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export as namespace EventTargetShim

 * `Event` interface.
 * @see
export interface Event {
     * The type of this event.
    readonly type: string

     * The target of this event.
    readonly target: EventTarget<{}, {}, "standard"> | null

     * The current target of this event.
    readonly currentTarget: EventTarget<{}, {}, "standard"> | null

     * The target of this event.
     * @deprecated
    readonly srcElement: any | null

     * The composed path of this event.
    composedPath(): EventTarget<{}, {}, "standard">[]

     * Constant of NONE.
    readonly NONE: number

     * Constant of CAPTURING_PHASE.
    readonly CAPTURING_PHASE: number

     * Constant of BUBBLING_PHASE.
    readonly BUBBLING_PHASE: number

     * Constant of AT_TARGET.
    readonly AT_TARGET: number

     * Indicates which phase of the event flow is currently being evaluated.
    readonly eventPhase: number

     * Stop event bubbling.
    stopPropagation(): void

     * Stop event bubbling.
    stopImmediatePropagation(): void

     * Initialize event.
     * @deprecated
    initEvent(type: string, bubbles?: boolean, cancelable?: boolean): void

     * The flag indicating bubbling.
    readonly bubbles: boolean

     * Stop event bubbling.
     * @deprecated
    cancelBubble: boolean

     * Set or get cancellation flag.
     * @deprecated
    returnValue: boolean

     * The flag indicating whether the event can be canceled.
    readonly cancelable: boolean

     * Cancel this event.
    preventDefault(): void

     * The flag to indicating whether the event was canceled.
    readonly defaultPrevented: boolean

     * The flag to indicating if event is composed.
    readonly composed: boolean

     * Indicates whether the event was dispatched by the user agent.
    readonly isTrusted: boolean

     * The unix time of this event.
    readonly timeStamp: number

 * The constructor of `EventTarget` interface.
export type EventTargetConstructor<
    TEvents extends EventTarget.EventDefinition = {},
    TEventAttributes extends EventTarget.EventDefinition = {},
    TMode extends EventTarget.Mode = "loose"
> = {
    prototype: EventTarget<TEvents, TEventAttributes, TMode>
    new(): EventTarget<TEvents, TEventAttributes, TMode>

 * `EventTarget` interface.
 * @see
export type EventTarget<
    TEvents extends EventTarget.EventDefinition = {},
    TEventAttributes extends EventTarget.EventDefinition = {},
    TMode extends EventTarget.Mode = "loose"
> = EventTarget.EventAttributes<TEventAttributes> & {
     * Add a given listener to this event target.
     * @param eventName The event name to add.
     * @param listener The listener to add.
     * @param options The options for this listener.
    addEventListener<TEventType extends EventTarget.EventType<TEvents, TMode>>(
        type: TEventType,
            | EventTarget.Listener<EventTarget.PickEvent<TEvents, TEventType>>
            | null,
        options?: boolean | EventTarget.AddOptions
    ): void

     * Remove a given listener from this event target.
     * @param eventName The event name to remove.
     * @param listener The listener to remove.
     * @param options The options for this listener.
    removeEventListener<TEventType extends EventTarget.EventType<TEvents, TMode>>(
        type: TEventType,
            | EventTarget.Listener<EventTarget.PickEvent<TEvents, TEventType>>
            | null,
        options?: boolean | EventTarget.RemoveOptions
    ): void

     * Dispatch a given event.
     * @param event The event to dispatch.
     * @returns `false` if canceled.
    dispatchEvent<TEventType extends EventTarget.EventType<TEvents, TMode>>(
        event: EventTarget.EventData<TEvents, TEventType, TMode>
    ): boolean

export const EventTarget: EventTargetConstructor & {
     * Create an `EventTarget` instance with detailed event definition.
     * The detailed event definition requires to use `defineEventAttribute()`
     * function later.
     * Unfortunately, the second type parameter `TEventAttributes` was needed
     * because we cannot compute string literal types.
     * @example
     * const signal = new EventTarget<{ abort: Event }, { onabort: Event }>()
     * defineEventAttribute(signal, "abort")
    new <
        TEvents extends EventTarget.EventDefinition,
        TEventAttributes extends EventTarget.EventDefinition,
        TMode extends EventTarget.Mode = "loose"
    >(): EventTarget<TEvents, TEventAttributes, TMode>

     * Define an `EventTarget` constructor with attribute events and detailed event definition.
     * Unfortunately, the second type parameter `TEventAttributes` was needed
     * because we cannot compute string literal types.
     * @example
     * class AbortSignal extends EventTarget<{ abort: Event }, { onabort: Event }>("abort") {
     *      abort(): void {}
     * }
     * @param events Optional event attributes (e.g. passing in `"click"` adds `onclick` to prototype).
        TEvents extends EventTarget.EventDefinition = {},
        TEventAttributes extends EventTarget.EventDefinition = {},
        TMode extends EventTarget.Mode = "loose"
    >(events: string[]): EventTargetConstructor<

     * Define an `EventTarget` constructor with attribute events and detailed event definition.
     * Unfortunately, the second type parameter `TEventAttributes` was needed
     * because we cannot compute string literal types.
     * @example
     * class AbortSignal extends EventTarget<{ abort: Event }, { onabort: Event }>("abort") {
     *      abort(): void {}
     * }
     * @param events Optional event attributes (e.g. passing in `"click"` adds `onclick` to prototype).
        TEvents extends EventTarget.EventDefinition = {},
        TEventAttributes extends EventTarget.EventDefinition = {},
        TMode extends EventTarget.Mode = "loose"
    >(event0: string, string[]): EventTargetConstructor<

export namespace EventTarget {
     * Options of `removeEventListener()` method.
    export interface RemoveOptions {
         * The flag to indicate that the listener is for the capturing phase.
        capture?: boolean

     * Options of `addEventListener()` method.
    export interface AddOptions extends RemoveOptions {
         * The flag to indicate that the listener doesn't support
         * `event.preventDefault()` operation.
        passive?: boolean
         * The flag to indicate that the listener will be removed on the first
         * event.
        once?: boolean

     * The type of regular listeners.
    export interface FunctionListener<TEvent> {
        (event: TEvent): void

     * The type of object listeners.
    export interface ObjectListener<TEvent> {
        handleEvent(event: TEvent): void

     * The type of listeners.
    export type Listener<TEvent> =
        | FunctionListener<TEvent>
        | ObjectListener<TEvent>

     * Event definition.
    export type EventDefinition = {
        readonly [key: string]: Event

     * Mapped type for event attributes.
    export type EventAttributes<TEventAttributes extends EventDefinition> = {
        [P in keyof TEventAttributes]:
            | FunctionListener<TEventAttributes[P]>
            | null

     * The type of event data for `dispatchEvent()` method.
    export type EventData<
        TEvents extends EventDefinition,
        TEventType extends keyof TEvents | string,
        TMode extends Mode
    > =
        TEventType extends keyof TEvents
            ? (
                // Require properties which are not generated automatically.
                & Pick<
                    Exclude<keyof TEvents[TEventType], OmittableEventKeys>
                // Properties which are generated automatically are optional.
                & Partial<Pick<Event, OmittableEventKeys>>
            : (
                TMode extends "standard"
                    ? Event
                    : Event | NonStandardEvent

     * The string literal types of the properties which are generated
     * automatically in `dispatchEvent()` method.
    export type OmittableEventKeys = Exclude<keyof Event, "type">

     * The type of event data.
    export type NonStandardEvent = {
        [key: string]: any
        type: string

     * The type of listeners.
    export type PickEvent<
        TEvents extends EventDefinition,
        TEventType extends keyof TEvents | string,
    > =
        TEventType extends keyof TEvents
            ? TEvents[TEventType]
            : Event

     * Event type candidates.
    export type EventType<
        TEvents extends EventDefinition,
        TMode extends Mode
    > =
        TMode extends "strict"
            ? keyof TEvents
            : keyof TEvents | string

     * - `"strict"` ..... Methods don't accept unknown events.
     *                    `dispatchEvent()` accepts partial objects.
     * - `"loose"` ...... Methods accept unknown events.
     *                    `dispatchEvent()` accepts partial objects.
     * - `"standard"` ... Methods accept unknown events.
     *                    `dispatchEvent()` doesn't accept partial objects.
    export type Mode = "strict" | "standard" | "loose"

 * Specialized `type` property.
export type Type<T extends string> = { type: T }

 * Define an event attribute (e.g. `eventTarget.onclick`).
 * @param prototype The event target prototype to define an event attribute.
 * @param eventName The event name to define.
export function defineEventAttribute(
    prototype: EventTarget,
    eventName: string
): void

export default EventTarget