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مشاهدة ملف: StaticPrefixCollection.php


 * This file is part of the Symfony package.
 * (c) Fabien Potencier <>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\Dumper;

use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection;

 * Prefix tree of routes preserving routes order.
 * @author Frank de Jonge <>
 * @author Nicolas Grekas <>
 * @internal
class StaticPrefixCollection
    private string $prefix;

     * @var string[]
    private array $staticPrefixes = [];

     * @var string[]
    private array $prefixes = [];

     * @var array[]|self[]
    private array $items = [];

    public function __construct(string $prefix = '/')
        $this->prefix = $prefix;

    public function getPrefix(): string
        return $this->prefix;

     * @return array[]|self[]
    public function getRoutes(): array
        return $this->items;

     * Adds a route to a group.
    public function addRoute(string $prefix, array|StaticPrefixCollection $route): void
        [$prefix, $staticPrefix] = $this->getCommonPrefix($prefix, $prefix);

        for ($i = \count($this->items) - 1; 0 <= $i; --$i) {
            $item = $this->items[$i];

            [$commonPrefix, $commonStaticPrefix] = $this->getCommonPrefix($prefix, $this->prefixes[$i]);

            if ($this->prefix === $commonPrefix) {
                // the new route and a previous one have no common prefix, let's see if they are exclusive to each others

                if ($this->prefix !== $staticPrefix && $this->prefix !== $this->staticPrefixes[$i]) {
                    // the new route and the previous one have exclusive static prefixes

                if ($this->prefix === $staticPrefix && $this->prefix === $this->staticPrefixes[$i]) {
                    // the new route and the previous one have no static prefix

                if ($this->prefixes[$i] !== $this->staticPrefixes[$i] && $this->prefix === $this->staticPrefixes[$i]) {
                    // the previous route is non-static and has no static prefix

                if ($prefix !== $staticPrefix && $this->prefix === $staticPrefix) {
                    // the new route is non-static and has no static prefix


            if ($item instanceof self && $this->prefixes[$i] === $commonPrefix) {
                // the new route is a child of a previous one, let's nest it
                $item->addRoute($prefix, $route);
            } else {
                // the new route and a previous one have a common prefix, let's merge them
                $child = new self($commonPrefix);
                [$child->prefixes[0], $child->staticPrefixes[0]] = $child->getCommonPrefix($this->prefixes[$i], $this->prefixes[$i]);
                [$child->prefixes[1], $child->staticPrefixes[1]] = $child->getCommonPrefix($prefix, $prefix);
                $child->items = [$this->items[$i], $route];

                $this->staticPrefixes[$i] = $commonStaticPrefix;
                $this->prefixes[$i] = $commonPrefix;
                $this->items[$i] = $child;


        // No optimised case was found, in this case we simple add the route for possible
        // grouping when new routes are added.
        $this->staticPrefixes[] = $staticPrefix;
        $this->prefixes[] = $prefix;
        $this->items[] = $route;

     * Linearizes back a set of nested routes into a collection.
    public function populateCollection(RouteCollection $routes): RouteCollection
        foreach ($this->items as $route) {
            if ($route instanceof self) {
            } else {

        return $routes;

     * Gets the full and static common prefixes between two route patterns.
     * The static prefix stops at last at the first opening bracket.
    private function getCommonPrefix(string $prefix, string $anotherPrefix): array
        $baseLength = \strlen($this->prefix);
        $end = min(\strlen($prefix), \strlen($anotherPrefix));
        $staticLength = null;
        set_error_handler([__CLASS__, 'handleError']);

        try {
            for ($i = $baseLength; $i < $end && $prefix[$i] === $anotherPrefix[$i]; ++$i) {
                if ('(' === $prefix[$i]) {
                    $staticLength ??= $i;
                    for ($j = 1 + $i, $n = 1; $j < $end && 0 < $n; ++$j) {
                        if ($prefix[$j] !== $anotherPrefix[$j]) {
                            break 2;
                        if ('(' === $prefix[$j]) {
                        } elseif (')' === $prefix[$j]) {
                        } elseif ('\\' === $prefix[$j] && (++$j === $end || $prefix[$j] !== $anotherPrefix[$j])) {
                    if (0 < $n) {
                    if (('?' === ($prefix[$j] ?? '') || '?' === ($anotherPrefix[$j] ?? '')) && ($prefix[$j] ?? '') !== ($anotherPrefix[$j] ?? '')) {
                    $subPattern = substr($prefix, $i, $j - $i);
                    if ($prefix !== $anotherPrefix && !preg_match('/^\(\[[^\]]++\]\+\+\)$/', $subPattern) && !preg_match('{(?<!'.$subPattern.')}', '')) {
                        // sub-patterns of variable length are not considered as common prefixes because their greediness would break in-order matching
                    $i = $j - 1;
                } elseif ('\\' === $prefix[$i] && (++$i === $end || $prefix[$i] !== $anotherPrefix[$i])) {
        } finally {
        if ($i < $end && 0b10 === (\ord($prefix[$i]) >> 6) && preg_match('//u', $prefix.' '.$anotherPrefix)) {
            do {
                // Prevent cutting in the middle of an UTF-8 characters
            } while (0b10 === (\ord($prefix[$i]) >> 6));

        return [substr($prefix, 0, $i), substr($prefix, 0, $staticLength ?? $i)];

    public static function handleError(int $type, string $msg): bool
        return str_contains($msg, 'Compilation failed: lookbehind assertion is not fixed length');