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# Change Log
## 1.6.0
### Added
- Avoid overriding the exception message with the raw message
### Changed
- Improve parameter type and return type in phpdoc
- Avoid overriding the exception message with the raw message
## 1.5.0
### Added
- AWS api-change: reorder regions
- AWS api-change: Added `fips-us-east-1` and `fips-us-west-2` regions
## 1.4.1
### Fixed
- Assert the provided Input can be json-encoded.
- AWS api-change: This release includes the ability to use 2048 bits RSA key pairs for DKIM in SES, either with Easy DKIM or Bring Your Own DKIM.
## 1.4.0
### Added
- Changed case of object's properties to camelCase.
- Added documentation in class headers.
- Added domain exceptions
## 1.3.1
### Fixed
- Fallback to default region config if provided region is not defined
## 1.3.0
### Added
- Enables customers to manage their own contact lists and end-user subscription preferences
## 1.2.0
### Added
- Support for PHP 8.
- Support for `FromEmailAddressIdentityArn` and `FeedbackForwardingEmailAddressIdentityArn` in `SendEmailRequest`.
## 1.1.1
### Fixed
- Fix invalid signature in SES client because of wrong Scoped Service.
## 1.1.0
### Deprecation
- Protected methods `getServiceCode`, `getSignatureVersion` and `getSignatureScopeName` of `SesClient` are deprecated and will be removed in 2.0
## 1.0.0
### Added
- Support for async-aws/core 1.0.
## 0.4.0
### Changed
- Moved value objects to a dedicated namespace.
- Results' `populateResult()` has only one argument. It takes a `AsyncAws\Core\Response`.
- The `AsyncAws\Ses\Input\*` and `AsyncAws\Ses\ValueObject*` classes are marked final.
### Removed
- Dependency on `symfony/http-client-contracts`
- All `validate()` methods on the inputs. They are merged with `request()`.
## 0.3.0
### Changed
- Removed `requestBody()`, `requestHeaders()`, `requestQuery()` and `requestUri()` input classes. They are replaced with `request()`.
- Using async-aws/core: 0.4.0
### Fixed
- `Action` and `Version` do not need to be part of every body.
## 0.2.0
### Changed
- Using async-aws/core: 0.3.0
## 0.1.0
First version