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مشاهدة ملف: ConfigPaths.php


 * This file is part of Psy Shell.
 * (c) 2012-2023 Justin Hileman
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Psy;

 * A Psy Shell configuration path helper.
class ConfigPaths
    private $configDir;
    private $dataDir;
    private $runtimeDir;
    private $env;

     * ConfigPaths constructor.
     * Optionally provide `configDir`, `dataDir` and `runtimeDir` overrides.
     * @see self::overrideDirs
     * @param string[]     $overrides Directory overrides
     * @param EnvInterface $env
    public function __construct(array $overrides = [], EnvInterface $env = null)

        $this->env = $env ?: (\PHP_SAPI === 'cli-server' ? new SystemEnv() : new SuperglobalsEnv());

     * Provide `configDir`, `dataDir` and `runtimeDir` overrides.
     * If a key is set but empty, the override will be removed. If it is not set
     * at all, any existing override will persist.
     * @param string[] $overrides Directory overrides
    public function overrideDirs(array $overrides)
        if (\array_key_exists('configDir', $overrides)) {
            $this->configDir = $overrides['configDir'] ?: null;

        if (\array_key_exists('dataDir', $overrides)) {
            $this->dataDir = $overrides['dataDir'] ?: null;

        if (\array_key_exists('runtimeDir', $overrides)) {
            $this->runtimeDir = $overrides['runtimeDir'] ?: null;

     * Get the current home directory.
     * @return string|null
    public function homeDir()
        if ($homeDir = $this->getEnv('HOME') ?: $this->windowsHomeDir()) {
            return \strtr($homeDir, '\\', '/');

        return null;

    private function windowsHomeDir()
        if (\defined('PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_MAJOR')) {
            $homeDrive = $this->getEnv('HOMEDRIVE');
            $homePath = $this->getEnv('HOMEPATH');
            if ($homeDrive && $homePath) {
                return $homeDrive.'/'.$homePath;

        return null;

    private function homeConfigDir()
        if ($homeConfigDir = $this->getEnv('XDG_CONFIG_HOME')) {
            return $homeConfigDir;

        $homeDir = $this->homeDir();

        return $homeDir === '/' ? $homeDir.'.config' : $homeDir.'/.config';

     * Get potential config directory paths.
     * Returns `~/.psysh`, `%APPDATA%/PsySH` (when on Windows), and all
     * XDG Base Directory config directories:
     * @return string[]
    public function configDirs(): array
        if ($this->configDir !== null) {
            return [$this->configDir];

        $configDirs = $this->getEnvArray('XDG_CONFIG_DIRS') ?: ['/etc/xdg'];

        return $this->allDirNames(\array_merge([$this->homeConfigDir()], $configDirs));

     * @deprecated
    public static function getConfigDirs(): array
        return (new self())->configDirs();

     * Get potential home config directory paths.
     * Returns `~/.psysh`, `%APPDATA%/PsySH` (when on Windows), and the
     * XDG Base Directory home config directory:
     * @deprecated
     * @return string[]
    public static function getHomeConfigDirs(): array
        // Not quite the same, but this is deprecated anyway /shrug
        return self::getConfigDirs();

     * Get the current home config directory.
     * Returns the highest precedence home config directory which actually
     * exists. If none of them exists, returns the highest precedence home
     * config directory (`%APPDATA%/PsySH` on Windows, `~/.config/psysh`
     * everywhere else).
     * @see self::homeConfigDir
    public function currentConfigDir(): string
        if ($this->configDir !== null) {
            return $this->configDir;

        $configDirs = $this->allDirNames([$this->homeConfigDir()]);

        foreach ($configDirs as $configDir) {
            if (@\is_dir($configDir)) {
                return $configDir;

        return $configDirs[0];

     * @deprecated
    public static function getCurrentConfigDir(): string
        return (new self())->currentConfigDir();

     * Find real config files in config directories.
     * @param string[] $names Config file names
     * @return string[]
    public function configFiles(array $names): array
        return $this->allRealFiles($this->configDirs(), $names);

     * @deprecated
    public static function getConfigFiles(array $names, $configDir = null): array
        return (new self(['configDir' => $configDir]))->configFiles($names);

     * Get potential data directory paths.
     * If a `dataDir` option was explicitly set, returns an array containing
     * just that directory.
     * Otherwise, it returns `~/.psysh` and all XDG Base Directory data directories:
     * @return string[]
    public function dataDirs(): array
        if ($this->dataDir !== null) {
            return [$this->dataDir];

        $homeDataDir = $this->getEnv('XDG_DATA_HOME') ?: $this->homeDir().'/.local/share';
        $dataDirs = $this->getEnvArray('XDG_DATA_DIRS') ?: ['/usr/local/share', '/usr/share'];

        return $this->allDirNames(\array_merge([$homeDataDir], $dataDirs));

     * @deprecated
    public static function getDataDirs(): array
        return (new self())->dataDirs();

     * Find real data files in config directories.
     * @param string[] $names Config file names
     * @return string[]
    public function dataFiles(array $names): array
        return $this->allRealFiles($this->dataDirs(), $names);

     * @deprecated
    public static function getDataFiles(array $names, $dataDir = null): array
        return (new self(['dataDir' => $dataDir]))->dataFiles($names);

     * Get a runtime directory.
     * Defaults to `/psysh` inside the system's temp dir.
    public function runtimeDir(): string
        if ($this->runtimeDir !== null) {
            return $this->runtimeDir;

        // Fallback to a boring old folder in the system temp dir.
        $runtimeDir = $this->getEnv('XDG_RUNTIME_DIR') ?: \sys_get_temp_dir();

        return \strtr($runtimeDir, '\\', '/').'/psysh';

     * @deprecated
    public static function getRuntimeDir(): string
        return (new self())->runtimeDir();

     * Get a list of directories in PATH.
     * If $PATH is unset/empty it defaults to '/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin'.
     * @return string[]
    public function pathDirs(): array
        return $this->getEnvArray('PATH') ?: ['/usr/sbin', '/usr/bin', '/sbin', '/bin'];

     * Locate a command (an executable) in $PATH.
     * Behaves like 'command -v COMMAND' or 'which COMMAND'.
     * If $PATH is unset/empty it defaults to '/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin'.
     * @param string $command the executable to locate
     * @return string
    public function which($command)
        foreach ($this->pathDirs() as $path) {
            $fullpath = $path.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$command;
            if (@\is_file($fullpath) && @\is_executable($fullpath)) {
                return $fullpath;

        return null;

     * Get all PsySH directory name candidates given a list of base directories.
     * This expects that XDG-compatible directory paths will be passed in.
     * `psysh` will be added to each of $baseDirs, and we'll throw in `~/.psysh`
     * and a couple of Windows-friendly paths as well.
     * @param string[] $baseDirs base directory paths
     * @return string[]
    private function allDirNames(array $baseDirs): array
        $dirs = \array_map(function ($dir) {
            return \strtr($dir, '\\', '/').'/psysh';
        }, $baseDirs);

        // Add ~/.psysh
        if ($home = $this->getEnv('HOME')) {
            $dirs[] = \strtr($home, '\\', '/').'/.psysh';

        // Add some Windows specific ones :)
        if (\defined('PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_MAJOR')) {
            if ($appData = $this->getEnv('APPDATA')) {
                // AppData gets preference
                \array_unshift($dirs, \strtr($appData, '\\', '/').'/PsySH');

            if ($windowsHomeDir = $this->windowsHomeDir()) {
                $dir = \strtr($windowsHomeDir, '\\', '/').'/.psysh';
                if (!\in_array($dir, $dirs)) {
                    $dirs[] = $dir;

        return $dirs;

     * Given a list of directories, and a list of filenames, find the ones that
     * are real files.
     * @return string[]
    private function allRealFiles(array $dirNames, array $fileNames): array
        $files = [];
        foreach ($dirNames as $dir) {
            foreach ($fileNames as $name) {
                $file = $dir.'/'.$name;
                if (@\is_file($file)) {
                    $files[] = $file;

        return $files;

     * Ensure that $dir exists and is writable.
     * Generates E_USER_NOTICE error if the directory is not writable or creatable.
     * @param string $dir
     * @return bool False if directory exists but is not writeable, or cannot be created
    public static function ensureDir(string $dir): bool
        if (!\is_dir($dir)) {
            // Just try making it and see if it works
            @\mkdir($dir, 0700, true);

        if (!\is_dir($dir) || !\is_writable($dir)) {
            \trigger_error(\sprintf('Writing to directory %s is not allowed.', $dir), \E_USER_NOTICE);

            return false;

        return true;

     * Ensure that $file exists and is writable, make the parent directory if necessary.
     * Generates E_USER_NOTICE error if either $file or its directory is not writable.
     * @param string $file
     * @return string|false Full path to $file, or false if file is not writable
    public static function touchFileWithMkdir(string $file)
        if (\file_exists($file)) {
            if (\is_writable($file)) {
                return $file;

            \trigger_error(\sprintf('Writing to %s is not allowed.', $file), \E_USER_NOTICE);

            return false;

        if (!self::ensureDir(\dirname($file))) {
            return false;


        return $file;

    private function getEnv($key)
        return $this->env->get($key);

    private function getEnvArray($key)
        if ($value = $this->getEnv($key)) {
            return \explode(\PATH_SEPARATOR, $value);

        return null;