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# Changes in PHPUnit 10.4

All notable changes of the PHPUnit 10.4 release series are documented in this file using the [Keep a CHANGELOG]( principles.

## [10.4.2] - 2023-10-26

### Fixed

* [#5048]( Methods that return `never` cannot be doubled

## [10.4.1] - 2023-10-08

### Fixed

* [#5534]( Cache for generated Test Double code was not updated for Test Stub and Mock Object distinction

## [10.4.0] - 2023-10-06

### Added

* [#5441]( Baseline for `E_(USER_)DEPRECATED`, `E_(USER_)NOTICE`, `E_STRICT`, and `E_(USER_)WARNING`
* [#5462]( Support for multiple arguments
* [#5471]( `assertFileMatchesFormat()` and `assertFileMatchesFormatFile()`
* [#5515]( `PHPUnit\Runner\Extension\Facade::requireExportOfObjects()` so that test runner extensions can indicate that they require the export of objects for events such as `Test\AssertionSucceeded` and `Test\AssertionFailed`
* `Test\PreparationFailed` event
* Attribute `id` attribute for `testCaseMethod` elements in the XML document generated by `--list-tests-xml`

### Changed

* [#5505]( Improve the failure description of `StringContains`-based assertions when the strings are encoded differently 
* [#5515]( The `Test\AssertionSucceeded` and `Test\AssertionFailed` events are always emitted again
* [#5515]( `--log-events-verbose-text` enables the export of non-scalar values for the `Test\AssertionSucceeded` and `Test\AssertionFailed` events
* [#5524]( Do not export data passed to test for PHPUnit\Event\Code\TestMethod value object by default
* [#5526]( Do not limit number of columns to 80 on non-interactive TTY
* Exceptions thrown by third-party event subscribers are now reported as test runner warnings
* The name of the top-level test suite that is created when a directory or file path is passed as an argument to the test runner is now `CLI Arguments`
* Simplified the failure description for `assertInstanceOf()` and `assertNotInstanceOf()`
* Simplified the failure description for `assertJson()`
* The `--enforce-time-limit` CLI option and the `enforceTimeLimit` XML configuration file attribute no longer affect the running of PHPT tests
* The `@codeCoverageIgnore`, `@codeCoverageIgnoreStart`, and `@codeCoverageIgnoreEnd` annotations are no longer deprecated

### Deprecated

* [#5472]( `TestCase::assertStringNotMatchesFormat()` and `TestCase::assertStringNotMatchesFormatFile()` (these methods only have a `@deprecated` annotation for now; using these methods will trigger a deprecation warning in PHPUnit 11; these methods will be removed in PHPUnit 12)
* [#5481]( `dataSet` attribute for `testCaseMethod` elements in the XML document generated by `--list-tests-xml` (the attribute will not be generated anymore starting with PHPUnit 11)
* [#5513]( `IgnoreClassForCodeCoverage`, `IgnoreMethodForCodeCoverage`, and `IgnoreFunctionForCodeCoverage` attributes (these attributes will be removed in PHPUnit 11)
* `PHPUnit\TextUI\Configuration\Configuration::cliArgument()` and `PHPUnit\TextUI\Configuration\Configuration::hasCliArgument()`
* `PHPUnit\Framework\Constraint\Constraint::exporter()`
