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# Africa's Talking PHP SDK

[![Latest Stable Version](](

> This SDK provides convenient access to the Africa's Talking API for applications written in PHP.

## Documentation
Take a look at the [API docs here](

## Install 

You can install the PHP SDK via composer or by downloading the source

#### Via Composer

The recommended way to install the SDK is with [Composer]( 

composer require africastalking/africastalking

## Usage

The SDK needs to be instantiated using your username and API key, which you can get from the [dashboard](https://account/

> You can use this SDK for either production or sandbox apps. For sandbox, the app username is **ALWAYS** `sandbox`

use AfricasTalking\SDK\AfricasTalking;

$username = 'YOUR_USERNAME'; // use 'sandbox' for development in the test environment
$apiKey   = 'YOUR_API_KEY'; // use your sandbox app API key for development in the test environment
$AT       = new AfricasTalking($username, $apiKey);

// Get one of the services
$sms      = $AT->sms();

// Use the service
$result   = $sms->send([
    'to'      => '+2XXYYYOOO',
    'message' => 'Hello World!'


See [example](example/) for more usage examples.

## Instantiation

Instantiating the class will give you an object with available methods

- `$AT = new AfricasTalking($username, $apiKey)`: Instantiate the class
- Get available service
    - [SMS Service](#sms): `$sms = $AT->sms()`
    - [Content Service](#content): `$content = $AT->content()`
    - [Airtime Service](#airtime): `$airtime = $AT->airtime()`
    - [Payments Service](#payments): `$payments = $AT->payments()`
    - [Voice Service](#voice): `$voice = $AT->voice()`
    - [Token Service](#token): `$token = $AT->token()`
    - [Application Service](#application): `$application = $AT->application()`

### Application

- `fetchApplicationData()`: Get app information. e.g balance

### Airtime

- `send($parameters, $options)`: Send airtime

    - **$parameters:** associative array with the following keys:
        - `recipients`: An array of arrays containing the following keys
            - `phoneNumber`: Recipient of airtime. `REQUIRED`
            - `currencyCode`: 3-digit ISO format currency code (e.g `KES`, `USD`, `UGX` etc). `REQUIRED`
            - `amount`: Amount to send. `REQUIRED`

    - **$options:** optional associative array with the following keys:
        - `idempotencyKey`: Key to use when making idempotent requests

### SMS

- `send($options)`: Send a message

    - `message`: SMS content. `REQUIRED`
    - `to`: An array of phone numbers. `REQUIRED`
    - `from`: Shortcode or alphanumeric ID that is registered with your Africa's Talking account.
    - `enqueue`: Set to `true` if you would like to deliver as many messages to the API without waiting for an acknowledgement from telcos.

- `fetchMessages($options)`: Fetch your messages

    - `lastReceivedId`: This is the id of the message you last processed. Defaults to `0`

***The followoing methods have been moved to the content service, but, have been maintained on SMS for backwards compatibility:***

- `sendPremium($options)`: Send a premium SMS. Calls `$content->send($options)`
- `createSubscription($options)`: Create a premium subscription. Calls `$content->createSubscription($options)`
- `fetchSubscriptions($options)`: Fetch your premium subscription data. Calls `$content->fetchSubscriptions($options)`
- `deleteSubscription($options)`: Delete a phone number from a premium subscription. Calls `$content->$deleteSubscription($options)`

### Content

- `send($options)`: Send a premium SMS

    - `message`: SMS content. `REQUIRED`
    - `to`: An array of phone numbers. `REQUIRED`
    - `from`: Shortcode that is registered with your Africa's Talking account. `REQUIRED`
    - `keyword`: Your premium product keyword
    - `linkId`: "[...] We forward the `linkId` to your application when a user sends a message to your onDemand service"
    - `retryDurationInHours`: "This specifies the number of hours your subscription message should be retried in case it's not delivered to the subscriber"

- `createSubscription($options)`: Create a premium subscription

    - `shortCode`: Premium short code mapped to your account. `REQUIRED`
    - `keyword`: Premium keyword under the above short code and is also mapped to your account. `REQUIRED`
    - `phoneNumber`: PhoneNumber to be subscribed `REQUIRED`
    - `checkoutToken`: Token used to validate the subscription request `REQUIRED`. See [token service](#token)

- `fetchSubscriptions($options)`: Fetch your premium subscription data

    - `shortCode`: Premium short code mapped to your account. `REQUIRED`
    - `keyword`: Premium keyword under the above short code and mapped to your account. `REQUIRED`
    - `lastReceivedId`: ID of the subscription you believe to be your last. Defaults to `0`

- `deleteSubscription($options)`: Delete a phone number from a premium subscription

    - `shortCode`: Premium short code mapped to your account. `REQUIRED`
    - `keyword`: Premium keyword under the above short code and is also mapped to your account. `REQUIRED`
    - `phoneNumber`: PhoneNumber to be subscribed `REQUIRED`

### Payments

- `mobileCheckout($parameters, $options)`: Charge a customers mobile money account

    - **$parameters:** associative array with the following keys:
        - `productName`: Payment product on Africa's Talking. `REQUIRED`
        - `providerChannel`: Provider channel to consider when charging.
        - `phoneNumber`: Customer phone number (in international format). `REQUIRED`
        - `currencyCode`: 3-digit ISO format currency code (e.g `KES`, `USD`, `UGX` etc). `REQUIRED`
        - `amount`: Amount to charge. `REQUIRED`
        - `metadata`: Additional data to associate with the transaction. `REQUIRED`

    - **$options:** optional associative array with the following keys:
        - `idempotencyKey`: Key to use when making idempotent requests

- `mobileB2C($parameters, $options)`: Send mobile money to customers

    - **$parameters:** associative array with the following keys:
        - `productName`: Payment product on Africa's Talking. `REQUIRED`
        - `recipients`: A list of **up to 10** recipients. Each recipient has:

            - `phoneNumber`: Customer phone number (in international format). `REQUIRED`
            - `currencyCode`: 3-digit ISO format currency code (e.g `KES`, `USD`, `UGX` etc). `REQUIRED`
            - `amount`: Amount to pay. `REQUIRED`
            - `reason`: The purpose of the payment. See `payments::REASON*` for supported reasons. `REQUIRED`
            - `metadata`: Additional data to associate with the tranasction. `REQUIRED`

    - **$options:** optional associative array with the following keys:
        - `idempotencyKey`: Key to use when making idempotent requests

- `mobileB2B($parameters, $options)`: Send mobile money to businesses e.g banks

    - **$parameters:** associative array with the following keys:
        - `productName`: Payment product on Africa's Talking. `REQUIRED`
        - `provider`: Payment provider that is facilitating this transaction. See `payments::PROVIDER*` for supported providers. `REQUIRED`
        - `transferType`: Describes the type of payment being made. See `payments::TRANSFER_TYPE*` for supported transfer types. `REQUIRED`
        - `destinationChannel`: Name or number of the channel that will receive payment by the provider. `REQUIRED`
        - `destinationAccount`: Name used by the business to receive money on the provided destinationChannel. `REQUIRED`
        - `currencyCode`: 3-digit ISO format currency code (e.g `KES`, `USD`, `UGX` etc). `REQUIRED`
        - `amount`: Amount to pay. `REQUIRED`
        - `requester`: PhoneNumber through which KPLC will send tokens when using B2B to buy electricity tokens.
        - `metadata`: Additional data to associate with the transaction. `REQUIRED`

    - **$options:** optional associative array with the following keys:
        - `idempotencyKey`: Key to use when making idempotent requests

- `mobileData($parameters, $options)`: Send mobile data to customers

    - **$parameters:** associative array with the following keys:
        - `productName`: Payment product on Africa's Talking. `REQUIRED`
        - `recipients`: A list of recipients. Each recipient has:

            - `phoneNumber`: Customer phone number (in international format). `REQUIRED`
            - `quantity`: Mobile data amount. `REQUIRED`
            - `unit`: Mobile data unit. Can either be `MB` or `GB`. `REQUIRED`
            - `validity`: How long the mobile data is valid for. Must be one of `Day`, `Week` and `Month`. `REQUIRED`
            - `metadata`: Additional data to associate with the tranasction. `REQUIRED`

    - **$options:** optional associative array with the following keys:
        - `idempotencyKey`: Key to use when making idempotent requests

- `bankCheckoutCharge($parameters, $options)`: Charge a customers bank account

    - **$parameters:** associative array with the following keys:
        - `productName`: Payment product on Africa's Talking. `REQUIRED`
        - `bankAccount`: Bank account to be charged:

            - `accountName`: Name of the bank account. `REQUIRED`
            - `accountNumber`: Account number. `REQUIRED`
            - `bankCode`: A [6-Digit Integer Code]( for the bank that we allocate. See `payments::BANK*` for supported banks. `REQUIRED`
            - `dateOfBirth`: Date of birth of the account owner (in the format `YYYY-MM-DD`). Required for Zenith Bank Nigeria.

        - `currencyCode`: 3-digit ISO format currency code (only `NGN` is supported at present). `REQUIRED`
        - `amount`: Amount to charge. `REQUIRED`
        - `narration`: A short description of the transaction. `REQUIRED`
        - `metadata`: Additional data to associate with the transaction. `REQUIRED`

    - **$options:** optional associative array with the following keys:
        - `idempotencyKey`: Key to use when making idempotent requests

- `bankCheckoutValidate($parameters)`: Validate a bank checkout charge

    - `transactionId`: Transaction id returned from a bank charge request. `REQUIRED`
    - `otp`: One Time Password provided by the customer you're charging. `REQUIRED`

- `bankTransfer($parameters, $options)`: Send money to a bank account
    - **$parameters:** associative array with the following keys:
        - `productName`: Payment product on Africa's Talking. `REQUIRED`
        - `recipients`: A list of recipients. Each recipient has:

            - `bankAccount`: Bank account to receive money:

                - `accountName`: Name of the bank account. `REQUIRED`
                - `accountNumber`: Account number. `REQUIRED`
                - `bankCode`: A [6-Digit Integer Code]( for the bank that we allocate. See `payments::BANK*` for supported banks. `REQUIRED`
                - `dateOfBirth`: Date of birth of the account owner (in the format `YYYY-MM-DD`). Required for Zenith Bank Nigeria.

            - `currencyCode`: 3-digit ISO format currency code (only `NGN` is supported at present). `REQUIRED`
            - `amount`: Amount to pay. `REQUIRED`
            - `narration`: A short description of the transaction. `REQUIRED`
            - `metadata`: Additonal data to associate with the transaction. `REQUIRED`

    - **$options:** optional associative array with the following keys:
        - `idempotencyKey`: Key to use when making idempotent requests

- `cardCheckoutCharge($parameters, $options)`: Charge a customers payment card

    - **$parameters:** associative array with the following keys:
        - `productName`: Payment product on Africa's Talking. `REQUIRED`
        - `paymentCard`: Payment card to be charged:

            - `number`: Payment card number. `REQUIRED`
            - `cvvNumber`: 3 or 4 digit card verification Value. `REQUIRED`
            - `expiryMonth`: Expiration month on the card (e.g `8`). `REQUIRED`
            - `authToken`: Payment card's ATM PIN. `REQUIRED`
            - `countryCode`: 2-Digit countryCode where the card was issued (only `NG` is supported at present). `REQUIRED`

        - `checkoutToken`: A token that has been generated by our APIs as as result of charging a customers payment card in a previous transaction. When using a `checkoutToken`, the `paymentCard` data should NOT be populated.
        - `currencyCode`: 3-digit ISO format currency code (only `NGN` is supported at present). `REQUIRED`
        - `amount`: Amount to charge. `REQUIRED`
        - `narration`: A short description of the transaction. `REQUIRED`
        - `metadata`: Additonal data to associate with the transaction. `REQUIRED`

    - **$options:** optional associative array with the following keys:
        - `idempotencyKey`: Key to use when making idempotent requests

- `cardCheckoutValidate($parameters)`: Validate a card checkout charge

    - `transactionId`: Transaction id returned from a card charge request. `REQUIRED`
    - `otp`: One Time Password provided by the customer you're charging. `REQUIRED`

- `walletTransfer($parameters)`: Move money from one payment product to another

    - `productName`: Payment product on Africa's Talking. `REQUIRED`
    - `targetProductCode`: Unique code ode of payment product receiving funds on Africa's Talking. `REQUIRED`
    - `currencyCode`: 3-digit ISO format currency code. `REQUIRED`
    - `amount`: Amount to transfer. `REQUIRED`
    - `metadata`: Additional data to associate with the transation. `REQUIRED`

- `topupStash($parameters)`: Move money from a payment product to an applications stash

    - `productName`: Payment product on Africa's Talking. `REQUIRED`
    - `currencyCode`: 3-digit ISO format currency code. `REQUIRED`
    - `amount`: Amount to transfer. `REQUIRED`
    - `metadata`: Additonal data to associate with the transaction. `REQUIRED`

- `fetchProductTransactions($parameters)`: Fetch payment product transactions

    - `productName`: Payment product on Africa's Talking. `REQUIRED`
    - `filters`: Filters to use when fetching transactions:

        - `pageNumber`: Page number to fetch results from. Starts from `1`. `REQUIRED`
        - `count`: Number of results to fetch. `REQUIRED`
        - `startDate`: Start Date to consider when fetching.
        - `endDate`: End Date to consider when fetching.
        - `category`: Category to consider when fetching.
        - `provider`: Provider to consider when fetching.
        - `status`: Status to consider when fetching.
        - `source`: Source to consider when fetching.
        - `destination`: Destination to consider when fetching.
        - `providerChannel`: Provider channel to consider when fetching.

- `fetchWalletTransactions($parameters)`: Fetch payment wallet transactions
    - `filters`: Filters to use when fetching transactions:

        - `pageNumber`: Page number to fetch results from. Starts from `1`. `REQUIRED`
        - `count`: Number of results to fetch. `REQUIRED`
        - `startDate`: Start Date to consider when fetching.
        - `endDate`: End Date to consider when fetching.
        - `categories`: Comma delimited list of categories to consider when fetching.

- `findTransaction($parameters)`: Find a particular transaction

    - `transactionId`: ID of trancation to find. `REQUIRED`

- `fetchWalletBalance()`: Fetch your payment wallet balance

### Voice

- `call($options)`: Initiate a phone call

    - `to`: Phone number that you wish to dial (in international format). `REQUIRED`
    - `from`: Phone number on Africa's Talking (in international format). `REQUIRED`

- `fetchQueuedCalls($options)`: Fetch queued calls on a phone number

    - `phoneNumber`: Phone number mapped to your Africa's Talking account (in international format). `REQUIRED`
    - `name`: Fetch calls for a specific queue.

- `uploadMediaFile($options)`: Upload a voice media file

    - `phoneNumber`: phone number mapped to your Africa's Talking account (in international format). `REQUIRED`
    - `url`: The url of the file to upload. Should start with `http(s)://`. `REQUIRED`

#### MessageBuilder

Build voice xml when callback URL receives a POST from the voice API. Actions can be chained to create an XML string.

$voiceActions = $voice->messageBuilder();
$xmlresponse = $voiceActions

- `say($text)`: Add a `Say` action

- `text`: Text (in English) that will be read out to the user.

- `play($url)`: Add a `Play` action

    - `url`: Public url to an audio file. This file will be played back to user.

- `getDigits($options)`: Add a `GetDigits` action

    - `numDigits`: Number of digits should be gotten from the user
    - `timeout`: Timeout (in seconds) for getting digits from a user.
    - `finishOnKey`: key which will terminate the action of getting digits.
    - `callbackUrl`: URL to forward the results of the GetDigits action.

- `dial($options)`: Add a `Dial` action

    - `phoneNumbers`: An array of phone numbers (in international format) to call. `REQUIRED`
    - `record`: Boolean - Whether to record the conversation.
    - `sequenntial`: Boolean - If many numbers provided for `phoneNumbers`, determines whether the phone numbers will be dialed one after the other or at the same time.
    - `callerId`: Africa's Talking number you want to dial out with.
    - `ringBackTone`: URL location of a media playback you would want the user to listen to when the call has been placed before its picked up.
    - `maxDuration`: maximum amount of time in seconds a call should take.

- `conference()`: Add a `Conference` action

- `record($options)`: Add a `Record` action

    - `finishOnKey`: Key which will terminate the action of recording.
    - `maxLength`: Maximum amount of time in seconds a recording should take.
    - `timeout`: Timeout (in seconds) for getting a recording from a user.
    - `trimSilence`: Boolean - Specifies whether you want to remove the initial and final parts of a recording where user was silent.
    - `playBeep`: Boolean - Specifies whether the API should play a beep when recording starts.
    - `callbackUrl`: URL to forward the results of the Recording action.

- `enqueue($options)`: Add an `Enqueue` action

    - `holdMusic`: URL to the file to be played while the user is on hold. 
    - `name`: Name of queue to put call on.

- `deqeue($options)`: Add a `Dequeue` acton

    - `phoneNumber`: Phone number mapped to your Africa's Talking account which a user called to join the queue. `REQUIRED`
    - `name`: Name of queue you want to dequeue from.

- `reject()`: Add a `Reject` action

- `redirect($url)`: Add a `Redirect` action

    - `url`: URL to transfer control of the call to

- `build()`: Build the xml after chaining some of the above actions

### Token

- `createCheckoutToken($options)`: Create a checkout token

    - `phoneNumber`: Phone number to create checkout token for

- `generateAuthToken()`: Generate an auth token to use for authenticating API requests instead of your API key.

## Testing the SDK

The SDK uses [PHPUnit]( as the test runner.

To run available tests, from the root of the project run:

# Configure needed fixtures, e.g sandbox api key, Africa's Talking products
cp tests/Fixtures.php.tpl tests/Fixtures.php

# Run tests

## Issues

If you find a bug, please file an issue on [our issue tracker on GitHub](