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مشاهدة ملف: excel.php


use Maatwebsite\Excel\Excel;

return [

    'exports' => [

        | Chunk size
        | When using FromQuery, the query is automatically chunked.
        | Here you can specify how big the chunk should be.
        'chunk_size'             => 1000,

        | Pre-calculate formulas during export
        'pre_calculate_formulas' => false,

        | CSV Settings
        | Configure e.g. delimiter, enclosure and line ending for CSV exports.
        'csv'                    => [
            'delimiter'              => ',',
            'enclosure'              => '"',
            'line_ending'            => PHP_EOL,
            'use_bom'                => false,
            'include_separator_line' => false,
            'excel_compatibility'    => false,

    'imports'            => [

        'read_only' => true,

        'heading_row' => [

            | Heading Row Formatter
            | Configure the heading row formatter.
            | Available options: none|slug|custom
            'formatter' => 'slug',

        | CSV Settings
        | Configure e.g. delimiter, enclosure and line ending for CSV imports.
        'csv'         => [
            'delimiter'              => ',',
            'enclosure'              => '"',
            'escape_character'       => '\\',
            'contiguous'             => false,
            'input_encoding'         => 'UTF-8',

    | Extension detector
    | Configure here which writer type should be used when
    | the package needs to guess the correct type
    | based on the extension alone.
    'extension_detector' => [
        'xlsx'     => Excel::XLSX,
        'xlsm'     => Excel::XLSX,
        'xltx'     => Excel::XLSX,
        'xltm'     => Excel::XLSX,
        'xls'      => Excel::XLS,
        'xlt'      => Excel::XLS,
        'ods'      => Excel::ODS,
        'ots'      => Excel::ODS,
        'slk'      => Excel::SLK,
        'xml'      => Excel::XML,
        'gnumeric' => Excel::GNUMERIC,
        'htm'      => Excel::HTML,
        'html'     => Excel::HTML,
        'csv'      => Excel::CSV,
        'tsv'      => Excel::TSV,

        | PDF Extension
        | Configure here which Pdf driver should be used by default.
        | Available options: Excel::MPDF | Excel::TCPDF | Excel::DOMPDF
        'pdf'      => Excel::DOMPDF,

    'value_binder' => [

        | Default Value Binder
        | PhpSpreadsheet offers a way to hook into the process of a value being
        | written to a cell. In there some assumptions are made on how the
        | value should be formatted. If you want to change those defaults,
        | you can implement your own default value binder.
        'default' => Maatwebsite\Excel\DefaultValueBinder::class,

    'transactions' => [

        | Transaction Handler
        | By default the import is wrapped in a transaction. This is useful
        | for when an import may fail and you want to retry it. With the
        | transactions, the previous import gets rolled-back.
        | You can disable the transaction handler by setting this to null.
        | Or you can choose a custom made transaction handler here.
        | Supported handlers: null|db
        'handler' => 'db',

    'temporary_files' => [

        | Local Temporary Path
        | When exporting and importing files, we use a temporary file, before
        | storing reading or downloading. Here you can customize that path.
        'local_path'  => sys_get_temp_dir(),

        | Remote Temporary Disk
        | When dealing with a multi server setup with queues in which you
        | cannot rely on having a shared local temporary path, you might
        | want to store the temporary file on a shared disk. During the
        | queue executing, we'll retrieve the temporary file from that
        | location instead. When left to null, it will always use
        | the local path. This setting only has effect when using
        | in conjunction with queued imports and exports.
        'remote_disk'   => null,
        'remote_prefix' => null,
