to create MySQL db when migrating ([#44153](
- Improve UUID and ULID support for Eloquent ([#44146](

## [v9.30.1]( - 2022-09-15

### Added
- Allow using a model instance in place of nested model factories ([#44107](
- Added UUID and ULID support for Eloquent ([#44074](
- Implement except method for fake classes to define what should not be faked ([#44117](
- Added interacts with queue middleware to send queued mailable ([#44124](
- Added new exception string to `Illuminate/Database/DetectsLostConnections` ([#44121](

### Fixed
- Fixed BC from [Passing event into viaQueue and viaConnection of Queued Listener]( ([#44137](

### Changed
- Enhance column modifying ([#44101](
- Allow to define which jobs should be actually dispatched when using Bus::fake ([#44106](

## [v9.30.0]( - 2022-09-13

### Added
- Added stop_buffering config option to logger ([#44071](
- Added read-only filesystem adapter decoration as a config option ([#44079](
- Added scoped filesystem driver ([#44105](
- Add force option to all make commands ([#44100](

### Fixed
- Fixed QueryBuilder whereNot with array conditions ([#44083](

### Changed
- Passing event into viaQueue and viaConnection of Queued Listener ([#44080](
- Improve testability of batched jobs ([#44075](
- Allow any kind of whitespace in cron expression ([#44110](

## [v9.29.0]( - 2022-09-09

### Added
- Added RequiredIfAccepted validation rule ([#44035](
- Added `Illuminate/Foundation/Vite::assetPath()` ([#44037](
- Added ability to discard Eloquent Model changes ([#43772](
- Added ability to determine if attachments exist to `Illuminate/Mail/Mailable` ([#43967](
- Added `Illuminate/Support/Testing/Fakes/BusFake::assertNothingBatched()` ([#44056](

### Reverted
- Reverted [Fixed RoueGroup::merge to format merged prefixes correctly]( ([#44072](

### Fixed
- Avoid Passing null to parameter exception on PHP 8.1 ([#43951](
- Align Remember Me Cookie Duration with CookieJar expiration ([#44026](
- Fix Stringable typehints with Enumerable ([#44030](
- Fixed middleware "SetCacheHeaders" with file responses ([#44063](

### Changed
- Don't use locks for queue job popping for PlanetScale's MySQL-compatible Vitess engine ([#44027](
- Avoid matching 'use' in custom Stub templates in `Illuminate/Console/GeneratorCommand.php` ([#44049](

## [v9.28.0]( - 2022-09-06

### Added
- Added view data assertions to TestView ([#43923](
- Added `Illuminate/Routing/Redirector::getIntendedUrl()` ([#43938](
- Added Eloquent mode to prevent prevently silently discarding fills for attributes not in $fillable ([#43893](
- Added `Illuminate/Testing/PendingCommand::assertOk()` ([#43968](
- Make Application macroable ([#43966](
- Introducing Signal Traps ([#43933](
- Allow registering instances of commands ([#43986](
- Support Enumerable in Stringable ([#44012](

### Fixed
- Fixed RoueGroup::merge to format merged prefixes correctly. ([#44011](
- Fixes providesTemporaryUrls on AwsS3V3Adapter ([#44009](
- Fix ordering of stylesheets when using @vite ([#43962](

### Changed
- Allow invokable rules to specify custom messsages ([#43925](
- Support objects like GMP for custom Model casts ([#43959](
- Default 404 message on denyAsNotFound ([#43901](
- Changed `Illuminate/Container/Container::resolvePrimitive()` for isVariadic() ([#43985](
- Allow validator messages to use nested arrays ([#43981](
- Ensure freezeUuids always resets UUID creation after exception in callback ([#44018](

## [v9.27.0]( - 2022-08-30

### Added
- Add getter and setter for connection in the DatabaseBatchRepository class ([#43869](

### Fixed
- Fix for potential bug with non-backed enums ([#43842](
- Patch nested array validation rule regression bug ([#43897](
- Fix registering event listeners with array callback ([#43890](

### Changed
- Explicitly add column name to SQLite query in `Illuminate/Database/Console/DatabaseInspectionCommand::getSqliteTableSize()` ([#43832](
- Allow broadcast on demand notifications ([d2b1446](
- Make Vite::hotFile() public ([#43875](
- Prompt to create sqlite db when migrating ([#43867](
- Call prepare() on HttpException responses ([#43895](
- Make the model:prune command easier to extend ([#43919](

## [v9.26.1]( - 2022-08-23

### Revert
- Revert "[9.x] Add statusText for an assertion message" ([#43831](

### Fixed
- Fixed `withoutVite` ([#43826](

## [v9.26.0]( - 2022-08-23

### Added
- Adding support for non-backed enums in Models ([#43728](
- Added vite asset url helpers ([#43702](
- Added Authentication keyword for SqlServerConnector.php ([#43757](
- Added support for additional where* methods to route groups ([#43731](
- Added min_digits and max_digits validation ([#43797](
- Added closure support to dispatch conditionals in bus ([#43784](
- Added configurable paths to Vite ([#43620](

### Fixed
- Fix unique lock release for broadcast events ([#43738](
- Fix empty collection class serialization ([#43758](
- Fixes creation of deprecations channel ([#43812](

### Changed
- Improve display of failures for assertDatabaseHas ([#43736](
- Always use the write PDO connection to read the just stored pending batch in bus ([#43737](
- Move unique lock release to method ([#43740](
- Remove timeoutAt fallback from Job base class ([#43749](
- Convert closures to arrow functions ([#43778](
- Use except also in `Illuminate/Routing/Middleware/ValidateSignature::handle()` ([e554d47](
- Adjust forever time for cookies ([#43806](
- Make string padding UTF-8 safe ([f1762ed](

## [v9.25.1]( - 2022-08-16

### Fixes
- [Fixed typos]( 

## [v9.25.0]( - 2022-08-16

### Added
- Added whenNotExactly to Stringable ([#43700](
- Added ability to Model::query()->touch() to mass update timestamps ([#43665](

### Fixed
- Prevent error in db/model commands when using unsupported columns ([#43635](
- Fixes ensureDependenciesExist runtime error ([#43626](
- Null value for auto-cast field caused deprication warning in php 8.1 ([#43706](
- db:table command properly handle table who doesn't exist ([#43669](

### Changed
- Handle assoc mode within db commands ([#43636](
- Allow chunkById on Arrays, as well as Models ([#43666](
- Allow for int value parameters to whereMonth() and whereDay() ([#43668](
- Cleaning up old if-else statement ([#43712](
- Ensure correct 'integrity' value is used for css assets ([#43714](

## [v9.24.0]( - 2022-08-09

### Added
- New db:show, db:table and db:monitor commands ([#43367](
- Added validation doesnt_end_with rule ([#43518](
- Added `Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/SoftDeletes::restoreQuietly()` ([#43550](
- Added mergeUnless to resource ConditionallyLoadsAttributes trait ([#43567](
- Added `Illuminate/Support/Testing/Fakes/NotificationFake::sentNotifications()` ([#43558](
- Added `implode` to `Passthru` in `Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Builder.php` ([#43574](
- Make Config repository macroable ([#43598](
- Add whenNull to ConditionallyLoadsAtrribute trait ([#43600](
- Extract child route model relationship name into a method ([#43597](

### Revert
- Reverted [Added `whereIn` to  `Illuminate/Routing/RouteRegistrar::allowedAttributes`]( ([#43523](

### Fixed
- Fix unique locking on broadcast events ([#43516](
- Fixes the issue of running docs command on windows ([#43566](, [#43585](
- Fixes output when running db:seed or using --seed in migrate commands ([#43593](

### Changed
- Gracefully fail when unable to locate expected binary on the system for artisan docs command ([#43521](
- Improve output for some Artisan commands ([#43547](
- Alternative database name in Postgres DSN, allow pgbouncer aliased databases to continue working on 9.x ([#43542](
- Allow @class() for component tags ([#43140](
- Attribute Cast Performance Improvements ([#43554](
- Queue worker daemon should also listen for SIGQUIT ([#43607](
- Keep original keys when using Collection->sortBy() with an array of sort operations ([#43609](

## [v9.23.0]( - 2022-08-02

### Added
- Added whereNot method to Fluent JSON testing matchers ([#43383](
- Added deleteQuietly method to Model and use arrow func for related methods ([#43447](
- Added conditionable trait to Filesystem adapters ([#43450](
- Introduce artisan docs command ([#43357](
- Added Support CSP nonce, SRI, and arbitrary attributes with Vite ([#43442](
- Support conditionables that get condition from target object ([#43449](
- Added `whereIn` to  `Illuminate/Routing/RouteRegistrar::allowedAttributes` ([#43509](

### Fixed
- Prevent redis crash when large number of jobs are scheduled for a specific time ([#43310](

### Changed
- Make Command components Factory extensible ([#43439](
- Solve Blade component showing quote formatted for the console ([#43446](
- Improves output capture from serve command ([#43461](
- Allow terser singleton bindings ([#43469](

## [v9.22.1]( - 2022-07-26

### Added
- Added unique locking to broadcast events ([#43416](

### Fixed
- Fixes Artisan serve command on Windows ([#43437](

## [v9.22.0]( - 2022-07-26

### Added
- Added ability to attach an array of files in MailMessage ([#43080](
- Added conditional lines to MailMessage ([#43387](
- Add support for multiple hash algorithms to `Illuminate/Filesystem/Filesystem::hash()` ([#43407](

### Fixed
- Fixes for model:show when attribute default is an enum ([#43370](
- Fixed DynamoDB locks with 0 seconds duration ([#43365](
- Fixed overriding global locale ([#43426](

### Changed
- Round milliseconds in console output runtime ([#43400](
- Improves serve Artisan command ([#43375](

## [v9.21.6]( - 2022-07-22

### Revert
- Revert ["Protect against ambiguous columns"]( ([#43362](

### Fixed
- Fixes default attribute value when using enums on model:show ([#43360](

## [v9.21.5]( - 2022-07-21

### Added
- Adds fluent File validation rule ([#43271](

### Revert
- Revert ["Prevent double throwing chained exception on sync queue"]( ([#43354](

### Changed
- Allow section payload to be lazy in the "about" command ([#43329](

## [v9.21.4]( - 2022-07-21

### Added
- Added `Illuminate/Filesystem/FilesystemAdapter::supportsTemporaryUrl()` ([#43317](

### Fixed
- Fixes confirm component default value ([#43334](

### Changed
- Improves console output when command not found ([#43323](

## [v9.21.3]( - 2022-07-20

### Fixed
- Fixes usage of Migrator without output ([#43326](

## [v9.21.2]( - 2022-07-20

### Fixed
- Fixes queue:monitor command dispatching QueueBusy ([#43320](
- Ensure relation names are properly "snaked" in JsonResource::whenCounted() method ([#43322](
- Fixed Bootstrap 5 pagination ([#43319](

## [v9.21.1]( - 2022-07-20

### Added
- Added "Logs" driver to the about command ([#43307](
- Allows to install doctrine/dbal from model:show command ([#43288](
- Added to stub publish command flag that restricts to only existing files ([#43314](

### Fixed
- Fixes for model:show command ([#43301](

### Changed
- Handle varying composer -V output ([#43286](
- Replace resolve() with app() for Lumen compatible ([#43312](
- Allow using backed enums as route parameters ([#43294](

## [v9.21.0]( - 2022-07-19

### Added
- Added inspiring quote ([#43180](, [#43189](
- Introducing a fresh new look for Artisan ([#43065](
- Added whenCounted to JsonResource ([#43101](
- Artisan model:show command ([#43156](
- Artisan `about` Command ([#43147](, [51b5eda](, [#43225](, [#43276](
- Adds enum casting to Request ([#43239](

### Revert
- Revert ["Fix default parameter bug in routes"]( ([#43208](
- Revert route change PR ([#43255](

### Fixed
- Fix transaction attempts counter for sqlsrv ([#43176](

### Changed
- Make assertDatabaseHas failureDescription more multibyte character friendly ([#43181](
- ValidationException summarize only when use strings ([#43177](
- Improve mode function in collection ([#43240](
- clear Facade resolvedInstances in queue worker resetScope callback ([#43215](
- Improves queue:work command ([#43252](
- Remove null default attributes names when UPDATED_AT or CREATED_AT is null at Model::replicate ([#43279](
- Protect against ambiguous columns ([#43278](
- Use readpast query hint instead of holdlock for sqlsrv database queue ([#43259](
- Vendor publish flag that restricts to only existing files ([#43212](

## [v9.20.0]( - 2022-07-13

### Added
- Added quote from Mustafa Kemal Atatürk ([#43022](
- Allow Collection random() to accept a callable ([#43028](
- Added `Str::inlineMarkdown()` ([#43126](
- Allow authorization responses to specify HTTP status codes ([#43097](
- Added required directive ([#43103](
- Added replicateQuietly to Model ([#43141](
- Added ignore param to ValidateSignature middleware ([#43160](

### Fixed
- Fixed forceCreate on MorphMany not returning newly created object ([#42996](
- Fixed missing return in `Illuminate/Mail/Attachment::fromStorageDisk()` ([#43023](
- Fixed inconsistent content type when using ResponseSequence ([#43051](
- Prevent double throwing chained exception on sync queue ([#42950](
- Avoid matching multi-line imports in GenerateCommand stub templates ([#43093](

### Changed
- Disable Column Statistics for php artisan schema:dump on MariaDB ([#43027](
- Bind a Vite Null Object to the Container instead of a Closure in `Illuminate/Foundation/Testing/Concerns/InteractsWithContainer::withoutVite()` ([#43040](
- Early return when message format is the default in `Illuminate/Support/MessageBag::transform()` ([#43149](

## [v9.19.0]( - 2022-06-28

### Added
- Add new allowMaxRedirects method to PendingRequest ([#42902](
- Add support to detect dirty encrypted model attributes ([#42888](
- Added Vite ([#42785](

### Fixed
- Fixed bug on forceCreate on a MorphMay relationship not including morph type ([#42929](
- Fix default parameter bug in routes ([#42942](
- Handle cursor paginator when no items are found ([#42963](
- Fix undefined constant error when use slot name as key of object ([#42943](
- Fix BC break for Log feature tests ([#42987](

### Changed
- Allow instance of Enum pass Enum Rule ([#42906](

## [v9.18.0]( - 2022-06-21

### Added
- Improve file attachment for mail and notifications ([#42563](
- Introduce Invokable validation classes ([#42689](
- Predis v2.0 ([#42577](
- Added `Illuminate/View/Compilers/Concerns/CompilesConditionals::compileReadonly()` ([#42717](
- Apply where's from union query builder in cursor pagination ([#42651](
- Added ability to define "with" relations as a nested array ([#42690](
- Added ability to set backoff in broadcast events ([#42737](
- Added host(), httpHost(), schemeAndHttpHost() to Request ([#42797](
- Allow invokable rules to push messages to nested (or other) attributes ([#42801](
- Adds compilePushIf and compileEndpushIf functions to View compiler ([#42762](
- Added: Allow removing token during tests ([#42841](
- Added predefined_constants to reservedNames array in `Illuminate/Console/GeneratorCommand` ([#42832](
- Handle collection creation around a single enum ([#42839](
- Allow for nullable morphs in whereNotMorphedT ([#42878](
- Introduce a fake() helper to resolve faker singletons, per locale ([#42844](
- Allow handling cumulative query duration limit per DB connection ([#42744](
- Add invokable option to make rule command ([#42742](

### Fixed
- Fix deprecation error in the route:list command ([#42704](
- Fixed Request offsetExists without routeResolver ([#42754](
- Fixed: Loose comparison causes the value not to be saved ([#42793](
- Fixed: Fix database session driver keeps resetting CSRF token ([#42782](
- Fixed: Arr::map - Fix map-by-reference w/ built-ins ([#42815](
- Fixed league/flysystem suggest ([#42872](

### Changed
- Start session in TestResponse to allow marshalling of error bag from JSON ([#42710](
- Rename methods in `Illuminate/Broadcasting/BroadcastManager` ([753e9fd](
- Avoid throwing on invalid mime-type in `Illuminate/Filesystem/FilesystemAdapter::mimeType()` ([#42761](
- Do not resolve already set headers in `Illuminate/Filesystem/FilesystemAdapter` ([#42760](
- Standardise invokable rule translation functionality ([#42873](
- Clear cast cache when setting attributes using arrow ([#42852](

## [v9.17.0]( - 2022-06-07

### Added
- Added Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Builder::withoutEagerLoad() ([#42641](
- Allow random string generation to be controlled ([#42669](
- Adds doesnt_start_with validation ([#42683](, [de35bf2](
- Added quarterlyOn cron schedule frequency command ([#42692](

### Fixed
- Free reserved memory before handling fatal errors ([#42630](, [#42646](
- Prevent $mailer being reset when testing mailables that implement ShouldQueue ([#42695](
- Added checks for Pusher 7.1 preps ([#42632](
- Fixed grouping for user authorization ([#42664](

### Changed
-  Allow assertions against pushed string based pushed jobs ([#42676](

## [v9.16.0]( - 2022-06-02

### Added
- Added Eloquent withWhereHas method ([#42597](
- User authentication for Pusher ([#42531](
- Added additional uuid testing helpers ([#42619](

### Fixed
- Fix queueable notification's ID overwritten ([#42581](
- Handle undefined array key error in route ([#42606](

### Deprecated
- Illuminate/Routing/Redirector::home() ([#42600](

## [v9.15.0]( - 2022-05-31

### Added
- Added --only-vendor option to route:list command ([#42549](
- Added `Illuminate/Http/Client/PendingRequest::throwUnless()` ([#42556](
- Added `Illuminate/Support/Str::isJson()` ([#42545](
- Added `Illuminate/Filesystem/Filesystem::isEmptyDirectory()` ([#42559](
- Added `Add counts to route:list command` ([#42551](
- Support kebab case for slot name shortcut ([#42574](

### Revered
- Revert digits changes in validation ([c113768](, [#42562](

### Fixed
- Fix getting '0' from route parameter in Authorize middleware ([#42582](

### Changed
- Retain the original attribute value during validation of an array key with a dot for correct failure message ([#42395](
- Allow bootable test traits to teardown ([#42521](
- Pass thrown exception to $sleepMilliseconds closure in retry helper ([#42532](
- Make HasTimestamps::updateTimestamps chainable ([#42533](
- Remove meaningless parameter in `Illuminate/View/Concerns/ManagesEvents` ([#42546](
- Map integer parameter to parameter name when resolving binding field ([#42571](
- Conditionable should return HigherOrderWhenProxy only when the args number is exactly 1 ([#42555](

## [v9.14.1]( - 2022-05-25

### Added
- Model::whereRelation add callback function ([#42491](
- Add Conditionable Trait to Illuminate\Support\Carbon ([#42500](

### Fixed
- Fix afterCommit and DatabaseTransactions ([#42502](
- Fixed regression when only some route parameters are scoped ([#42517](

## [v9.14.0]( - 2022-05-24

### Added
- Added ability to add table comments for MySQL and Postgres ([#42401](
- Added dynamic trashed factory state ([#42414](
- Added Illuminate/Collections/Arr::prependKeysWith() ([#42448](
- Added bootable traits to TestCase ([#42394](

### Fixed
- Fix clone issue on updateOrCreate and firstOrCreate ([#42434](
- Prevent double sanitized key in RateLimiter@tooManyAttempts ([#42462](
- Add flush handler to output buffer for streamed test response (bugfix) ([#42481](

### Changed
- Adds attaches a concise error message to SES exceptions ([#42426](
- Use duplicate instead of createFromBase to clone request when routes are cached ([#42420](
- Use model route key when route parameter does not specifiy custom binding field but a different parameter does ([#42425](
- Adds ability to have paginate() $perPage parameter as callable with access to $total ([#42429](
- Extract ServeCommand env list to static property ([#42444](
- Use route parameters in view ([#42461](

## [v9.13.0]( - 2022-05-17

### Added
- Added Illuminate/Collections/Traits/EnumeratesValues::value() ([#42257](
- Added new TestResponse helper: assertJsonMissingPath ([#42361](
- Added Illuminate/Support/Testing/Fakes/NotificationFake::assertCount() ([#42366](
- Added new DetectLostConnections ([#42377](, [#42382](
- Added Illuminate/Testing/TestResponse::collect() ([#42384](
- Added full callable support to schedule:list ([#42400](
- Added `Illuminate/Collections/Arr::map()` ([#42398](

### Fixed
- Fixed PruneCommand finding its usage within other traits ([#42350](
- Fix assert that exception is thrown without message ([#42360](

### Changed
- Skip parameter parsing for raw post body in HTTP Client ([#42364](
- Consistency between digits and digits_between validation rules ([#42358](
- Corrects the use of "failed_jobs" instead of "job_batches" in BatchedTableCommand ([#42389](
- Update email.blade.php ([#42388](
- Remove old monolog 1.x compat code ([#42392](
- SesTransport: use correct Tags argument ([#42390](
- Implement robust handling of forwarding of exception codes ([#42393](

## [v9.12.2]( - 2022-05-11

### Fixed
- Factory fails to eval models and factories when returned from closure ([#42344](

### Changed
- Added is_string check to QueriesRelationships@requalifyWhereTables ([#42341](

## [v9.12.1]( - 2022-05-10

### Fixed
- Fix TypeError in DeadlockException ([#42337](
- Fixed type mismatch on Pusher::validate_channels() ([#42340](

### Changed
- Add custom segments on "remember me" for session rebuild ([#42316](

## [v9.12.0]( - 2022-05-10

### Added

- Added closure based exceptions testing ([#42155](
- Allow forcing requests made via the Http client to be faked ([#42230](
- Added 'throwIf' method to PendingRequest ([#42260](
- Allow passing key/value arrays to getArguments and getOptions ([#42268](
- Add whereNotMorphedTo, orWhereNotMorphedTo ([#42264](
- Add method to extend localeArray generation ([#42275](
- Added ability to set delay per channel based on notifiable instance ([#42239](
- Added Illuminate/Pagination/CursorPaginator::onLastPage() ([#42301](
- Added findOr method to Query/Builder ([#42290](

### Fixed

- Fix too many channels with pusher broadcasting ([#42287](
- Fix Str::Mask() for repeating chars ([#42295](
- Fix EventFake::assertListening() for asserting string-based observer listeners ([#42289](
- Fixed Loose comparison causes the value not to be saved ([#41337](
- Fix multiple dots for digits_between rule ([#42330](

### Changed

- Enable to modify HTTP Client request headers when using beforeSending() callback ([#42244](
- Make throttle lock acquisition retry configurable for concurrency limiter ([#42242](
- Defers expanding callables on Factories ([#42241](
- Add wherehas soft deleting scopes ([#42100](
- Improve password checks ([#42248](
- Set relation parent key when using forceCreate on HasOne and HasMany relations ([#42281](
- Make sure the prefix override behaviours are the same between phpredis and predis drivers ([#42279](
- Share logging context across channels and stacks ([#42276](

## [v9.11.0]( - 2022-05-03

### Added

- Added Illuminate/Collections/Arr::join() ([#42197](
- Added has and missing methods to ValidatedInput ([#42184](
- Added deprecation stack trace config option ([#42235](

### Fixed

- Fix deprecation issue with translator and empty rules ([#42216](, [#42213](

### Changed

- Improve EventFake::assertListening() support for subscribers ([#42193](

## [v9.10.1]( - 2022-04-28

### Revert

- Revert of ["Illuminate/Routing/Router::middlewareGroup() will support array of the middlewares"]( ([7563912](

## [v9.10.0]( - 2022-04-27

### Added

- Add the ability to use alias when performing upsert via MySQL ([#42053](
- Illuminate/Routing/Router::middlewareGroup() will support array of the middlewares ([#42004](, [e6b84fb](
- Added Missing AsCommand attribute on schedule:list ([#42069](
- Add the beforeRefreshingDatabase function to the Testing/RefreshDatabase trait ([#42073](
- Added doesntExpectOutputToContain assertion method ([#42096](
- Added a findOr method to Eloquent ([#42092](
- Allow extension in `Illuminate/View/Compilers/Compiler.php` ([68e41fd](
- Support 'IS' and 'IS NOT' PostgreSQL operators ([#42123](
- Added `str` and `string` methods to Illuminate/Http/Concerns/InteractsWithInput ([c9d34b7](
- Added methods to append and prepend jobs to existing chain ([#42138](

### Fixes

- Make it so non-existent jobs run down the failed path instead of crashing ([#42079](
- Fix schedule:work command Artisan binary name ([#42083](
- Fix TrimStrings middleware with non-UTF8 characters ([#42065](
- Copy locale and defaultLocale from original request in Request::createFrom() ([#42080](
- Fix ViewErrorBag for JSON session serialization ([#42090](
- Fix array keys from cached routes in CompiledRouteCollection::getRoutesByMethod() ([#42078](
- Fix json_last_error issue with JsonResponse::setData ([#42125](
- Fix bug in BelongsToMany where non-related rows are returned ([#42087](
- Fix HasAttributes::mutateAttributeForArray when accessing non-cached attribute ([#42130](

### Changed

- Make password rule errors translatable ([#42060](
- Redesign of the event:list Command. ([#42068](
- Changed event:list command ([#42084](
- Throw LostDbConnectionException instead of LogicException ([#42102](
- Throw deadlock exception ([#42129](
- Support Arr::forget() for nested ArrayAccess objects ([#42142](
- Allow Illuminate/Collections/Enumerable::jsonSerialize() to return other types ([#42133](
- Update schedule:list colouring output  ([#42153](%5B#42153%5D(

## [v9.9.0]( - 2022-04-19

### Added

- Add getAllTables support for SQLite and SQLServer schema builders ([#41896](
- Added withoutEagerLoads() method to Builder ([#41950](
- Added 'throw' method to PendingRequest ([#41953](
- Configurable pluralizer language and uncountables ([#41941](

### Fixed

- Fixed Error in Illuminate/Routing/Exceptions/StreamedResponseException ([#41955](
- Fix PHP warnings when rendering long blade string ([#41956](
- Fix ExcludeIf regression to use Closure over is_callable() ([#41969](
- Fixes applying replacements to multi-level localization arrays ([#42022](

### Changed

- Improved Illuminate/Foundation/Http/Middleware/TrimStrings.php and Str::squish() ([#41949](, [#41971](
- Use config session domain for maintenance cookie ([#41961](
- Revert lazy command forcing ([#41982](

## [v9.8.1]( - 2022-04-12

### Reverted

- Revert "Standardize withCount() & withExists() eager loading aggregates ([#41943](

## [v9.8.0]( - 2022-04-12

### Added

- Added inbound option to CastMakeCommand ([#41838](
- Added a way to retrieve the first column of the first row from a query ([#41858](
- Make DatabaseManager Macroable ([#41868](
- Improve Str::squish() ([#41877](, [#41924](
- Added option to disable cached view ([#41859](
- Make Connection Class Macroable ([#41865](
- Added possibility to discover anonymous Blade components in other folders ([#41637](
- Added `Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Factories/Factory::set()` ([#41890](
- Added multibyte support to string padding helper functions ([#41899](
- Allow to use custom log level in exception handler reporting ([#41925](

### Fixed

- Illuminate/Support/Stringable::exactly() with Stringable value ([#41846](
- Fixed afterCommit and RefreshDatabase ([#41782](
- Fix null name for email address in `Illuminate/Mail/Message` ([#41870](
- Fix seeder property for in-memory tests ([#41869](
- Fix empty paths for server.php ([#41933](
- Fix ExcludeIf constructor ([#41931](

### Changed

- Set custom host to the serve command with environment variable ([#41831](
- Add handling of object being passed into old method in Model ([#41842](
- Catch permission exception when creating directory ([#41871](
- Restore v8 behaviour of base query for relations ([#41918](, [#41923](
- Standardize withCount() & withExists() eager loading aggregates ([#41914](

## [v9.7.0]( - 2022-04-05

### Added

- Make whereBelongsTo accept Collection ([#41733](
- Database queries containing JSON paths support array index braces ([#41767](
- Fire event before route matched ([#41765](
- Added to `Illuminate/Http/Resources/ConditionallyLoadsAttributes::whenNotNull` method ([#41769](
- Added "whereIn" route parameter constraint method ([#41794](
- Added `Illuminate/Queue/BeanstalkdQueue::bulk()` ([#41789](
- Added `Illuminate/Queue/SqsQueue::bulk()` ([#41788](
- Added String::squish() helper ([#41791](
- Added query builder method whereJsonContainsKey() ([#41802](
- Enable dispatchAfterResponse for batch ([#41787](

### Fixed

- Factory generation fixes ([#41688](
- Fixed Http Client throw boolean parameter of retry method ([#41762](, [#41792](
- Ignore empty redis username string in PhpRedisConnector ([#41773](
- Fixed support of nullable type for AsArrayObject/AsCollection ([#41797](, [05846e7](
- Fixed adding jobs from iterable to the pending batch ([#41786](
- Http client: fix retry handling of connection exception ([#41811](

### Changed

- Enable batch jobs delay for database queue ([#41758](
- Enable batch jobs delay for redis queue ([#41783](
- Http client: dispatch "response received" event for every retry attempt ([#41793](
- Http Client: provide pending request to retry callback ([#41779](
- Allow non length limited strings and char for postgresql ([#41800](
- Revert some Carbon::setTestNow() removals ([#41810](
- Allow cleanup of databases when using parallel tests ([#41806](

## [v9.6.0]( - 2022-03-29

### Added

- Added whenTableHasColumn and whenTableDoesntHaveColumn on Schema Builder ([#41517](
- Added Illuminate/Mail/Mailable::hasSubject() ([#41575](
- Added `Illuminate/Filesystem/Filesystem::hasSameHash()` ([#41586](

### Fixed

- Fixed deprecation warning in `Str::exists()` ([d39d92d](
- Fix artisan make:seeder command nested namespace and class name problem ([#41534](
- Fixed Illuminate/Redis/Connections/PhpRedisConnection::handle() ([#41546](
- Stop throwing LazyLoadingViolationException for recently created model instances ([#41549](
- Close doctrineConnection on disconnect ([#41584](

### Changed

- Make throttle lock acquisition retry time configurable ([#41516](
- Allows object instead of array when adding to PendingBatch ([#41475](
- Exactly match scheduled command --name in schedule:test ([#41528](
- Handle Symfony defaultName deprecation ([#41555](, [#41595](
- Improve ScheduleListCommand ([#41552](, [#41535](, [#41494](
- Remove useless if statement in Str::mask() ([#41570](

## [v9.5.1]( - 2022-03-15

### Reverted

- Revert "Fix the guard instance used." ([#41491](

## [v9.5.0]( - 2022-03-15

### Added

- Added callback support on implode Collection method. ([#41405](
- Added `Illuminate/Filesystem/FilesystemAdapter::assertDirectoryEmpty()` ([#41398](
- Implement email "metadata" for SesTransport ([#41422](
- Make assertPath() accepts Closure ([#41409](
- Added callable support to operatorForWhere on Collection ([#41414](, [#41424](
- Added partial queue faking ([#41425](
- Added --name option to schedule:test command ([#41439](
- Define `Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Concerns/HasRelationships::newRelatedThroughInstance()` ([#41444](
- Added `Illuminate/Support/Stringable::wrap()` ([#41455](
- Adds "freezeTime" helper for tests ([#41460](
- Allow for callables with beforeSending in`Illuminate/Http/Client/PendingRequest.php::runBeforeSendingCallbacks()` ([#41489](

### Fixed

- Fixed deprecation warnings from route:list when filtering on name or domain ([#41421](
- Fixes HTTP::pool response when a URL returns a null status code ([#41412](
- Fixed recaller name resolution in `Illuminate/Session/Middleware/AuthenticateSession.php` ([#41429](
- Fixed the guard instance used in /Illuminate/Session/Middleware/AuthenticateSession.php ([#41447](
- Fixed route:list --except-vendor hiding Route::view() & Route::redirect() ([#41465](

### Changed

- Add null typing to connection property in \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\Factory ([#41418](
- Update reserved names in GeneratorCommand ([#41441](
- Redesign php artisan schedule:list Command ([#41445](
- Extend eloquent higher order proxy properties ([#41449](
- Allow passing named arguments to dynamic scopes ([#41478](
- Throw if tag is passed but is not supported in `Illuminate/Encryption/Encrypter.php` ([#41479](
- Update PackageManifest::$vendorPath initialisation for cases, when composer vendor dir is not in project director ([#41463](

## [v9.4.1]( - 2022-03-08

### Fixed

- Fixed version of laravel

## [v9.4.0]( - 2022-03-08

### Added

- Support modifying a char column type ([#41320](
- Add "Mutex" column to 'schedule:list' command ([#41338](
- Allow eloquent whereNot() and orWhereNot() to work on column and value ([#41296](
- Allow VerifyCsrfToken's CSRF cookie to be extended ([#41342](
- Added `soleValue()` to query builder ([#41368](
- Added `lcfirst()` to `Str` and `Stringable` ([#41384](
- Added retryUntil method to queued mailables ([#41393](

### Fixed

- Fixed middleware sorting for authenticating sessions ([50b46db](
- Fixed takeUntilTimeout method of LazyCollection ([#41354](, [#41370](
- Fixed directory for nested markdown files for mailables ([#41366](
- Prevent serializing default values of queued jobs ([#41348](
- Fixed get() and head() in `Illuminate/Http/Client/PendingRequest.php` ([a54f481](

### Changed

- Don't use global tap helper ([#41326](
- Allow chaining of `Illuminate/Console/Concerns/InteractsWithIO::newLine` ([#41327](
- set destinations since bcc missing from raw message in Mail SesTransport ([8ca43f4](

## [v9.3.1]( - 2022-03-03

### Added

- Optionally cascade thrown Flysystem exceptions by @driesvints in

### Changed

- Allow overriding transport type on Mailgun transporter by @jnoordsij in
- Change how Laravel handles strict morph map with pivot classes by @crynobone in

### Fixed

- $job can be an object in some methods by @villfa in
- Fix docblock on Batch class by @yoeriboven in
- Correct `giveConfig` param doc by @Neol3108 in
- Fix MySqlSchemaState does not add --ssl-ca to mysql cli  by @DeepDiver1975 in
- Do not prepend baseUrl to absolute urls by @JaZo in
- Fixes getting the trusted proxies IPs from the configuration file by @nunomaduro in

## [v9.3.0 (2022-03-02)](

### Added

- Add NotificationFake::assertNothingSentTo() by @axlon ([#41232](
- Support --ssl-ca on schema load and dump by @DeepDiver1975 ([#40931](
- Add whereNot() to Query Builder and Eloquent Builder by @marcovo ([#41096](
- Added support for index and position placeholders in array validation messages by @Bird87ZA ([#41123](
- Add resource binding by @aedart ([#41233](
- Add ability to push additional pipes onto a pipeline via chain($pipes) by @stevebauman ([#41256](
- Add option to filter out routes defined in vendor packages in route:list command by @amiranagram ([#41254](

### Fixed

- Query PostgresBuilder fixes for renamed config 'search_path' by @derekmd ([#41215](
- Improve doctypes for Eloquent Factory guessing methods by @bastien-phi ([#41245](
- Fix Conditional::when and Conditional::unless when called with invokable by @bastien-phi ([#41270](
- Improves Support\Collection reduce method type definition by @fdalcin ([#41272](
- Fix inconsistent results of firstOrNew() when using withCasts() by @Attia-Ahmed ([#41257](
- Fix implicitBinding and withTrashed route with child with no SoftDeletes trait by @stein-j ([#41282](

### Changed

- Unset Connection Resolver extended callback by @emrancu ([#41216](
- Update Mailgun transport type by @driesvints ([#41255](

## [v9.2.0 (2022-02-22)](

### Added

- Added `Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Casts/Attribute::make()` ([#41014](
- Added `Illuminate/Collections/Arr::keyBy()` ([#41029](
- Added expectsOutputToContain to the PendingCommand. ([#40984](
- Added ability to supply HTTP client methods with JsonSerializable instances ([#41055](
- Added `Illuminate/Filesystem/AwsS3V3Adapter::getClient()` ([#41079](
- Added Support for enum in Builder::whereRelation ([#41091](
- Added X headers when using Mail::alwaysTo ([#41101](
- Added of support Bitwise operators in query ([#41112](
- Integrate Laravel CORS into framework ([#41137](
- Added `Illuminate/Support/Str::betweenFirst()` ([#41144](
- Allow specifiying custom messages for Rule objects ([#41145](

### Fixed

- Fixed Queue Failed_jobs insert issue with Exception contain UNICODE ([#41020](
- Fixes attempt to log deprecations on mocks ([#41057](
- Fixed loadAggregate not correctly applying casts ([#41050](
- Do not transform JsonSerializable instances to array in HTTP client methods ([#41077](
- Fix parsing config('database.connections.pgsql.search_path') ([#41088](
- Eloquent: firstWhere returns Object instead of NULL ([#41099](
- Fixed updated with provided qualified updated_at ([#41133](
- Fix setPriority Call for MailChannel ([#41120](
- Fixed route:list command output ([#41177](
- Fix database migrations $connection property ([#41161](

### Changed

- Cursor pagination: convert original column to expression ([#41003](
- Cast $perPage to integer on Paginator ([#41073](
- Restore S3 client extra options ([#41097](
- Use `latest()` within `notifications()` in `Illuminate/Notifications/HasDatabaseNotifications.php` ([#41095](
- Remove duplicate queries to find batch ([#41121](
- Remove redundant check in FormRequest::validated() ([#41115](
- Illuminate/Support/Facades/Storage::fake() changed ([#41113](
- Use coalesce equal as provided by PHP >= 7.4 ([#41174](
- Simplify some conditions with is_countable() ([#41168](
- Pass AWS temporary URL options to createPresignedRequest method ([#41156](
- Let Multiple* exceptions hold the number of records and items found ([#41164](

## [v9.1.0 (2022-02-15)](

### Added

- Added the ability to use the uniqueFor method for Jobs by @andrey-helldar in
- Add filtering of route:list by domain by @Synchro in
- Added dropForeignIdFor method to match foreignIdFor method by @bretto36 in
- Adds `Str::excerpt` by @nunomaduro in
- Make:model --morph flag to generate MorphPivot model by @michael-rubel in
- Add doesntContain to higher order proxies by @edemots in

### Changed

- Improve types on model factory methods by @axlon in
- Add support for passing array as the second parameter for the group method. by @hossein-zare in
- Makes `ExceptionHandler::renderForConsole` internal on contract by @nunomaduro in
- Put the error message at the bottom of the exceptions by @nshiro in
- Expose next and previous cursor of cursor paginator by @gdebrauwer in

### Fixed

- Fix FTP root config by @driesvints in
- Allows tls encryption to be used with port different than 465 with starttls by @nicolalazzaro in
- Catch suppressed deprecation logs by @nunomaduro in
- Fix typo in method documentation by @shadman-ahmed in
- Patch regex rule parsing due to `Rule::forEach()` by @stevebauman in
- Fix replacing request options by @driesvints in
- Fix `MessageSent` event by @driesvints in
- Add firstOr() function to BelongsToMany relation by @r-kujawa in
- Fix `isRelation()` failing to check an `Attribute` by @rodrigopedra in
- Fix default pivot attributes by @iamgergo in
- Fix enum casts arrayable behaviour by @diegotibi in
- Solve exception error: Undefined array key "", in artisan route:list command by @manuglopez in
- Fix Duplicate Route Namespace by @moisish in
- Fix the error message when no routes are detected by @LukeTowers in
- Fix mails with tags and metadata are not queuable by @joostdebruijn in

## [v9.0.2 (2022-02-10)](

### Added

- Add disabled directive by @belzaaron in

### Changed

- Widen the type of `Collection::unique` `$key` parameter by @NiclasvanEyk in
- Makes `ExceptionHandler::renderForConsole` internal by @nunomaduro in
- Removal of Google Font integration from default exception templates by @bashgeek in
- Allow base JsonResource class to be collected by @jwohlfert23 in

### Fixed

- Fix Support\Collection reject method type definition by @joecampo in
- Fix SpoofCheckValidation namespace change by @eduardor2k in
- Fix notification email recipient by @driesvints in
- Fix publishing visibility by @driesvints in
- Fix Mailable->priority() by @giggsey in

## [v9.0.1 (2022-02-09)](

### Changed

- Improves `Support\Collection` each method type definition by @zingimmick in

### Fixed

- Update Mailable.php by @rentalhost in
- Switch to null coalescing operator in Conditionable by @inxilpro in
- Bring back old return behaviour by @ankurk91 in

## [v9.0.0 (2022-02-08)](

Check the upgrade guide in the [Official Laravel Upgrade Documentation]( Also you can see some release notes in the [Official Laravel Release Documentation](