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This project is part of the
[]( monorepo and anti-framework.

- [About](#about)
- [Status](#status)
- [Related packages](#related-packages)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Dependencies](#dependencies)
- [API](#api)
  - [BitOutputStream](#bitoutputstream)
  - [BitInputStream](#bitinputstream)
  - [Barebones alternatives](#barebones-alternatives)
- [Authors](#authors)
- [License](#license)

## About

ES6 iterator based read/write bit streams with support for variable word widths.

## Status

**STABLE** - used in production

[Search or submit any issues for this package](

## Related packages

- []( - Binary data range encoder / decoder
- []( - Binary run-length encoding packer w/ flexible repeat bit widths

## Installation

yarn add

ES module import:

<script type="module" src=""></script>

[Skypack documentation](

For Node.js REPL:

const bitstream = await import("");

Package sizes (brotli'd, pre-treeshake): ESM: 1.33 KB

## Dependencies

- [](

## API

[Generated API docs](

### BitOutputStream

`Uint8Array` backed, bitwise output stream abstraction (big endian
order). Individual word sizes can range between 1-52 bits (in practice)
and are not fixed (each word can have a different size).

The constructor accepts an optional initial `Uint8Array` buffer or
buffer size (in bytes) and an optional write start position (**in
bits**). The buffer will only be written to starting from the given bit
position (even if in the middle of a byte). Default buffer size is 16
bytes, but the array is resized (x2) automatically each time capacity is

**Note**: The max. word size of 52 bits is not enforced by the library,
but JS can only represent integers (w/o loss of precision) up to
`2^53-1`. If you're willing to accept lossy precision for larger values,
technically the max. supported word width is 64 bits.

out = new BitOutputStream();
// write 3-bit number (only the lowest 3 bits are used, here 0x05)
out.write(0xf5, 3);
// write 7-bit number
out.write(0x66, 7);
// write 32-bit number
out.write(0xdecafbad, 32);

// write values from given iterable (w/ fixed word size, here 16 bits)
out.writeWords([0xaaaa, 0x5555], 16);

// get bytes (only up to current write position)
// Uint8Array [ 185, 183, 178, 190, 235, 106, 170, 149, 85, 64 ]

In addition to the generic `write()` method, there's also the slightly
faster `writeBit()` for writing single bits (the arg MUST be `0` or `1`

Using `seek(pos)`, the write position can be repositioned within current
limits (does not attempt to resize backing buffer).

### BitInputStream

`Uint8Array` backed bitwise input stream abstraction (big endian order)
with optional start position and read limit (both **in bits**). All
readers are independent instances, but if obtained from
`BitOutputStream` will share the same backing buffer as the writer. An
auto-configured input stream can also be obtained via `output.reader()`.
The class too implements the ES6 Iterator API for **bitwise** read
access, as well as a `read()` method to read bitfields.

**Note**: Attempting to read beyond capacity will throw an EOF error.

Using ``, the read position can be repositioned within
stream limits.

// get input from output stream...
// (for reference, the ^ indicate the start of each bit field)
// "10111001101101111011001010111110111010110110101010101010100101010101010101"
//  ^  ^      ^                               ^               ^

// obtain new reader
input = out.reader();
// sequentially read bit fields of varying sizes
out.reader().readFields([3, 7, 32, 16, 16]).map(x => x.toString(16))
// [ "5", "66", "decafbad", "aaaa", "5555" ]

// or read fields into object
out.reader().readStruct([["a", 3], ["b", 7], ["c", 32], ["d", 16], ["e", 16]]);
// { a: 5, b: 102, c: 3737844653, d: 43690, e: 21845 }

// or read a number of fixed size words (here also from given pos)
out.reader().seek(10).readWords(4, 16).map(x=>x.toString(16));
// [ 'deca', 'fbad', 'aaaa', '5555' ]

src = new Uint8Array([0xf1,0xe2,0xd3,0xc4,0xb5,0xa6,0x97,0x88]);
// create stream from bit 36
input = new BitInputStream(src, 36);;
// 5a6
// 9
// 7 // or use input.readBit()
// 1 => msb of last byte (0x88)
// 8 => low nibble of last byte

In addition to the generic `read()` method, there's also the slightly
faster `readBit()` for reading single bits.

### Barebones alternatives

For use cases requiring only word sizes <=8 bits and none of the advanced features provided by the above implementations, the package also provides functional barebones alternatives in the form of [`bitWriter()`]( and [`bitReader()`](

import { bitReader, bitWriter } from "";

const writer = bitWriter();
// write single bit

// write unsigned value (up to 8 bits)
writer.write(31, 5);

// retrieve buffer
const bytes = writer.bytes();
// Uint8Array(1) [ 252 ]

// create reader from byte buffer
const reader = bitReader(bytes);

// read single bit
// 1

// read n-bit unsigned value
// 31

## Authors

- [Karsten Schmidt](

If this project contributes to an academic publication, please cite it as:

  title = "",
  author = "Karsten Schmidt",
  note = "",
  year = 2016

## License

&copy; 2016 - 2023 Karsten Schmidt // Apache License 2.0