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مشاهدة ملف: raphael.js

// ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ \\
// │ Raphaël 2.3.0 - JavaScript Vector Library                                                             │ \\
// ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ \\
// │ Copyright © 2008-2016 Dmitry Baranovskiy (                                       │ \\
// │ Copyright © 2008-2016 Sencha Labs (                                                 │ \\
// ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ \\
// │ Licensed under the MIT ( license.│ \\
// └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ \\

(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) {
	if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object')
		module.exports = factory();
	else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
		define([], factory);
	else if(typeof exports === 'object')
		exports["Raphael"] = factory();
		root["Raphael"] = factory();
})(window, function() {
return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ 	// The module cache
/******/ 	var installedModules = {};
/******/ 	// The require function
/******/ 	function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
/******/ 		// Check if module is in cache
/******/ 		if(installedModules[moduleId]) {
/******/ 			return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
/******/ 		}
/******/ 		// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
/******/ 		var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
/******/ 			i: moduleId,
/******/ 			l: false,
/******/ 			exports: {}
/******/ 		};
/******/ 		// Execute the module function
/******/ 		modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
/******/ 		// Flag the module as loaded
/******/ 		module.l = true;
/******/ 		// Return the exports of the module
/******/ 		return module.exports;
/******/ 	}
/******/ 	// expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
/******/ 	__webpack_require__.m = modules;
/******/ 	// expose the module cache
/******/ 	__webpack_require__.c = installedModules;
/******/ 	// define getter function for harmony exports
/******/ 	__webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {
/******/ 		if(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {
/******/ 			Object.defineProperty(exports, name, { enumerable: true, get: getter });
/******/ 		}
/******/ 	};
/******/ 	// define __esModule on exports
/******/ 	__webpack_require__.r = function(exports) {
/******/ 		if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {
/******/ 			Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });
/******/ 		}
/******/ 		Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
/******/ 	};
/******/ 	// create a fake namespace object
/******/ 	// mode & 1: value is a module id, require it
/******/ 	// mode & 2: merge all properties of value into the ns
/******/ 	// mode & 4: return value when already ns object
/******/ 	// mode & 8|1: behave like require
/******/ 	__webpack_require__.t = function(value, mode) {
/******/ 		if(mode & 1) value = __webpack_require__(value);
/******/ 		if(mode & 8) return value;
/******/ 		if((mode & 4) && typeof value === 'object' && value && value.__esModule) return value;
/******/ 		var ns = Object.create(null);
/******/ 		__webpack_require__.r(ns);
/******/ 		Object.defineProperty(ns, 'default', { enumerable: true, value: value });
/******/ 		if(mode & 2 && typeof value != 'string') for(var key in value) __webpack_require__.d(ns, key, function(key) { return value[key]; }.bind(null, key));
/******/ 		return ns;
/******/ 	};
/******/ 	// getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules
/******/ 	__webpack_require__.n = function(module) {
/******/ 		var getter = module && module.__esModule ?
/******/ 			function getDefault() { return module['default']; } :
/******/ 			function getModuleExports() { return module; };
/******/ 		__webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);
/******/ 		return getter;
/******/ 	};
/******/ 	//
/******/ 	__webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return, property); };
/******/ 	// __webpack_public_path__
/******/ 	__webpack_require__.p = "";
/******/ 	// Load entry module and return exports
/******/ 	return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = "./dev/raphael.amd.js");
/******/ })
/******/ ({

/***/ "./dev/raphael.amd.js":
  !*** ./dev/raphael.amd.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;!(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__ = [__webpack_require__(/*! ./raphael.core */ "./dev/raphael.core.js"), __webpack_require__(/*! ./raphael.svg */ "./dev/raphael.svg.js"), __webpack_require__(/*! ./raphael.vml */ "./dev/raphael.vml.js")], __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = (function(R) {

    return R;

}).apply(exports, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__),
				__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ !== undefined && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__));

/***/ }),

/***/ "./dev/raphael.core.js":
  !*** ./dev/raphael.core.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;!(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__ = [__webpack_require__(/*! eve */ "./node_modules/eve-raphael/eve.js")], __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = (function(eve) {

     * Raphael
     [ method ]
     * Creates a canvas object on which to draw.
     * You must do this first, as all future calls to drawing methods
     * from this instance will be bound to this canvas.
     > Parameters
     - container (HTMLElement|string) DOM element or its ID which is going to be a parent for drawing surface
     - width (number)
     - height (number)
     - callback (function) #optional callback function which is going to be executed in the context of newly created paper
     * or
     - x (number)
     - y (number)
     - width (number)
     - height (number)
     - callback (function) #optional callback function which is going to be executed in the context of newly created paper
     * or
     - all (array) (first 3 or 4 elements in the array are equal to [containerID, width, height] or [x, y, width, height]. The rest are element descriptions in format {type: type, <attributes>}). See @Paper.add.
     - callback (function) #optional callback function which is going to be executed in the context of newly created paper
     * or
     - onReadyCallback (function) function that is going to be called on DOM ready event. You can also subscribe to this event via Eve’s “DOMLoad” event. In this case method returns `undefined`.
     = (object) @Paper
     > Usage
     | // Each of the following examples create a canvas
     | // that is 320px wide by 200px high.
     | // Canvas is created at the viewport’s 10,50 coordinate.
     | var paper = Raphael(10, 50, 320, 200);
     | // Canvas is created at the top left corner of the #notepad element
     | // (or its top right corner in dir="rtl" elements)
     | var paper = Raphael(document.getElementById("notepad"), 320, 200);
     | // Same as above
     | var paper = Raphael("notepad", 320, 200);
     | // Image dump
     | var set = Raphael(["notepad", 320, 200, {
     |     type: "rect",
     |     x: 10,
     |     y: 10,
     |     width: 25,
     |     height: 25,
     |     stroke: "#f00"
     | }, {
     |     type: "text",
     |     x: 30,
     |     y: 40,
     |     text: "Dump"
     | }]);
    function R(first) {
        if (, "function")) {
            return loaded ? first() : eve.on("raphael.DOMload", first);
        } else if (, array)) {
            return R._engine.create[apply](R, first.splice(0, 3 +[0], nu))).add(first);
        } else {
            var args =, 0);
            if ([args.length - 1], "function")) {
                var f = args.pop();
                return loaded ?[apply](R, args)) : eve.on("raphael.DOMload", function () {
          [apply](R, args));
            } else {
                return R._engine.create[apply](R, arguments);
    R.version = "2.3.0";
    R.eve = eve;
    var loaded,
        separator = /[, ]+/,
        elements = {circle: 1, rect: 1, path: 1, ellipse: 1, text: 1, image: 1},
        formatrg = /\{(\d+)\}/g,
        proto = "prototype",
        has = "hasOwnProperty",
        g = {
            doc: document,
            win: window
        oldRaphael = {
            was: Object.prototype[has].call(, "Raphael"),
        Paper = function () {
             [ property (object) ]
             * Shortcut for @Paper.customAttributes
             * Paper.customAttributes
             [ property (object) ]
             * If you have a set of attributes that you would like to represent
             * as a function of some number you can do it easily with custom attributes:
             > Usage
             | paper.customAttributes.hue = function (num) {
             |     num = num % 1;
             |     return {fill: "hsb(" + num + ", 0.75, 1)"};
             | };
             | // Custom attribute “hue” will change fill
             | // to be given hue with fixed saturation and brightness.
             | // Now you can use it like this:
             | var c =, 10, 10).attr({hue: .45});
             | // or even like this:
             | c.animate({hue: 1}, 1e3);
             | // You could also create custom attribute
             | // with multiple parameters:
             | paper.customAttributes.hsb = function (h, s, b) {
             |     return {fill: "hsb(" + [h, s, b].join(",") + ")"};
             | };
             | c.attr({hsb: "0.5 .8 1"});
             | c.animate({hsb: [1, 0, 0.5]}, 1e3);
   = this.customAttributes = {};
        appendChild = "appendChild",
        apply = "apply",
        concat = "concat",
        //taken from Modernizr touch test:
        supportsTouch = ('ontouchstart' in window) || window.TouchEvent || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch,
        E = "",
        S = " ",
        Str = String,
        split = "split",
        events = "click dblclick mousedown mousemove mouseout mouseover mouseup touchstart touchmove touchend touchcancel"[split](S),
        touchMap = {
            mousedown: "touchstart",
            mousemove: "touchmove",
            mouseup: "touchend"
        lowerCase = Str.prototype.toLowerCase,
        math = Math,
        mmax = math.max,
        mmin = math.min,
        abs = math.abs,
        pow = math.pow,
        PI = math.PI,
        nu = "number",
        string = "string",
        array = "array",
        toString = "toString",
        fillString = "fill",
        objectToString = Object.prototype.toString,
        paper = {},
        push = "push",
        ISURL = R._ISURL = /^url\(['"]?(.+?)['"]?\)$/i,
        colourRegExp = /^\s*((#[a-f\d]{6})|(#[a-f\d]{3})|rgba?\(\s*([\d\.]+%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+%?(?:\s*,\s*[\d\.]+%?)?)\s*\)|hsba?\(\s*([\d\.]+(?:deg|\xb0|%)?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+(?:%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+)?)%?\s*\)|hsla?\(\s*([\d\.]+(?:deg|\xb0|%)?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+(?:%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+)?)%?\s*\))\s*$/i,
        isnan = {"NaN": 1, "Infinity": 1, "-Infinity": 1},
        bezierrg = /^(?:cubic-)?bezier\(([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+),([^\)]+)\)/,
        round = math.round,
        setAttribute = "setAttribute",
        toFloat = parseFloat,
        toInt = parseInt,
        upperCase = Str.prototype.toUpperCase,
        availableAttrs = R._availableAttrs = {
            "arrow-end": "none",
            "arrow-start": "none",
            blur: 0,
            "clip-rect": "0 0 1e9 1e9",
            cursor: "default",
            cx: 0,
            cy: 0,
            fill: "#fff",
            "fill-opacity": 1,
            font: '10px "Arial"',
            "font-family": '"Arial"',
            "font-size": "10",
            "font-style": "normal",
            "font-weight": 400,
            gradient: 0,
            height: 0,
            href: "",
            "letter-spacing": 0,
            opacity: 1,
            path: "M0,0",
            r: 0,
            rx: 0,
            ry: 0,
            src: "",
            stroke: "#000",
            "stroke-dasharray": "",
            "stroke-linecap": "butt",
            "stroke-linejoin": "butt",
            "stroke-miterlimit": 0,
            "stroke-opacity": 1,
            "stroke-width": 1,
            target: "_blank",
            "text-anchor": "middle",
            title: "Raphael",
            transform: "",
            width: 0,
            x: 0,
            y: 0,
            "class": ""
        availableAnimAttrs = R._availableAnimAttrs = {
            blur: nu,
            "clip-rect": "csv",
            cx: nu,
            cy: nu,
            fill: "colour",
            "fill-opacity": nu,
            "font-size": nu,
            height: nu,
            opacity: nu,
            path: "path",
            r: nu,
            rx: nu,
            ry: nu,
            stroke: "colour",
            "stroke-opacity": nu,
            "stroke-width": nu,
            transform: "transform",
            width: nu,
            x: nu,
            y: nu
        whitespace = /[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029]/g,
        commaSpaces = /[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029]*,[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029]*/,
        hsrg = {hs: 1, rg: 1},
        p2s = /,?([achlmqrstvxz]),?/gi,
        pathCommand = /([achlmrqstvz])[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029,]*((-?\d*\.?\d*(?:e[\-+]?\d+)?[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029]*,?[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029]*)+)/ig,
        tCommand = /([rstm])[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029,]*((-?\d*\.?\d*(?:e[\-+]?\d+)?[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029]*,?[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029]*)+)/ig,
        pathValues = /(-?\d*\.?\d*(?:e[\-+]?\d+)?)[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029]*,?[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029]*/ig,
        radial_gradient = R._radial_gradient = /^r(?:\(([^,]+?)[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029]*,[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029]*([^\)]+?)\))?/,
        eldata = {},
        sortByKey = function (a, b) {
            return a.key - b.key;
        sortByNumber = function (a, b) {
            return toFloat(a) - toFloat(b);
        fun = function () {},
        pipe = function (x) {
            return x;
        rectPath = R._rectPath = function (x, y, w, h, r) {
            if (r) {
                return [["M", x + r, y], ["l", w - r * 2, 0], ["a", r, r, 0, 0, 1, r, r], ["l", 0, h - r * 2], ["a", r, r, 0, 0, 1, -r, r], ["l", r * 2 - w, 0], ["a", r, r, 0, 0, 1, -r, -r], ["l", 0, r * 2 - h], ["a", r, r, 0, 0, 1, r, -r], ["z"]];
            return [["M", x, y], ["l", w, 0], ["l", 0, h], ["l", -w, 0], ["z"]];
        ellipsePath = function (x, y, rx, ry) {
            if (ry == null) {
                ry = rx;
            return [["M", x, y], ["m", 0, -ry], ["a", rx, ry, 0, 1, 1, 0, 2 * ry], ["a", rx, ry, 0, 1, 1, 0, -2 * ry], ["z"]];
        getPath = R._getPath = {
            path: function (el) {
                return el.attr("path");
            circle: function (el) {
                var a = el.attrs;
                return ellipsePath(,, a.r);
            ellipse: function (el) {
                var a = el.attrs;
                return ellipsePath(,, a.rx, a.ry);
            rect: function (el) {
                var a = el.attrs;
                return rectPath(a.x, a.y, a.width, a.height, a.r);
            image: function (el) {
                var a = el.attrs;
                return rectPath(a.x, a.y, a.width, a.height);
            text: function (el) {
                var bbox = el._getBBox();
                return rectPath(bbox.x, bbox.y, bbox.width, bbox.height);
            set : function(el) {
                var bbox = el._getBBox();
                return rectPath(bbox.x, bbox.y, bbox.width, bbox.height);
         * Raphael.mapPath
         [ method ]
         * Transform the path string with given matrix.
         > Parameters
         - path (string) path string
         - matrix (object) see @Matrix
         = (string) transformed path string
        mapPath = R.mapPath = function (path, matrix) {
            if (!matrix) {
                return path;
            var x, y, i, j, ii, jj, pathi;
            path = path2curve(path);
            for (i = 0, ii = path.length; i < ii; i++) {
                pathi = path[i];
                for (j = 1, jj = pathi.length; j < jj; j += 2) {
                    x = matrix.x(pathi[j], pathi[j + 1]);
                    y = matrix.y(pathi[j], pathi[j + 1]);
                    pathi[j] = x;
                    pathi[j + 1] = y;
            return path;

    R._g = g;
     * Raphael.type
     [ property (string) ]
     * Can be “SVG”, “VML” or empty, depending on browser support.
    R.type = ( || g.doc.implementation.hasFeature("", "1.1") ? "SVG" : "VML");
    if (R.type == "VML") {
        var d = g.doc.createElement("div"),
        d.innerHTML = '<v:shape adj="1"/>';
        b = d.firstChild; = "url(#default#VML)";
        if (!(b && typeof b.adj == "object")) {
            return (R.type = E);
        d = null;
     * Raphael.svg
     [ property (boolean) ]
     * `true` if browser supports SVG.
     * Raphael.vml
     [ property (boolean) ]
     * `true` if browser supports VML.
    R.svg = !(R.vml = R.type == "VML");
    R._Paper = Paper;
     * Raphael.fn
     [ property (object) ]
     * You can add your own method to the canvas. For example if you want to draw a pie chart,
     * you can create your own pie chart function and ship it as a Raphaël plugin. To do this
     * you need to extend the `Raphael.fn` object. You should modify the `fn` object before a
     * Raphaël instance is created, otherwise it will take no effect. Please note that the
     * ability for namespaced plugins was removed in Raphael 2.0. It is up to the plugin to
     * ensure any namespacing ensures proper context.
     > Usage
     | Raphael.fn.arrow = function (x1, y1, x2, y2, size) {
     |     return this.path( ... );
     | };
     | // or create namespace
     | Raphael.fn.mystuff = {
     |     arrow: function () {…},
     |     star: function () {…},
     |     // etc…
     | };
     | var paper = Raphael(10, 10, 630, 480);
     | // then use it
     | paper.arrow(10, 10, 30, 30, 5).attr({fill: "#f00"});
     | paper.mystuff.arrow();
    R.fn = paperproto = Paper.prototype = R.prototype;
    R._id = 0;
     [ method ]
     * Handful of replacements for `typeof` operator.
     > Parameters
     - o (…) any object or primitive
     - type (string) name of the type, i.e. “string”, “function”, “number”, etc.
     = (boolean) is given value is of given type
    \*/ = function (o, type) {
        type =;
        if (type == "finite") {
            return !isnan[has](+o);
        if (type == "array") {
            return o instanceof Array;
        return  (type == "null" && o === null) ||
                (type == typeof o && o !== null) ||
                (type == "object" && o === Object(o)) ||
                (type == "array" && Array.isArray && Array.isArray(o)) ||
      , -1).toLowerCase() == type;

    function clone(obj) {
        if (typeof obj == "function" || Object(obj) !== obj) {
            return obj;
        var res = new obj.constructor;
        for (var key in obj) if (obj[has](key)) {
            res[key] = clone(obj[key]);
        return res;

     * Raphael.angle
     [ method ]
     * Returns angle between two or three points
     > Parameters
     - x1 (number) x coord of first point
     - y1 (number) y coord of first point
     - x2 (number) x coord of second point
     - y2 (number) y coord of second point
     - x3 (number) #optional x coord of third point
     - y3 (number) #optional y coord of third point
     = (number) angle in degrees.
    R.angle = function (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) {
        if (x3 == null) {
            var x = x1 - x2,
                y = y1 - y2;
            if (!x && !y) {
                return 0;
            return (180 + math.atan2(-y, -x) * 180 / PI + 360) % 360;
        } else {
            return R.angle(x1, y1, x3, y3) - R.angle(x2, y2, x3, y3);
     * Raphael.rad
     [ method ]
     * Transform angle to radians
     > Parameters
     - deg (number) angle in degrees
     = (number) angle in radians.
    R.rad = function (deg) {
        return deg % 360 * PI / 180;
     * Raphael.deg
     [ method ]
     * Transform angle to degrees
     > Parameters
     - rad (number) angle in radians
     = (number) angle in degrees.
    R.deg = function (rad) {
        return Math.round ((rad * 180 / PI% 360)* 1000) / 1000;
     * Raphael.snapTo
     [ method ]
     * Snaps given value to given grid.
     > Parameters
     - values (array|number) given array of values or step of the grid
     - value (number) value to adjust
     - tolerance (number) #optional tolerance for snapping. Default is `10`.
     = (number) adjusted value.
    R.snapTo = function (values, value, tolerance) {
        tolerance =, "finite") ? tolerance : 10;
        if (, array)) {
            var i = values.length;
            while (i--) if (abs(values[i] - value) <= tolerance) {
                return values[i];
        } else {
            values = +values;
            var rem = value % values;
            if (rem < tolerance) {
                return value - rem;
            if (rem > values - tolerance) {
                return value - rem + values;
        return value;

     * Raphael.createUUID
     [ method ]
     * Returns RFC4122, version 4 ID
    var createUUID = R.createUUID = (function (uuidRegEx, uuidReplacer) {
        return function () {
            return "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(uuidRegEx, uuidReplacer).toUpperCase();
    })(/[xy]/g, function (c) {
        var r = math.random() * 16 | 0,
            v = c == "x" ? r : (r & 3 | 8);
        return v.toString(16);

     * Raphael.setWindow
     [ method ]
     * Used when you need to draw in `&lt;iframe>`. Switched window to the iframe one.
     > Parameters
     - newwin (window) new window object
    R.setWindow = function (newwin) {
        eve("raphael.setWindow", R,, newwin); = newwin;
        g.doc =;
        if (R._engine.initWin) {
    var toHex = function (color) {
        if (R.vml) {
            var trim = /^\s+|\s+$/g;
            var bod;
            try {
                var docum = new ActiveXObject("htmlfile");
                bod = docum.body;
            } catch(e) {
                bod = createPopup().document.body;
            var range = bod.createTextRange();
            toHex = cacher(function (color) {
                try {
           = Str(color).replace(trim, E);
                    var value = range.queryCommandValue("ForeColor");
                    value = ((value & 255) << 16) | (value & 65280) | ((value & 16711680) >>> 16);
                    return "#" + ("000000" + value.toString(16)).slice(-6);
                } catch(e) {
                    return "none";
        } else {
            var i = g.doc.createElement("i");
            i.title = "Rapha\xebl Colour Picker";
   = "none";
            toHex = cacher(function (color) {
       = color;
                return g.doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(i, E).getPropertyValue("color");
        return toHex(color);
    hsbtoString = function () {
        return "hsb(" + [this.h, this.s, this.b] + ")";
    hsltoString = function () {
        return "hsl(" + [this.h, this.s, this.l] + ")";
    rgbtoString = function () {
        return this.hex;
    prepareRGB = function (r, g, b) {
        if (g == null &&, "object") && "r" in r && "g" in r && "b" in r) {
            b = r.b;
            g = r.g;
            r = r.r;
        if (g == null &&, string)) {
            var clr = R.getRGB(r);
            r = clr.r;
            g = clr.g;
            b = clr.b;
        if (r > 1 || g > 1 || b > 1) {
            r /= 255;
            g /= 255;
            b /= 255;

        return [r, g, b];
    packageRGB = function (r, g, b, o) {
        r *= 255;
        g *= 255;
        b *= 255;
        var rgb = {
            r: r,
            g: g,
            b: b,
            hex: R.rgb(r, g, b),
            toString: rgbtoString
        };, "finite") && (rgb.opacity = o);
        return rgb;

     * Raphael.color
     [ method ]
     * Parses the color string and returns object with all values for the given color.
     > Parameters
     - clr (string) color string in one of the supported formats (see @Raphael.getRGB)
     = (object) Combined RGB & HSB object in format:
     o {
     o     r (number) red,
     o     g (number) green,
     o     b (number) blue,
     o     hex (string) color in HTML/CSS format: #••••••,
     o     error (boolean) `true` if string can’t be parsed,
     o     h (number) hue,
     o     s (number) saturation,
     o     v (number) value (brightness),
     o     l (number) lightness
     o }
    R.color = function (clr) {
        var rgb;
        if (, "object") && "h" in clr && "s" in clr && "b" in clr) {
            rgb = R.hsb2rgb(clr);
            clr.r = rgb.r;
            clr.g = rgb.g;
            clr.b = rgb.b;
            clr.hex = rgb.hex;
        } else if (, "object") && "h" in clr && "s" in clr && "l" in clr) {
            rgb = R.hsl2rgb(clr);
            clr.r = rgb.r;
            clr.g = rgb.g;
            clr.b = rgb.b;
            clr.hex = rgb.hex;
        } else {
            if (, "string")) {
                clr = R.getRGB(clr);
            if (, "object") && "r" in clr && "g" in clr && "b" in clr) {
                rgb = R.rgb2hsl(clr);
                clr.h = rgb.h;
                clr.s = rgb.s;
                clr.l = rgb.l;
                rgb = R.rgb2hsb(clr);
                clr.v = rgb.b;
            } else {
                clr = {hex: "none"};
                clr.r = clr.g = clr.b = clr.h = clr.s = clr.v = clr.l = -1;
        clr.toString = rgbtoString;
        return clr;
     * Raphael.hsb2rgb
     [ method ]
     * Converts HSB values to RGB object.
     > Parameters
     - h (number) hue
     - s (number) saturation
     - v (number) value or brightness
     = (object) RGB object in format:
     o {
     o     r (number) red,
     o     g (number) green,
     o     b (number) blue,
     o     hex (string) color in HTML/CSS format: #••••••
     o }
    R.hsb2rgb = function (h, s, v, o) {
        if (, "object") && "h" in h && "s" in h && "b" in h) {
            v = h.b;
            s = h.s;
            o = h.o;
            h = h.h;
        h *= 360;
        var R, G, B, X, C;
        h = (h % 360) / 60;
        C = v * s;
        X = C * (1 - abs(h % 2 - 1));
        R = G = B = v - C;

        h = ~~h;
        R += [C, X, 0, 0, X, C][h];
        G += [X, C, C, X, 0, 0][h];
        B += [0, 0, X, C, C, X][h];
        return packageRGB(R, G, B, o);
     * Raphael.hsl2rgb
     [ method ]
     * Converts HSL values to RGB object.
     > Parameters
     - h (number) hue
     - s (number) saturation
     - l (number) luminosity
     = (object) RGB object in format:
     o {
     o     r (number) red,
     o     g (number) green,
     o     b (number) blue,
     o     hex (string) color in HTML/CSS format: #••••••
     o }
    R.hsl2rgb = function (h, s, l, o) {
        if (, "object") && "h" in h && "s" in h && "l" in h) {
            l = h.l;
            s = h.s;
            h = h.h;
        if (h > 1 || s > 1 || l > 1) {
            h /= 360;
            s /= 100;
            l /= 100;
        h *= 360;
        var R, G, B, X, C;
        h = (h % 360) / 60;
        C = 2 * s * (l < .5 ? l : 1 - l);
        X = C * (1 - abs(h % 2 - 1));
        R = G = B = l - C / 2;

        h = ~~h;
        R += [C, X, 0, 0, X, C][h];
        G += [X, C, C, X, 0, 0][h];
        B += [0, 0, X, C, C, X][h];
        return packageRGB(R, G, B, o);
     * Raphael.rgb2hsb
     [ method ]
     * Converts RGB values to HSB object.
     > Parameters
     - r (number) red
     - g (number) green
     - b (number) blue
     = (object) HSB object in format:
     o {
     o     h (number) hue
     o     s (number) saturation
     o     b (number) brightness
     o }
    R.rgb2hsb = function (r, g, b) {
        b = prepareRGB(r, g, b);
        r = b[0];
        g = b[1];
        b = b[2];

        var H, S, V, C;
        V = mmax(r, g, b);
        C = V - mmin(r, g, b);
        H = (C == 0 ? null :
             V == r ? (g - b) / C :
             V == g ? (b - r) / C + 2 :
                      (r - g) / C + 4
        H = ((H + 360) % 6) * 60 / 360;
        S = C == 0 ? 0 : C / V;
        return {h: H, s: S, b: V, toString: hsbtoString};
     * Raphael.rgb2hsl
     [ method ]
     * Converts RGB values to HSL object.
     > Parameters
     - r (number) red
     - g (number) green
     - b (number) blue
     = (object) HSL object in format:
     o {
     o     h (number) hue
     o     s (number) saturation
     o     l (number) luminosity
     o }
    R.rgb2hsl = function (r, g, b) {
        b = prepareRGB(r, g, b);
        r = b[0];
        g = b[1];
        b = b[2];

        var H, S, L, M, m, C;
        M = mmax(r, g, b);
        m = mmin(r, g, b);
        C = M - m;
        H = (C == 0 ? null :
             M == r ? (g - b) / C :
             M == g ? (b - r) / C + 2 :
                      (r - g) / C + 4);
        H = ((H + 360) % 6) * 60 / 360;
        L = (M + m) / 2;
        S = (C == 0 ? 0 :
             L < .5 ? C / (2 * L) :
                      C / (2 - 2 * L));
        return {h: H, s: S, l: L, toString: hsltoString};
    R._path2string = function () {
        return this.join(",").replace(p2s, "$1");
    function repush(array, item) {
        for (var i = 0, ii = array.length; i < ii; i++) if (array[i] === item) {
            return array.push(array.splice(i, 1)[0]);
    function cacher(f, scope, postprocessor) {
        function newf() {
            var arg =, 0),
                args = arg.join("\u2400"),
                cache = newf.cache = newf.cache || {},
                count = newf.count = newf.count || [];
            if (cache[has](args)) {
                repush(count, args);
                return postprocessor ? postprocessor(cache[args]) : cache[args];
            count.length >= 1e3 && delete cache[count.shift()];
            cache[args] = f[apply](scope, arg);
            return postprocessor ? postprocessor(cache[args]) : cache[args];
        return newf;

    var preload = R._preload = function (src, f) {
        var img = g.doc.createElement("img"); = "position:absolute;left:-9999em;top:-9999em";
        img.onload = function () {
            this.onload = null;
        img.onerror = function () {
        img.src = src;

    function clrToString() {
        return this.hex;

     * Raphael.getRGB
     [ method ]
     * Parses colour string as RGB object
     > Parameters
     - colour (string) colour string in one of formats:
     # <ul>
     #     <li>Colour name (“<code>red</code>”, “<code>green</code>”, “<code>cornflowerblue</code>”, etc)</li>
     #     <li>#••• — shortened HTML colour: (“<code>#000</code>”, “<code>#fc0</code>”, etc)</li>
     #     <li>#•••••• — full length HTML colour: (“<code>#000000</code>”, “<code>#bd2300</code>”)</li>
     #     <li>rgb(•••, •••, •••) — red, green and blue channels’ values: (“<code>rgb(200,&nbsp;100,&nbsp;0)</code>”)</li>
     #     <li>rgb(•••%, •••%, •••%) — same as above, but in %: (“<code>rgb(100%,&nbsp;175%,&nbsp;0%)</code>”)</li>
     #     <li>hsb(•••, •••, •••) — hue, saturation and brightness values: (“<code>hsb(0.5,&nbsp;0.25,&nbsp;1)</code>”)</li>
     #     <li>hsb(•••%, •••%, •••%) — same as above, but in %</li>
     #     <li>hsl(•••, •••, •••) — same as hsb</li>
     #     <li>hsl(•••%, •••%, •••%) — same as hsb</li>
     # </ul>
     = (object) RGB object in format:
     o {
     o     r (number) red,
     o     g (number) green,
     o     b (number) blue
     o     hex (string) color in HTML/CSS format: #••••••,
     o     error (boolean) true if string can’t be parsed
     o }
    R.getRGB = cacher(function (colour) {
        if (!colour || !!((colour = Str(colour)).indexOf("-") + 1)) {
            return {r: -1, g: -1, b: -1, hex: "none", error: 1, toString: clrToString};
        if (colour == "none") {
            return {r: -1, g: -1, b: -1, hex: "none", toString: clrToString};
        !(hsrg[has](colour.toLowerCase().substring(0, 2)) || colour.charAt() == "#") && (colour = toHex(colour));
        var res,
            rgb = colour.match(colourRegExp);
        if (rgb) {
            if (rgb[2]) {
                blue = toInt(rgb[2].substring(5), 16);
                green = toInt(rgb[2].substring(3, 5), 16);
                red = toInt(rgb[2].substring(1, 3), 16);
            if (rgb[3]) {
                blue = toInt((t = rgb[3].charAt(3)) + t, 16);
                green = toInt((t = rgb[3].charAt(2)) + t, 16);
                red = toInt((t = rgb[3].charAt(1)) + t, 16);
            if (rgb[4]) {
                values = rgb[4][split](commaSpaces);
                red = toFloat(values[0]);
                values[0].slice(-1) == "%" && (red *= 2.55);
                green = toFloat(values[1]);
                values[1].slice(-1) == "%" && (green *= 2.55);
                blue = toFloat(values[2]);
                values[2].slice(-1) == "%" && (blue *= 2.55);
                rgb[1].toLowerCase().slice(0, 4) == "rgba" && (opacity = toFloat(values[3]));
                values[3] && values[3].slice(-1) == "%" && (opacity /= 100);
            if (rgb[5]) {
                values = rgb[5][split](commaSpaces);
                red = toFloat(values[0]);
                values[0].slice(-1) == "%" && (red *= 2.55);
                green = toFloat(values[1]);
                values[1].slice(-1) == "%" && (green *= 2.55);
                blue = toFloat(values[2]);
                values[2].slice(-1) == "%" && (blue *= 2.55);
                (values[0].slice(-3) == "deg" || values[0].slice(-1) == "\xb0") && (red /= 360);
                rgb[1].toLowerCase().slice(0, 4) == "hsba" && (opacity = toFloat(values[3]));
                values[3] && values[3].slice(-1) == "%" && (opacity /= 100);
                return R.hsb2rgb(red, green, blue, opacity);
            if (rgb[6]) {
                values = rgb[6][split](commaSpaces);
                red = toFloat(values[0]);
                values[0].slice(-1) == "%" && (red *= 2.55);
                green = toFloat(values[1]);
                values[1].slice(-1) == "%" && (green *= 2.55);
                blue = toFloat(values[2]);
                values[2].slice(-1) == "%" && (blue *= 2.55);
                (values[0].slice(-3) == "deg" || values[0].slice(-1) == "\xb0") && (red /= 360);
                rgb[1].toLowerCase().slice(0, 4) == "hsla" && (opacity = toFloat(values[3]));
                values[3] && values[3].slice(-1) == "%" && (opacity /= 100);
                return R.hsl2rgb(red, green, blue, opacity);
            rgb = {r: red, g: green, b: blue, toString: clrToString};
            rgb.hex = "#" + (16777216 | blue | (green << 8) | (red << 16)).toString(16).slice(1);
  , "finite") && (rgb.opacity = opacity);
            return rgb;
        return {r: -1, g: -1, b: -1, hex: "none", error: 1, toString: clrToString};
    }, R);
     * Raphael.hsb
     [ method ]
     * Converts HSB values to hex representation of the colour.
     > Parameters
     - h (number) hue
     - s (number) saturation
     - b (number) value or brightness
     = (string) hex representation of the colour.
    R.hsb = cacher(function (h, s, b) {
        return R.hsb2rgb(h, s, b).hex;
     * Raphael.hsl
     [ method ]
     * Converts HSL values to hex representation of the colour.
     > Parameters
     - h (number) hue
     - s (number) saturation
     - l (number) luminosity
     = (string) hex representation of the colour.
    R.hsl = cacher(function (h, s, l) {
        return R.hsl2rgb(h, s, l).hex;
     * Raphael.rgb
     [ method ]
     * Converts RGB values to hex representation of the colour.
     > Parameters
     - r (number) red
     - g (number) green
     - b (number) blue
     = (string) hex representation of the colour.
    R.rgb = cacher(function (r, g, b) {
        function round(x) { return (x + 0.5) | 0; }
        return "#" + (16777216 | round(b) | (round(g) << 8) | (round(r) << 16)).toString(16).slice(1);
     * Raphael.getColor
     [ method ]
     * On each call returns next colour in the spectrum. To reset it back to red call @Raphael.getColor.reset
     > Parameters
     - value (number) #optional brightness, default is `0.75`
     = (string) hex representation of the colour.
    R.getColor = function (value) {
        var start = this.getColor.start = this.getColor.start || {h: 0, s: 1, b: value || .75},
            rgb = this.hsb2rgb(start.h, start.s, start.b);
        start.h += .075;
        if (start.h > 1) {
            start.h = 0;
            start.s -= .2;
            start.s <= 0 && (this.getColor.start = {h: 0, s: 1, b: start.b});
        return rgb.hex;
     * Raphael.getColor.reset
     [ method ]
     * Resets spectrum position for @Raphael.getColor back to red.
    R.getColor.reset = function () {
        delete this.start;

    function catmullRom2bezier(crp, z) {
        var d = [];
        for (var i = 0, iLen = crp.length; iLen - 2 * !z > i; i += 2) {
            var p = [
                        {x: +crp[i - 2], y: +crp[i - 1]},
                        {x: +crp[i],     y: +crp[i + 1]},
                        {x: +crp[i + 2], y: +crp[i + 3]},
                        {x: +crp[i + 4], y: +crp[i + 5]}
            if (z) {
                if (!i) {
                    p[0] = {x: +crp[iLen - 2], y: +crp[iLen - 1]};
                } else if (iLen - 4 == i) {
                    p[3] = {x: +crp[0], y: +crp[1]};
                } else if (iLen - 2 == i) {
                    p[2] = {x: +crp[0], y: +crp[1]};
                    p[3] = {x: +crp[2], y: +crp[3]};
            } else {
                if (iLen - 4 == i) {
                    p[3] = p[2];
                } else if (!i) {
                    p[0] = {x: +crp[i], y: +crp[i + 1]};
                  (-p[0].x + 6 * p[1].x + p[2].x) / 6,
                  (-p[0].y + 6 * p[1].y + p[2].y) / 6,
                  (p[1].x + 6 * p[2].x - p[3].x) / 6,
                  (p[1].y + 6*p[2].y - p[3].y) / 6,

        return d;
     * Raphael.parsePathString
     [ method ]
     * Utility method
     * Parses given path string into an array of arrays of path segments.
     > Parameters
     - pathString (string|array) path string or array of segments (in the last case it will be returned straight away)
     = (array) array of segments.
    R.parsePathString = function (pathString) {
        if (!pathString) {
            return null;
        var pth = paths(pathString);
        if (pth.arr) {
            return pathClone(pth.arr);

        var paramCounts = {a: 7, c: 6, h: 1, l: 2, m: 2, r: 4, q: 4, s: 4, t: 2, v: 1, z: 0},
            data = [];
        if (, array) &&[0], array)) { // rough assumption
            data = pathClone(pathString);
        if (!data.length) {
            Str(pathString).replace(pathCommand, function (a, b, c) {
                var params = [],
                    name = b.toLowerCase();
                c.replace(pathValues, function (a, b) {
                    b && params.push(+b);
                if (name == "m" && params.length > 2) {
                    data.push([b][concat](params.splice(0, 2)));
                    name = "l";
                    b = b == "m" ? "l" : "L";
                if (name == "r") {
                } else while (params.length >= paramCounts[name]) {
                    data.push([b][concat](params.splice(0, paramCounts[name])));
                    if (!paramCounts[name]) {
        data.toString = R._path2string;
        pth.arr = pathClone(data);
        return data;
     * Raphael.parseTransformString
     [ method ]
     * Utility method
     * Parses given path string into an array of transformations.
     > Parameters
     - TString (string|array) transform string or array of transformations (in the last case it will be returned straight away)
     = (array) array of transformations.
    R.parseTransformString = cacher(function (TString) {
        if (!TString) {
            return null;
        var paramCounts = {r: 3, s: 4, t: 2, m: 6},
            data = [];
        if (, array) &&[0], array)) { // rough assumption
            data = pathClone(TString);
        if (!data.length) {
            Str(TString).replace(tCommand, function (a, b, c) {
                var params = [],
                    name =;
                c.replace(pathValues, function (a, b) {
                    b && params.push(+b);
        data.toString = R._path2string;
        return data;
    }, this, function(elem) {
        if (!elem) return elem;
        var newData = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < elem.length; i++) {
            var newLevel = [];
            for (var j = 0; j < elem[i].length; j++) {
      return newData; } );
    // PATHS
    var paths = function (ps) {
        var p = = || {};
        if (p[ps]) {
            p[ps].sleep = 100;
        } else {
            p[ps] = {
                sleep: 100
        setTimeout(function () {
            for (var key in p) if (p[has](key) && key != ps) {
                !p[key].sleep && delete p[key];
        return p[ps];
     * Raphael.findDotsAtSegment
     [ method ]
     * Utility method
     * Find dot coordinates on the given cubic bezier curve at the given t.
     > Parameters
     - p1x (number) x of the first point of the curve
     - p1y (number) y of the first point of the curve
     - c1x (number) x of the first anchor of the curve
     - c1y (number) y of the first anchor of the curve
     - c2x (number) x of the second anchor of the curve
     - c2y (number) y of the second anchor of the curve
     - p2x (number) x of the second point of the curve
     - p2y (number) y of the second point of the curve
     - t (number) position on the curve (0..1)
     = (object) point information in format:
     o {
     o     x: (number) x coordinate of the point
     o     y: (number) y coordinate of the point
     o     m: {
     o         x: (number) x coordinate of the left anchor
     o         y: (number) y coordinate of the left anchor
     o     }
     o     n: {
     o         x: (number) x coordinate of the right anchor
     o         y: (number) y coordinate of the right anchor
     o     }
     o     start: {
     o         x: (number) x coordinate of the start of the curve
     o         y: (number) y coordinate of the start of the curve
     o     }
     o     end: {
     o         x: (number) x coordinate of the end of the curve
     o         y: (number) y coordinate of the end of the curve
     o     }
     o     alpha: (number) angle of the curve derivative at the point
     o }
    R.findDotsAtSegment = function (p1x, p1y, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, p2x, p2y, t) {
        var t1 = 1 - t,
            t13 = pow(t1, 3),
            t12 = pow(t1, 2),
            t2 = t * t,
            t3 = t2 * t,
            x = t13 * p1x + t12 * 3 * t * c1x + t1 * 3 * t * t * c2x + t3 * p2x,
            y = t13 * p1y + t12 * 3 * t * c1y + t1 * 3 * t * t * c2y + t3 * p2y,
            mx = p1x + 2 * t * (c1x - p1x) + t2 * (c2x - 2 * c1x + p1x),
            my = p1y + 2 * t * (c1y - p1y) + t2 * (c2y - 2 * c1y + p1y),
            nx = c1x + 2 * t * (c2x - c1x) + t2 * (p2x - 2 * c2x + c1x),
            ny = c1y + 2 * t * (c2y - c1y) + t2 * (p2y - 2 * c2y + c1y),
            ax = t1 * p1x + t * c1x,
            ay = t1 * p1y + t * c1y,
            cx = t1 * c2x + t * p2x,
            cy = t1 * c2y + t * p2y,
            alpha = (90 - math.atan2(mx - nx, my - ny) * 180 / PI);
        (mx > nx || my < ny) && (alpha += 180);
        return {
            x: x,
            y: y,
            m: {x: mx, y: my},
            n: {x: nx, y: ny},
            start: {x: ax, y: ay},
            end: {x: cx, y: cy},
            alpha: alpha
     * Raphael.bezierBBox
     [ method ]
     * Utility method
     * Return bounding box of a given cubic bezier curve
     > Parameters
     - p1x (number) x of the first point of the curve
     - p1y (number) y of the first point of the curve
     - c1x (number) x of the first anchor of the curve
     - c1y (number) y of the first anchor of the curve
     - c2x (number) x of the second anchor of the curve
     - c2y (number) y of the second anchor of the curve
     - p2x (number) x of the second point of the curve
     - p2y (number) y of the second point of the curve
     * or
     - bez (array) array of six points for bezier curve
     = (object) point information in format:
     o {
     o     min: {
     o         x: (number) x coordinate of the left point
     o         y: (number) y coordinate of the top point
     o     }
     o     max: {
     o         x: (number) x coordinate of the right point
     o         y: (number) y coordinate of the bottom point
     o     }
     o }
    R.bezierBBox = function (p1x, p1y, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, p2x, p2y) {
        if (!, "array")) {
            p1x = [p1x, p1y, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, p2x, p2y];
        var bbox = curveDim.apply(null, p1x);
        return {
            x: bbox.min.x,
            y: bbox.min.y,
            x2: bbox.max.x,
            y2: bbox.max.y,
            width: bbox.max.x - bbox.min.x,
            height: bbox.max.y - bbox.min.y
     * Raphael.isPointInsideBBox
     [ method ]
     * Utility method
     * Returns `true` if given point is inside bounding boxes.
     > Parameters
     - bbox (string) bounding box
     - x (string) x coordinate of the point
     - y (string) y coordinate of the point
     = (boolean) `true` if point inside
    R.isPointInsideBBox = function (bbox, x, y) {
        return x >= bbox.x && x <= bbox.x2 && y >= bbox.y && y <= bbox.y2;
     * Raphael.isBBoxIntersect
     [ method ]
     * Utility method
     * Returns `true` if two bounding boxes intersect
     > Parameters
     - bbox1 (string) first bounding box
     - bbox2 (string) second bounding box
     = (boolean) `true` if they intersect
    R.isBBoxIntersect = function (bbox1, bbox2) {
        var i = R.isPointInsideBBox;
        return i(bbox2, bbox1.x, bbox1.y)
            || i(bbox2, bbox1.x2, bbox1.y)
            || i(bbox2, bbox1.x, bbox1.y2)
            || i(bbox2, bbox1.x2, bbox1.y2)
            || i(bbox1, bbox2.x, bbox2.y)
            || i(bbox1, bbox2.x2, bbox2.y)
            || i(bbox1, bbox2.x, bbox2.y2)
            || i(bbox1, bbox2.x2, bbox2.y2)
            || (bbox1.x < bbox2.x2 && bbox1.x > bbox2.x || bbox2.x < bbox1.x2 && bbox2.x > bbox1.x)
            && (bbox1.y < bbox2.y2 && bbox1.y > bbox2.y || bbox2.y < bbox1.y2 && bbox2.y > bbox1.y);
    function base3(t, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
        var t1 = -3 * p1 + 9 * p2 - 9 * p3 + 3 * p4,
            t2 = t * t1 + 6 * p1 - 12 * p2 + 6 * p3;
        return t * t2 - 3 * p1 + 3 * p2;
    function bezlen(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, z) {
        if (z == null) {
            z = 1;
        z = z > 1 ? 1 : z < 0 ? 0 : z;
        var z2 = z / 2,
            n = 12,
            Tvalues = [-0.1252,0.1252,-0.3678,0.3678,-0.5873,0.5873,-0.7699,0.7699,-0.9041,0.9041,-0.9816,0.9816],
            Cvalues = [0.2491,0.2491,0.2335,0.2335,0.2032,0.2032,0.1601,0.1601,0.1069,0.1069,0.0472,0.0472],
            sum = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            var ct = z2 * Tvalues[i] + z2,
                xbase = base3(ct, x1, x2, x3, x4),
                ybase = base3(ct, y1, y2, y3, y4),
                comb = xbase * xbase + ybase * ybase;
            sum += Cvalues[i] * math.sqrt(comb);
        return z2 * sum;
    function getTatLen(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, ll) {
        if (ll < 0 || bezlen(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) < ll) {
        var t = 1,
            step = t / 2,
            t2 = t - step,
            e = .01;
        l = bezlen(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, t2);
        while (abs(l - ll) > e) {
            step /= 2;
            t2 += (l < ll ? 1 : -1) * step;
            l = bezlen(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, t2);
        return t2;
    function intersect(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) {
        if (
            mmax(x1, x2) < mmin(x3, x4) ||
            mmin(x1, x2) > mmax(x3, x4) ||
            mmax(y1, y2) < mmin(y3, y4) ||
            mmin(y1, y2) > mmax(y3, y4)
        ) {
        var nx = (x1 * y2 - y1 * x2) * (x3 - x4) - (x1 - x2) * (x3 * y4 - y3 * x4),
            ny = (x1 * y2 - y1 * x2) * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * (x3 * y4 - y3 * x4),
            denominator = (x1 - x2) * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * (x3 - x4);

        if (!denominator) {
        var px = nx / denominator,
            py = ny / denominator,
            px2 = +px.toFixed(2),
            py2 = +py.toFixed(2);
        if (
            px2 < +mmin(x1, x2).toFixed(2) ||
            px2 > +mmax(x1, x2).toFixed(2) ||
            px2 < +mmin(x3, x4).toFixed(2) ||
            px2 > +mmax(x3, x4).toFixed(2) ||
            py2 < +mmin(y1, y2).toFixed(2) ||
            py2 > +mmax(y1, y2).toFixed(2) ||
            py2 < +mmin(y3, y4).toFixed(2) ||
            py2 > +mmax(y3, y4).toFixed(2)
        ) {
        return {x: px, y: py};
    function inter(bez1, bez2) {
        return interHelper(bez1, bez2);
    function interCount(bez1, bez2) {
        return interHelper(bez1, bez2, 1);
    function interHelper(bez1, bez2, justCount) {
        var bbox1 = R.bezierBBox(bez1),
            bbox2 = R.bezierBBox(bez2);
        if (!R.isBBoxIntersect(bbox1, bbox2)) {
            return justCount ? 0 : [];
        var l1 = bezlen.apply(0, bez1),
            l2 = bezlen.apply(0, bez2),
            n1 = mmax(~~(l1 / 5), 1),
            n2 = mmax(~~(l2 / 5), 1),
            dots1 = [],
            dots2 = [],
            xy = {},
            res = justCount ? 0 : [];
        for (var i = 0; i < n1 + 1; i++) {
            var p = R.findDotsAtSegment.apply(R, bez1.concat(i / n1));
            dots1.push({x: p.x, y: p.y, t: i / n1});
        for (i = 0; i < n2 + 1; i++) {
            p = R.findDotsAtSegment.apply(R, bez2.concat(i / n2));
            dots2.push({x: p.x, y: p.y, t: i / n2});
        for (i = 0; i < n1; i++) {
            for (var j = 0; j < n2; j++) {
                var di = dots1[i],
                    di1 = dots1[i + 1],
                    dj = dots2[j],
                    dj1 = dots2[j + 1],
                    ci = abs(di1.x - di.x) < .001 ? "y" : "x",
                    cj = abs(dj1.x - dj.x) < .001 ? "y" : "x",
                    is = intersect(di.x, di.y, di1.x, di1.y, dj.x, dj.y, dj1.x, dj1.y);
                if (is) {
                    if (xy[is.x.toFixed(4)] == is.y.toFixed(4)) {
                    xy[is.x.toFixed(4)] = is.y.toFixed(4);
                    var t1 = di.t + abs((is[ci] - di[ci]) / (di1[ci] - di[ci])) * (di1.t - di.t),
                        t2 = dj.t + abs((is[cj] - dj[cj]) / (dj1[cj] - dj[cj])) * (dj1.t - dj.t);
                    if (t1 >= 0 && t1 <= 1.001 && t2 >= 0 && t2 <= 1.001) {
                        if (justCount) {
                        } else {
                                x: is.x,
                                y: is.y,
                                t1: mmin(t1, 1),
                                t2: mmin(t2, 1)
        return res;
     * Raphael.pathIntersection
     [ method ]
     * Utility method
     * Finds intersections of two paths
     > Parameters
     - path1 (string) path string
     - path2 (string) path string
     = (array) dots of intersection
     o [
     o     {
     o         x: (number) x coordinate of the point
     o         y: (number) y coordinate of the point
     o         t1: (number) t value for segment of path1
     o         t2: (number) t value for segment of path2
     o         segment1: (number) order number for segment of path1
     o         segment2: (number) order number for segment of path2
     o         bez1: (array) eight coordinates representing beziér curve for the segment of path1
     o         bez2: (array) eight coordinates representing beziér curve for the segment of path2
     o     }
     o ]
    R.pathIntersection = function (path1, path2) {
        return interPathHelper(path1, path2);
    R.pathIntersectionNumber = function (path1, path2) {
        return interPathHelper(path1, path2, 1);
    function interPathHelper(path1, path2, justCount) {
        path1 = R._path2curve(path1);
        path2 = R._path2curve(path2);
        var x1, y1, x2, y2, x1m, y1m, x2m, y2m, bez1, bez2,
            res = justCount ? 0 : [];
        for (var i = 0, ii = path1.length; i < ii; i++) {
            var pi = path1[i];
            if (pi[0] == "M") {
                x1 = x1m = pi[1];
                y1 = y1m = pi[2];
            } else {
                if (pi[0] == "C") {
                    bez1 = [x1, y1].concat(pi.slice(1));
                    x1 = bez1[6];
                    y1 = bez1[7];
                } else {
                    bez1 = [x1, y1, x1, y1, x1m, y1m, x1m, y1m];
                    x1 = x1m;
                    y1 = y1m;
                for (var j = 0, jj = path2.length; j < jj; j++) {
                    var pj = path2[j];
                    if (pj[0] == "M") {
                        x2 = x2m = pj[1];
                        y2 = y2m = pj[2];
                    } else {
                        if (pj[0] == "C") {
                            bez2 = [x2, y2].concat(pj.slice(1));
                            x2 = bez2[6];
                            y2 = bez2[7];
                        } else {
                            bez2 = [x2, y2, x2, y2, x2m, y2m, x2m, y2m];
                            x2 = x2m;
                            y2 = y2m;
                        var intr = interHelper(bez1, bez2, justCount);
                        if (justCount) {
                            res += intr;
                        } else {
                            for (var k = 0, kk = intr.length; k < kk; k++) {
                                intr[k].segment1 = i;
                                intr[k].segment2 = j;
                                intr[k].bez1 = bez1;
                                intr[k].bez2 = bez2;
                            res = res.concat(intr);
        return res;
     * Raphael.isPointInsidePath
     [ method ]
     * Utility method
     * Returns `true` if given point is inside a given closed path.
     > Parameters
     - path (string) path string
     - x (number) x of the point
     - y (number) y of the point
     = (boolean) true, if point is inside the path
    R.isPointInsidePath = function (path, x, y) {
        var bbox = R.pathBBox(path);
        return R.isPointInsideBBox(bbox, x, y) &&
               interPathHelper(path, [["M", x, y], ["H", bbox.x2 + 10]], 1) % 2 == 1;
    R._removedFactory = function (methodname) {
        return function () {
            eve("raphael.log", null, "Rapha\xebl: you are calling to method \u201c" + methodname + "\u201d of removed object", methodname);
     * Raphael.pathBBox
     [ method ]
     * Utility method
     * Return bounding box of a given path
     > Parameters
     - path (string) path string
     = (object) bounding box
     o {
     o     x: (number) x coordinate of the left top point of the box
     o     y: (number) y coordinate of the left top point of the box
     o     x2: (number) x coordinate of the right bottom point of the box
     o     y2: (number) y coordinate of the right bottom point of the box
     o     width: (number) width of the box
     o     height: (number) height of the box
     o     cx: (number) x coordinate of the center of the box
     o     cy: (number) y coordinate of the center of the box
     o }
    var pathDimensions = R.pathBBox = function (path) {
        var pth = paths(path);
        if (pth.bbox) {
            return clone(pth.bbox);
        if (!path) {
            return {x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0, x2: 0, y2: 0};
        path = path2curve(path);
        var x = 0,
            y = 0,
            X = [],
            Y = [],
        for (var i = 0, ii = path.length; i < ii; i++) {
            p = path[i];
            if (p[0] == "M") {
                x = p[1];
                y = p[2];
            } else {
                var dim = curveDim(x, y, p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6]);
                X = X[concat](dim.min.x, dim.max.x);
                Y = Y[concat](dim.min.y, dim.max.y);
                x = p[5];
                y = p[6];
        var xmin = mmin[apply](0, X),
            ymin = mmin[apply](0, Y),
            xmax = mmax[apply](0, X),
            ymax = mmax[apply](0, Y),
            width = xmax - xmin,
            height = ymax - ymin,
                bb = {
                x: xmin,
                y: ymin,
                x2: xmax,
                y2: ymax,
                width: width,
                height: height,
                cx: xmin + width / 2,
                cy: ymin + height / 2
        pth.bbox = clone(bb);
        return bb;
        pathClone = function (pathArray) {
            var res = clone(pathArray);
            res.toString = R._path2string;
            return res;
        pathToRelative = R._pathToRelative = function (pathArray) {
            var pth = paths(pathArray);
            if (pth.rel) {
                return pathClone(pth.rel);
            if (!, array) || ! && pathArray[0], array)) { // rough assumption
                pathArray = R.parsePathString(pathArray);
            var res = [],
                x = 0,
                y = 0,
                mx = 0,
                my = 0,
                start = 0;
            if (pathArray[0][0] == "M") {
                x = pathArray[0][1];
                y = pathArray[0][2];
                mx = x;
                my = y;
                res.push(["M", x, y]);
            for (var i = start, ii = pathArray.length; i < ii; i++) {
                var r = res[i] = [],
                    pa = pathArray[i];
                if (pa[0] !=[0])) {
                    r[0] =[0]);
                    switch (r[0]) {
                        case "a":
                            r[1] = pa[1];
                            r[2] = pa[2];
                            r[3] = pa[3];
                            r[4] = pa[4];
                            r[5] = pa[5];
                            r[6] = +(pa[6] - x).toFixed(3);
                            r[7] = +(pa[7] - y).toFixed(3);
                        case "v":
                            r[1] = +(pa[1] - y).toFixed(3);
                        case "m":
                            mx = pa[1];
                            my = pa[2];
                            for (var j = 1, jj = pa.length; j < jj; j++) {
                                r[j] = +(pa[j] - ((j % 2) ? x : y)).toFixed(3);
                } else {
                    r = res[i] = [];
                    if (pa[0] == "m") {
                        mx = pa[1] + x;
                        my = pa[2] + y;
                    for (var k = 0, kk = pa.length; k < kk; k++) {
                        res[i][k] = pa[k];
                var len = res[i].length;
                switch (res[i][0]) {
                    case "z":
                        x = mx;
                        y = my;
                    case "h":
                        x += +res[i][len - 1];
                    case "v":
                        y += +res[i][len - 1];
                        x += +res[i][len - 2];
                        y += +res[i][len - 1];
            res.toString = R._path2string;
            pth.rel = pathClone(res);
            return res;
        pathToAbsolute = R._pathToAbsolute = function (pathArray) {
            var pth = paths(pathArray);
            if (pth.abs) {
                return pathClone(pth.abs);
            if (!, array) || ! && pathArray[0], array)) { // rough assumption
                pathArray = R.parsePathString(pathArray);
            if (!pathArray || !pathArray.length) {
                return [["M", 0, 0]];
            var res = [],
                x = 0,
                y = 0,
                mx = 0,
                my = 0,
                start = 0;
            if (pathArray[0][0] == "M") {
                x = +pathArray[0][1];
                y = +pathArray[0][2];
                mx = x;
                my = y;
                res[0] = ["M", x, y];
            var crz = pathArray.length == 3 && pathArray[0][0] == "M" && pathArray[1][0].toUpperCase() == "R" && pathArray[2][0].toUpperCase() == "Z";
            for (var r, pa, i = start, ii = pathArray.length; i < ii; i++) {
                res.push(r = []);
                pa = pathArray[i];
                if (pa[0] !=[0])) {
                    r[0] =[0]);
                    switch (r[0]) {
                        case "A":
                            r[1] = pa[1];
                            r[2] = pa[2];
                            r[3] = pa[3];
                            r[4] = pa[4];
                            r[5] = pa[5];
                            r[6] = +(pa[6] + x);
                            r[7] = +(pa[7] + y);
                        case "V":
                            r[1] = +pa[1] + y;
                        case "H":
                            r[1] = +pa[1] + x;
                        case "R":
                            var dots = [x, y][concat](pa.slice(1));
                            for (var j = 2, jj = dots.length; j < jj; j++) {
                                dots[j] = +dots[j] + x;
                                dots[++j] = +dots[j] + y;
                            res = res[concat](catmullRom2bezier(dots, crz));
                        case "M":
                            mx = +pa[1] + x;
                            my = +pa[2] + y;
                            for (j = 1, jj = pa.length; j < jj; j++) {
                                r[j] = +pa[j] + ((j % 2) ? x : y);
                } else if (pa[0] == "R") {
                    dots = [x, y][concat](pa.slice(1));
                    res = res[concat](catmullRom2bezier(dots, crz));
                    r = ["R"][concat](pa.slice(-2));
                } else {
                    for (var k = 0, kk = pa.length; k < kk; k++) {
                        r[k] = pa[k];
                switch (r[0]) {
                    case "Z":
                        x = mx;
                        y = my;
                    case "H":
                        x = r[1];
                    case "V":
                        y = r[1];
                    case "M":
                        mx = r[r.length - 2];
                        my = r[r.length - 1];
                        x = r[r.length - 2];
                        y = r[r.length - 1];
            res.toString = R._path2string;
            pth.abs = pathClone(res);
            return res;
        l2c = function (x1, y1, x2, y2) {
            return [x1, y1, x2, y2, x2, y2];
        q2c = function (x1, y1, ax, ay, x2, y2) {
            var _13 = 1 / 3,
                _23 = 2 / 3;
            return [
                    _13 * x1 + _23 * ax,
                    _13 * y1 + _23 * ay,
                    _13 * x2 + _23 * ax,
                    _13 * y2 + _23 * ay,
        a2c = function (x1, y1, rx, ry, angle, large_arc_flag, sweep_flag, x2, y2, recursive) {
            // for more information of where this math came from visit:
            var _120 = PI * 120 / 180,
                rad = PI / 180 * (+angle || 0),
                res = [],
                rotate = cacher(function (x, y, rad) {
                    var X = x * math.cos(rad) - y * math.sin(rad),
                        Y = x * math.sin(rad) + y * math.cos(rad);
                    return {x: X, y: Y};
            if (!recursive) {
                xy = rotate(x1, y1, -rad);
                x1 = xy.x;
                y1 = xy.y;
                xy = rotate(x2, y2, -rad);
                x2 = xy.x;
                y2 = xy.y;
                var cos = math.cos(PI / 180 * angle),
                    sin = math.sin(PI / 180 * angle),
                    x = (x1 - x2) / 2,
                    y = (y1 - y2) / 2;
                var h = (x * x) / (rx * rx) + (y * y) / (ry * ry);
                if (h > 1) {
                    h = math.sqrt(h);
                    rx = h * rx;
                    ry = h * ry;
                var rx2 = rx * rx,
                    ry2 = ry * ry,
                    k = (large_arc_flag == sweep_flag ? -1 : 1) *
                        math.sqrt(abs((rx2 * ry2 - rx2 * y * y - ry2 * x * x) / (rx2 * y * y + ry2 * x * x))),
                    cx = k * rx * y / ry + (x1 + x2) / 2,
                    cy = k * -ry * x / rx + (y1 + y2) / 2,
                    f1 = math.asin(((y1 - cy) / ry).toFixed(9)),
                    f2 = math.asin(((y2 - cy) / ry).toFixed(9));

                f1 = x1 < cx ? PI - f1 : f1;
                f2 = x2 < cx ? PI - f2 : f2;
                f1 < 0 && (f1 = PI * 2 + f1);
                f2 < 0 && (f2 = PI * 2 + f2);
                if (sweep_flag && f1 > f2) {
                    f1 = f1 - PI * 2;
                if (!sweep_flag && f2 > f1) {
                    f2 = f2 - PI * 2;
            } else {
                f1 = recursive[0];
                f2 = recursive[1];
                cx = recursive[2];
                cy = recursive[3];
            var df = f2 - f1;
            if (abs(df) > _120) {
                var f2old = f2,
                    x2old = x2,
                    y2old = y2;
                f2 = f1 + _120 * (sweep_flag && f2 > f1 ? 1 : -1);
                x2 = cx + rx * math.cos(f2);
                y2 = cy + ry * math.sin(f2);
                res = a2c(x2, y2, rx, ry, angle, 0, sweep_flag, x2old, y2old, [f2, f2old, cx, cy]);
            df = f2 - f1;
            var c1 = math.cos(f1),
                s1 = math.sin(f1),
                c2 = math.cos(f2),
                s2 = math.sin(f2),
                t = math.tan(df / 4),
                hx = 4 / 3 * rx * t,
                hy = 4 / 3 * ry * t,
                m1 = [x1, y1],
                m2 = [x1 + hx * s1, y1 - hy * c1],
                m3 = [x2 + hx * s2, y2 - hy * c2],
                m4 = [x2, y2];
            m2[0] = 2 * m1[0] - m2[0];
            m2[1] = 2 * m1[1] - m2[1];
            if (recursive) {
                return [m2, m3, m4][concat](res);
            } else {
                res = [m2, m3, m4][concat](res).join()[split](",");
                var newres = [];
                for (var i = 0, ii = res.length; i < ii; i++) {
                    newres[i] = i % 2 ? rotate(res[i - 1], res[i], rad).y : rotate(res[i], res[i + 1], rad).x;
                return newres;
        findDotAtSegment = function (p1x, p1y, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, p2x, p2y, t) {
            var t1 = 1 - t;
            return {
                x: pow(t1, 3) * p1x + pow(t1, 2) * 3 * t * c1x + t1 * 3 * t * t * c2x + pow(t, 3) * p2x,
                y: pow(t1, 3) * p1y + pow(t1, 2) * 3 * t * c1y + t1 * 3 * t * t * c2y + pow(t, 3) * p2y
        curveDim = cacher(function (p1x, p1y, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, p2x, p2y) {
            var a = (c2x - 2 * c1x + p1x) - (p2x - 2 * c2x + c1x),
                b = 2 * (c1x - p1x) - 2 * (c2x - c1x),
                c = p1x - c1x,
                t1 = (-b + math.sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c)) / 2 / a,
                t2 = (-b - math.sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c)) / 2 / a,
                y = [p1y, p2y],
                x = [p1x, p2x],
            abs(t1) > "1e12" && (t1 = .5);
            abs(t2) > "1e12" && (t2 = .5);
            if (t1 > 0 && t1 < 1) {
                dot = findDotAtSegment(p1x, p1y, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, p2x, p2y, t1);
            if (t2 > 0 && t2 < 1) {
                dot = findDotAtSegment(p1x, p1y, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, p2x, p2y, t2);
            a = (c2y - 2 * c1y + p1y) - (p2y - 2 * c2y + c1y);
            b = 2 * (c1y - p1y) - 2 * (c2y - c1y);
            c = p1y - c1y;
            t1 = (-b + math.sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c)) / 2 / a;
            t2 = (-b - math.sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c)) / 2 / a;
            abs(t1) > "1e12" && (t1 = .5);
            abs(t2) > "1e12" && (t2 = .5);
            if (t1 > 0 && t1 < 1) {
                dot = findDotAtSegment(p1x, p1y, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, p2x, p2y, t1);
            if (t2 > 0 && t2 < 1) {
                dot = findDotAtSegment(p1x, p1y, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, p2x, p2y, t2);
            return {
                min: {x: mmin[apply](0, x), y: mmin[apply](0, y)},
                max: {x: mmax[apply](0, x), y: mmax[apply](0, y)}
        path2curve = R._path2curve = cacher(function (path, path2) {
            var pth = !path2 && paths(path);
            if (!path2 && pth.curve) {
                return pathClone(pth.curve);
            var p = pathToAbsolute(path),
                p2 = path2 && pathToAbsolute(path2),
                attrs = {x: 0, y: 0, bx: 0, by: 0, X: 0, Y: 0, qx: null, qy: null},
                attrs2 = {x: 0, y: 0, bx: 0, by: 0, X: 0, Y: 0, qx: null, qy: null},
                processPath = function (path, d, pcom) {
                    var nx, ny, tq = {T:1, Q:1};
                    if (!path) {
                        return ["C", d.x, d.y, d.x, d.y, d.x, d.y];
                    !(path[0] in tq) && (d.qx = d.qy = null);
                    switch (path[0]) {
                        case "M":
                            d.X = path[1];
                            d.Y = path[2];
                        case "A":
                            path = ["C"][concat](a2c[apply](0, [d.x, d.y][concat](path.slice(1))));
                        case "S":
                            if (pcom == "C" || pcom == "S") { // In "S" case we have to take into account, if the previous command is C/S.
                                nx = d.x * 2 - d.bx;          // And reflect the previous
                                ny = d.y * 2 -;          // command's control point relative to the current point.
                            else {                            // or some else or nothing
                                nx = d.x;
                                ny = d.y;
                            path = ["C", nx, ny][concat](path.slice(1));
                        case "T":
                            if (pcom == "Q" || pcom == "T") { // In "T" case we have to take into account, if the previous command is Q/T.
                                d.qx = d.x * 2 - d.qx;        // And make a reflection similar
                                d.qy = d.y * 2 - d.qy;        // to case "S".
                            else {                            // or something else or nothing
                                d.qx = d.x;
                                d.qy = d.y;
                            path = ["C"][concat](q2c(d.x, d.y, d.qx, d.qy, path[1], path[2]));
                        case "Q":
                            d.qx = path[1];
                            d.qy = path[2];
                            path = ["C"][concat](q2c(d.x, d.y, path[1], path[2], path[3], path[4]));
                        case "L":
                            path = ["C"][concat](l2c(d.x, d.y, path[1], path[2]));
                        case "H":
                            path = ["C"][concat](l2c(d.x, d.y, path[1], d.y));
                        case "V":
                            path = ["C"][concat](l2c(d.x, d.y, d.x, path[1]));
                        case "Z":
                            path = ["C"][concat](l2c(d.x, d.y, d.X, d.Y));
                    return path;
                fixArc = function (pp, i) {
                    if (pp[i].length > 7) {
                        var pi = pp[i];
                        while (pi.length) {
                            pcoms1[i]="A"; // if created multiple C:s, their original seg is saved
                            p2 && (pcoms2[i]="A"); // the same as above
                            pp.splice(i++, 0, ["C"][concat](pi.splice(0, 6)));
                        pp.splice(i, 1);
                        ii = mmax(p.length, p2 && p2.length || 0);
                fixM = function (path1, path2, a1, a2, i) {
                    if (path1 && path2 && path1[i][0] == "M" && path2[i][0] != "M") {
                        path2.splice(i, 0, ["M", a2.x, a2.y]);
                        a1.bx = 0;
               = 0;
                        a1.x = path1[i][1];
                        a1.y = path1[i][2];
                        ii = mmax(p.length, p2 && p2.length || 0);
                pcoms1 = [], // path commands of original path p
                pcoms2 = [], // path commands of original path p2
                pfirst = "", // temporary holder for original path command
                pcom = ""; // holder for previous path command of original path
            for (var i = 0, ii = mmax(p.length, p2 && p2.length || 0); i < ii; i++) {
                p[i] && (pfirst = p[i][0]); // save current path command

                if (pfirst != "C") // C is not saved yet, because it may be result of conversion
                    pcoms1[i] = pfirst; // Save current path command
                    i && ( pcom = pcoms1[i-1]); // Get previous path command pcom
                p[i] = processPath(p[i], attrs, pcom); // Previous path command is inputted to processPath

                if (pcoms1[i] != "A" && pfirst == "C") pcoms1[i] = "C"; // A is the only command
                // which may produce multiple C:s
                // so we have to make sure that C is also C in original path

                fixArc(p, i); // fixArc adds also the right amount of A:s to pcoms1

                if (p2) { // the same procedures is done to p2
                    p2[i] && (pfirst = p2[i][0]);
                    if (pfirst != "C")
                        pcoms2[i] = pfirst;
                        i && (pcom = pcoms2[i-1]);
                    p2[i] = processPath(p2[i], attrs2, pcom);

                    if (pcoms2[i]!="A" && pfirst=="C") pcoms2[i]="C";

                    fixArc(p2, i);
                fixM(p, p2, attrs, attrs2, i);
                fixM(p2, p, attrs2, attrs, i);
                var seg = p[i],
                    seg2 = p2 && p2[i],
                    seglen = seg.length,
                    seg2len = p2 && seg2.length;
                attrs.x = seg[seglen - 2];
                attrs.y = seg[seglen - 1];
                attrs.bx = toFloat(seg[seglen - 4]) || attrs.x;
       = toFloat(seg[seglen - 3]) || attrs.y;
                attrs2.bx = p2 && (toFloat(seg2[seg2len - 4]) || attrs2.x);
       = p2 && (toFloat(seg2[seg2len - 3]) || attrs2.y);
                attrs2.x = p2 && seg2[seg2len - 2];
                attrs2.y = p2 && seg2[seg2len - 1];
            if (!p2) {
                pth.curve = pathClone(p);
            return p2 ? [p, p2] : p;
        }, null, pathClone),
        parseDots = R._parseDots = cacher(function (gradient) {
            var dots = [];
            for (var i = 0, ii = gradient.length; i < ii; i++) {
                var dot = {},
                    par = gradient[i].match(/^([^:]*):?([\d\.]*)/);
                dot.color = R.getRGB(par[1]);
                if (dot.color.error) {
                    return null;
                dot.opacity = dot.color.opacity;
                dot.color = dot.color.hex;
                par[2] && (dot.offset = par[2] + "%");
            for (i = 1, ii = dots.length - 1; i < ii; i++) {
                if (!dots[i].offset) {
                    var start = toFloat(dots[i - 1].offset || 0),
                        end = 0;
                    for (var j = i + 1; j < ii; j++) {
                        if (dots[j].offset) {
                            end = dots[j].offset;
                    if (!end) {
                        end = 100;
                        j = ii;
                    end = toFloat(end);
                    var d = (end - start) / (j - i + 1);
                    for (; i < j; i++) {
                        start += d;
                        dots[i].offset = start + "%";
            return dots;
        tear = R._tear = function (el, paper) {
            el == && ( = el.prev);
            el == paper.bottom && (paper.bottom =;
   && ( = el.prev);
            el.prev && ( =;
        tofront = R._tofront = function (el, paper) {
            if ( === el) {
            tear(el, paper);
   = null;
            el.prev =;
   = el;
   = el;
        toback = R._toback = function (el, paper) {
            if (paper.bottom === el) {
            tear(el, paper);
   = paper.bottom;
            el.prev = null;
            paper.bottom.prev = el;
            paper.bottom = el;
        insertafter = R._insertafter = function (el, el2, paper) {
            tear(el, paper);
            el2 == && ( = el);
   && ( = el);
            el.prev = el2;
   = el;
        insertbefore = R._insertbefore = function (el, el2, paper) {
            tear(el, paper);
            el2 == paper.bottom && (paper.bottom = el);
            el2.prev && ( = el);
            el.prev = el2.prev;
            el2.prev = el;
   = el2;
         * Raphael.toMatrix
         [ method ]
         * Utility method
         * Returns matrix of transformations applied to a given path
         > Parameters
         - path (string) path string
         - transform (string|array) transformation string
         = (object) @Matrix
        toMatrix = R.toMatrix = function (path, transform) {
            var bb = pathDimensions(path),
                el = {
                    _: {
                        transform: E
                    getBBox: function () {
                        return bb;
            extractTransform(el, transform);
            return el.matrix;
         * Raphael.transformPath
         [ method ]
         * Utility method
         * Returns path transformed by a given transformation
         > Parameters
         - path (string) path string
         - transform (string|array) transformation string
         = (string) path
        transformPath = R.transformPath = function (path, transform) {
            return mapPath(path, toMatrix(path, transform));
        extractTransform = R._extractTransform = function (el, tstr) {
            if (tstr == null) {
                return el._.transform;
            tstr = Str(tstr).replace(/\.{3}|\u2026/g, el._.transform || E);
            var tdata = R.parseTransformString(tstr),
                deg = 0,
                dx = 0,
                dy = 0,
                sx = 1,
                sy = 1,
                _ = el._,
                m = new Matrix;
            _.transform = tdata || [];
            if (tdata) {
                for (var i = 0, ii = tdata.length; i < ii; i++) {
                    var t = tdata[i],
                        tlen = t.length,
                        command = Str(t[0]).toLowerCase(),
                        absolute = t[0] != command,
                        inver = absolute ? m.invert() : 0,
                    if (command == "t" && tlen == 3) {
                        if (absolute) {
                            x1 = inver.x(0, 0);
                            y1 = inver.y(0, 0);
                            x2 = inver.x(t[1], t[2]);
                            y2 = inver.y(t[1], t[2]);
                            m.translate(x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
                        } else {
                            m.translate(t[1], t[2]);
                    } else if (command == "r") {
                        if (tlen == 2) {
                            bb = bb || el.getBBox(1);
                            m.rotate(t[1], bb.x + bb.width / 2, bb.y + bb.height / 2);
                            deg += t[1];
                        } else if (tlen == 4) {
                            if (absolute) {
                                x2 = inver.x(t[2], t[3]);
                                y2 = inver.y(t[2], t[3]);
                                m.rotate(t[1], x2, y2);
                            } else {
                                m.rotate(t[1], t[2], t[3]);
                            deg += t[1];
                    } else if (command == "s") {
                        if (tlen == 2 || tlen == 3) {
                            bb = bb || el.getBBox(1);
                            m.scale(t[1], t[tlen - 1], bb.x + bb.width / 2, bb.y + bb.height / 2);
                            sx *= t[1];
                            sy *= t[tlen - 1];
                        } else if (tlen == 5) {
                            if (absolute) {
                                x2 = inver.x(t[3], t[4]);
                                y2 = inver.y(t[3], t[4]);
                                m.scale(t[1], t[2], x2, y2);
                            } else {
                                m.scale(t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4]);
                            sx *= t[1];
                            sy *= t[2];
                    } else if (command == "m" && tlen == 7) {
                        m.add(t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5], t[6]);
                    _.dirtyT = 1;
                    el.matrix = m;

             * Element.matrix
             [ property (object) ]
             * Keeps @Matrix object, which represents element transformation
            el.matrix = m;

   = sx;
   = sy;
            _.deg = deg;
            _.dx = dx = m.e;
            _.dy = dy = m.f;

            if (sx == 1 && sy == 1 && !deg && _.bbox) {
                _.bbox.x += +dx;
                _.bbox.y += +dy;
            } else {
                _.dirtyT = 1;
        getEmpty = function (item) {
            var l = item[0];
            switch (l.toLowerCase()) {
                case "t": return [l, 0, 0];
                case "m": return [l, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0];
                case "r": if (item.length == 4) {
                    return [l, 0, item[2], item[3]];
                } else {
                    return [l, 0];
                case "s": if (item.length == 5) {
                    return [l, 1, 1, item[3], item[4]];
                } else if (item.length == 3) {
                    return [l, 1, 1];
                } else {
                    return [l, 1];
        equaliseTransform = R._equaliseTransform = function (t1, t2) {
            t2 = Str(t2).replace(/\.{3}|\u2026/g, t1);
            t1 = R.parseTransformString(t1) || [];
            t2 = R.parseTransformString(t2) || [];
            var maxlength = mmax(t1.length, t2.length),
                from = [],
                to = [],
                i = 0, j, jj,
                tt1, tt2;
            for (; i < maxlength; i++) {
                tt1 = t1[i] || getEmpty(t2[i]);
                tt2 = t2[i] || getEmpty(tt1);
                if ((tt1[0] != tt2[0]) ||
                    (tt1[0].toLowerCase() == "r" && (tt1[2] != tt2[2] || tt1[3] != tt2[3])) ||
                    (tt1[0].toLowerCase() == "s" && (tt1[3] != tt2[3] || tt1[4] != tt2[4]))
                    ) {
                from[i] = [];
                to[i] = [];
                for (j = 0, jj = mmax(tt1.length, tt2.length); j < jj; j++) {
                    j in tt1 && (from[i][j] = tt1[j]);
                    j in tt2 && (to[i][j] = tt2[j]);
            return {
                from: from,
                to: to
    R._getContainer = function (x, y, w, h) {
        var container;
        container = h == null && !, "object") ? g.doc.getElementById(x) : x;
        if (container == null) {
        if (container.tagName) {
            if (y == null) {
                return {
                    container: container,
                    width: || container.offsetWidth,
                    height: || container.offsetHeight
            } else {
                return {
                    container: container,
                    width: y,
                    height: w
        return {
            container: 1,
            x: x,
            y: y,
            width: w,
            height: h
     * Raphael.pathToRelative
     [ method ]
     * Utility method
     * Converts path to relative form
     > Parameters
     - pathString (string|array) path string or array of segments
     = (array) array of segments.
    R.pathToRelative = pathToRelative;
    R._engine = {};
     * Raphael.path2curve
     [ method ]
     * Utility method
     * Converts path to a new path where all segments are cubic bezier curves.
     > Parameters
     - pathString (string|array) path string or array of segments
     = (array) array of segments.
    R.path2curve = path2curve;
     * Raphael.matrix
     [ method ]
     * Utility method
     * Returns matrix based on given parameters.
     > Parameters
     - a (number)
     - b (number)
     - c (number)
     - d (number)
     - e (number)
     - f (number)
     = (object) @Matrix
    R.matrix = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
        return new Matrix(a, b, c, d, e, f);
    function Matrix(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
        if (a != null) {
            this.a = +a;
            this.b = +b;
            this.c = +c;
            this.d = +d;
            this.e = +e;
            this.f = +f;
        } else {
            this.a = 1;
            this.b = 0;
            this.c = 0;
            this.d = 1;
            this.e = 0;
            this.f = 0;
    (function (matrixproto) {
         * Matrix.add
         [ method ]
         * Adds given matrix to existing one.
         > Parameters
         - a (number)
         - b (number)
         - c (number)
         - d (number)
         - e (number)
         - f (number)
         - matrix (object) @Matrix
        matrixproto.add = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
            var out = [[], [], []],
                m = [[this.a, this.c, this.e], [this.b, this.d, this.f], [0, 0, 1]],
                matrix = [[a, c, e], [b, d, f], [0, 0, 1]],
                x, y, z, res;

            if (a && a instanceof Matrix) {
                matrix = [[a.a, a.c, a.e], [a.b, a.d, a.f], [0, 0, 1]];

            for (x = 0; x < 3; x++) {
                for (y = 0; y < 3; y++) {
                    res = 0;
                    for (z = 0; z < 3; z++) {
                        res += m[x][z] * matrix[z][y];
                    out[x][y] = res;
            this.a = out[0][0];
            this.b = out[1][0];
            this.c = out[0][1];
            this.d = out[1][1];
            this.e = out[0][2];
            this.f = out[1][2];
         * Matrix.invert
         [ method ]
         * Returns inverted version of the matrix
         = (object) @Matrix
        matrixproto.invert = function () {
            var me = this,
                x = me.a * me.d - me.b * me.c;
            return new Matrix(me.d / x, -me.b / x, -me.c / x, me.a / x, (me.c * me.f - me.d * me.e) / x, (me.b * me.e - me.a * me.f) / x);
         * Matrix.clone
         [ method ]
         * Returns copy of the matrix
         = (object) @Matrix
        matrixproto.clone = function () {
            return new Matrix(this.a, this.b, this.c, this.d, this.e, this.f);
         * Matrix.translate
         [ method ]
         * Translate the matrix
         > Parameters
         - x (number)
         - y (number)
        matrixproto.translate = function (x, y) {
            this.add(1, 0, 0, 1, x, y);
         * Matrix.scale
         [ method ]
         * Scales the matrix
         > Parameters
         - x (number)
         - y (number) #optional
         - cx (number) #optional
         - cy (number) #optional
        matrixproto.scale = function (x, y, cx, cy) {
            y == null && (y = x);
            (cx || cy) && this.add(1, 0, 0, 1, cx, cy);
            this.add(x, 0, 0, y, 0, 0);
            (cx || cy) && this.add(1, 0, 0, 1, -cx, -cy);
         * Matrix.rotate
         [ method ]
         * Rotates the matrix
         > Parameters
         - a (number)
         - x (number)
         - y (number)
        matrixproto.rotate = function (a, x, y) {
            a = R.rad(a);
            x = x || 0;
            y = y || 0;
            var cos = +math.cos(a).toFixed(9),
                sin = +math.sin(a).toFixed(9);
            this.add(cos, sin, -sin, cos, x, y);
            this.add(1, 0, 0, 1, -x, -y);
         * Matrix.x
         [ method ]
         * Return x coordinate for given point after transformation described by the matrix. See also @Matrix.y
         > Parameters
         - x (number)
         - y (number)
         = (number) x
        matrixproto.x = function (x, y) {
            return x * this.a + y * this.c + this.e;
         * Matrix.y
         [ method ]
         * Return y coordinate for given point after transformation described by the matrix. See also @Matrix.x
         > Parameters
         - x (number)
         - y (number)
         = (number) y
        matrixproto.y = function (x, y) {
            return x * this.b + y * this.d + this.f;
        matrixproto.get = function (i) {
            return +this[Str.fromCharCode(97 + i)].toFixed(4);
        matrixproto.toString = function () {
            return R.svg ?
                "matrix(" + [this.get(0), this.get(1), this.get(2), this.get(3), this.get(4), this.get(5)].join() + ")" :
                [this.get(0), this.get(2), this.get(1), this.get(3), 0, 0].join();
        matrixproto.toFilter = function () {
            return "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=" + this.get(0) +
                ", M12=" + this.get(2) + ", M21=" + this.get(1) + ", M22=" + this.get(3) +
                ", Dx=" + this.get(4) + ", Dy=" + this.get(5) + ", sizingmethod='auto expand')";
        matrixproto.offset = function () {
            return [this.e.toFixed(4), this.f.toFixed(4)];
        function norm(a) {
            return a[0] * a[0] + a[1] * a[1];
        function normalize(a) {
            var mag = math.sqrt(norm(a));
            a[0] && (a[0] /= mag);
            a[1] && (a[1] /= mag);
         * Matrix.split
         [ method ]
         * Splits matrix into primitive transformations
         = (object) in format:
         o dx (number) translation by x
         o dy (number) translation by y
         o scalex (number) scale by x
         o scaley (number) scale by y
         o shear (number) shear
         o rotate (number) rotation in deg
         o isSimple (boolean) could it be represented via simple transformations
        matrixproto.split = function () {
            var out = {};
            // translation
            out.dx = this.e;
            out.dy = this.f;

            // scale and shear
            var row = [[this.a, this.c], [this.b, this.d]];
            out.scalex = math.sqrt(norm(row[0]));

            out.shear = row[0][0] * row[1][0] + row[0][1] * row[1][1];
            row[1] = [row[1][0] - row[0][0] * out.shear, row[1][1] - row[0][1] * out.shear];

            out.scaley = math.sqrt(norm(row[1]));
            out.shear /= out.scaley;

            // rotation
            var sin = -row[0][1],
                cos = row[1][1];
            if (cos < 0) {
                out.rotate = R.deg(math.acos(cos));
                if (sin < 0) {
                    out.rotate = 360 - out.rotate;
            } else {
                out.rotate = R.deg(math.asin(sin));

            out.isSimple = !+out.shear.toFixed(9) && (out.scalex.toFixed(9) == out.scaley.toFixed(9) || !out.rotate);
            out.isSuperSimple = !+out.shear.toFixed(9) && out.scalex.toFixed(9) == out.scaley.toFixed(9) && !out.rotate;
            out.noRotation = !+out.shear.toFixed(9) && !out.rotate;
            return out;
         * Matrix.toTransformString
         [ method ]
         * Return transform string that represents given matrix
         = (string) transform string
        matrixproto.toTransformString = function (shorter) {
            var s = shorter || this[split]();
            if (s.isSimple) {
                s.scalex = +s.scalex.toFixed(4);
                s.scaley = +s.scaley.toFixed(4);
                s.rotate = +s.rotate.toFixed(4);
                return  (s.dx || s.dy ? "t" + [s.dx, s.dy] : E) +
                        (s.scalex != 1 || s.scaley != 1 ? "s" + [s.scalex, s.scaley, 0, 0] : E) +
                        (s.rotate ? "r" + [s.rotate, 0, 0] : E);
            } else {
                return "m" + [this.get(0), this.get(1), this.get(2), this.get(3), this.get(4), this.get(5)];

    var preventDefault = function () {
        this.returnValue = false;
    preventTouch = function () {
        return this.originalEvent.preventDefault();
    stopPropagation = function () {
        this.cancelBubble = true;
    stopTouch = function () {
        return this.originalEvent.stopPropagation();
    getEventPosition = function (e) {
        var scrollY = g.doc.documentElement.scrollTop || g.doc.body.scrollTop,
            scrollX = g.doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || g.doc.body.scrollLeft;

        return {
            x: e.clientX + scrollX,
            y: e.clientY + scrollY
    addEvent = (function () {
        if (g.doc.addEventListener) {
            return function (obj, type, fn, element) {
                var f = function (e) {
                    var pos = getEventPosition(e);
                    return, e, pos.x, pos.y);
                obj.addEventListener(type, f, false);

                if (supportsTouch && touchMap[type]) {
                    var _f = function (e) {
                        var pos = getEventPosition(e),
                            olde = e;

                        for (var i = 0, ii = e.targetTouches && e.targetTouches.length; i < ii; i++) {
                            if (e.targetTouches[i].target == obj) {
                                e = e.targetTouches[i];
                                e.originalEvent = olde;
                                e.preventDefault = preventTouch;
                                e.stopPropagation = stopTouch;

                        return, e, pos.x, pos.y);
                    obj.addEventListener(touchMap[type], _f, false);

                return function () {
                    obj.removeEventListener(type, f, false);

                    if (supportsTouch && touchMap[type])
                        obj.removeEventListener(touchMap[type], _f, false);

                    return true;
        } else if (g.doc.attachEvent) {
            return function (obj, type, fn, element) {
                var f = function (e) {
                    e = e ||;
                    var scrollY = g.doc.documentElement.scrollTop || g.doc.body.scrollTop,
                        scrollX = g.doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || g.doc.body.scrollLeft,
                        x = e.clientX + scrollX,
                        y = e.clientY + scrollY;
                    e.preventDefault = e.preventDefault || preventDefault;
                    e.stopPropagation = e.stopPropagation || stopPropagation;
                    return, e, x, y);
                obj.attachEvent("on" + type, f);
                var detacher = function () {
                    obj.detachEvent("on" + type, f);
                    return true;
                return detacher;
    drag = [],
    dragMove = function (e) {
        var x = e.clientX,
            y = e.clientY,
            scrollY = g.doc.documentElement.scrollTop || g.doc.body.scrollTop,
            scrollX = g.doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || g.doc.body.scrollLeft,
            j = drag.length;
        while (j--) {
            dragi = drag[j];
            if (supportsTouch && e.touches) {
                var i = e.touches.length,
                while (i--) {
                    touch = e.touches[i];
                    if (touch.identifier == {
                        x = touch.clientX;
                        y = touch.clientY;
                        (e.originalEvent ? e.originalEvent : e).preventDefault();
            } else {
            var node = dragi.el.node,
                next = node.nextSibling,
                parent = node.parentNode,
                display =;
   && parent.removeChild(node);
   = "none";
            o = dragi.el.paper.getElementByPoint(x, y);
   = display;
   && (next ? parent.insertBefore(node, next) : parent.appendChild(node));
            o && eve("raphael.drag.over." +, dragi.el, o);
            x += scrollX;
            y += scrollY;
            eve("raphael.drag.move." +, dragi.move_scope || dragi.el, x - dragi.el._drag.x, y - dragi.el._drag.y, x, y, e);
    dragUp = function (e) {
        var i = drag.length,
        while (i--) {
            dragi = drag[i];
            dragi.el._drag = {};
            eve("raphael.drag.end." +, dragi.end_scope || dragi.start_scope || dragi.move_scope || dragi.el, e);
        drag = [];
     * Raphael.el
     [ property (object) ]
     * You can add your own method to elements. This is useful when you want to hack default functionality or
     * want to wrap some common transformation or attributes in one method. In difference to canvas methods,
     * you can redefine element method at any time. Expending element methods wouldn’t affect set.
     > Usage
     | = function () {
     |     this.attr({fill: "#f00"});
     | };
     | // then use it
     |, 100, 20).red();
    elproto = R.el = {};
     [ method ]
     * Adds event handler for click for the element.
     > Parameters
     - handler (function) handler for the event
     = (object) @Element
     * Element.unclick
     [ method ]
     * Removes event handler for click for the element.
     > Parameters
     - handler (function) #optional handler for the event
     = (object) @Element

     * Element.dblclick
     [ method ]
     * Adds event handler for double click for the element.
     > Parameters
     - handler (function) handler for the event
     = (object) @Element
     * Element.undblclick
     [ method ]
     * Removes event handler for double click for the element.
     > Parameters
     - handler (function) #optional handler for the event
     = (object) @Element

     * Element.mousedown
     [ method ]
     * Adds event handler for mousedown for the element.
     > Parameters
     - handler (function) handler for the event
     = (object) @Element
     * Element.unmousedown
     [ method ]
     * Removes event handler for mousedown for the element.
     > Parameters
     - handler (function) #optional handler for the event
     = (object) @Element

     * Element.mousemove
     [ method ]
     * Adds event handler for mousemove for the element.
     > Parameters
     - handler (function) handler for the event
     = (object) @Element
     * Element.unmousemove
     [ method ]
     * Removes event handler for mousemove for the element.
     > Parameters
     - handler (function) #optional handler for the event
     = (object) @Element

     * Element.mouseout
     [ method ]
     * Adds event handler for mouseout for the element.
     > Parameters
     - handler (function) handler for the event
     = (object) @Element
     * Element.unmouseout
     [ method ]
     * Removes event handler for mouseout for the element.
     > Parameters
     - handler (function) #optional handler for the event
     = (object) @Element

     * Element.mouseover
     [ method ]
     * Adds event handler for mouseover for the element.
     > Parameters
     - handler (function) handler for the event
     = (object) @Element
     * Element.unmouseover
     [ method ]
     * Removes event handler for mouseover for the element.
     > Parameters
     - handler (function) #optional handler for the event
     = (object) @Element

     * Element.mouseup
     [ method ]
     * Adds event handler for mouseup for the element.
     > Parameters
     - handler (function) handler for the event
     = (object) @Element
     * Element.unmouseup
     [ method ]
     * Removes event handler for mouseup for the element.
     > Parameters
     - handler (function) #optional handler for the event
     = (object) @Element

     * Element.touchstart
     [ method ]
     * Adds event handler for touchstart for the element.
     > Parameters
     - handler (function) handler for the event
     = (object) @Element
     * Element.untouchstart
     [ method ]
     * Removes event handler for touchstart for the element.
     > Parameters
     - handler (function) #optional handler for the event
     = (object) @Element

     * Element.touchmove
     [ method ]
     * Adds event handler for touchmove for the element.
     > Parameters
     - handler (function) handler for the event
     = (object) @Element
     * Element.untouchmove
     [ method ]
     * Removes event handler for touchmove for the element.
     > Parameters
     - handler (function) #optional handler for the event
     = (object) @Element

     * Element.touchend
     [ method ]
     * Adds event handler for touchend for the element.
     > Parameters
     - handler (function) handler for the event
     = (object) @Element
     * Element.untouchend
     [ method ]
     * Removes event handler for touchend for the element.
     > Parameters
     - handler (function) #optional handler for the event
     = (object) @Element

     * Element.touchcancel
     [ method ]
     * Adds event handler for touchcancel for the element.
     > Parameters
     - handler (function) handler for the event
     = (object) @Element
     * Element.untouchcancel
     [ method ]
     * Removes event handler for touchcancel for the element.
     > Parameters
     - handler (function) #optional handler for the event
     = (object) @Element
    for (var i = events.length; i--;) {
        (function (eventName) {
            R[eventName] = elproto[eventName] = function (fn, scope) {
                if (, "function")) {
           = || [];
          {name: eventName, f: fn, unbind: addEvent(this.shape || this.node || g.doc, eventName, fn, scope || this)});
                return this;
            R["un" + eventName] = elproto["un" + eventName] = function (fn) {
                var events = || [],
                    l = events.length;
                while (l--){
                    if (events[l].name == eventName && (, "undefined") || events[l].f == fn)) {
                        events.splice(l, 1);
                        !events.length && delete;
                return this;

     [ method ]
     * Adds or retrieves given value associated with given key.
     * See also @Element.removeData
     > Parameters
     - key (string) key to store data
     - value (any) #optional value to store
     = (object) @Element
     * or, if value is not specified:
     = (any) value
     * or, if key and value are not specified:
     = (object) Key/value pairs for all the data associated with the element.
     > Usage
     | for (var i = 0, i < 5, i++) {
     | + 15 * i, 10, 10)
     |          .attr({fill: "#000"})
     |          .data("i", i)
     |          .click(function () {
     |             alert("i"));
     |          });
     | }
    \*/ = function (key, value) {
        var data = eldata[] = eldata[] || {};
        if (arguments.length == 0) {
            return data;
        if (arguments.length == 1) {
            if (, "object")) {
                for (var i in key) if (key[has](i)) {
          , key[i]);
                return this;
            eve("" +, this, data[key], key);
            return data[key];
        data[key] = value;
        eve("" +, this, value, key);
        return this;
     * Element.removeData
     [ method ]
     * Removes value associated with an element by given key.
     * If key is not provided, removes all the data of the element.
     > Parameters
     - key (string) #optional key
     = (object) @Element
    elproto.removeData = function (key) {
        if (key == null) {
            delete eldata[];
        } else {
            eldata[] && delete eldata[][key];
        return this;
     * Element.getData
     [ method ]
     * Retrieves the element data
     = (object) data
    elproto.getData = function () {
        return clone(eldata[] || {});
     * Element.hover
     [ method ]
     * Adds event handlers for hover for the element.
     > Parameters
     - f_in (function) handler for hover in
     - f_out (function) handler for hover out
     - icontext (object) #optional context for hover in handler
     - ocontext (object) #optional context for hover out handler
     = (object) @Element
    elproto.hover = function (f_in, f_out, scope_in, scope_out) {
        return this.mouseover(f_in, scope_in).mouseout(f_out, scope_out || scope_in);
     * Element.unhover
     [ method ]
     * Removes event handlers for hover for the element.
     > Parameters
     - f_in (function) handler for hover in
     - f_out (function) handler for hover out
     = (object) @Element
    elproto.unhover = function (f_in, f_out) {
        return this.unmouseover(f_in).unmouseout(f_out);
    var draggable = [];
     * Element.drag
     [ method ]
     * Adds event handlers for drag of the element.
     > Parameters
     - onmove (function) handler for moving
     - onstart (function) handler for drag start
     - onend (function) handler for drag end
     - mcontext (object) #optional context for moving handler
     - scontext (object) #optional context for drag start handler
     - econtext (object) #optional context for drag end handler
     * Additionally following `drag` events will be triggered: `drag.start.<id>` on start,
     * `drag.end.<id>` on end and `drag.move.<id>` on every move. When element will be dragged over another element
     * `drag.over.<id>` will be fired as well.
     * Start event and start handler will be called in specified context or in context of the element with following parameters:
     o x (number) x position of the mouse
     o y (number) y position of the mouse
     o event (object) DOM event object
     * Move event and move handler will be called in specified context or in context of the element with following parameters:
     o dx (number) shift by x from the start point
     o dy (number) shift by y from the start point
     o x (number) x position of the mouse
     o y (number) y position of the mouse
     o event (object) DOM event object
     * End event and end handler will be called in specified context or in context of the element with following parameters:
     o event (object) DOM event object
     = (object) @Element
    elproto.drag = function (onmove, onstart, onend, move_scope, start_scope, end_scope) {
        function start(e) {
            (e.originalEvent || e).preventDefault();
            var x = e.clientX,
                y = e.clientY,
                scrollY = g.doc.documentElement.scrollTop || g.doc.body.scrollTop,
                scrollX = g.doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || g.doc.body.scrollLeft;
   = e.identifier;
            if (supportsTouch && e.touches) {
                var i = e.touches.length, touch;
                while (i--) {
                    touch = e.touches[i];
           = touch.identifier;
                    if (touch.identifier == {
                        x = touch.clientX;
                        y = touch.clientY;
            this._drag.x = x + scrollX;
            this._drag.y = y + scrollY;
            !drag.length && R.mousemove(dragMove).mouseup(dragUp);
            drag.push({el: this, move_scope: move_scope, start_scope: start_scope, end_scope: end_scope});
            onstart && eve.on("raphael.drag.start." +, onstart);
            onmove && eve.on("raphael.drag.move." +, onmove);
            onend && eve.on("raphael.drag.end." +, onend);
            eve("raphael.drag.start." +, start_scope || move_scope || this, this._drag.x, this._drag.y, e);
        this._drag = {};
        draggable.push({el: this, start: start});
        return this;
     * Element.onDragOver
     [ method ]
     * Shortcut for assigning event handler for `drag.over.<id>` event, where id is id of the element (see
     > Parameters
     - f (function) handler for event, first argument would be the element you are dragging over
    elproto.onDragOver = function (f) {
        f ? eve.on("raphael.drag.over." +, f) : eve.unbind("raphael.drag.over." +;
     * Element.undrag
     [ method ]
     * Removes all drag event handlers from given element.
    elproto.undrag = function () {
        var i = draggable.length;
        while (i--) if (draggable[i].el == this) {
            draggable.splice(i, 1);
            eve.unbind("raphael.drag.*." +;
        !draggable.length && R.unmousemove(dragMove).unmouseup(dragUp);
        drag = [];
     [ method ]
     * Draws a circle.
     > Parameters
     - x (number) x coordinate of the centre
     - y (number) y coordinate of the centre
     - r (number) radius
     = (object) Raphaël element object with type “circle”
     > Usage
     | var c =, 50, 40);
    \*/ = function (x, y, r) {
        var out =, x || 0, y || 0, r || 0);
        this.__set__ && this.__set__.push(out);
        return out;
     * Paper.rect
     [ method ]
     * Draws a rectangle.
     > Parameters
     - x (number) x coordinate of the top left corner
     - y (number) y coordinate of the top left corner
     - width (number) width
     - height (number) height
     - r (number) #optional radius for rounded corners, default is 0
     = (object) Raphaël element object with type “rect”
     > Usage
     | // regular rectangle
     | var c = paper.rect(10, 10, 50, 50);
     | // rectangle with rounded corners
     | var c = paper.rect(40, 40, 50, 50, 10);
    paperproto.rect = function (x, y, w, h, r) {
        var out = R._engine.rect(this, x || 0, y || 0, w || 0, h || 0, r || 0);
        this.__set__ && this.__set__.push(out);
        return out;
     * Paper.ellipse
     [ method ]
     * Draws an ellipse.
     > Parameters
     - x (number) x coordinate of the centre
     - y (number) y coordinate of the centre
     - rx (number) horizontal radius
     - ry (number) vertical radius
     = (object) Raphaël element object with type “ellipse”
     > Usage
     | var c = paper.ellipse(50, 50, 40, 20);
    paperproto.ellipse = function (x, y, rx, ry) {
        var out = R._engine.ellipse(this, x || 0, y || 0, rx || 0, ry || 0);
        this.__set__ && this.__set__.push(out);
        return out;
     * Paper.path
     [ method ]
     * Creates a path element by given path data string.
     > Parameters
     - pathString (string) #optional path string in SVG format.
     * Path string consists of one-letter commands, followed by comma seprarated arguments in numercal form. Example:
     | "M10,20L30,40"
     * Here we can see two commands: “M”, with arguments `(10, 20)` and “L” with arguments `(30, 40)`. Upper case letter mean command is absolute, lower case—relative.
     # <p>Here is short list of commands available, for more details see <a href="" title="Details of a path's data attribute's format are described in the SVG specification.">SVG path string format</a>.</p>
     # <table><thead><tr><th>Command</th><th>Name</th><th>Parameters</th></tr></thead><tbody>
     # <tr><td>M</td><td>moveto</td><td>(x y)+</td></tr>
     # <tr><td>Z</td><td>closepath</td><td>(none)</td></tr>
     # <tr><td>L</td><td>lineto</td><td>(x y)+</td></tr>
     # <tr><td>H</td><td>horizontal lineto</td><td>x+</td></tr>
     # <tr><td>V</td><td>vertical lineto</td><td>y+</td></tr>
     # <tr><td>C</td><td>curveto</td><td>(x1 y1 x2 y2 x y)+</td></tr>
     # <tr><td>S</td><td>smooth curveto</td><td>(x2 y2 x y)+</td></tr>
     # <tr><td>Q</td><td>quadratic Bézier curveto</td><td>(x1 y1 x y)+</td></tr>
     # <tr><td>T</td><td>smooth quadratic Bézier curveto</td><td>(x y)+</td></tr>
     # <tr><td>A</td><td>elliptical arc</td><td>(rx ry x-axis-rotation large-arc-flag sweep-flag x y)+</td></tr>
     # <tr><td>R</td><td><a href="–Rom_spline#Catmull.E2.80.93Rom_spline">Catmull-Rom curveto</a>*</td><td>x1 y1 (x y)+</td></tr></tbody></table>
     * * “Catmull-Rom curveto” is a not standard SVG command and added in 2.0 to make life easier.
     * Note: there is a special case when path consist of just three commands: “M10,10R…z”. In this case path will smoothly connects to its beginning.
     > Usage
     | var c = paper.path("M10 10L90 90");
     | // draw a diagonal line:
     | // move to 10,10, line to 90,90
     * For example of path strings, check out these icons:
    paperproto.path = function (pathString) {
        pathString && !, string) && ![0], array) && (pathString += E);
        var out = R._engine.path(R.format[apply](R, arguments), this);
        this.__set__ && this.__set__.push(out);
        return out;
     * Paper.image
     [ method ]
     * Embeds an image into the surface.
     > Parameters
     - src (string) URI of the source image
     - x (number) x coordinate position
     - y (number) y coordinate position
     - width (number) width of the image
     - height (number) height of the image
     = (object) Raphaël element object with type “image”
     > Usage
     | var c = paper.image("apple.png", 10, 10, 80, 80);
    paperproto.image = function (src, x, y, w, h) {
        var out = R._engine.image(this, src || "about:blank", x || 0, y || 0, w || 0, h || 0);
        this.__set__ && this.__set__.push(out);
        return out;
     * Paper.text
     [ method ]
     * Draws a text string. If you need line breaks, put “\n” in the string.
     > Parameters
     - x (number) x coordinate position
     - y (number) y coordinate position
     - text (string) The text string to draw
     = (object) Raphaël element object with type “text”
     > Usage
     | var t = paper.text(50, 50, "Raphaël\nkicks\nbutt!");
    paperproto.text = function (x, y, text) {
        var out = R._engine.text(this, x || 0, y || 0, Str(text));
        this.__set__ && this.__set__.push(out);
        return out;
     * Paper.set
     [ method ]
     * Creates array-like object to keep and operate several elements at once.
     * Warning: it doesn’t create any elements for itself in the page, it just groups existing elements.
     * Sets act as pseudo elements — all methods available to an element can be used on a set.
     = (object) array-like object that represents set of elements
     > Usage
     | var st = paper.set();
     | st.push(
     |, 10, 5),
     |, 10, 5)
     | );
     | st.attr({fill: "red"}); // changes the fill of both circles
    paperproto.set = function (itemsArray) {
        !, "array") && (itemsArray =, 0, arguments.length));
        var out = new Set(itemsArray);
        this.__set__ && this.__set__.push(out);
        out["paper"] = this;
        out["type"] = "set";
        return out;
     * Paper.setStart
     [ method ]
     * Creates @Paper.set. All elements that will be created after calling this method and before calling
     * @Paper.setFinish will be added to the set.
     > Usage
     | paper.setStart();
     |, 10, 5),
     |, 10, 5)
     | var st = paper.setFinish();
     | st.attr({fill: "red"}); // changes the fill of both circles
    paperproto.setStart = function (set) {
        this.__set__ = set || this.set();
     * Paper.setFinish
     [ method ]
     * See @Paper.setStart. This method finishes catching and returns resulting set.
     = (object) set
    paperproto.setFinish = function (set) {
        var out = this.__set__;
        delete this.__set__;
        return out;
     * Paper.getSize
     [ method ]
     * Obtains current paper actual size.
     = (object)
    paperproto.getSize = function () {
        var container = this.canvas.parentNode;
        return {
            width: container.offsetWidth,
            height: container.offsetHeight
     * Paper.setSize
     [ method ]
     * If you need to change dimensions of the canvas call this method
     > Parameters
     - width (number) new width of the canvas
     - height (number) new height of the canvas
    paperproto.setSize = function (width, height) {
        return, width, height);
     * Paper.setViewBox
     [ method ]
     * Sets the view box of the paper. Practically it gives you ability to zoom and pan whole paper surface by
     * specifying new boundaries.
     > Parameters
     - x (number) new x position, default is `0`
     - y (number) new y position, default is `0`
     - w (number) new width of the canvas
     - h (number) new height of the canvas
     - fit (boolean) `true` if you want graphics to fit into new boundary box
    paperproto.setViewBox = function (x, y, w, h, fit) {
        return, x, y, w, h, fit);
     [ property ]
     * Points to the topmost element on the paper
     * Paper.bottom
     [ property ]
     * Points to the bottom element on the paper
    \*/ = paperproto.bottom = null;
     * Paper.raphael
     [ property ]
     * Points to the @Raphael object/function
    paperproto.raphael = R;
    var getOffset = function (elem) {
        var box = elem.getBoundingClientRect(),
            doc = elem.ownerDocument,
            body = doc.body,
            docElem = doc.documentElement,
            clientTop = docElem.clientTop || body.clientTop || 0, clientLeft = docElem.clientLeft || body.clientLeft || 0,
            top  =  + ( || docElem.scrollTop || body.scrollTop ) - clientTop,
            left = box.left + ( || docElem.scrollLeft || body.scrollLeft) - clientLeft;
        return {
            y: top,
            x: left
     * Paper.getElementByPoint
     [ method ]
     * Returns you topmost element under given point.
     = (object) Raphaël element object
     > Parameters
     - x (number) x coordinate from the top left corner of the window
     - y (number) y coordinate from the top left corner of the window
     > Usage
     | paper.getElementByPoint(mouseX, mouseY).attr({stroke: "#f00"});
    paperproto.getElementByPoint = function (x, y) {
        var paper = this,
            svg = paper.canvas,
            target = g.doc.elementFromPoint(x, y);
        if ( && target.tagName == "svg") {
            var so = getOffset(svg),
                sr = svg.createSVGRect();
            sr.x = x - so.x;
            sr.y = y - so.y;
            sr.width = sr.height = 1;
            var hits = svg.getIntersectionList(sr, null);
            if (hits.length) {
                target = hits[hits.length - 1];
        if (!target) {
            return null;
        while (target.parentNode && target != svg.parentNode && !target.raphael) {
            target = target.parentNode;
        target == paper.canvas.parentNode && (target = svg);
        target = target && target.raphael ? paper.getById(target.raphaelid) : null;
        return target;

     * Paper.getElementsByBBox
     [ method ]
     * Returns set of elements that have an intersecting bounding box
     > Parameters
     - bbox (object) bbox to check with
     = (object) @Set
    paperproto.getElementsByBBox = function (bbox) {
        var set = this.set();
        this.forEach(function (el) {
            if (R.isBBoxIntersect(el.getBBox(), bbox)) {
        return set;

     * Paper.getById
     [ method ]
     * Returns you element by its internal ID.
     > Parameters
     - id (number) id
     = (object) Raphaël element object
    paperproto.getById = function (id) {
        var bot = this.bottom;
        while (bot) {
            if ( == id) {
                return bot;
            bot =;
        return null;
     * Paper.forEach
     [ method ]
     * Executes given function for each element on the paper
     * If callback function returns `false` it will stop loop running.
     > Parameters
     - callback (function) function to run
     - thisArg (object) context object for the callback
     = (object) Paper object
     > Usage
     | paper.forEach(function (el) {
     |     el.attr({ stroke: "blue" });
     | });
    paperproto.forEach = function (callback, thisArg) {
        var bot = this.bottom;
        while (bot) {
            if (, bot) === false) {
                return this;
            bot =;
        return this;
     * Paper.getElementsByPoint
     [ method ]
     * Returns set of elements that have common point inside
     > Parameters
     - x (number) x coordinate of the point
     - y (number) y coordinate of the point
     = (object) @Set
    paperproto.getElementsByPoint = function (x, y) {
        var set = this.set();
        this.forEach(function (el) {
            if (el.isPointInside(x, y)) {
        return set;
    function x_y() {
        return this.x + S + this.y;
    function x_y_w_h() {
        return this.x + S + this.y + S + this.width + " \xd7 " + this.height;
     * Element.isPointInside
     [ method ]
     * Determine if given point is inside this element’s shape
     > Parameters
     - x (number) x coordinate of the point
     - y (number) y coordinate of the point
     = (boolean) `true` if point inside the shape
    elproto.isPointInside = function (x, y) {
        var rp = this.realPath = getPath[this.type](this);
        if (this.attr('transform') && this.attr('transform').length) {
            rp = R.transformPath(rp, this.attr('transform'));
        return R.isPointInsidePath(rp, x, y);
     * Element.getBBox
     [ method ]
     * Return bounding box for a given element
     > Parameters
     - isWithoutTransform (boolean) flag, `true` if you want to have bounding box before transformations. Default is `false`.
     = (object) Bounding box object:
     o {
     o     x: (number) top left corner x
     o     y: (number) top left corner y
     o     x2: (number) bottom right corner x
     o     y2: (number) bottom right corner y
     o     width: (number) width
     o     height: (number) height
     o }
    elproto.getBBox = function (isWithoutTransform) {
        if (this.removed) {
            return {};
        var _ = this._;
        if (isWithoutTransform) {
            if (_.dirty || !_.bboxwt) {
                this.realPath = getPath[this.type](this);
                _.bboxwt = pathDimensions(this.realPath);
                _.bboxwt.toString = x_y_w_h;
                _.dirty = 0;
            return _.bboxwt;
        if (_.dirty || _.dirtyT || !_.bbox) {
            if (_.dirty || !this.realPath) {
                _.bboxwt = 0;
                this.realPath = getPath[this.type](this);
            _.bbox = pathDimensions(mapPath(this.realPath, this.matrix));
            _.bbox.toString = x_y_w_h;
            _.dirty = _.dirtyT = 0;
        return _.bbox;
     * Element.clone
     [ method ]
     = (object) clone of a given element
    elproto.clone = function () {
        if (this.removed) {
            return null;
        var out = this.paper[this.type]().attr(this.attr());
        this.__set__ && this.__set__.push(out);
        return out;
     * Element.glow
     [ method ]
     * Return set of elements that create glow-like effect around given element. See @Paper.set.
     * Note: Glow is not connected to the element. If you change element attributes it won’t adjust itself.
     > Parameters
     - glow (object) #optional parameters object with all properties optional:
     o {
     o     width (number) size of the glow, default is `10`
     o     fill (boolean) will it be filled, default is `false`
     o     opacity (number) opacity, default is `0.5`
     o     offsetx (number) horizontal offset, default is `0`
     o     offsety (number) vertical offset, default is `0`
     o     color (string) glow colour, default is `black`
     o }
     = (object) @Paper.set of elements that represents glow
    elproto.glow = function (glow) {
        if (this.type == "text") {
            return null;
        glow = glow || {};
        var s = {
            width: (glow.width || 10) + (+this.attr("stroke-width") || 1),
            fill: glow.fill || false,
            opacity: glow.opacity == null ? .5 : glow.opacity,
            offsetx: glow.offsetx || 0,
            offsety: glow.offsety || 0,
            color: glow.color || "#000"
            c = s.width / 2,
            r = this.paper,
            out = r.set(),
            path = this.realPath || getPath[this.type](this);
        path = this.matrix ? mapPath(path, this.matrix) : path;
        for (var i = 1; i < c + 1; i++) {
                stroke: s.color,
                fill: s.fill ? s.color : "none",
                "stroke-linejoin": "round",
                "stroke-linecap": "round",
                "stroke-width": +(s.width / c * i).toFixed(3),
                opacity: +(s.opacity / c).toFixed(3)
        return out.insertBefore(this).translate(s.offsetx, s.offsety);
    var curveslengths = {},
    getPointAtSegmentLength = function (p1x, p1y, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, p2x, p2y, length) {
        if (length == null) {
            return bezlen(p1x, p1y, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, p2x, p2y);
        } else {
            return R.findDotsAtSegment(p1x, p1y, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, p2x, p2y, getTatLen(p1x, p1y, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, p2x, p2y, length));
    getLengthFactory = function (istotal, subpath) {
        return function (path, length, onlystart) {
            path = path2curve(path);
            var x, y, p, l, sp = "", subpaths = {}, point,
                len = 0;
            for (var i = 0, ii = path.length; i < ii; i++) {
                p = path[i];
                if (p[0] == "M") {
                    x = +p[1];
                    y = +p[2];
                } else {
                    l = getPointAtSegmentLength(x, y, p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6]);
                    if (len + l > length) {
                        if (subpath && !subpaths.start) {
                            point = getPointAtSegmentLength(x, y, p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6], length - len);
                            sp += ["C" + point.start.x, point.start.y, point.m.x, point.m.y, point.x, point.y];
                            if (onlystart) {return sp;}
                            subpaths.start = sp;
                            sp = ["M" + point.x, point.y + "C" + point.n.x, point.n.y, point.end.x, point.end.y, p[5], p[6]].join();
                            len += l;
                            x = +p[5];
                            y = +p[6];
                        if (!istotal && !subpath) {
                            point = getPointAtSegmentLength(x, y, p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6], length - len);
                            return {x: point.x, y: point.y, alpha: point.alpha};
                    len += l;
                    x = +p[5];
                    y = +p[6];
                sp += p.shift() + p;
            subpaths.end = sp;
            point = istotal ? len : subpath ? subpaths : R.findDotsAtSegment(x, y, p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], 1);
            point.alpha && (point = {x: point.x, y: point.y, alpha: point.alpha});
            return point;
    var getTotalLength = getLengthFactory(1),
        getPointAtLength = getLengthFactory(),
        getSubpathsAtLength = getLengthFactory(0, 1);
     * Raphael.getTotalLength
     [ method ]
     * Returns length of the given path in pixels.
     > Parameters
     - path (string) SVG path string.
     = (number) length.
    R.getTotalLength = getTotalLength;
     * Raphael.getPointAtLength
     [ method ]
     * Return coordinates of the point located at the given length on the given path.
     > Parameters
     - path (string) SVG path string
     - length (number)
     = (object) representation of the point:
     o {
     o     x: (number) x coordinate
     o     y: (number) y coordinate
     o     alpha: (number) angle of derivative
     o }
    R.getPointAtLength = getPointAtLength;
     * Raphael.getSubpath
     [ method ]
     * Return subpath of a given path from given length to given length.
     > Parameters
     - path (string) SVG path string
     - from (number) position of the start of the segment
     - to (number) position of the end of the segment
     = (string) pathstring for the segment
    R.getSubpath = function (path, from, to) {
        if (this.getTotalLength(path) - to < 1e-6) {
            return getSubpathsAtLength(path, from).end;
        var a = getSubpathsAtLength(path, to, 1);
        return from ? getSubpathsAtLength(a, from).end : a;
     * Element.getTotalLength
     [ method ]
     * Returns length of the path in pixels. Only works for element of “path” type.
     = (number) length.
    elproto.getTotalLength = function () {
        var path = this.getPath();
        if (!path) {

        if (this.node.getTotalLength) {
            return this.node.getTotalLength();

        return getTotalLength(path);
     * Element.getPointAtLength
     [ method ]
     * Return coordinates of the point located at the given length on the given path. Only works for element of “path” type.
     > Parameters
     - length (number)
     = (object) representation of the point:
     o {
     o     x: (number) x coordinate
     o     y: (number) y coordinate
     o     alpha: (number) angle of derivative
     o }
    elproto.getPointAtLength = function (length) {
        var path = this.getPath();
        if (!path) {

        return getPointAtLength(path, length);
     * Element.getPath
     [ method ]
     * Returns path of the element. Only works for elements of “path” type and simple elements like circle.
     = (object) path
    elproto.getPath = function () {
        var path,
            getPath = R._getPath[this.type];

        if (this.type == "text" || this.type == "set") {

        if (getPath) {
            path = getPath(this);

        return path;
     * Element.getSubpath
     [ method ]
     * Return subpath of a given element from given length to given length. Only works for element of “path” type.
     > Parameters
     - from (number) position of the start of the segment
     - to (number) position of the end of the segment
     = (string) pathstring for the segment
    elproto.getSubpath = function (from, to) {
        var path = this.getPath();
        if (!path) {

        return R.getSubpath(path, from, to);
     * Raphael.easing_formulas
     [ property ]
     * Object that contains easing formulas for animation. You could extend it with your own. By default it has following list of easing:
     # <ul>
     #     <li>“linear”</li>
     #     <li>“&lt;” or “easeIn” or “ease-in”</li>
     #     <li>“>” or “easeOut” or “ease-out”</li>
     #     <li>“&lt;>” or “easeInOut” or “ease-in-out”</li>
     #     <li>“backIn” or “back-in”</li>
     #     <li>“backOut” or “back-out”</li>
     #     <li>“elastic”</li>
     #     <li>“bounce”</li>
     # </ul>
     # <p>See also <a href="">Easing demo</a>.</p>
    var ef = R.easing_formulas = {
        linear: function (n) {
            return n;
        "<": function (n) {
            return pow(n, 1.7);
        ">": function (n) {
            return pow(n, .48);
        "<>": function (n) {
            var q = .48 - n / 1.04,
                Q = math.sqrt(.1734 + q * q),
                x = Q - q,
                X = pow(abs(x), 1 / 3) * (x < 0 ? -1 : 1),
                y = -Q - q,
                Y = pow(abs(y), 1 / 3) * (y < 0 ? -1 : 1),
                t = X + Y + .5;
            return (1 - t) * 3 * t * t + t * t * t;
        backIn: function (n) {
            var s = 1.70158;
            return n * n * ((s + 1) * n - s);
        backOut: function (n) {
            n = n - 1;
            var s = 1.70158;
            return n * n * ((s + 1) * n + s) + 1;
        elastic: function (n) {
            if (n == !!n) {
                return n;
            return pow(2, -10 * n) * math.sin((n - .075) * (2 * PI) / .3) + 1;
        bounce: function (n) {
            var s = 7.5625,
                p = 2.75,
            if (n < (1 / p)) {
                l = s * n * n;
            } else {
                if (n < (2 / p)) {
                    n -= (1.5 / p);
                    l = s * n * n + .75;
                } else {
                    if (n < (2.5 / p)) {
                        n -= (2.25 / p);
                        l = s * n * n + .9375;
                    } else {
                        n -= (2.625 / p);
                        l = s * n * n + .984375;
            return l;
    ef.easeIn = ef["ease-in"] = ef["<"];
    ef.easeOut = ef["ease-out"] = ef[">"];
    ef.easeInOut = ef["ease-in-out"] = ef["<>"];
    ef["back-in"] = ef.backIn;
    ef["back-out"] = ef.backOut;

    var animationElements = [],
        requestAnimFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame       ||
                           window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
                           window.mozRequestAnimationFrame    ||
                           window.oRequestAnimationFrame      ||
                           window.msRequestAnimationFrame     ||
                           function (callback) {
                               setTimeout(callback, 16);
        animation = function () {
            var Now = +new Date,
                l = 0;
            for (; l < animationElements.length; l++) {
                var e = animationElements[l];
                if (e.el.removed || e.paused) {
                var time = Now - e.start,
                    ms =,
                    easing = e.easing,
                    from = e.from,
                    diff = e.diff,
                    to =,
                    t = e.t,
                    that = e.el,
                    set = {},
                    init = {},
                if (e.initstatus) {
                    time = (e.initstatus * - e.prev) / (e.percent - e.prev) * ms;
                    e.status = e.initstatus;
                    delete e.initstatus;
                    e.stop && animationElements.splice(l--, 1);
                } else {
                    e.status = (e.prev + (e.percent - e.prev) * (time / ms)) /;
                if (time < 0) {
                if (time < ms) {
                    var pos = easing(time / ms);
                    for (var attr in from) if (from[has](attr)) {
                        switch (availableAnimAttrs[attr]) {
                            case nu:
                                now = +from[attr] + pos * ms * diff[attr];
                            case "colour":
                                now = "rgb(" + [
                                    upto255(round(from[attr].r + pos * ms * diff[attr].r)),
                                    upto255(round(from[attr].g + pos * ms * diff[attr].g)),
                                    upto255(round(from[attr].b + pos * ms * diff[attr].b))
                                ].join(",") + ")";
                            case "path":
                                now = [];
                                for (var i = 0, ii = from[attr].length; i < ii; i++) {
                                    now[i] = [from[attr][i][0]];
                                    for (var j = 1, jj = from[attr][i].length; j < jj; j++) {
                                        now[i][j] = +from[attr][i][j] + pos * ms * diff[attr][i][j];
                                    now[i] = now[i].join(S);
                                now = now.join(S);
                            case "transform":
                                if (diff[attr].real) {
                                    now = [];
                                    for (i = 0, ii = from[attr].length; i < ii; i++) {
                                        now[i] = [from[attr][i][0]];
                                        for (j = 1, jj = from[attr][i].length; j < jj; j++) {
                                            now[i][j] = from[attr][i][j] + pos * ms * diff[attr][i][j];
                                } else {
                                    var get = function (i) {
                                        return +from[attr][i] + pos * ms * diff[attr][i];
                                    // now = [["r", get(2), 0, 0], ["t", get(3), get(4)], ["s", get(0), get(1), 0, 0]];
                                    now = [["m", get(0), get(1), get(2), get(3), get(4), get(5)]];
                            case "csv":
                                if (attr == "clip-rect") {
                                    now = [];
                                    i = 4;
                                    while (i--) {
                                        now[i] = +from[attr][i] + pos * ms * diff[attr][i];
                                var from2 = [][concat](from[attr]);
                                now = [];
                                i = that.paper.customAttributes[attr].length;
                                while (i--) {
                                    now[i] = +from2[i] + pos * ms * diff[attr][i];
                        set[attr] = now;
                    (function (id, that, anim) {
                        setTimeout(function () {
                            eve("raphael.anim.frame." + id, that, anim);
                    })(, that, e.anim);
                } else {
                    (function(f, el, a) {
                        setTimeout(function() {
                            eve("raphael.anim.frame." +, el, a);
                            eve("raphael.anim.finish." +, el, a);
                  , "function") &&;
                    })(e.callback, that, e.anim);
                    animationElements.splice(l--, 1);
                    if (e.repeat > 1 && ! {
                        for (key in to) if (to[has](key)) {
                            init[key] = e.totalOrigin[key];
                        runAnimation(e.anim, e.el, e.anim.percents[0], null, e.totalOrigin, e.repeat - 1);
                    if ( && !e.stop) {
                        runAnimation(e.anim, e.el,, null, e.totalOrigin, e.repeat);
            animationElements.length && requestAnimFrame(animation);
        upto255 = function (color) {
            return color > 255 ? 255 : color < 0 ? 0 : color;
     * Element.animateWith
     [ method ]
     * Acts similar to @Element.animate, but ensure that given animation runs in sync with another given element.
     > Parameters
     - el (object) element to sync with
     - anim (object) animation to sync with
     - params (object) #optional final attributes for the element, see also @Element.attr
     - ms (number) #optional number of milliseconds for animation to run
     - easing (string) #optional easing type. Accept on of @Raphael.easing_formulas or CSS format: `cubic&#x2010;bezier(XX,&#160;XX,&#160;XX,&#160;XX)`
     - callback (function) #optional callback function. Will be called at the end of animation.
     * or
     - element (object) element to sync with
     - anim (object) animation to sync with
     - animation (object) #optional animation object, see @Raphael.animation
     = (object) original element
    elproto.animateWith = function (el, anim, params, ms, easing, callback) {
        var element = this;
        if (element.removed) {
            callback &&;
            return element;
        var a = params instanceof Animation ? params : R.animation(params, ms, easing, callback),
            x, y;
        runAnimation(a, element, a.percents[0], null, element.attr());
        for (var i = 0, ii = animationElements.length; i < ii; i++) {
            if (animationElements[i].anim == anim && animationElements[i].el == el) {
                animationElements[ii - 1].start = animationElements[i].start;
        return element;
        // var a = params ? R.animation(params, ms, easing, callback) : anim,
        //     status = element.status(anim);
        // return this.animate(a).status(a, status * /;
    function CubicBezierAtTime(t, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, duration) {
        var cx = 3 * p1x,
            bx = 3 * (p2x - p1x) - cx,
            ax = 1 - cx - bx,
            cy = 3 * p1y,
            by = 3 * (p2y - p1y) - cy,
            ay = 1 - cy - by;
        function sampleCurveX(t) {
            return ((ax * t + bx) * t + cx) * t;
        function solve(x, epsilon) {
            var t = solveCurveX(x, epsilon);
            return ((ay * t + by) * t + cy) * t;
        function solveCurveX(x, epsilon) {
            var t0, t1, t2, x2, d2, i;
            for(t2 = x, i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
                x2 = sampleCurveX(t2) - x;
                if (abs(x2) < epsilon) {
                    return t2;
                d2 = (3 * ax * t2 + 2 * bx) * t2 + cx;
                if (abs(d2) < 1e-6) {
                t2 = t2 - x2 / d2;
            t0 = 0;
            t1 = 1;
            t2 = x;
            if (t2 < t0) {
                return t0;
            if (t2 > t1) {
                return t1;
            while (t0 < t1) {
                x2 = sampleCurveX(t2);
                if (abs(x2 - x) < epsilon) {
                    return t2;
                if (x > x2) {
                    t0 = t2;
                } else {
                    t1 = t2;
                t2 = (t1 - t0) / 2 + t0;
            return t2;
        return solve(t, 1 / (200 * duration));
    elproto.onAnimation = function (f) {
        f ? eve.on("raphael.anim.frame." +, f) : eve.unbind("raphael.anim.frame." +;
        return this;
    function Animation(anim, ms) {
        var percents = [],
            newAnim = {}; = ms;
        this.times = 1;
        if (anim) {
            for (var attr in anim) if (anim[has](attr)) {
                newAnim[toFloat(attr)] = anim[attr];
        this.anim = newAnim; = percents[percents.length - 1];
        this.percents = percents;
     * Animation.delay
     [ method ]
     * Creates a copy of existing animation object with given delay.
     > Parameters
     - delay (number) number of ms to pass between animation start and actual animation
     = (object) new altered Animation object
     | var anim = Raphael.animation({cx: 10, cy: 20}, 2e3);
     | circle1.animate(anim); // run the given animation immediately
     | circle2.animate(anim.delay(500)); // run the given animation after 500 ms
    Animation.prototype.delay = function (delay) {
        var a = new Animation(this.anim,;
        a.times = this.times;
        a.del = +delay || 0;
        return a;
     * Animation.repeat
     [ method ]
     * Creates a copy of existing animation object with given repetition.
     > Parameters
     - repeat (number) number iterations of animation. For infinite animation pass `Infinity`
     = (object) new altered Animation object
    Animation.prototype.repeat = function (times) {
        var a = new Animation(this.anim,;
        a.del = this.del;
        a.times = math.floor(mmax(times, 0)) || 1;
        return a;
    function runAnimation(anim, element, percent, status, totalOrigin, times) {
        percent = toFloat(percent);
        var params,
            percents = [],
            ms =,
            from = {},
            to = {},
            diff = {};
        if (status) {
            for (i = 0, ii = animationElements.length; i < ii; i++) {
                var e = animationElements[i];
                if ( == && e.anim == anim) {
                    if (e.percent != percent) {
                        animationElements.splice(i, 1);
                        isInAnimSet = 1;
                    } else {
                        isInAnim = e;
        } else {
            status = +to; // NaN
        for (var i = 0, ii = anim.percents.length; i < ii; i++) {
            if (anim.percents[i] == percent || anim.percents[i] > status * {
                percent = anim.percents[i];
                prev = anim.percents[i - 1] || 0;
                ms = ms / * (percent - prev);
                next = anim.percents[i + 1];
                params = anim.anim[percent];
            } else if (status) {
        if (!params) {
        if (!isInAnim) {
            for (var attr in params) if (params[has](attr)) {
                if (availableAnimAttrs[has](attr) || element.paper.customAttributes[has](attr)) {
                    from[attr] = element.attr(attr);
                    (from[attr] == null) && (from[attr] = availableAttrs[attr]);
                    to[attr] = params[attr];
                    switch (availableAnimAttrs[attr]) {
                        case nu:
                            diff[attr] = (to[attr] - from[attr]) / ms;
                        case "colour":
                            from[attr] = R.getRGB(from[attr]);
                            var toColour = R.getRGB(to[attr]);
                            diff[attr] = {
                                r: (toColour.r - from[attr].r) / ms,
                                g: (toColour.g - from[attr].g) / ms,
                                b: (toColour.b - from[attr].b) / ms
                        case "path":
                            var pathes = path2curve(from[attr], to[attr]),
                                toPath = pathes[1];
                            from[attr] = pathes[0];
                            diff[attr] = [];
                            for (i = 0, ii = from[attr].length; i < ii; i++) {
                                diff[attr][i] = [0];
                                for (var j = 1, jj = from[attr][i].length; j < jj; j++) {
                                    diff[attr][i][j] = (toPath[i][j] - from[attr][i][j]) / ms;
                        case "transform":
                            var _ = element._,
                                eq = equaliseTransform(_[attr], to[attr]);
                            if (eq) {
                                from[attr] = eq.from;
                                to[attr] =;
                                diff[attr] = [];
                                diff[attr].real = true;
                                for (i = 0, ii = from[attr].length; i < ii; i++) {
                                    diff[attr][i] = [from[attr][i][0]];
                                    for (j = 1, jj = from[attr][i].length; j < jj; j++) {
                                        diff[attr][i][j] = (to[attr][i][j] - from[attr][i][j]) / ms;
                            } else {
                                var m = (element.matrix || new Matrix),
                                    to2 = {
                                        _: {transform: _.transform},
                                        getBBox: function () {
                                            return element.getBBox(1);
                                from[attr] = [
                                extractTransform(to2, to[attr]);
                                to[attr] = to2._.transform;
                                diff[attr] = [
                                    (to2.matrix.a - m.a) / ms,
                                    (to2.matrix.b - m.b) / ms,
                                    (to2.matrix.c - m.c) / ms,
                                    (to2.matrix.d - m.d) / ms,
                                    (to2.matrix.e - m.e) / ms,
                                    (to2.matrix.f - m.f) / ms
                                // from[attr] = [,, _.deg, _.dx, _.dy];
                                // var to2 = {_:{}, getBBox: function () { return element.getBBox(); }};
                                // extractTransform(to2, to[attr]);
                                // diff[attr] = [
                                //     ( - / ms,
                                //     ( - / ms,
                                //     (to2._.deg - _.deg) / ms,
                                //     (to2._.dx - _.dx) / ms,
                                //     (to2._.dy - _.dy) / ms
                                // ];
                        case "csv":
                            var values = Str(params[attr])[split](separator),
                                from2 = Str(from[attr])[split](separator);
                            if (attr == "clip-rect") {
                                from[attr] = from2;
                                diff[attr] = [];
                                i = from2.length;
                                while (i--) {
                                    diff[attr][i] = (values[i] - from[attr][i]) / ms;
                            to[attr] = values;
                            values = [][concat](params[attr]);
                            from2 = [][concat](from[attr]);
                            diff[attr] = [];
                            i = element.paper.customAttributes[attr].length;
                            while (i--) {
                                diff[attr][i] = ((values[i] || 0) - (from2[i] || 0)) / ms;
            var easing = params.easing,
                easyeasy = R.easing_formulas[easing];
            if (!easyeasy) {
                easyeasy = Str(easing).match(bezierrg);
                if (easyeasy && easyeasy.length == 5) {
                    var curve = easyeasy;
                    easyeasy = function (t) {
                        return CubicBezierAtTime(t, +curve[1], +curve[2], +curve[3], +curve[4], ms);
                } else {
                    easyeasy = pipe;
            timestamp = params.start || anim.start || +new Date;
            e = {
                anim: anim,
                percent: percent,
                timestamp: timestamp,
                start: timestamp + (anim.del || 0),
                status: 0,
                initstatus: status || 0,
                stop: false,
                ms: ms,
                easing: easyeasy,
                from: from,
                diff: diff,
                to: to,
                el: element,
                callback: params.callback,
                prev: prev,
                next: next,
                repeat: times || anim.times,
                origin: element.attr(),
                totalOrigin: totalOrigin
            if (status && !isInAnim && !isInAnimSet) {
                e.stop = true;
                e.start = new Date - ms * status;
                if (animationElements.length == 1) {
                    return animation();
            if (isInAnimSet) {
                e.start = new Date - * status;
            animationElements.length == 1 && requestAnimFrame(animation);
        } else {
            isInAnim.initstatus = status;
            isInAnim.start = new Date - * status;
        eve("raphael.anim.start." +, element, anim);
     * Raphael.animation
     [ method ]
     * Creates an animation object that can be passed to the @Element.animate or @Element.animateWith methods.
     * See also @Animation.delay and @Animation.repeat methods.
     > Parameters
     - params (object) final attributes for the element, see also @Element.attr
     - ms (number) number of milliseconds for animation to run
     - easing (string) #optional easing type. Accept one of @Raphael.easing_formulas or CSS format: `cubic&#x2010;bezier(XX,&#160;XX,&#160;XX,&#160;XX)`
     - callback (function) #optional callback function. Will be called at the end of animation.
     = (object) @Animation
    R.animation = function (params, ms, easing, callback) {
        if (params instanceof Animation) {
            return params;
        if (, "function") || !easing) {
            callback = callback || easing || null;
            easing = null;
        params = Object(params);
        ms = +ms || 0;
        var p = {},
        for (attr in params) if (params[has](attr) && toFloat(attr) != attr && toFloat(attr) + "%" != attr) {
            json = true;
            p[attr] = params[attr];
        if (!json) {
            // if percent-like syntax is used and end-of-all animation callback used
                // find the last one
                var lastKey = 0;
                for(var i in params){
                    var percent = toInt(i);
                    if(params[has](i) && percent > lastKey){
                        lastKey = percent;
                lastKey += '%';
                // if already defined callback in the last keyframe, skip
                !params[lastKey].callback && (params[lastKey].callback = callback);
          return new Animation(params, ms);
        } else {
            easing && (p.easing = easing);
            callback && (p.callback = callback);
            return new Animation({100: p}, ms);
     * Element.animate
     [ method ]
     * Creates and starts animation for given element.
     > Parameters
     - params (object) final attributes for the element, see also @Element.attr
     - ms (number) number of milliseconds for animation to run
     - easing (string) #optional easing type. Accept one of @Raphael.easing_formulas or CSS format: `cubic&#x2010;bezier(XX,&#160;XX,&#160;XX,&#160;XX)`
     - callback (function) #optional callback function. Will be called at the end of animation.
     * or
     - animation (object) animation object, see @Raphael.animation
     = (object) original element
    elproto.animate = function (params, ms, easing, callback) {
        var element = this;
        if (element.removed) {
            callback &&;
            return element;
        var anim = params instanceof Animation ? params : R.animation(params, ms, easing, callback);
        runAnimation(anim, element, anim.percents[0], null, element.attr());
        return element;
     * Element.setTime
     [ method ]
     * Sets the status of animation of the element in milliseconds. Similar to @Element.status method.
     > Parameters
     - anim (object) animation object
     - value (number) number of milliseconds from the beginning of the animation
     = (object) original element if `value` is specified
     * Note, that during animation following events are triggered:
     * On each animation frame event `anim.frame.<id>`, on start `anim.start.<id>` and on end `anim.finish.<id>`.
    elproto.setTime = function (anim, value) {
        if (anim && value != null) {
            this.status(anim, mmin(value, /;
        return this;
     * Element.status
     [ method ]
     * Gets or sets the status of animation of the element.
     > Parameters
     - anim (object) #optional animation object
     - value (number) #optional 0 – 1. If specified, method works like a setter and sets the status of a given animation to the value. This will cause animation to jump to the given position.
     = (number) status
     * or
     = (array) status if `anim` is not specified. Array of objects in format:
     o {
     o     anim: (object) animation object
     o     status: (number) status
     o }
     * or
     = (object) original element if `value` is specified
    elproto.status = function (anim, value) {
        var out = [],
            i = 0,
        if (value != null) {
            runAnimation(anim, this, -1, mmin(value, 1));
            return this;
        } else {
            len = animationElements.length;
            for (; i < len; i++) {
                e = animationElements[i];
                if ( == && (!anim || e.anim == anim)) {
                    if (anim) {
                        return e.status;
                        anim: e.anim,
                        status: e.status
            if (anim) {
                return 0;
            return out;
     * Element.pause
     [ method ]
     * Stops animation of the element with ability to resume it later on.
     > Parameters
     - anim (object) #optional animation object
     = (object) original element
    elproto.pause = function (anim) {
        for (var i = 0; i < animationElements.length; i++) if (animationElements[i] == && (!anim || animationElements[i].anim == anim)) {
            if (eve("raphael.anim.pause." +, this, animationElements[i].anim) !== false) {
                animationElements[i].paused = true;
        return this;
     * Element.resume
     [ method ]
     * Resumes animation if it was paused with @Element.pause method.
     > Parameters
     - anim (object) #optional animation object
     = (object) original element
    elproto.resume = function (anim) {
        for (var i = 0; i < animationElements.length; i++) if (animationElements[i] == && (!anim || animationElements[i].anim == anim)) {
            var e = animationElements[i];
            if (eve("raphael.anim.resume." +, this, e.anim) !== false) {
                delete e.paused;
                this.status(e.anim, e.status);
        return this;
     * Element.stop
     [ method ]
     * Stops animation of the element.
     > Parameters
     - anim (object) #optional animation object
     = (object) original element
    elproto.stop = function (anim) {
        for (var i = 0; i < animationElements.length; i++) if (animationElements[i] == && (!anim || animationElements[i].anim == anim)) {
            if (eve("raphael.anim.stop." +, this, animationElements[i].anim) !== false) {
                animationElements.splice(i--, 1);
        return this;
    function stopAnimation(paper) {
        for (var i = 0; i < animationElements.length; i++) if (animationElements[i].el.paper == paper) {
            animationElements.splice(i--, 1);
    eve.on("raphael.remove", stopAnimation);
    eve.on("raphael.clear", stopAnimation);
    elproto.toString = function () {
        return "Rapha\xebl\u2019s object";

    // Set
    var Set = function (items) {
        this.items = [];
        this.length = 0;
        this.type = "set";
        if (items) {
            for (var i = 0, ii = items.length; i < ii; i++) {
                if (items[i] && (items[i].constructor == elproto.constructor || items[i].constructor == Set)) {
                    this[this.items.length] = this.items[this.items.length] = items[i];
    setproto = Set.prototype;
     * Set.push
     [ method ]
     * Adds each argument to the current set.
     = (object) original element
    setproto.push = function () {
        var item,
        for (var i = 0, ii = arguments.length; i < ii; i++) {
            item = arguments[i];
            if (item && (item.constructor == elproto.constructor || item.constructor == Set)) {
                len = this.items.length;
                this[len] = this.items[len] = item;
        return this;
     * Set.pop
     [ method ]
     * Removes last element and returns it.
     = (object) element
    setproto.pop = function () {
        this.length && delete this[this.length--];
        return this.items.pop();
     * Set.forEach
     [ method ]
     * Executes given function for each element in the set.
     * If function returns `false` it will stop loop running.
     > Parameters
     - callback (function) function to run
     - thisArg (object) context object for the callback
     = (object) Set object
    setproto.forEach = function (callback, thisArg) {
        for (var i = 0, ii = this.items.length; i < ii; i++) {
            if (, this.items[i], i) === false) {
                return this;
        return this;
    for (var method in elproto) if (elproto[has](method)) {
        setproto[method] = (function (methodname) {
            return function () {
                var arg = arguments;
                return this.forEach(function (el) {
                    el[methodname][apply](el, arg);
    setproto.attr = function (name, value) {
        if (name &&, array) &&[0], "object")) {
            for (var j = 0, jj = name.length; j < jj; j++) {
        } else {
            for (var i = 0, ii = this.items.length; i < ii; i++) {
                this.items[i].attr(name, value);
        return this;
     * Set.clear
     [ method ]
     * Removes all elements from the set
    setproto.clear = function () {
        while (this.length) {
     * Set.splice
     [ method ]
     * Removes given element from the set
     > Parameters
     - index (number) position of the deletion
     - count (number) number of element to remove
     - insertion… (object) #optional elements to insert
     = (object) set elements that were deleted
    setproto.splice = function (index, count, insertion) {
        index = index < 0 ? mmax(this.length + index, 0) : index;
        count = mmax(0, mmin(this.length - index, count));
        var tail = [],
            todel = [],
            args = [],
        for (i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) {
        for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            todel.push(this[index + i]);
        for (; i < this.length - index; i++) {
            tail.push(this[index + i]);
        var arglen = args.length;
        for (i = 0; i < arglen + tail.length; i++) {
            this.items[index + i] = this[index + i] = i < arglen ? args[i] : tail[i - arglen];
        i = this.items.length = this.length -= count - arglen;
        while (this[i]) {
            delete this[i++];
        return new Set(todel);
     * Set.exclude
     [ method ]
     * Removes given element from the set
     > Parameters
     - element (object) element to remove
     = (boolean) `true` if object was found & removed from the set
    setproto.exclude = function (el) {
        for (var i = 0, ii = this.length; i < ii; i++) if (this[i] == el) {
            this.splice(i, 1);
            return true;
    setproto.animate = function (params, ms, easing, callback) {
        (, "function") || !easing) && (callback = easing || null);
        var len = this.items.length,
            i = len,
            set = this,
        if (!len) {
            return this;
        callback && (collector = function () {
            !--len &&;
        easing =, string) ? easing : collector;
        var anim = R.animation(params, ms, easing, collector);
        item = this.items[--i].animate(anim);
        while (i--) {
            this.items[i] && !this.items[i].removed && this.items[i].animateWith(item, anim, anim);
            (this.items[i] && !this.items[i].removed) || len--;
        return this;
    setproto.insertAfter = function (el) {
        var i = this.items.length;
        while (i--) {
        return this;
    setproto.getBBox = function () {
        var x = [],
            y = [],
            x2 = [],
            y2 = [];
        for (var i = this.items.length; i--;) if (!this.items[i].removed) {
            var box = this.items[i].getBBox();
            x2.push(box.x + box.width);
            y2.push(box.y + box.height);
        x = mmin[apply](0, x);
        y = mmin[apply](0, y);
        x2 = mmax[apply](0, x2);
        y2 = mmax[apply](0, y2);
        return {
            x: x,
            y: y,
            x2: x2,
            y2: y2,
            width: x2 - x,
            height: y2 - y
    setproto.clone = function (s) {
        s = this.paper.set();
        for (var i = 0, ii = this.items.length; i < ii; i++) {
        return s;
    setproto.toString = function () {
        return "Rapha\xebl\u2018s set";

    setproto.glow = function(glowConfig) {
        var ret = this.paper.set();
        this.forEach(function(shape, index){
            var g = shape.glow(glowConfig);
            if(g != null){
                g.forEach(function(shape2, index2){
        return ret;

     * Set.isPointInside
     [ method ]
     * Determine if given point is inside this set’s elements
     > Parameters
     - x (number) x coordinate of the point
     - y (number) y coordinate of the point
     = (boolean) `true` if point is inside any of the set's elements
    setproto.isPointInside = function (x, y) {
        var isPointInside = false;
        this.forEach(function (el) {
            if (el.isPointInside(x, y)) {
                isPointInside = true;
                return false; // stop loop
        return isPointInside;

     * Raphael.registerFont
     [ method ]
     * Adds given font to the registered set of fonts for Raphaël. Should be used as an internal call from within Cufón’s font file.
     * Returns original parameter, so it could be used with chaining.
     # <a href="">More about Cufón and how to convert your font form TTF, OTF, etc to JavaScript file.</a>
     > Parameters
     - font (object) the font to register
     = (object) the font you passed in
     > Usage
     | Cufon.registerFont(Raphael.registerFont({…}));
    R.registerFont = function (font) {
        if (!font.face) {
            return font;
        this.fonts = this.fonts || {};
        var fontcopy = {
                w: font.w,
                face: {},
                glyphs: {}
            family = font.face["font-family"];
        for (var prop in font.face) if (font.face[has](prop)) {
            fontcopy.face[prop] = font.face[prop];
        if (this.fonts[family]) {
        } else {
            this.fonts[family] = [fontcopy];
        if (!font.svg) {
            fontcopy.face["units-per-em"] = toInt(font.face["units-per-em"], 10);
            for (var glyph in font.glyphs) if (font.glyphs[has](glyph)) {
                var path = font.glyphs[glyph];
                fontcopy.glyphs[glyph] = {
                    w: path.w,
                    k: {},
                    d: path.d && "M" + path.d.replace(/[mlcxtrv]/g, function (command) {
                            return {l: "L", c: "C", x: "z", t: "m", r: "l", v: "c"}[command] || "M";
                        }) + "z"
                if (path.k) {
                    for (var k in path.k) if (path[has](k)) {
                        fontcopy.glyphs[glyph].k[k] = path.k[k];
        return font;
     * Paper.getFont
     [ method ]
     * Finds font object in the registered fonts by given parameters. You could specify only one word from the font name, like “Myriad” for “Myriad Pro”.
     > Parameters
     - family (string) font family name or any word from it
     - weight (string) #optional font weight
     - style (string) #optional font style
     - stretch (string) #optional font stretch
     = (object) the font object
     > Usage
     | paper.print(100, 100, "Test string", paper.getFont("Times", 800), 30);
    paperproto.getFont = function (family, weight, style, stretch) {
        stretch = stretch || "normal";
        style = style || "normal";
        weight = +weight || {normal: 400, bold: 700, lighter: 300, bolder: 800}[weight] || 400;
        if (!R.fonts) {
        var font = R.fonts[family];
        if (!font) {
            var name = new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + family.replace(/[^\w\d\s+!~.:_-]/g, E) + "(\\s|$)", "i");
            for (var fontName in R.fonts) if (R.fonts[has](fontName)) {
                if (name.test(fontName)) {
                    font = R.fonts[fontName];
        var thefont;
        if (font) {
            for (var i = 0, ii = font.length; i < ii; i++) {
                thefont = font[i];
                if (thefont.face["font-weight"] == weight && (thefont.face["font-style"] == style || !thefont.face["font-style"]) && thefont.face["font-stretch"] == stretch) {
        return thefont;
     * Paper.print
     [ method ]
     * Creates path that represent given text written using given font at given position with given size.
     * Result of the method is path element that contains whole text as a separate path.
     > Parameters
     - x (number) x position of the text
     - y (number) y position of the text
     - string (string) text to print
     - font (object) font object, see @Paper.getFont
     - size (number) #optional size of the font, default is `16`
     - origin (string) #optional could be `"baseline"` or `"middle"`, default is `"middle"`
     - letter_spacing (number) #optional number in range `-1..1`, default is `0`
     - line_spacing (number) #optional number in range `1..3`, default is `1`
     = (object) resulting path element, which consist of all letters
     > Usage
     | var txt = r.print(10, 50, "print", r.getFont("Museo"), 30).attr({fill: "#fff"});
    paperproto.print = function (x, y, string, font, size, origin, letter_spacing, line_spacing) {
        origin = origin || "middle"; // baseline|middle
        letter_spacing = mmax(mmin(letter_spacing || 0, 1), -1);
        line_spacing = mmax(mmin(line_spacing || 1, 3), 1);
        var letters = Str(string)[split](E),
            shift = 0,
            notfirst = 0,
            path = E,
            scale;, "string") && (font = this.getFont(font));
        if (font) {
            scale = (size || 16) / font.face["units-per-em"];
            var bb = font.face.bbox[split](separator),
                top = +bb[0],
                lineHeight = bb[3] - bb[1],
                shifty = 0,
                height = +bb[1] + (origin == "baseline" ? lineHeight + (+font.face.descent) : lineHeight / 2);
            for (var i = 0, ii = letters.length; i < ii; i++) {
                if (letters[i] == "\n") {
                    shift = 0;
                    curr = 0;
                    notfirst = 0;
                    shifty += lineHeight * line_spacing;
                } else {
                    var prev = notfirst && font.glyphs[letters[i - 1]] || {},
                        curr = font.glyphs[letters[i]];
                    shift += notfirst ? (prev.w || font.w) + (prev.k && prev.k[letters[i]] || 0) + (font.w * letter_spacing) : 0;
                    notfirst = 1;
                if (curr && curr.d) {
                    path += R.transformPath(curr.d, ["t", shift * scale, shifty * scale, "s", scale, scale, top, height, "t", (x - top) / scale, (y - height) / scale]);
        return this.path(path).attr({
            fill: "#000",
            stroke: "none"

     * Paper.add
     [ method ]
     * Imports elements in JSON array in format `{type: type, <attributes>}`
     > Parameters
     - json (array)
     = (object) resulting set of imported elements
     > Usage
     | paper.add([
     |     {
     |         type: "circle",
     |         cx: 10,
     |         cy: 10,
     |         r: 5
     |     },
     |     {
     |         type: "rect",
     |         x: 10,
     |         y: 10,
     |         width: 10,
     |         height: 10,
     |         fill: "#fc0"
     |     }
     | ]);
    paperproto.add = function (json) {
        if (, "array")) {
            var res = this.set(),
                i = 0,
                ii = json.length,
            for (; i < ii; i++) {
                j = json[i] || {};
                elements[has](j.type) && res.push(this[j.type]().attr(j));
        return res;

     * Raphael.format
     [ method ]
     * Simple format function. Replaces construction of type “`{<number>}`” to the corresponding argument.
     > Parameters
     - token (string) string to format
     - … (string) rest of arguments will be treated as parameters for replacement
     = (string) formated string
     > Usage
     | var x = 10,
     |     y = 20,
     |     width = 40,
     |     height = 50;
     | // this will draw a rectangular shape equivalent to "M10,20h40v50h-40z"
     | paper.path(Raphael.format("M{0},{1}h{2}v{3}h{4}z", x, y, width, height, -width));
    R.format = function (token, params) {
        var args =, array) ? [0][concat](params) : arguments;
        token &&, string) && args.length - 1 && (token = token.replace(formatrg, function (str, i) {
            return args[++i] == null ? E : args[i];
        return token || E;
     * Raphael.fullfill
     [ method ]
     * A little bit more advanced format function than @Raphael.format. Replaces construction of type “`{<name>}`” to the corresponding argument.
     > Parameters
     - token (string) string to format
     - json (object) object which properties will be used as a replacement
     = (string) formated string
     > Usage
     | // this will draw a rectangular shape equivalent to "M10,20h40v50h-40z"
     | paper.path(Raphael.fullfill("M{x},{y}h{dim.width}v{dim.height}h{dim['negative width']}z", {
     |     x: 10,
     |     y: 20,
     |     dim: {
     |         width: 40,
     |         height: 50,
     |         "negative width": -40
     |     }
     | }));
    R.fullfill = (function () {
        var tokenRegex = /\{([^\}]+)\}/g,
            objNotationRegex = /(?:(?:^|\.)(.+?)(?=\[|\.|$|\()|\[('|")(.+?)\2\])(\(\))?/g, // matches .xxxxx or ["xxxxx"] to run over object properties
            replacer = function (all, key, obj) {
                var res = obj;
                key.replace(objNotationRegex, function (all, name, quote, quotedName, isFunc) {
                    name = name || quotedName;
                    if (res) {
                        if (name in res) {
                            res = res[name];
                        typeof res == "function" && isFunc && (res = res());
                res = (res == null || res == obj ? all : res) + "";
                return res;
        return function (str, obj) {
            return String(str).replace(tokenRegex, function (all, key) {
                return replacer(all, key, obj);
     [ method ]
     * If you want to leave no trace of Raphaël (Well, Raphaël creates only one global variable `Raphael`, but anyway.) You can use `ninja` method.
     * Beware, that in this case plugins could stop working, because they are depending on global variable existence.
     = (object) Raphael object
     > Usage
     | (function (local_raphael) {
     |     var paper = local_raphael(10, 10, 320, 200);
     |     …
     | })(;
    \*/ = function () {
        if (oldRaphael.was) {
        } else {
            // IE8 raises an error when deleting window property
            window.Raphael = undefined;
            try {
                delete window.Raphael;
            } catch(e) {}
        return R;
     [ property (object) ]
     * You can add your own method to elements and sets. It is wise to add a set method for each element method
     * you added, so you will be able to call the same method on sets too.
     * See also @Raphael.el.
     > Usage
     | = function () {
     |     this.attr({fill: "#f00"});
     | };
     | = function () {
     |     this.forEach(function (el) {
     |     });
     | };
     | // then use it
     | paper.set(, 100, 20),, 100, 20)).red();
    \*/ = setproto;

    eve.on("raphael.DOMload", function () {
        loaded = true;

    // Firefox <3.6 fix:
    (function (doc, loaded, f) {
        if (doc.readyState == null && doc.addEventListener){
            doc.addEventListener(loaded, f = function () {
                doc.removeEventListener(loaded, f, false);
                doc.readyState = "complete";
            }, false);
            doc.readyState = "loading";
        function isLoaded() {
            (/in/).test(doc.readyState) ? setTimeout(isLoaded, 9) : R.eve("raphael.DOMload");
    })(document, "DOMContentLoaded");

    return R;
}).apply(exports, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__),
				__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ !== undefined && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__));

/***/ }),

/***/ "./dev/raphael.svg.js":
  !*** ./dev/raphael.svg.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;!(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__ = [__webpack_require__(/*! ./raphael.core */ "./dev/raphael.core.js")], __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = (function(R) {
    if (R && !R.svg) {

    var has = "hasOwnProperty",
        Str = String,
        toFloat = parseFloat,
        toInt = parseInt,
        math = Math,
        mmax = math.max,
        abs = math.abs,
        pow = math.pow,
        separator = /[, ]+/,
        eve = R.eve,
        E = "",
        S = " ";
    var xlink = "",
        markers = {
            block: "M5,0 0,2.5 5,5z",
            classic: "M5,0 0,2.5 5,5 3.5,3 3.5,2z",
            diamond: "M2.5,0 5,2.5 2.5,5 0,2.5z",
            open: "M6,1 1,3.5 6,6",
            oval: "M2.5,0A2.5,2.5,0,0,1,2.5,5 2.5,2.5,0,0,1,2.5,0z"
        markerCounter = {};
    R.toString = function () {
        return  "Your browser supports SVG.\nYou are running Rapha\xebl " + this.version;
    var $ = function (el, attr) {
        if (attr) {
            if (typeof el == "string") {
                el = $(el);
            for (var key in attr) if (attr[has](key)) {
                if (key.substring(0, 6) == "xlink:") {
                    el.setAttributeNS(xlink, key.substring(6), Str(attr[key]));
                } else {
                    el.setAttribute(key, Str(attr[key]));
        } else {
            el = R._g.doc.createElementNS("", el);
   && ( = "rgba(0,0,0,0)");
        return el;
    addGradientFill = function (element, gradient) {
        var type = "linear",
            id = + gradient,
            fx = .5, fy = .5,
            o = element.node,
            SVG = element.paper,
            s =,
            el = R._g.doc.getElementById(id);
        if (!el) {
            gradient = Str(gradient).replace(R._radial_gradient, function (all, _fx, _fy) {
                type = "radial";
                if (_fx && _fy) {
                    fx = toFloat(_fx);
                    fy = toFloat(_fy);
                    var dir = ((fy > .5) * 2 - 1);
                    pow(fx - .5, 2) + pow(fy - .5, 2) > .25 &&
                        (fy = math.sqrt(.25 - pow(fx - .5, 2)) * dir + .5) &&
                        fy != .5 &&
                        (fy = fy.toFixed(5) - 1e-5 * dir);
                return E;
            gradient = gradient.split(/\s*\-\s*/);
            if (type == "linear") {
                var angle = gradient.shift();
                angle = -toFloat(angle);
                if (isNaN(angle)) {
                    return null;
                var vector = [0, 0, math.cos(R.rad(angle)), math.sin(R.rad(angle))],
                    max = 1 / (mmax(abs(vector[2]), abs(vector[3])) || 1);
                vector[2] *= max;
                vector[3] *= max;
                if (vector[2] < 0) {
                    vector[0] = -vector[2];
                    vector[2] = 0;
                if (vector[3] < 0) {
                    vector[1] = -vector[3];
                    vector[3] = 0;
            var dots = R._parseDots(gradient);
            if (!dots) {
                return null;
            id = id.replace(/[\(\)\s,\xb0#]/g, "_");

            if (element.gradient && id != {
                delete element.gradient;

            if (!element.gradient) {
                el = $(type + "Gradient", {id: id});
                element.gradient = el;
                $(el, type == "radial" ? {
                    fx: fx,
                    fy: fy
                } : {
                    x1: vector[0],
                    y1: vector[1],
                    x2: vector[2],
                    y2: vector[3],
                    gradientTransform: element.matrix.invert()
                for (var i = 0, ii = dots.length; i < ii; i++) {
                    el.appendChild($("stop", {
                        offset: dots[i].offset ? dots[i].offset : i ? "100%" : "0%",
                        "stop-color": dots[i].color || "#fff",
                        "stop-opacity": isFinite(dots[i].opacity) ? dots[i].opacity : 1
        $(o, {
            fill: fillurl(id),
            opacity: 1,
            "fill-opacity": 1
        s.fill = E;
        s.opacity = 1;
        s.fillOpacity = 1;
        return 1;
    isIE9or10 = function () {
      var mode = document.documentMode;
      return mode && (mode === 9 || mode === 10);
    fillurl = function (id) {
      if (isIE9or10()) {
          return "url('#" + id + "')";
      var location = document.location;
      var locationString = (
          location.protocol + '//' +
          location.pathname +

      return "url('" + locationString + "#" + id + "')";
    updatePosition = function (o) {
        var bbox = o.getBBox(1);
        $(o.pattern, {patternTransform: o.matrix.invert() + " translate(" + bbox.x + "," + bbox.y + ")"});
    addArrow = function (o, value, isEnd) {
        if (o.type == "path") {
            var values = Str(value).toLowerCase().split("-"),
                p = o.paper,
                se = isEnd ? "end" : "start",
                node = o.node,
                attrs = o.attrs,
                stroke = attrs["stroke-width"],
                i = values.length,
                type = "classic",
                w = 3,
                h = 3,
                t = 5;
            while (i--) {
                switch (values[i]) {
                    case "block":
                    case "classic":
                    case "oval":
                    case "diamond":
                    case "open":
                    case "none":
                        type = values[i];
                    case "wide": h = 5; break;
                    case "narrow": h = 2; break;
                    case "long": w = 5; break;
                    case "short": w = 2; break;
            if (type == "open") {
                w += 2;
                h += 2;
                t += 2;
                dx = 1;
                refX = isEnd ? 4 : 1;
                attr = {
                    fill: "none",
                    stroke: attrs.stroke
            } else {
                refX = dx = w / 2;
                attr = {
                    fill: attrs.stroke,
                    stroke: "none"
            if (o._.arrows) {
                if (isEnd) {
                    o._.arrows.endPath && markerCounter[o._.arrows.endPath]--;
                    o._.arrows.endMarker && markerCounter[o._.arrows.endMarker]--;
                } else {
                    o._.arrows.startPath && markerCounter[o._.arrows.startPath]--;
                    o._.arrows.startMarker && markerCounter[o._.arrows.startMarker]--;
            } else {
                o._.arrows = {};
            if (type != "none") {
                var pathId = "raphael-marker-" + type,
                    markerId = "raphael-marker-" + se + type + w + h + "-obj" +;
                if (!R._g.doc.getElementById(pathId)) {
                    p.defs.appendChild($($("path"), {
                        "stroke-linecap": "round",
                        d: markers[type],
                        id: pathId
                    markerCounter[pathId] = 1;
                } else {
                var marker = R._g.doc.getElementById(markerId),
                if (!marker) {
                    marker = $($("marker"), {
                        id: markerId,
                        markerHeight: h,
                        markerWidth: w,
                        orient: "auto",
                        refX: refX,
                        refY: h / 2
                    use = $($("use"), {
                        "xlink:href": "#" + pathId,
                        transform: (isEnd ? "rotate(180 " + w / 2 + " " + h / 2 + ") " : E) + "scale(" + w / t + "," + h / t + ")",
                        "stroke-width": (1 / ((w / t + h / t) / 2)).toFixed(4)
                    markerCounter[markerId] = 1;
                } else {
                    use = marker.getElementsByTagName("use")[0];
                $(use, attr);
                var delta = dx * (type != "diamond" && type != "oval");
                if (isEnd) {
                    from = o._.arrows.startdx * stroke || 0;
                    to = R.getTotalLength(attrs.path) - delta * stroke;
                } else {
                    from = delta * stroke;
                    to = R.getTotalLength(attrs.path) - (o._.arrows.enddx * stroke || 0);
                attr = {};
                attr["marker-" + se] = "url(#" + markerId + ")";
                if (to || from) {
                    attr.d = R.getSubpath(attrs.path, from, to);
                $(node, attr);
                o._.arrows[se + "Path"] = pathId;
                o._.arrows[se + "Marker"] = markerId;
                o._.arrows[se + "dx"] = delta;
                o._.arrows[se + "Type"] = type;
                o._.arrows[se + "String"] = value;
            } else {
                if (isEnd) {
                    from = o._.arrows.startdx * stroke || 0;
                    to = R.getTotalLength(attrs.path) - from;
                } else {
                    from = 0;
                    to = R.getTotalLength(attrs.path) - (o._.arrows.enddx * stroke || 0);
                o._.arrows[se + "Path"] && $(node, {d: R.getSubpath(attrs.path, from, to)});
                delete o._.arrows[se + "Path"];
                delete o._.arrows[se + "Marker"];
                delete o._.arrows[se + "dx"];
                delete o._.arrows[se + "Type"];
                delete o._.arrows[se + "String"];
            for (attr in markerCounter) if (markerCounter[has](attr) && !markerCounter[attr]) {
                var item = R._g.doc.getElementById(attr);
                item && item.parentNode.removeChild(item);
    dasharray = {
        "-": [3, 1],
        ".": [1, 1],
        "-.": [3, 1, 1, 1],
        "-..": [3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
        ". ": [1, 3],
        "- ": [4, 3],
        "--": [8, 3],
        "- .": [4, 3, 1, 3],
        "--.": [8, 3, 1, 3],
        "--..": [8, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3]
    addDashes = function (o, value, params) {
        value = dasharray[Str(value).toLowerCase()];
        if (value) {
            var width = o.attrs["stroke-width"] || "1",
                butt = {round: width, square: width, butt: 0}[o.attrs["stroke-linecap"] || params["stroke-linecap"]] || 0,
                dashes = [],
                i = value.length;
            while (i--) {
                dashes[i] = value[i] * width + ((i % 2) ? 1 : -1) * butt;
            $(o.node, {"stroke-dasharray": dashes.join(",")});
        else {
          $(o.node, {"stroke-dasharray": "none"});
    setFillAndStroke = function (o, params) {
        var node = o.node,
            attrs = o.attrs,
            vis =; = "hidden";
        for (var att in params) {
            if (params[has](att)) {
                if (!R._availableAttrs[has](att)) {
                var value = params[att];
                attrs[att] = value;
                switch (att) {
                    case "blur":
                    case "title":
                        var title = node.getElementsByTagName("title");

                        // Use the existing <title>.
                        if (title.length && (title = title[0])) {
                          title.firstChild.nodeValue = value;
                        } else {
                          title = $("title");
                          var val = R._g.doc.createTextNode(value);
                    case "href":
                    case "target":
                        var pn = node.parentNode;
                        if (pn.tagName.toLowerCase() != "a") {
                            var hl = $("a");
                            pn.insertBefore(hl, node);
                            pn = hl;
                        if (att == "target") {
                            pn.setAttributeNS(xlink, "show", value == "blank" ? "new" : value);
                        } else {
                            pn.setAttributeNS(xlink, att, value);
                    case "cursor":
               = value;
                    case "transform":
                    case "arrow-start":
                        addArrow(o, value);
                    case "arrow-end":
                        addArrow(o, value, 1);
                    case "clip-rect":
                        var rect = Str(value).split(separator);
                        if (rect.length == 4) {
                            o.clip && o.clip.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(o.clip.parentNode);
                            var el = $("clipPath"),
                                rc = $("rect");
                   = R.createUUID();
                            $(rc, {
                                x: rect[0],
                                y: rect[1],
                                width: rect[2],
                                height: rect[3]
                            $(node, {"clip-path": "url(#" + + ")"});
                            o.clip = rc;
                        if (!value) {
                            var path = node.getAttribute("clip-path");
                            if (path) {
                                var clip = R._g.doc.getElementById(path.replace(/(^url\(#|\)$)/g, E));
                                clip && clip.parentNode.removeChild(clip);
                                $(node, {"clip-path": E});
                                delete o.clip;
                    case "path":
                        if (o.type == "path") {
                            $(node, {d: value ? attrs.path = R._pathToAbsolute(value) : "M0,0"});
                            o._.dirty = 1;
                            if (o._.arrows) {
                                "startString" in o._.arrows && addArrow(o, o._.arrows.startString);
                                "endString" in o._.arrows && addArrow(o, o._.arrows.endString, 1);
                    case "width":
                        node.setAttribute(att, value);
                        o._.dirty = 1;
                        if (attrs.fx) {
                            att = "x";
                            value = attrs.x;
                        } else {
                    case "x":
                        if (attrs.fx) {
                            value = -attrs.x - (attrs.width || 0);
                    case "rx":
                        if (att == "rx" && o.type == "rect") {
                    case "cx":
                        node.setAttribute(att, value);
                        o.pattern && updatePosition(o);
                        o._.dirty = 1;
                    case "height":
                        node.setAttribute(att, value);
                        o._.dirty = 1;
                        if (attrs.fy) {
                            att = "y";
                            value = attrs.y;
                        } else {
                    case "y":
                        if (attrs.fy) {
                            value = -attrs.y - (attrs.height || 0);
                    case "ry":
                        if (att == "ry" && o.type == "rect") {
                    case "cy":
                        node.setAttribute(att, value);
                        o.pattern && updatePosition(o);
                        o._.dirty = 1;
                    case "r":
                        if (o.type == "rect") {
                            $(node, {rx: value, ry: value});
                        } else {
                            node.setAttribute(att, value);
                        o._.dirty = 1;
                    case "src":
                        if (o.type == "image") {
                            node.setAttributeNS(xlink, "href", value);
                    case "stroke-width":
                        if ( != 1 || != 1) {
                            value /= mmax(abs(, abs( || 1;
                        node.setAttribute(att, value);
                        if (attrs["stroke-dasharray"]) {
                            addDashes(o, attrs["stroke-dasharray"], params);
                        if (o._.arrows) {
                            "startString" in o._.arrows && addArrow(o, o._.arrows.startString);
                            "endString" in o._.arrows && addArrow(o, o._.arrows.endString, 1);
                    case "stroke-dasharray":
                        addDashes(o, value, params);
                    case "fill":
                        var isURL = Str(value).match(R._ISURL);
                        if (isURL) {
                            el = $("pattern");
                            var ig = $("image");
                   = R.createUUID();
                            $(el, {x: 0, y: 0, patternUnits: "userSpaceOnUse", height: 1, width: 1});
                            $(ig, {x: 0, y: 0, "xlink:href": isURL[1]});

                            (function (el) {
                                R._preload(isURL[1], function () {
                                    var w = this.offsetWidth,
                                        h = this.offsetHeight;
                                    $(el, {width: w, height: h});
                                    $(ig, {width: w, height: h});
                            $(node, {fill: "url(#" + + ")"});
                            o.pattern = el;
                            o.pattern && updatePosition(o);
                        var clr = R.getRGB(value);
                        if (!clr.error) {
                            delete params.gradient;
                            delete attrs.gradient;
                            !, "undefined") &&
                      , "undefined") &&
                                $(node, {opacity: attrs.opacity});
                            !["fill-opacity"], "undefined") &&
                      ["fill-opacity"], "undefined") &&
                                $(node, {"fill-opacity": attrs["fill-opacity"]});
                        } else if ((o.type == "circle" || o.type == "ellipse" || Str(value).charAt() != "r") && addGradientFill(o, value)) {
                            if ("opacity" in attrs || "fill-opacity" in attrs) {
                                var gradient = R._g.doc.getElementById(node.getAttribute("fill").replace(/^url\(#|\)$/g, E));
                                if (gradient) {
                                    var stops = gradient.getElementsByTagName("stop");
                                    $(stops[stops.length - 1], {"stop-opacity": ("opacity" in attrs ? attrs.opacity : 1) * ("fill-opacity" in attrs ? attrs["fill-opacity"] : 1)});
                            attrs.gradient = value;
                            attrs.fill = "none";
                        clr[has]("opacity") && $(node, {"fill-opacity": clr.opacity > 1 ? clr.opacity / 100 : clr.opacity});
                    case "stroke":
                        clr = R.getRGB(value);
                        node.setAttribute(att, clr.hex);
                        att == "stroke" && clr[has]("opacity") && $(node, {"stroke-opacity": clr.opacity > 1 ? clr.opacity / 100 : clr.opacity});
                        if (att == "stroke" && o._.arrows) {
                            "startString" in o._.arrows && addArrow(o, o._.arrows.startString);
                            "endString" in o._.arrows && addArrow(o, o._.arrows.endString, 1);
                    case "gradient":
                        (o.type == "circle" || o.type == "ellipse" || Str(value).charAt() != "r") && addGradientFill(o, value);
                    case "opacity":
                        if (attrs.gradient && !attrs[has]("stroke-opacity")) {
                            $(node, {"stroke-opacity": value > 1 ? value / 100 : value});
                        // fall
                    case "fill-opacity":
                        if (attrs.gradient) {
                            gradient = R._g.doc.getElementById(node.getAttribute("fill").replace(/^url\(#|\)$/g, E));
                            if (gradient) {
                                stops = gradient.getElementsByTagName("stop");
                                $(stops[stops.length - 1], {"stop-opacity": value});
                        att == "font-size" && (value = toInt(value, 10) + "px");
                        var cssrule = att.replace(/(\-.)/g, function (w) {
                            return w.substring(1).toUpperCase();
              [cssrule] = value;
                        o._.dirty = 1;
                        node.setAttribute(att, value);

        tuneText(o, params); = vis;
    leading = 1.2,
    tuneText = function (el, params) {
        if (el.type != "text" || !(params[has]("text") || params[has]("font") || params[has]("font-size") || params[has]("x") || params[has]("y"))) {
        var a = el.attrs,
            node = el.node,
            fontSize = node.firstChild ? toInt(R._g.doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(node.firstChild, E).getPropertyValue("font-size"), 10) : 10;

        if (params[has]("text")) {
            a.text = params.text;
            while (node.firstChild) {
            var texts = Str(params.text).split("\n"),
                tspans = [],
            for (var i = 0, ii = texts.length; i < ii; i++) {
                tspan = $("tspan");
                i && $(tspan, {dy: fontSize * leading, x: a.x});
                tspans[i] = tspan;
        } else {
            tspans = node.getElementsByTagName("tspan");
            for (i = 0, ii = tspans.length; i < ii; i++) if (i) {
                $(tspans[i], {dy: fontSize * leading, x: a.x});
            } else {
                $(tspans[0], {dy: 0});
        $(node, {x: a.x, y: a.y});
        el._.dirty = 1;
        var bb = el._getBBox(),
            dif = a.y - (bb.y + bb.height / 2);
        dif &&, "finite") && $(tspans[0], {dy: dif});
    getRealNode = function (node) {
        if (node.parentNode && node.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase() === "a") {
            return node.parentNode;
        } else {
            return node;
    Element = function (node, svg) {
        var X = 0,
            Y = 0;
         * Element.node
         [ property (object) ]
         * Gives you a reference to the DOM object, so you can assign event handlers or just mess around.
         * Note: Don’t mess with it.
         > Usage
         | // draw a circle at coordinate 10,10 with radius of 10
         | var c =, 10, 10);
         | c.node.onclick = function () {
         |     c.attr("fill", "red");
         | };
        this[0] = this.node = node;
         * Element.raphael
         [ property (object) ]
         * Internal reference to @Raphael object. In case it is not available.
         > Usage
         | = function () {
         |     var hsb = this.paper.raphael.rgb2hsb(this.attr("fill"));
         |     hsb.h = 1;
         |     this.attr({fill: this.paper.raphael.hsb2rgb(hsb).hex});
         | }
        node.raphael = true;
         [ property (number) ]
         * Unique id of the element. Especially useful when you want to listen to events of the element,
         * because all events are fired in format `<module>.<action>.<id>`. Also useful for @Paper.getById method.
        \*/ = guid();
        node.raphaelid =;

        * Method that returns a 5 letter/digit id, enough for 36^5 = 60466176 elements
        * @returns {string} id
        function guid() {
            return ("0000" + (Math.random()*Math.pow(36,5) << 0).toString(36)).slice(-5);

        this.matrix = R.matrix();
        this.realPath = null;
         * Element.paper
         [ property (object) ]
         * Internal reference to “paper” where object drawn. Mainly for use in plugins and element extensions.
         > Usage
         | Raphael.el.cross = function () {
         |     this.attr({fill: "red"});
         |     this.paper.path("M10,10L50,50M50,10L10,50")
         |         .attr({stroke: "red"});
         | }
        this.paper = svg;
        this.attrs = this.attrs || {};
        this._ = {
            transform: [],
            sx: 1,
            sy: 1,
            deg: 0,
            dx: 0,
            dy: 0,
            dirty: 1
        !svg.bottom && (svg.bottom = this);
         * Element.prev
         [ property (object) ]
         * Reference to the previous element in the hierarchy.
        this.prev =; && ( = this); = this;
         [ property (object) ]
         * Reference to the next element in the hierarchy.
        \*/ = null;
    elproto = R.el;

    Element.prototype = elproto;
    elproto.constructor = Element;

    R._engine.path = function (pathString, SVG) {
        var el = $("path");
        SVG.canvas && SVG.canvas.appendChild(el);
        var p = new Element(el, SVG);
        p.type = "path";
        setFillAndStroke(p, {
            fill: "none",
            stroke: "#000",
            path: pathString
        return p;
     * Element.rotate
     [ method ]
     * Deprecated! Use @Element.transform instead.
     * Adds rotation by given angle around given point to the list of
     * transformations of the element.
     > Parameters
     - deg (number) angle in degrees
     - cx (number) #optional x coordinate of the centre of rotation
     - cy (number) #optional y coordinate of the centre of rotation
     * If cx & cy aren’t specified centre of the shape is used as a point of rotation.
     = (object) @Element
    elproto.rotate = function (deg, cx, cy) {
        if (this.removed) {
            return this;
        deg = Str(deg).split(separator);
        if (deg.length - 1) {
            cx = toFloat(deg[1]);
            cy = toFloat(deg[2]);
        deg = toFloat(deg[0]);
        (cy == null) && (cx = cy);
        if (cx == null || cy == null) {
            var bbox = this.getBBox(1);
            cx = bbox.x + bbox.width / 2;
            cy = bbox.y + bbox.height / 2;
        this.transform(this._.transform.concat([["r", deg, cx, cy]]));
        return this;
     * Element.scale
     [ method ]
     * Deprecated! Use @Element.transform instead.
     * Adds scale by given amount relative to given point to the list of
     * transformations of the element.
     > Parameters
     - sx (number) horisontal scale amount
     - sy (number) vertical scale amount
     - cx (number) #optional x coordinate of the centre of scale
     - cy (number) #optional y coordinate of the centre of scale
     * If cx & cy aren’t specified centre of the shape is used instead.
     = (object) @Element
    elproto.scale = function (sx, sy, cx, cy) {
        if (this.removed) {
            return this;
        sx = Str(sx).split(separator);
        if (sx.length - 1) {
            sy = toFloat(sx[1]);
            cx = toFloat(sx[2]);
            cy = toFloat(sx[3]);
        sx = toFloat(sx[0]);
        (sy == null) && (sy = sx);
        (cy == null) && (cx = cy);
        if (cx == null || cy == null) {
            var bbox = this.getBBox(1);
        cx = cx == null ? bbox.x + bbox.width / 2 : cx;
        cy = cy == null ? bbox.y + bbox.height / 2 : cy;
        this.transform(this._.transform.concat([["s", sx, sy, cx, cy]]));
        return this;
     * Element.translate
     [ method ]
     * Deprecated! Use @Element.transform instead.
     * Adds translation by given amount to the list of transformations of the element.
     > Parameters
     - dx (number) horisontal shift
     - dy (number) vertical shift
     = (object) @Element
    elproto.translate = function (dx, dy) {
        if (this.removed) {
            return this;
        dx = Str(dx).split(separator);
        if (dx.length - 1) {
            dy = toFloat(dx[1]);
        dx = toFloat(dx[0]) || 0;
        dy = +dy || 0;
        this.transform(this._.transform.concat([["t", dx, dy]]));
        return this;
     * Element.transform
     [ method ]
     * Adds transformation to the element which is separate to other attributes,
     * i.e. translation doesn’t change `x` or `y` of the rectange. The format
     * of transformation string is similar to the path string syntax:
     | "t100,100r30,100,100s2,2,100,100r45s1.5"
     * Each letter is a command. There are four commands: `t` is for translate, `r` is for rotate, `s` is for
     * scale and `m` is for matrix.
     * There are also alternative “absolute” translation, rotation and scale: `T`, `R` and `S`. They will not take previous transformation into account. For example, `...T100,0` will always move element 100 px horisontally, while `...t100,0` could move it vertically if there is `r90` before. Just compare results of `r90t100,0` and `r90T100,0`.
     * So, the example line above could be read like “translate by 100, 100; rotate 30° around 100, 100; scale twice around 100, 100;
     * rotate 45° around centre; scale 1.5 times relative to centre”. As you can see rotate and scale commands have origin
     * coordinates as optional parameters, the default is the centre point of the element.
     * Matrix accepts six parameters.
     > Usage
     | var el = paper.rect(10, 20, 300, 200);
     | // translate 100, 100, rotate 45°, translate -100, 0
     | el.transform("t100,100r45t-100,0");
     | // if you want you can append or prepend transformations
     | el.transform("...t50,50");
     | el.transform("s2...");
     | // or even wrap
     | el.transform("t50,50...t-50-50");
     | // to reset transformation call method with empty string
     | el.transform("");
     | // to get current value call it without parameters
     | console.log(el.transform());
     > Parameters
     - tstr (string) #optional transformation string
     * If tstr isn’t specified
     = (string) current transformation string
     * else
     = (object) @Element
    elproto.transform = function (tstr) {
        var _ = this._;
        if (tstr == null) {
            return _.transform;
        R._extractTransform(this, tstr);

        this.clip && $(this.clip, {transform: this.matrix.invert()});
        this.pattern && updatePosition(this);
        this.node && $(this.node, {transform: this.matrix});

        if ( != 1 || != 1) {
            var sw = this.attrs[has]("stroke-width") ? this.attrs["stroke-width"] : 1;
            this.attr({"stroke-width": sw});

        return this;
     * Element.hide
     [ method ]
     * Makes element invisible. See
     = (object) @Element
    elproto.hide = function () {
        if(!this.removed) = "none";
        return this;
     [ method ]
     * Makes element visible. See @Element.hide.
     = (object) @Element
    \*/ = function () {
        if(!this.removed) = "";
        return this;
     * Element.remove
     [ method ]
     * Removes element from the paper.
    elproto.remove = function () {
        var node = getRealNode(this.node);
        if (this.removed || !node.parentNode) {
        var paper = this.paper;
        paper.__set__ && paper.__set__.exclude(this);
        eve.unbind("raphael.*.*." +;
        if (this.gradient) {
        R._tear(this, paper);


        // Remove custom data for element

        for (var i in this) {
            this[i] = typeof this[i] == "function" ? R._removedFactory(i) : null;
        this.removed = true;
    elproto._getBBox = function () {
        if ( == "none") {
            var hide = true;
        var canvasHidden = false,
        if (this.paper.canvas.parentElement) {
          containerStyle =;
        } //IE10+ can't find parentElement
        else if (this.paper.canvas.parentNode) {
          containerStyle =;

        if(containerStyle && containerStyle.display == "none") {
          canvasHidden = true;
          containerStyle.display = "";
        var bbox = {};
        try {
            bbox = this.node.getBBox();
        } catch(e) {
            // Firefox 3.0.x, 25.0.1 (probably more versions affected) play badly here - possible fix
            bbox = {
                x: this.node.clientLeft,
                y: this.node.clientTop,
                width: this.node.clientWidth,
                height: this.node.clientHeight
        } finally {
            bbox = bbox || {};
              containerStyle.display = "none";
        hide && this.hide();
        return bbox;
     * Element.attr
     [ method ]
     * Sets the attributes of the element.
     > Parameters
     - attrName (string) attribute’s name
     - value (string) value
     * or
     - params (object) object of name/value pairs
     * or
     - attrName (string) attribute’s name
     * or
     - attrNames (array) in this case method returns array of current values for given attribute names
     = (object) @Element if attrsName & value or params are passed in.
     = (...) value of the attribute if only attrsName is passed in.
     = (array) array of values of the attribute if attrsNames is passed in.
     = (object) object of attributes if nothing is passed in.
     > Possible parameters
     # <p>Please refer to the <a href="" title="The W3C Recommendation for the SVG language describes these properties in detail.">SVG specification</a> for an explanation of these parameters.</p>
     o arrow-end (string) arrowhead on the end of the path. The format for string is `<type>[-<width>[-<length>]]`. Possible types: `classic`, `block`, `open`, `oval`, `diamond`, `none`, width: `wide`, `narrow`, `medium`, length: `long`, `short`, `midium`.
     o clip-rect (string) comma or space separated values: x, y, width and height
     o cursor (string) CSS type of the cursor
     o cx (number) the x-axis coordinate of the center of the circle, or ellipse
     o cy (number) the y-axis coordinate of the center of the circle, or ellipse
     o fill (string) colour, gradient or image
     o fill-opacity (number)
     o font (string)
     o font-family (string)
     o font-size (number) font size in pixels
     o font-weight (string)
     o height (number)
     o href (string) URL, if specified element behaves as hyperlink
     o opacity (number)
     o path (string) SVG path string format
     o r (number) radius of the circle, ellipse or rounded corner on the rect
     o rx (number) horisontal radius of the ellipse
     o ry (number) vertical radius of the ellipse
     o src (string) image URL, only works for @Element.image element
     o stroke (string) stroke colour
     o stroke-dasharray (string) [“”, “none”, “`-`”, “`.`”, “`-.`”, “`-..`”, “`. `”, “`- `”, “`--`”, “`- .`”, “`--.`”, “`--..`”]
     o stroke-linecap (string) [“`butt`”, “`square`”, “`round`”]
     o stroke-linejoin (string) [“`bevel`”, “`round`”, “`miter`”]
     o stroke-miterlimit (number)
     o stroke-opacity (number)
     o stroke-width (number) stroke width in pixels, default is '1'
     o target (string) used with href
     o text (string) contents of the text element. Use `\n` for multiline text
     o text-anchor (string) [“`start`”, “`middle`”, “`end`”], default is “`middle`”
     o title (string) will create tooltip with a given text
     o transform (string) see @Element.transform
     o width (number)
     o x (number)
     o y (number)
     > Gradients
     * Linear gradient format: “`‹angle›-‹colour›[-‹colour›[:‹offset›]]*-‹colour›`”, example: “`90-#fff-#000`” – 90°
     * gradient from white to black or “`0-#fff-#f00:20-#000`” – 0° gradient from white via red (at 20%) to black.
     * radial gradient: “`r[(‹fx›, ‹fy›)]‹colour›[-‹colour›[:‹offset›]]*-‹colour›`”, example: “`r#fff-#000`” –
     * gradient from white to black or “`r(0.25, 0.75)#fff-#000`” – gradient from white to black with focus point
     * at 0.25, 0.75. Focus point coordinates are in 0..1 range. Radial gradients can only be applied to circles and ellipses.
     > Path String
     # <p>Please refer to <a href="" title="Details of a path’s data attribute’s format are described in the SVG specification.">SVG documentation regarding path string</a>. Raphaël fully supports it.</p>
     > Colour Parsing
     # <ul>
     #     <li>Colour name (“<code>red</code>”, “<code>green</code>”, “<code>cornflowerblue</code>”, etc)</li>
     #     <li>#••• — shortened HTML colour: (“<code>#000</code>”, “<code>#fc0</code>”, etc)</li>
     #     <li>#•••••• — full length HTML colour: (“<code>#000000</code>”, “<code>#bd2300</code>”)</li>
     #     <li>rgb(•••, •••, •••) — red, green and blue channels’ values: (“<code>rgb(200,&nbsp;100,&nbsp;0)</code>”)</li>
     #     <li>rgb(•••%, •••%, •••%) — same as above, but in %: (“<code>rgb(100%,&nbsp;175%,&nbsp;0%)</code>”)</li>
     #     <li>rgba(•••, •••, •••, •••) — red, green and blue channels’ values: (“<code>rgba(200,&nbsp;100,&nbsp;0, .5)</code>”)</li>
     #     <li>rgba(•••%, •••%, •••%, •••%) — same as above, but in %: (“<code>rgba(100%,&nbsp;175%,&nbsp;0%, 50%)</code>”)</li>
     #     <li>hsb(•••, •••, •••) — hue, saturation and brightness values: (“<code>hsb(0.5,&nbsp;0.25,&nbsp;1)</code>”)</li>
     #     <li>hsb(•••%, •••%, •••%) — same as above, but in %</li>
     #     <li>hsba(•••, •••, •••, •••) — same as above, but with opacity</li>
     #     <li>hsl(•••, •••, •••) — almost the same as hsb, see <a href="" title="HSL and HSV - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia">Wikipedia page</a></li>
     #     <li>hsl(•••%, •••%, •••%) — same as above, but in %</li>
     #     <li>hsla(•••, •••, •••, •••) — same as above, but with opacity</li>
     #     <li>Optionally for hsb and hsl you could specify hue as a degree: “<code>hsl(240deg,&nbsp;1,&nbsp;.5)</code>” or, if you want to go fancy, “<code>hsl(240°,&nbsp;1,&nbsp;.5)</code>”</li>
     # </ul>
    elproto.attr = function (name, value) {
        if (this.removed) {
            return this;
        if (name == null) {
            var res = {};
            for (var a in this.attrs) if (this.attrs[has](a)) {
                res[a] = this.attrs[a];
            res.gradient && res.fill == "none" && (res.fill = res.gradient) && delete res.gradient;
            res.transform = this._.transform;
            return res;
        if (value == null &&, "string")) {
            if (name == "fill" && this.attrs.fill == "none" && this.attrs.gradient) {
                return this.attrs.gradient;
            if (name == "transform") {
                return this._.transform;
            var names = name.split(separator),
                out = {};
            for (var i = 0, ii = names.length; i < ii; i++) {
                name = names[i];
                if (name in this.attrs) {
                    out[name] = this.attrs[name];
                } else if ([name], "function")) {
                    out[name] = this.paper.customAttributes[name].def;
                } else {
                    out[name] = R._availableAttrs[name];
            return ii - 1 ? out : out[names[0]];
        if (value == null &&, "array")) {
            out = {};
            for (i = 0, ii = name.length; i < ii; i++) {
                out[name[i]] = this.attr(name[i]);
            return out;
        if (value != null) {
            var params = {};
            params[name] = value;
        } else if (name != null &&, "object")) {
            params = name;
        for (var key in params) {
            eve("raphael.attr." + key + "." +, this, params[key]);
        for (key in this.paper.customAttributes) if (this.paper.customAttributes[has](key) && params[has](key) &&[key], "function")) {
            var par = this.paper.customAttributes[key].apply(this, [].concat(params[key]));
            this.attrs[key] = params[key];
            for (var subkey in par) if (par[has](subkey)) {
                params[subkey] = par[subkey];
        setFillAndStroke(this, params);
        return this;
     * Element.toFront
     [ method ]
     * Moves the element so it is the closest to the viewer’s eyes, on top of other elements.
     = (object) @Element
    elproto.toFront = function () {
        if (this.removed) {
            return this;
        var node = getRealNode(this.node);
        var svg = this.paper; != this && R._tofront(this, svg);
        return this;
     * Element.toBack
     [ method ]
     * Moves the element so it is the furthest from the viewer’s eyes, behind other elements.
     = (object) @Element
    elproto.toBack = function () {
        if (this.removed) {
            return this;
        var node = getRealNode(this.node);
        var parentNode = node.parentNode;
        parentNode.insertBefore(node, parentNode.firstChild);
        R._toback(this, this.paper);
        var svg = this.paper;
        return this;
     * Element.insertAfter
     [ method ]
     * Inserts current object after the given one.
     = (object) @Element
    elproto.insertAfter = function (element) {
        if (this.removed || !element) {
            return this;

        var node = getRealNode(this.node);
        var afterNode = getRealNode(element.node || element[element.length - 1].node);
        if (afterNode.nextSibling) {
            afterNode.parentNode.insertBefore(node, afterNode.nextSibling);
        } else {
        R._insertafter(this, element, this.paper);
        return this;
     * Element.insertBefore
     [ method ]
     * Inserts current object before the given one.
     = (object) @Element
    elproto.insertBefore = function (element) {
        if (this.removed || !element) {
            return this;

        var node = getRealNode(this.node);
        var beforeNode = getRealNode(element.node || element[0].node);
        beforeNode.parentNode.insertBefore(node, beforeNode);
        R._insertbefore(this, element, this.paper);
        return this;
    elproto.blur = function (size) {
        // Experimental. No Safari support. Use it on your own risk.
        var t = this;
        if (+size !== 0) {
            var fltr = $("filter"),
                blur = $("feGaussianBlur");
            t.attrs.blur = size;
   = R.createUUID();
            $(blur, {stdDeviation: +size || 1.5});
            t._blur = fltr;
            $(t.node, {filter: "url(#" + + ")"});
        } else {
            if (t._blur) {
                delete t._blur;
                delete t.attrs.blur;
        return t;
    }; = function (svg, x, y, r) {
        var el = $("circle");
        svg.canvas && svg.canvas.appendChild(el);
        var res = new Element(el, svg);
        res.attrs = {cx: x, cy: y, r: r, fill: "none", stroke: "#000"};
        res.type = "circle";
        $(el, res.attrs);
        return res;
    R._engine.rect = function (svg, x, y, w, h, r) {
        var el = $("rect");
        svg.canvas && svg.canvas.appendChild(el);
        var res = new Element(el, svg);
        res.attrs = {x: x, y: y, width: w, height: h, rx: r || 0, ry: r || 0, fill: "none", stroke: "#000"};
        res.type = "rect";
        $(el, res.attrs);
        return res;
    R._engine.ellipse = function (svg, x, y, rx, ry) {
        var el = $("ellipse");
        svg.canvas && svg.canvas.appendChild(el);
        var res = new Element(el, svg);
        res.attrs = {cx: x, cy: y, rx: rx, ry: ry, fill: "none", stroke: "#000"};
        res.type = "ellipse";
        $(el, res.attrs);
        return res;
    R._engine.image = function (svg, src, x, y, w, h) {
        var el = $("image");
        $(el, {x: x, y: y, width: w, height: h, preserveAspectRatio: "none"});
        el.setAttributeNS(xlink, "href", src);
        svg.canvas && svg.canvas.appendChild(el);
        var res = new Element(el, svg);
        res.attrs = {x: x, y: y, width: w, height: h, src: src};
        res.type = "image";
        return res;
    R._engine.text = function (svg, x, y, text) {
        var el = $("text");
        svg.canvas && svg.canvas.appendChild(el);
        var res = new Element(el, svg);
        res.attrs = {
            x: x,
            y: y,
            "text-anchor": "middle",
            text: text,
            "font-family": R._availableAttrs["font-family"],
            "font-size": R._availableAttrs["font-size"],
            stroke: "none",
            fill: "#000"
        res.type = "text";
        setFillAndStroke(res, res.attrs);
        return res;
    R._engine.setSize = function (width, height) {
        this.width = width || this.width;
        this.height = height || this.height;
        this.canvas.setAttribute("width", this.width);
        this.canvas.setAttribute("height", this.height);
        if (this._viewBox) {
            this.setViewBox.apply(this, this._viewBox);
        return this;
    R._engine.create = function () {
        var con = R._getContainer.apply(0, arguments),
            container = con && con.container;
        if (!container) {
            throw new Error("SVG container not found.");
        var x = con.x,
            y = con.y,
            width = con.width,
            height = con.height,
            cnvs = $("svg"),
            css = "overflow:hidden;",
        x = x || 0;
        y = y || 0;
        width = width || 512;
        height = height || 342;
        $(cnvs, {
            height: height,
            version: 1.1,
            width: width,
            xmlns: "",
            "xmlns:xlink": ""
        if (container == 1) {
   = css + "position:absolute;left:" + x + "px;top:" + y + "px";
            isFloating = 1;
        } else {
   = css + "position:relative";
            if (container.firstChild) {
                container.insertBefore(cnvs, container.firstChild);
            } else {
        container = new R._Paper;
        container.width = width;
        container.height = height;
        container.canvas = cnvs;
        container._left = container._top = 0;
        isFloating && (container.renderfix = function () {});
        return container;
    R._engine.setViewBox = function (x, y, w, h, fit) {
        eve("raphael.setViewBox", this, this._viewBox, [x, y, w, h, fit]);
        var paperSize = this.getSize(),
            size = mmax(w / paperSize.width, h / paperSize.height),
            top =,
            aspectRatio = fit ? "xMidYMid meet" : "xMinYMin",
        if (x == null) {
            if (this._vbSize) {
                size = 1;
            delete this._vbSize;
            vb = "0 0 " + this.width + S + this.height;
        } else {
            this._vbSize = size;
            vb = x + S + y + S + w + S + h;
        $(this.canvas, {
            viewBox: vb,
            preserveAspectRatio: aspectRatio
        while (size && top) {
            sw = "stroke-width" in top.attrs ? top.attrs["stroke-width"] : 1;
            top.attr({"stroke-width": sw});
            top._.dirty = 1;
            top._.dirtyT = 1;
            top = top.prev;
        this._viewBox = [x, y, w, h, !!fit];
        return this;
     * Paper.renderfix
     [ method ]
     * Fixes the issue of Firefox and IE9 regarding subpixel rendering. If paper is dependent
     * on other elements after reflow it could shift half pixel which cause for lines to lost their crispness.
     * This method fixes the issue.
       Special thanks to Mariusz Nowak ( for this method.
    R.prototype.renderfix = function () {
        var cnvs = this.canvas,
            s =,
        try {
            pos = cnvs.getScreenCTM() || cnvs.createSVGMatrix();
        } catch (e) {
            pos = cnvs.createSVGMatrix();
        var left = -pos.e % 1,
            top = -pos.f % 1;
        if (left || top) {
            if (left) {
                this._left = (this._left + left) % 1;
                s.left = this._left + "px";
            if (top) {
                this._top = (this._top + top) % 1;
       = this._top + "px";
     * Paper.clear
     [ method ]
     * Clears the paper, i.e. removes all the elements.
    R.prototype.clear = function () {
        R.eve("raphael.clear", this);
        var c = this.canvas;
        while (c.firstChild) {
        this.bottom = = null;
        (this.desc = $("desc")).appendChild(R._g.doc.createTextNode("Created with Rapha\xebl " + R.version));
        c.appendChild(this.defs = $("defs"));
     * Paper.remove
     [ method ]
     * Removes the paper from the DOM.
    R.prototype.remove = function () {
        eve("raphael.remove", this);
        this.canvas.parentNode && this.canvas.parentNode.removeChild(this.canvas);
        for (var i in this) {
            this[i] = typeof this[i] == "function" ? R._removedFactory(i) : null;
    var setproto =;
    for (var method in elproto) if (elproto[has](method) && !setproto[has](method)) {
        setproto[method] = (function (methodname) {
            return function () {
                var arg = arguments;
                return this.forEach(function (el) {
                    el[methodname].apply(el, arg);
}).apply(exports, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__),
				__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ !== undefined && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__));

/***/ }),

/***/ "./dev/raphael.vml.js":
  !*** ./dev/raphael.vml.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;!(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__ = [__webpack_require__(/*! ./raphael.core */ "./dev/raphael.core.js")], __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = (function(R) {
    if (R && !R.vml) {

    var has = "hasOwnProperty",
        Str = String,
        toFloat = parseFloat,
        math = Math,
        round = math.round,
        mmax = math.max,
        mmin = math.min,
        abs = math.abs,
        fillString = "fill",
        separator = /[, ]+/,
        eve = R.eve,
        ms = " progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft",
        S = " ",
        E = "",
        map = {M: "m", L: "l", C: "c", Z: "x", m: "t", l: "r", c: "v", z: "x"},
        bites = /([clmz]),?([^clmz]*)/gi,
        blurregexp = / progid:\S+Blur\([^\)]+\)/g,
        val = /-?[^,\s-]+/g,
        cssDot = "position:absolute;left:0;top:0;width:1px;height:1px;behavior:url(#default#VML)",
        zoom = 21600,
        pathTypes = {path: 1, rect: 1, image: 1},
        ovalTypes = {circle: 1, ellipse: 1},
        path2vml = function (path) {
            var total =  /[ahqstv]/ig,
                command = R._pathToAbsolute;
            Str(path).match(total) && (command = R._path2curve);
            total = /[clmz]/g;
            if (command == R._pathToAbsolute && !Str(path).match(total)) {
                var res = Str(path).replace(bites, function (all, command, args) {
                    var vals = [],
                        isMove = command.toLowerCase() == "m",
                        res = map[command];
                    args.replace(val, function (value) {
                        if (isMove && vals.length == 2) {
                            res += vals + map[command == "m" ? "l" : "L"];
                            vals = [];
                        vals.push(round(value * zoom));
                    return res + vals;
                return res;
            var pa = command(path), p, r;
            res = [];
            for (var i = 0, ii = pa.length; i < ii; i++) {
                p = pa[i];
                r = pa[i][0].toLowerCase();
                r == "z" && (r = "x");
                for (var j = 1, jj = p.length; j < jj; j++) {
                    r += round(p[j] * zoom) + (j != jj - 1 ? "," : E);
            return res.join(S);
        compensation = function (deg, dx, dy) {
            var m = R.matrix();
            m.rotate(-deg, .5, .5);
            return {
                dx: m.x(dx, dy),
                dy: m.y(dx, dy)
        setCoords = function (p, sx, sy, dx, dy, deg) {
            var _ = p._,
                m = p.matrix,
                fillpos = _.fillpos,
                o = p.node,
                s =,
                y = 1,
                flip = "",
                kx = zoom / sx,
                ky = zoom / sy;
            s.visibility = "hidden";
            if (!sx || !sy) {
            o.coordsize = abs(kx) + S + abs(ky);
            s.rotation = deg * (sx * sy < 0 ? -1 : 1);
            if (deg) {
                var c = compensation(deg, dx, dy);
                dx = c.dx;
                dy = c.dy;
            sx < 0 && (flip += "x");
            sy < 0 && (flip += " y") && (y = -1);
            s.flip = flip;
            o.coordorigin = (dx * -kx) + S + (dy * -ky);
            if (fillpos || _.fillsize) {
                var fill = o.getElementsByTagName(fillString);
                fill = fill && fill[0];
                if (fillpos) {
                    c = compensation(deg, m.x(fillpos[0], fillpos[1]), m.y(fillpos[0], fillpos[1]));
                    fill.position = c.dx * y + S + c.dy * y;
                if (_.fillsize) {
                    fill.size = _.fillsize[0] * abs(sx) + S + _.fillsize[1] * abs(sy);
            s.visibility = "visible";
    R.toString = function () {
        return  "Your browser doesn\u2019t support SVG. Falling down to VML.\nYou are running Rapha\xebl " + this.version;
    var addArrow = function (o, value, isEnd) {
        var values = Str(value).toLowerCase().split("-"),
            se = isEnd ? "end" : "start",
            i = values.length,
            type = "classic",
            w = "medium",
            h = "medium";
        while (i--) {
            switch (values[i]) {
                case "block":
                case "classic":
                case "oval":
                case "diamond":
                case "open":
                case "none":
                    type = values[i];
                case "wide":
                case "narrow": h = values[i]; break;
                case "long":
                case "short": w = values[i]; break;
        var stroke = o.node.getElementsByTagName("stroke")[0];
        stroke[se + "arrow"] = type;
        stroke[se + "arrowlength"] = w;
        stroke[se + "arrowwidth"] = h;
    setFillAndStroke = function (o, params) {
        // = "none";
        o.attrs = o.attrs || {};
        var node = o.node,
            a = o.attrs,
            s =,
            newpath = pathTypes[o.type] && (params.x != a.x || params.y != a.y || params.width != a.width || params.height != a.height || != || != || params.rx != a.rx || params.ry != a.ry || params.r != a.r),
            isOval = ovalTypes[o.type] && ( != || != || a.r != params.r || a.rx != params.rx || a.ry != params.ry),
            res = o;

        for (var par in params) if (params[has](par)) {
            a[par] = params[par];
        if (newpath) {
            a.path = R._getPath[o.type](o);
            o._.dirty = 1;
        params.href && (node.href = params.href);
        params.title && (node.title = params.title); && ( =;
        params.cursor && (s.cursor = params.cursor);
        "blur" in params && o.blur(params.blur);
        if (params.path && o.type == "path" || newpath) {
            node.path = path2vml(~Str(a.path).toLowerCase().indexOf("r") ? R._pathToAbsolute(a.path) : a.path);
            o._.dirty = 1;
            if (o.type == "image") {
                o._.fillpos = [a.x, a.y];
                o._.fillsize = [a.width, a.height];
                setCoords(o, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
        "transform" in params && o.transform(params.transform);
        if (isOval) {
            var cx =,
                cy =,
                rx = +a.rx || +a.r || 0,
                ry = +a.ry || +a.r || 0;
            node.path = R.format("ar{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{1},{4},{1}x", round((cx - rx) * zoom), round((cy - ry) * zoom), round((cx + rx) * zoom), round((cy + ry) * zoom), round(cx * zoom));
            o._.dirty = 1;
        if ("clip-rect" in params) {
            var rect = Str(params["clip-rect"]).split(separator);
            if (rect.length == 4) {
                rect[2] = +rect[2] + (+rect[0]);
                rect[3] = +rect[3] + (+rect[1]);
                var div = node.clipRect || R._g.doc.createElement("div"),
                    dstyle =;
                dstyle.clip = R.format("rect({1}px {2}px {3}px {0}px)", rect);
                if (!node.clipRect) {
                    dstyle.position = "absolute";
           = 0;
                    dstyle.left = 0;
                    dstyle.width = o.paper.width + "px";
                    dstyle.height = o.paper.height + "px";
                    node.parentNode.insertBefore(div, node);
                    node.clipRect = div;
            if (!params["clip-rect"]) {
                node.clipRect && ( = "auto");
        if (o.textpath) {
            var textpathStyle =;
            params.font && (textpathStyle.font = params.font);
            params["font-family"] && (textpathStyle.fontFamily = '"' + params["font-family"].split(",")[0].replace(/^['"]+|['"]+$/g, E) + '"');
            params["font-size"] && (textpathStyle.fontSize = params["font-size"]);
            params["font-weight"] && (textpathStyle.fontWeight = params["font-weight"]);
            params["font-style"] && (textpathStyle.fontStyle = params["font-style"]);
        if ("arrow-start" in params) {
            addArrow(res, params["arrow-start"]);
        if ("arrow-end" in params) {
            addArrow(res, params["arrow-end"], 1);
        if (params.opacity != null ||
            params.fill != null ||
            params.src != null ||
            params.stroke != null ||
            params["stroke-width"] != null ||
            params["stroke-opacity"] != null ||
            params["fill-opacity"] != null ||
            params["stroke-dasharray"] != null ||
            params["stroke-miterlimit"] != null ||
            params["stroke-linejoin"] != null ||
            params["stroke-linecap"] != null) {
            var fill = node.getElementsByTagName(fillString),
                newfill = false;
            fill = fill && fill[0];
            !fill && (newfill = fill = createNode(fillString));
            if (o.type == "image" && params.src) {
                fill.src = params.src;
            params.fill && (fill.on = true);
            if (fill.on == null || params.fill == "none" || params.fill === null) {
                fill.on = false;
            if (fill.on && params.fill) {
                var isURL = Str(params.fill).match(R._ISURL);
                if (isURL) {
                    fill.parentNode == node && node.removeChild(fill);
                    fill.rotate = true;
                    fill.src = isURL[1];
                    fill.type = "tile";
                    var bbox = o.getBBox(1);
                    fill.position = bbox.x + S + bbox.y;
                    o._.fillpos = [bbox.x, bbox.y];

                    R._preload(isURL[1], function () {
                        o._.fillsize = [this.offsetWidth, this.offsetHeight];
                } else {
                    fill.color = R.getRGB(params.fill).hex;
                    fill.src = E;
                    fill.type = "solid";
                    if (R.getRGB(params.fill).error && (res.type in {circle: 1, ellipse: 1} || Str(params.fill).charAt() != "r") && addGradientFill(res, params.fill, fill)) {
                        a.fill = "none";
                        a.gradient = params.fill;
                        fill.rotate = false;
            if ("fill-opacity" in params || "opacity" in params) {
                var opacity = ((+a["fill-opacity"] + 1 || 2) - 1) * ((+a.opacity + 1 || 2) - 1) * ((+R.getRGB(params.fill).o + 1 || 2) - 1);
                opacity = mmin(mmax(opacity, 0), 1);
                fill.opacity = opacity;
                if (fill.src) {
                    fill.color = "none";
            var stroke = (node.getElementsByTagName("stroke") && node.getElementsByTagName("stroke")[0]),
            newstroke = false;
            !stroke && (newstroke = stroke = createNode("stroke"));
            if ((params.stroke && params.stroke != "none") ||
                params["stroke-width"] ||
                params["stroke-opacity"] != null ||
                params["stroke-dasharray"] ||
                params["stroke-miterlimit"] ||
                params["stroke-linejoin"] ||
                params["stroke-linecap"]) {
                stroke.on = true;
            (params.stroke == "none" || params.stroke === null || stroke.on == null || params.stroke == 0 || params["stroke-width"] == 0) && (stroke.on = false);
            var strokeColor = R.getRGB(params.stroke);
            stroke.on && params.stroke && (stroke.color = strokeColor.hex);
            opacity = ((+a["stroke-opacity"] + 1 || 2) - 1) * ((+a.opacity + 1 || 2) - 1) * ((+strokeColor.o + 1 || 2) - 1);
            var width = (toFloat(params["stroke-width"]) || 1) * .75;
            opacity = mmin(mmax(opacity, 0), 1);
            params["stroke-width"] == null && (width = a["stroke-width"]);
            params["stroke-width"] && (stroke.weight = width);
            width && width < 1 && (opacity *= width) && (stroke.weight = 1);
            stroke.opacity = opacity;

            params["stroke-linejoin"] && (stroke.joinstyle = params["stroke-linejoin"] || "miter");
            stroke.miterlimit = params["stroke-miterlimit"] || 8;
            params["stroke-linecap"] && (stroke.endcap = params["stroke-linecap"] == "butt" ? "flat" : params["stroke-linecap"] == "square" ? "square" : "round");
            if ("stroke-dasharray" in params) {
                var dasharray = {
                    "-": "shortdash",
                    ".": "shortdot",
                    "-.": "shortdashdot",
                    "-..": "shortdashdotdot",
                    ". ": "dot",
                    "- ": "dash",
                    "--": "longdash",
                    "- .": "dashdot",
                    "--.": "longdashdot",
                    "--..": "longdashdotdot"
                stroke.dashstyle = dasharray[has](params["stroke-dasharray"]) ? dasharray[params["stroke-dasharray"]] : E;
            newstroke && node.appendChild(stroke);
        if (res.type == "text") {
   = E;
            var span = res.paper.span,
                m = 100,
                fontSize = a.font && a.font.match(/\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?=px)/);
            s =;
            a.font && (s.font = a.font);
            a["font-family"] && (s.fontFamily = a["font-family"]);
            a["font-weight"] && (s.fontWeight = a["font-weight"]);
            a["font-style"] && (s.fontStyle = a["font-style"]);
            fontSize = toFloat(a["font-size"] || fontSize && fontSize[0]) || 10;
            s.fontSize = fontSize * m + "px";
            res.textpath.string && (span.innerHTML = Str(res.textpath.string).replace(/</g, "&#60;").replace(/&/g, "&#38;").replace(/\n/g, "<br>"));
            var brect = span.getBoundingClientRect();
            res.W = a.w = (brect.right - brect.left) / m;
            res.H = a.h = (brect.bottom - / m;
            // = "none";
            res.X = a.x;
            res.Y = a.y + res.H / 2;

            ("x" in params || "y" in params) && (res.path.v = R.format("m{0},{1}l{2},{1}", round(a.x * zoom), round(a.y * zoom), round(a.x * zoom) + 1));
            var dirtyattrs = ["x", "y", "text", "font", "font-family", "font-weight", "font-style", "font-size"];
            for (var d = 0, dd = dirtyattrs.length; d < dd; d++) if (dirtyattrs[d] in params) {
                res._.dirty = 1;

            // text-anchor emulation
            switch (a["text-anchor"]) {
                case "start":
          ["v-text-align"] = "left";
                    res.bbx = res.W / 2;
                case "end":
          ["v-text-align"] = "right";
                    res.bbx = -res.W / 2;
          ["v-text-align"] = "center";
                    res.bbx = 0;
  ["v-text-kern"] = true;
        // = E;
    addGradientFill = function (o, gradient, fill) {
        o.attrs = o.attrs || {};
        var attrs = o.attrs,
            pow = Math.pow,
            type = "linear",
            fxfy = ".5 .5";
        o.attrs.gradient = gradient;
        gradient = Str(gradient).replace(R._radial_gradient, function (all, fx, fy) {
            type = "radial";
            if (fx && fy) {
                fx = toFloat(fx);
                fy = toFloat(fy);
                pow(fx - .5, 2) + pow(fy - .5, 2) > .25 && (fy = math.sqrt(.25 - pow(fx - .5, 2)) * ((fy > .5) * 2 - 1) + .5);
                fxfy = fx + S + fy;
            return E;
        gradient = gradient.split(/\s*\-\s*/);
        if (type == "linear") {
            var angle = gradient.shift();
            angle = -toFloat(angle);
            if (isNaN(angle)) {
                return null;
        var dots = R._parseDots(gradient);
        if (!dots) {
            return null;
        o = o.shape || o.node;
        if (dots.length) {
            fill.on = true;
            fill.method = "none";
            fill.color = dots[0].color;
            fill.color2 = dots[dots.length - 1].color;
            var clrs = [];
            for (var i = 0, ii = dots.length; i < ii; i++) {
                dots[i].offset && clrs.push(dots[i].offset + S + dots[i].color);
            fill.colors = clrs.length ? clrs.join() : "0% " + fill.color;
            if (type == "radial") {
                fill.type = "gradientTitle";
                fill.focus = "100%";
                fill.focussize = "0 0";
                fill.focusposition = fxfy;
                fill.angle = 0;
            } else {
                // fill.rotate= true;
                fill.type = "gradient";
                fill.angle = (270 - angle) % 360;
        return 1;
    Element = function (node, vml) {
        this[0] = this.node = node;
        node.raphael = true; = R._oid++;
        node.raphaelid =;
        this.X = 0;
        this.Y = 0;
        this.attrs = {};
        this.paper = vml;
        this.matrix = R.matrix();
        this._ = {
            transform: [],
            sx: 1,
            sy: 1,
            dx: 0,
            dy: 0,
            deg: 0,
            dirty: 1,
            dirtyT: 1
        !vml.bottom && (vml.bottom = this);
        this.prev =; && ( = this); = this; = null;
    var elproto = R.el;

    Element.prototype = elproto;
    elproto.constructor = Element;
    elproto.transform = function (tstr) {
        if (tstr == null) {
            return this._.transform;
        var vbs = this.paper._viewBoxShift,
            vbt = vbs ? "s" + [vbs.scale, vbs.scale] + "-1-1t" + [vbs.dx, vbs.dy] : E,
        if (vbs) {
            oldt = tstr = Str(tstr).replace(/\.{3}|\u2026/g, this._.transform || E);
        R._extractTransform(this, vbt + tstr);
        var matrix = this.matrix.clone(),
            skew = this.skew,
            o = this.node,
            isGrad = ~Str(this.attrs.fill).indexOf("-"),
            isPatt = !Str(this.attrs.fill).indexOf("url(");
        matrix.translate(1, 1);
        if (isPatt || isGrad || this.type == "image") {
            skew.matrix = "1 0 0 1";
            skew.offset = "0 0";
            split = matrix.split();
            if ((isGrad && split.noRotation) || !split.isSimple) {
       = matrix.toFilter();
                var bb = this.getBBox(),
                    bbt = this.getBBox(1),
                    dx = bb.x - bbt.x,
                    dy = bb.y - bbt.y;
                o.coordorigin = (dx * -zoom) + S + (dy * -zoom);
                setCoords(this, 1, 1, dx, dy, 0);
            } else {
       = E;
                setCoords(this, split.scalex, split.scaley, split.dx, split.dy, split.rotate);
        } else {
   = E;
            skew.matrix = Str(matrix);
            skew.offset = matrix.offset();
        if (oldt !== null) { // empty string value is true as well
            this._.transform = oldt;
            R._extractTransform(this, oldt);
        return this;
    elproto.rotate = function (deg, cx, cy) {
        if (this.removed) {
            return this;
        if (deg == null) {
        deg = Str(deg).split(separator);
        if (deg.length - 1) {
            cx = toFloat(deg[1]);
            cy = toFloat(deg[2]);
        deg = toFloat(deg[0]);
        (cy == null) && (cx = cy);
        if (cx == null || cy == null) {
            var bbox = this.getBBox(1);
            cx = bbox.x + bbox.width / 2;
            cy = bbox.y + bbox.height / 2;
        this._.dirtyT = 1;
        this.transform(this._.transform.concat([["r", deg, cx, cy]]));
        return this;
    elproto.translate = function (dx, dy) {
        if (this.removed) {
            return this;
        dx = Str(dx).split(separator);
        if (dx.length - 1) {
            dy = toFloat(dx[1]);
        dx = toFloat(dx[0]) || 0;
        dy = +dy || 0;
        if (this._.bbox) {
            this._.bbox.x += dx;
            this._.bbox.y += dy;
        this.transform(this._.transform.concat([["t", dx, dy]]));
        return this;
    elproto.scale = function (sx, sy, cx, cy) {
        if (this.removed) {
            return this;
        sx = Str(sx).split(separator);
        if (sx.length - 1) {
            sy = toFloat(sx[1]);
            cx = toFloat(sx[2]);
            cy = toFloat(sx[3]);
            isNaN(cx) && (cx = null);
            isNaN(cy) && (cy = null);
        sx = toFloat(sx[0]);
        (sy == null) && (sy = sx);
        (cy == null) && (cx = cy);
        if (cx == null || cy == null) {
            var bbox = this.getBBox(1);
        cx = cx == null ? bbox.x + bbox.width / 2 : cx;
        cy = cy == null ? bbox.y + bbox.height / 2 : cy;

        this.transform(this._.transform.concat([["s", sx, sy, cx, cy]]));
        this._.dirtyT = 1;
        return this;
    elproto.hide = function () {
        !this.removed && ( = "none");
        return this;
    }; = function () {
        !this.removed && ( = E);
        return this;
    // Needed to fix the vml setViewBox issues
    elproto.auxGetBBox = R.el.getBBox;
    elproto.getBBox = function(){
      var b = this.auxGetBBox();
      if (this.paper && this.paper._viewBoxShift)
        var c = {};
        var z = 1/this.paper._viewBoxShift.scale;
        c.x = b.x - this.paper._viewBoxShift.dx;
        c.x *= z;
        c.y = b.y - this.paper._viewBoxShift.dy;
        c.y *= z;
        c.width  = b.width  * z;
        c.height = b.height * z;
        c.x2 = c.x + c.width;
        c.y2 = c.y + c.height;
        return c;
      return b;
    elproto._getBBox = function () {
        if (this.removed) {
            return {};
        return {
            x: this.X + (this.bbx || 0) - this.W / 2,
            y: this.Y - this.H,
            width: this.W,
            height: this.H
    elproto.remove = function () {
        if (this.removed || !this.node.parentNode) {
        this.paper.__set__ && this.paper.__set__.exclude(this);
        R.eve.unbind("raphael.*.*." +;
        R._tear(this, this.paper);
        this.shape && this.shape.parentNode.removeChild(this.shape);
        for (var i in this) {
            this[i] = typeof this[i] == "function" ? R._removedFactory(i) : null;
        this.removed = true;
    elproto.attr = function (name, value) {
        if (this.removed) {
            return this;
        if (name == null) {
            var res = {};
            for (var a in this.attrs) if (this.attrs[has](a)) {
                res[a] = this.attrs[a];
            res.gradient && res.fill == "none" && (res.fill = res.gradient) && delete res.gradient;
            res.transform = this._.transform;
            return res;
        if (value == null &&, "string")) {
            if (name == fillString && this.attrs.fill == "none" && this.attrs.gradient) {
                return this.attrs.gradient;
            var names = name.split(separator),
                out = {};
            for (var i = 0, ii = names.length; i < ii; i++) {
                name = names[i];
                if (name in this.attrs) {
                    out[name] = this.attrs[name];
                } else if ([name], "function")) {
                    out[name] = this.paper.customAttributes[name].def;
                } else {
                    out[name] = R._availableAttrs[name];
            return ii - 1 ? out : out[names[0]];
        if (this.attrs && value == null &&, "array")) {
            out = {};
            for (i = 0, ii = name.length; i < ii; i++) {
                out[name[i]] = this.attr(name[i]);
            return out;
        var params;
        if (value != null) {
            params = {};
            params[name] = value;
        value == null &&, "object") && (params = name);
        for (var key in params) {
            eve("raphael.attr." + key + "." +, this, params[key]);
        if (params) {
            for (key in this.paper.customAttributes) if (this.paper.customAttributes[has](key) && params[has](key) &&[key], "function")) {
                var par = this.paper.customAttributes[key].apply(this, [].concat(params[key]));
                this.attrs[key] = params[key];
                for (var subkey in par) if (par[has](subkey)) {
                    params[subkey] = par[subkey];
            // = "none";
            if (params.text && this.type == "text") {
                this.textpath.string = params.text;
            setFillAndStroke(this, params);
            // = E;
        return this;
    elproto.toFront = function () {
        !this.removed && this.node.parentNode.appendChild(this.node);
        this.paper && != this && R._tofront(this, this.paper);
        return this;
    elproto.toBack = function () {
        if (this.removed) {
            return this;
        if (this.node.parentNode.firstChild != this.node) {
            this.node.parentNode.insertBefore(this.node, this.node.parentNode.firstChild);
            R._toback(this, this.paper);
        return this;
    elproto.insertAfter = function (element) {
        if (this.removed) {
            return this;
        if (element.constructor == {
            element = element[element.length - 1];
        if (element.node.nextSibling) {
            element.node.parentNode.insertBefore(this.node, element.node.nextSibling);
        } else {
        R._insertafter(this, element, this.paper);
        return this;
    elproto.insertBefore = function (element) {
        if (this.removed) {
            return this;
        if (element.constructor == {
            element = element[0];
        element.node.parentNode.insertBefore(this.node, element.node);
        R._insertbefore(this, element, this.paper);
        return this;
    elproto.blur = function (size) {
        var s = this.node.runtimeStyle,
            f = s.filter;
        f = f.replace(blurregexp, E);
        if (+size !== 0) {
            this.attrs.blur = size;
            s.filter = f + S + ms + ".Blur(pixelradius=" + (+size || 1.5) + ")";
            s.margin = R.format("-{0}px 0 0 -{0}px", round(+size || 1.5));
        } else {
            s.filter = f;
            s.margin = 0;
            delete this.attrs.blur;
        return this;

    R._engine.path = function (pathString, vml) {
        var el = createNode("shape"); = cssDot;
        el.coordsize = zoom + S + zoom;
        el.coordorigin = vml.coordorigin;
        var p = new Element(el, vml),
            attr = {fill: "none", stroke: "#000"};
        pathString && (attr.path = pathString);
        p.type = "path";
        p.path = [];
        p.Path = E;
        setFillAndStroke(p, attr);
        vml.canvas && vml.canvas.appendChild(el);
        var skew = createNode("skew");
        skew.on = true;
        p.skew = skew;
        return p;
    R._engine.rect = function (vml, x, y, w, h, r) {
        var path = R._rectPath(x, y, w, h, r),
            res = vml.path(path),
            a = res.attrs;
        res.X = a.x = x;
        res.Y = a.y = y;
        res.W = a.width = w;
        res.H = a.height = h;
        a.r = r;
        a.path = path;
        res.type = "rect";
        return res;
    R._engine.ellipse = function (vml, x, y, rx, ry) {
        var res = vml.path(),
            a = res.attrs;
        res.X = x - rx;
        res.Y = y - ry;
        res.W = rx * 2;
        res.H = ry * 2;
        res.type = "ellipse";
        setFillAndStroke(res, {
            cx: x,
            cy: y,
            rx: rx,
            ry: ry
        return res;
    }; = function (vml, x, y, r) {
        var res = vml.path(),
            a = res.attrs;
        res.X = x - r;
        res.Y = y - r;
        res.W = res.H = r * 2;
        res.type = "circle";
        setFillAndStroke(res, {
            cx: x,
            cy: y,
            r: r
        return res;
    R._engine.image = function (vml, src, x, y, w, h) {
        var path = R._rectPath(x, y, w, h),
            res = vml.path(path).attr({stroke: "none"}),
            a = res.attrs,
            node = res.node,
            fill = node.getElementsByTagName(fillString)[0];
        a.src = src;
        res.X = a.x = x;
        res.Y = a.y = y;
        res.W = a.width = w;
        res.H = a.height = h;
        a.path = path;
        res.type = "image";
        fill.parentNode == node && node.removeChild(fill);
        fill.rotate = true;
        fill.src = src;
        fill.type = "tile";
        res._.fillpos = [x, y];
        res._.fillsize = [w, h];
        setCoords(res, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
        return res;
    R._engine.text = function (vml, x, y, text) {
        var el = createNode("shape"),
            path = createNode("path"),
            o = createNode("textpath");
        x = x || 0;
        y = y || 0;
        text = text || "";
        path.v = R.format("m{0},{1}l{2},{1}", round(x * zoom), round(y * zoom), round(x * zoom) + 1);
        path.textpathok = true;
        o.string = Str(text);
        o.on = true; = cssDot;
        el.coordsize = zoom + S + zoom;
        el.coordorigin = "0 0";
        var p = new Element(el, vml),
            attr = {
                fill: "#000",
                stroke: "none",
                font: R._availableAttrs.font,
                text: text
        p.shape = el;
        p.path = path;
        p.textpath = o;
        p.type = "text";
        p.attrs.text = Str(text);
        p.attrs.x = x;
        p.attrs.y = y;
        p.attrs.w = 1;
        p.attrs.h = 1;
        setFillAndStroke(p, attr);
        var skew = createNode("skew");
        skew.on = true;
        p.skew = skew;
        return p;
    R._engine.setSize = function (width, height) {
        var cs =;
        this.width = width;
        this.height = height;
        width == +width && (width += "px");
        height == +height && (height += "px");
        cs.width = width;
        cs.height = height;
        cs.clip = "rect(0 " + width + " " + height + " 0)";
        if (this._viewBox) {
            R._engine.setViewBox.apply(this, this._viewBox);
        return this;
    R._engine.setViewBox = function (x, y, w, h, fit) {
        R.eve("raphael.setViewBox", this, this._viewBox, [x, y, w, h, fit]);
        var paperSize = this.getSize(),
            width = paperSize.width,
            height = paperSize.height,
            H, W;
        if (fit) {
            H = height / h;
            W = width / w;
            if (w * H < width) {
                x -= (width - w * H) / 2 / H;
            if (h * W < height) {
                y -= (height - h * W) / 2 / W;
        this._viewBox = [x, y, w, h, !!fit];
        this._viewBoxShift = {
            dx: -x,
            dy: -y,
            scale: paperSize
        this.forEach(function (el) {
        return this;
    var createNode;
    R._engine.initWin = function (win) {
            var doc = win.document;
            if (doc.styleSheets.length < 31) {
                doc.createStyleSheet().addRule(".rvml", "behavior:url(#default#VML)");
            } else {
                // no more room, add to the existing one
                doc.styleSheets[0].addRule(".rvml", "behavior:url(#default#VML)");
            try {
                !doc.namespaces.rvml && doc.namespaces.add("rvml", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml");
                createNode = function (tagName) {
                    return doc.createElement('<rvml:' + tagName + ' class="rvml">');
            } catch (e) {
                createNode = function (tagName) {
                    return doc.createElement('<' + tagName + ' xmlns="" class="rvml">');
    R._engine.create = function () {
        var con = R._getContainer.apply(0, arguments),
            container = con.container,
            height = con.height,
            width = con.width,
            x = con.x,
            y = con.y;
        if (!container) {
            throw new Error("VML container not found.");
        var res = new R._Paper,
            c = res.canvas = R._g.doc.createElement("div"),
            cs =;
        x = x || 0;
        y = y || 0;
        width = width || 512;
        height = height || 342;
        res.width = width;
        res.height = height;
        width == +width && (width += "px");
        height == +height && (height += "px");
        res.coordsize = zoom * 1e3 + S + zoom * 1e3;
        res.coordorigin = "0 0";
        res.span = R._g.doc.createElement("span"); = "position:absolute;left:-9999em;top:-9999em;padding:0;margin:0;line-height:1;";
        cs.cssText = R.format("top:0;left:0;width:{0};height:{1};display:inline-block;position:relative;clip:rect(0 {0} {1} 0);overflow:hidden", width, height);
        if (container == 1) {
            cs.left = x + "px";
   = y + "px";
            cs.position = "absolute";
        } else {
            if (container.firstChild) {
                container.insertBefore(c, container.firstChild);
            } else {
        res.renderfix = function () {};
        return res;
    R.prototype.clear = function () {
        R.eve("raphael.clear", this);
        this.canvas.innerHTML = E;
        this.span = R._g.doc.createElement("span"); = "position:absolute;left:-9999em;top:-9999em;padding:0;margin:0;line-height:1;display:inline;";
        this.bottom = = null;
    R.prototype.remove = function () {
        R.eve("raphael.remove", this);
        for (var i in this) {
            this[i] = typeof this[i] == "function" ? R._removedFactory(i) : null;
        return true;

    var setproto =;
    for (var method in elproto) if (elproto[has](method) && !setproto[has](method)) {
        setproto[method] = (function (methodname) {
            return function () {
                var arg = arguments;
                return this.forEach(function (el) {
                    el[methodname].apply(el, arg);
}).apply(exports, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__),
				__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ !== undefined && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__));

/***/ }),

/***/ "./node_modules/eve-raphael/eve.js":
  !*** ./node_modules/eve-raphael/eve.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;// Copyright (c) 2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ \\
// │ Eve 0.5.0 - JavaScript Events Library                      │ \\
// ├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ \\
// │ Author Dmitry Baranovskiy ( │ \\
// └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ \\

(function (glob) {
    var version = "0.5.0",
        has = "hasOwnProperty",
        separator = /[\.\/]/,
        comaseparator = /\s*,\s*/,
        wildcard = "*",
        fun = function () {},
        numsort = function (a, b) {
            return a - b;
        events = {n: {}},
        firstDefined = function () {
            for (var i = 0, ii = this.length; i < ii; i++) {
                if (typeof this[i] != "undefined") {
                    return this[i];
        lastDefined = function () {
            var i = this.length;
            while (--i) {
                if (typeof this[i] != "undefined") {
                    return this[i];
        objtos = Object.prototype.toString,
        Str = String,
        isArray = Array.isArray || function (ar) {
            return ar instanceof Array || == "[object Array]";
     * eve
     [ method ]

     * Fires event with given `name`, given scope and other parameters.

     > Arguments

     - name (string) name of the *event*, dot (`.`) or slash (`/`) separated
     - scope (object) context for the event handlers
     - varargs (...) the rest of arguments will be sent to event handlers

     = (object) array of returned values from the listeners. Array has two methods `.firstDefined()` and `.lastDefined()` to get first or last not `undefined` value.
        var eve = function (name, scope) {
            var e = events,
                oldstop = stop,
                args =, 2),
                listeners = eve.listeners(name),
                z = 0,
                f = false,
                indexed = [],
                queue = {},
                out = [],
                ce = current_event,
                errors = [];
            out.firstDefined = firstDefined;
            out.lastDefined = lastDefined;
            current_event = name;
            stop = 0;
            for (var i = 0, ii = listeners.length; i < ii; i++) if ("zIndex" in listeners[i]) {
                if (listeners[i].zIndex < 0) {
                    queue[listeners[i].zIndex] = listeners[i];
            while (indexed[z] < 0) {
                l = queue[indexed[z++]];
                out.push(l.apply(scope, args));
                if (stop) {
                    stop = oldstop;
                    return out;
            for (i = 0; i < ii; i++) {
                l = listeners[i];
                if ("zIndex" in l) {
                    if (l.zIndex == indexed[z]) {
                        out.push(l.apply(scope, args));
                        if (stop) {
                        do {
                            l = queue[indexed[z]];
                            l && out.push(l.apply(scope, args));
                            if (stop) {
                        } while (l)
                    } else {
                        queue[l.zIndex] = l;
                } else {
                    out.push(l.apply(scope, args));
                    if (stop) {
            stop = oldstop;
            current_event = ce;
            return out;
        // Undocumented. Debug only.
        eve._events = events;
     * eve.listeners
     [ method ]

     * Internal method which gives you array of all event handlers that will be triggered by the given `name`.

     > Arguments

     - name (string) name of the event, dot (`.`) or slash (`/`) separated

     = (array) array of event handlers
    eve.listeners = function (name) {
        var names = isArray(name) ? name : name.split(separator),
            e = events,
            es = [e],
            out = [];
        for (i = 0, ii = names.length; i < ii; i++) {
            nes = [];
            for (j = 0, jj = es.length; j < jj; j++) {
                e = es[j].n;
                items = [e[names[i]], e[wildcard]];
                k = 2;
                while (k--) {
                    item = items[k];
                    if (item) {
                        out = out.concat(item.f || []);
            es = nes;
        return out;
     * eve.separator
     [ method ]

     * If for some reasons you don’t like default separators (`.` or `/`) you can specify yours
     * here. Be aware that if you pass a string longer than one character it will be treated as
     * a list of characters.

     - separator (string) new separator. Empty string resets to default: `.` or `/`.
    eve.separator = function (sep) {
        if (sep) {
            sep = Str(sep).replace(/(?=[\.\^\]\[\-])/g, "\\");
            sep = "[" + sep + "]";
            separator = new RegExp(sep);
        } else {
            separator = /[\.\/]/;
     * eve.on
     [ method ]
     * Binds given event handler with a given name. You can use wildcards “`*`” for the names:
     | eve.on("*.under.*", f);
     | eve("mouse.under.floor"); // triggers f
     * Use @eve to trigger the listener.
     - name (string) name of the event, dot (`.`) or slash (`/`) separated, with optional wildcards
     - f (function) event handler function
     - name (array) if you don’t want to use separators, you can use array of strings
     - f (function) event handler function
     = (function) returned function accepts a single numeric parameter that represents z-index of the handler. It is an optional feature and only used when you need to ensure that some subset of handlers will be invoked in a given order, despite of the order of assignment. 
     > Example:
     | eve.on("mouse", eatIt)(2);
     | eve.on("mouse", scream);
     | eve.on("mouse", catchIt)(1);
     * This will ensure that `catchIt` function will be called before `eatIt`.
     * If you want to put your handler before non-indexed handlers, specify a negative value.
     * Note: I assume most of the time you don’t need to worry about z-index, but it’s nice to have this feature “just in case”.
    eve.on = function (name, f) {
        if (typeof f != "function") {
            return function () {};
        var names = isArray(name) ? (isArray(name[0]) ? name : [name]) : Str(name).split(comaseparator);
        for (var i = 0, ii = names.length; i < ii; i++) {
            (function (name) {
                var names = isArray(name) ? name : Str(name).split(separator),
                    e = events,
                for (var i = 0, ii = names.length; i < ii; i++) {
                    e = e.n;
                    e = e.hasOwnProperty(names[i]) && e[names[i]] || (e[names[i]] = {n: {}});
                e.f = e.f || [];
                for (i = 0, ii = e.f.length; i < ii; i++) if (e.f[i] == f) {
                    exist = true;
                !exist && e.f.push(f);
        return function (zIndex) {
            if (+zIndex == +zIndex) {
                f.zIndex = +zIndex;
     * eve.f
     [ method ]
     * Returns function that will fire given event with optional arguments.
     * Arguments that will be passed to the result function will be also
     * concated to the list of final arguments.
     | el.onclick = eve.f("click", 1, 2);
     | eve.on("click", function (a, b, c) {
     |     console.log(a, b, c); // 1, 2, [event object]
     | });
     > Arguments
     - event (string) event name
     - varargs (…) and any other arguments
     = (function) possible event handler function
    eve.f = function (event) {
        var attrs = [], 1);
        return function () {
            eve.apply(null, [event, null].concat(attrs).concat([], 0)));
     * eve.stop
     [ method ]
     * Is used inside an event handler to stop the event, preventing any subsequent listeners from firing.
    eve.stop = function () {
        stop = 1;
     * eve.nt
     [ method ]
     * Could be used inside event handler to figure out actual name of the event.
     > Arguments
     - subname (string) #optional subname of the event
     = (string) name of the event, if `subname` is not specified
     * or
     = (boolean) `true`, if current event’s name contains `subname`
    eve.nt = function (subname) {
        var cur = isArray(current_event) ? current_event.join(".") : current_event;
        if (subname) {
            return new RegExp("(?:\\.|\\/|^)" + subname + "(?:\\.|\\/|$)").test(cur);
        return cur;
     * eve.nts
     [ method ]
     * Could be used inside event handler to figure out actual name of the event.
     = (array) names of the event
    eve.nts = function () {
        return isArray(current_event) ? current_event : current_event.split(separator);
     [ method ]
     * Removes given function from the list of event listeners assigned to given name.
     * If no arguments specified all the events will be cleared.
     > Arguments
     - name (string) name of the event, dot (`.`) or slash (`/`) separated, with optional wildcards
     - f (function) event handler function
     * eve.unbind
     [ method ]
     * See
    \*/ = eve.unbind = function (name, f) {
        if (!name) {
            eve._events = events = {n: {}};
        var names = isArray(name) ? (isArray(name[0]) ? name : [name]) : Str(name).split(comaseparator);
        if (names.length > 1) {
            for (var i = 0, ii = names.length; i < ii; i++) {
      [i], f);
        names = isArray(name) ? name : Str(name).split(separator);
        var e,
            i, ii, j, jj,
            cur = [events];
        for (i = 0, ii = names.length; i < ii; i++) {
            for (j = 0; j < cur.length; j += splice.length - 2) {
                splice = [j, 1];
                e = cur[j].n;
                if (names[i] != wildcard) {
                    if (e[names[i]]) {
                } else {
                    for (key in e) if (e[has](key)) {
                cur.splice.apply(cur, splice);
        for (i = 0, ii = cur.length; i < ii; i++) {
            e = cur[i];
            while (e.n) {
                if (f) {
                    if (e.f) {
                        for (j = 0, jj = e.f.length; j < jj; j++) if (e.f[j] == f) {
                            e.f.splice(j, 1);
                        !e.f.length && delete e.f;
                    for (key in e.n) if (e.n[has](key) && e.n[key].f) {
                        var funcs = e.n[key].f;
                        for (j = 0, jj = funcs.length; j < jj; j++) if (funcs[j] == f) {
                            funcs.splice(j, 1);
                        !funcs.length && delete e.n[key].f;
                } else {
                    delete e.f;
                    for (key in e.n) if (e.n[has](key) && e.n[key].f) {
                        delete e.n[key].f;
                e = e.n;
     * eve.once
     [ method ]
     * Binds given event handler with a given name to only run once then unbind itself.
     | eve.once("login", f);
     | eve("login"); // triggers f
     | eve("login"); // no listeners
     * Use @eve to trigger the listener.
     > Arguments
     - name (string) name of the event, dot (`.`) or slash (`/`) separated, with optional wildcards
     - f (function) event handler function
     = (function) same return function as @eve.on
    eve.once = function (name, f) {
        var f2 = function () {
  , f2);
            return f.apply(this, arguments);
        return eve.on(name, f2);
     * eve.version
     [ property (string) ]
     * Current version of the library.
    eve.version = version;
    eve.toString = function () {
        return "You are running Eve " + version;
    ( true && module.exports) ? (module.exports = eve) : ( true ? (!(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__ = [], __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = (function() { return eve; }).apply(exports, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__),
				__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ !== undefined && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__))) : (undefined));

/***/ })

/******/ });