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مشاهدة ملف: imap.php
* File: imap.php
* Category: config
* Author: M. Goldenbaum
* Created: 24.09.16 22:36
* Updated: -
* Description:
* -
return [
| IMAP default account
| The default account identifier. It will be used as default for any missing account parameters.
| If however the default account is missing a parameter the package default will be used.
| Set to 'false' [boolean] to disable this functionality.
'default' => env('IMAP_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT', 'default'),
| Default date format
| The default date format is used to convert any given Carbon::class object into a valid date string.
| These are currently known working formats: "d-M-Y", "d-M-y", "d M y"
'date_format' => 'd-M-Y',
| Available IMAP accounts
| Please list all IMAP accounts which you are planning to use within the
| array below.
'accounts' => [
'default' => [// account identifier
'host' => env('IMAP_HOST', 'localhost'),
'port' => env('IMAP_PORT', 993),
'protocol' => env('IMAP_PROTOCOL', 'imap'), //might also use imap, [pop3 or nntp (untested)]
'encryption' => env('IMAP_ENCRYPTION', 'ssl'), // Supported: false, 'ssl', 'tls', 'notls', 'starttls'
'validate_cert' => env('IMAP_VALIDATE_CERT', true),
'username' => env('IMAP_USERNAME', ''),
'password' => env('IMAP_PASSWORD', ''),
'authentication' => env('IMAP_AUTHENTICATION', null),
'proxy' => [
'socket' => null,
'request_fulluri' => false,
'username' => null,
'password' => null,
"timeout" => 30,
"extensions" => []
'gmail' => [ // account identifier
'host' => '',
'port' => 993,
'encryption' => 'ssl',
'validate_cert' => true,
'username' => '',
'password' => 'PASSWORD',
'authentication' => 'oauth',
'another' => [ // account identifier
'host' => '',
'port' => 993,
'encryption' => false,
'validate_cert' => true,
'username' => '',
'password' => '',
'authentication' => null,
| Available IMAP options
| Available php imap config parameters are listed below
| -Delimiter (optional):
| This option is only used when calling $oClient->
| You can use any supported char such as ".", "/", (...)
| -Fetch option:
| IMAP::FT_UID - Message marked as read by fetching the body message
| IMAP::FT_PEEK - Fetch the message without setting the "seen" flag
| -Fetch sequence id:
| IMAP::ST_UID - Fetch message components using the message uid
| IMAP::ST_MSGN - Fetch message components using the message number
| -Body download option
| Default TRUE
| -Flag download option
| Default TRUE
| -Soft fail
| Default FALSE - Set to TRUE if you want to ignore certain exception while fetching bulk messages
| -RFC822
| Default TRUE - Set to FALSE to prevent the usage of \imap_rfc822_parse_headers().
| See for more information.
| -Debug enable to trace communication traffic
| -UID cache enable the UID cache
| -Fallback date is used if the given message date could not be parsed
| -Boundary regex used to detect message boundaries. If you are having problems with empty messages, missing
| attachments or anything like this. Be advised that it likes to break which causes new problems..
| -Message key identifier option
| You can choose between the following:
| 'id' - Use the MessageID as array key (default, might cause hickups with yahoo mail)
| 'number' - Use the message number as array key (isn't always unique and can cause some interesting behavior)
| 'list' - Use the message list number as array key (incrementing integer (does not always start at 0 or 1)
| 'uid' - Use the message uid as array key (isn't always unique and can cause some interesting behavior)
| -Fetch order
| 'asc' - Order all messages ascending (probably results in oldest first)
| 'desc' - Order all messages descending (probably results in newest first)
| -Disposition types potentially considered an attachment
| Default ['attachment', 'inline']
| -Common folders
| Default folder locations and paths assumed if none is provided
| -Open IMAP options:
| DISABLE_AUTHENTICATOR - Disable authentication properties.
| Use 'GSSAPI' if you encounter the following
| error: "Kerberos error: No credentials cache
| file found (try running kinit) (...)"
| or ['GSSAPI','PLAIN'] if you are using outlook mail
| -Decoder options (currently only the message subject and attachment name decoder can be set)
| 'utf-8' - Uses imap_utf8($string) to decode a string
| 'mimeheader' - Uses mb_decode_mimeheader($string) to decode a string
'options' => [
'delimiter' => '/',
'fetch' => \Webklex\PHPIMAP\IMAP::FT_PEEK,
'sequence' => \Webklex\PHPIMAP\IMAP::ST_UID,
'fetch_body' => true,
'fetch_flags' => true,
'soft_fail' => false,
'rfc822' => true,
'debug' => false,
'uid_cache' => true,
// 'fallback_date' => "01.01.1970 00:00:00",
'boundary' => '/boundary=(.*?(?=;)|(.*))/i',
'message_key' => 'list',
'fetch_order' => 'asc',
'dispositions' => ['attachment', 'inline'],
'common_folders' => [
"root" => "INBOX",
"junk" => "INBOX/Junk",
"draft" => "INBOX/Drafts",
"sent" => "INBOX/Sent",
"trash" => "INBOX/Trash",
'decoder' => [
'message' => 'utf-8', // mimeheader
'attachment' => 'utf-8' // mimeheader
'open' => [
| Available flags
| List all available / supported flags. Set to null to accept all given flags.
'flags' => ['recent', 'flagged', 'answered', 'deleted', 'seen', 'draft'],
| Available events
'events' => [
"message" => [
'new' => \Webklex\IMAP\Events\MessageNewEvent::class,
'moved' => \Webklex\IMAP\Events\MessageMovedEvent::class,
'copied' => \Webklex\IMAP\Events\MessageCopiedEvent::class,
'deleted' => \Webklex\IMAP\Events\MessageDeletedEvent::class,
'restored' => \Webklex\IMAP\Events\MessageRestoredEvent::class,
"folder" => [
'new' => \Webklex\IMAP\Events\FolderNewEvent::class,
'moved' => \Webklex\IMAP\Events\FolderMovedEvent::class,
'deleted' => \Webklex\IMAP\Events\FolderDeletedEvent::class,
"flag" => [
'new' => \Webklex\IMAP\Events\FlagNewEvent::class,
'deleted' => \Webklex\IMAP\Events\FlagDeletedEvent::class,
| Available masking options
| By using your own custom masks you can implement your own methods for
| a better and faster access and less code to write.
| Checkout the two examples custom_attachment_mask and custom_message_mask
| for a quick start.
| The provided masks below are used as the default masks.
'masks' => [
'message' => \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Support\Masks\MessageMask::class,
'attachment' => \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Support\Masks\AttachmentMask::class